Books are divided into...
Books are divided into:
books that can not read;
— books written for anything, not just for reading;
— already read the book, which could not be opened because they belonged to the categories already read before, was written;
— books that you would willingly read, if you had a few lives, but life, alas, only one;
— the books you intend to read, but first need to read other books;
— too expensive books to buy that you wait until they won't depreciate by half;
— books for the same reasons you buy when they come in pocket editions;
— books that you could take some time;
books that I read all, so we can assume that you also read;
books that you have long planned to read;
books that you unsuccessfully looked for years;
— books about what you are doing at the moment;
— books which it is desirable to have on hand just in case;
— books that you could postpone, say until the summer;
— books, which are lacking on your bookshelf next to other books;
books, suddenly causing a burning and you have no justifiable interest;
— books read long ago, now it is time to re-read them;
— other books, you always pretended like they were reading these books — it's time really to read them.
Italo Calvino "If one winter's night a traveler". published
How to increase the self-esteem of the child. The Exercises "Sun"
Sucking fingers, bite his nails. The reasoning of the therapist
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/readwithkid?w=wall-46053087_18024
books that can not read;
— books written for anything, not just for reading;
— already read the book, which could not be opened because they belonged to the categories already read before, was written;

— books that you would willingly read, if you had a few lives, but life, alas, only one;
— the books you intend to read, but first need to read other books;
— too expensive books to buy that you wait until they won't depreciate by half;
— books for the same reasons you buy when they come in pocket editions;
— books that you could take some time;
books that I read all, so we can assume that you also read;
books that you have long planned to read;
books that you unsuccessfully looked for years;
— books about what you are doing at the moment;
— books which it is desirable to have on hand just in case;
— books that you could postpone, say until the summer;
— books, which are lacking on your bookshelf next to other books;
books, suddenly causing a burning and you have no justifiable interest;
— books read long ago, now it is time to re-read them;
— other books, you always pretended like they were reading these books — it's time really to read them.
Italo Calvino "If one winter's night a traveler". published
How to increase the self-esteem of the child. The Exercises "Sun"
Sucking fingers, bite his nails. The reasoning of the therapist
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/readwithkid?w=wall-46053087_18024