Why is it worth reading? These 10 reasons will convince you to pick up a book immediately.

It has long been proven that reading is a wonderful way to maintain mental clarity throughout life. Readers have a much higher chance of building a successful career, have better family relationships, look younger and live longer.
Journalist, writer and blogger Annie Muller wrote a true confession of the book lover, which tells how your life will change under the influence of books. So turn off your TV, hide the remote and read what other reasons you should start reading.
I want to confess. I'm addicted.
This has been happening for almost my entire life. Since I was a kid. I should have asked for help. But I won't.
I'll just go back to the bookstore. I'll go back to the library. Back to my endless line of e-books. I'll go back to my crowded shelves.
They know me. They love me. Here's everything I need. Why should I stop?
Why don't you start? When you read more, life changes. That's how it happens.
1. You will find a safe way to escape from the failures, stresses and boredom of your life.
There is no need to turn to pills or alcohol. Save your money. Buy a book or download several e-books from thousands of freely available books. Wrap it up in history. Get lost in another world. They moved from their head to the head of the book.
That's fast. It's economical. It's mobile: your personal escape route when the world gets unbearably heavy.
And who would look down on you for just reading books? I won't tell anyone what's really going on. I promise.
2. You'll find you have a family.
Okay, I know. You have parents and maybe siblings, and you have a whole bunch of aunts, uncles, grandparents.
Maybe not.
Maybe you felt alone in this world. Forsaken.
Whether you are really such or just feel that you do not fit into your own family, you can become an avid reader and find new relatives.
It is a global, completely open and truly beautiful family.
It's a family of readers. Book lovers. Literary drug addicts. Bibliophiles. Become one of us and you will find soul mates in every corner of the globe. Of course, we have a signal akin to a secret family handshake. Just get the book out and start reading. That's all it takes.
We'll see you.
We'll find out.
We'll be there whenever you need us.
3. You will be part of a timeless global conversation.
Books are the way the past communicates with us. It is also a way of communicating between cultures, countries, social classes and groups.
Books allow us to enter other lives and worlds unobtrusively, but with complete immersion.
Yeah, that's amazing.
Have you ever wanted to be someone else, go somewhere else, go through something you couldn't have experienced in your own life?
It's all in the books. Are you still waiting?
4. You'll learn to speak beautifully.
Reading is the most painless way to replenish your vocabulary, improve your spelling and expand your grammatical competence.
Read more and you can smugly giggle when your friends make mistakes on social media statuses. You can fix them. You'll be the Grammatical Tyrant you always dreamed of.
5. You'll love queues, stops and waiting rooms.
It could be a turning point in your life, really. Instead of impatiently shifting from foot to foot, puffing and sighing, or expressing your anger and discontent in any socially acceptable way, you can just ... read.
You just pull an interesting book out of your pocket or bag, and you have entertainment, communication, and intellectual stimulation all in one bottle.
My friend says reading gives her "the ability to be happy anytime, anywhere, even when the wait lasts unbearably long."
This is a superpower that everyone needs.
6. You'll be a nicer person.
You may not really want to be more pleasant, but others will definitely not mind.
You may never have been a victim of racism, violence or poverty. You may not know what it is like to suffer from unrequited love. It may be easier to criticize than to sympathize.
Reading won't change that completely (my "criticometer" is still in good condition, and that's after decades of constant reading), but it will help you think before you judge.
And sympathize without thinking.
Because when you experience other lives through books, you begin to see other lives in the world around you. Lives you didn't know about before.
You get a little more understanding. A little more interest. A little less “us against them” and a lot more “we are all together.”
7. You'll learn a lot.
Even if you read science fiction, you can learn quite a lot about cultural influences, relationships, history, fear, human psychology, the various manifestations of the spirit, the consequences of war, the ways in which robots take over the world, and the tricks by which superheroes manage to keep their cloaks clean.
This is all very useful information.
Want to know more? Read popular science literature. Biography, history, books about current events. Just kidding, you can skip the current affairs books. Instead, read historical literature, so you learn more about modernity.
Philosophy. Psychology. A memoir. Do-it-yourself books. If you are interested in something, you can find a book about it. Or a whole section of books.
And if you don't, maybe you should write it.
8. You'll find you were dumber than you thought.
Back when you weren't addicted to reading, you thought you were pretty open-minded, right?
Come on, admit it. I won't laugh.
You thought you knew a lot, had a broad outlook on life, and a pretty accurate idea of how the world works. Then you started reading.
Maybe the first books didn’t change that much. They probably kept you safe in your comfort zone. And then one of your new reading family gave you some advice.
"You have to read it," he said. - That's great. Really.
You did.
And all of a sudden, you realized that what you thought was so familiar, really famous, that you were 200% sure of, wasn't really true. And then you felt your brain start cracking.
And when the light hit the cracks, you saw the true state of your mind: dull, dusty, overflowing with a huge number of assumptions.
You kept reading and the cracks got bigger. One by one, these assumptions disappeared. There was more light. The air was clearing.
You started populating your mind with different things: images, conversations, ideas, data. Poetry. Fragments of life you have experienced through books. Emotions that didn't belong to you, but that you felt like your own. Real things from the real world instead of the garbage of assumptions and expectations.
9. You will discover a creative beginning.
When you fill your mind with fresh material from all these books, something wonderful will begin to happen.
Your mind will wake up.
In fact, creativity is the ability to create connections. The people we admire for their ingenuity are all about making connections. They have a wide database and they don’t worry about keeping information separate. They allow poetry to seep into science. They let faith and history hang together.
They understand that categories can overlap. We are used to labeling things: it gives us the illusion of understanding, but it is often counterproductive.
Reading helps break labels.
Reading helps you fill your mind with any number of sources and allow all the beautiful things to mix and produce something new.
10. You'll develop your imagination and stop being afraid of being weird.
When you read a book that is a product of someone’s imagination, you begin to trust your own and use it more.
What a beautiful idea to use the brain to all its crazy, frightening, amazing potential.
Reading will help you do that. If you think you’re weird, just start reading something surreal or science fiction (or surreal fiction) and soon you’ll feel like the most normal person in the world.
Of course you'll want to read more. And you're gonna do it. And then your own fantasy mixes what you read with real life, adds it to your unique collection of information, experience, and education. Who knows where that leads?
Don't you want to know?
So why haven't you opened the book yet?
And remember, those people who read books will always control those who watch TV! Motivating, isn't it? I immediately wanted to pick up the book I had not read yesterday. And buy a couple of dozen more in addition to it.
Share this confession with your friends and let them find reasons to start reading!
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