An indispensable table for learning English

Is there any easy? Of course I do. It all depends on the goal pursued and the perseverance of the student. I studied German all my life at school and university. By the time I was thirty, I needed a basic level of spoken English. I was able to learn the language on my own at home. I share my own experience in this article.

Of course, at first my level of communication was far from perfect. Wrong verbs, mush in the head because of time, forgetting words, inability to think in English, understand speech by ear ... All self-taught people face these problems. But armed with educational literature and video lessons, I persistently set to work.

I will not go into details, I will tell you what helped me. I hope this advice will help those who do not know. How to learn English at home.

To speak English, you need to listen to the language often. Just listen. Turn on the music, filmRadio, special programs with conversational speech. For this purpose, the series Etra English is perfect. The series is made for people learning English, the actors pronounce words slowly and clearly. It won't be clear at first, but over time you'll learn to distinguish words and understand meaning.

The main rule of learning is regularly. Do not memorize the words and rules to the state of porridge in your head! Work for 15-30 minutes a day, maximum an hour. Develop your own system, for example: repetition, new material, examples from real life. And be sure to speak English!

The first sentences will be simple, but over time you will learn to build harder. Ask a friend who knows English to periodically check your knowledge and conduct a dialogue with you.

Don't focus on grammar. Learn the basics and principles of building simple sentences. And if you don't know what's going on in "Present Simple" and "Future Perfect," ask a friend to explain the rules to you. To remember the basics, you will help a simple and clear time table.

Another exciting question for those who study the language on their own: where to get a basic dictionary? In this case, the table of popular phrases for conversation in English will help. This cheat sheet is useful to everyone, especially beginner travelers. Pictures can be saved and printed or learned from your phone!

Table of popular English phrases
  1. Greetings and goodbyes.

  2. Opening words.

  3. Ways to express consent or disagreement.

  4. Polite phrases.

  5. Ways to maintain a conversation and respond to what is said.

  6. There are also special English languages. conversationalism (patterns). These are phrases that occur more often than others.

And in addition to the above, see the list of the most popular phrases that are sure to come in handy during travel.

To practice in colloquialLook for conversational clubs in your city. These are definitely there, and most often they are free. If not, no one is stopping you from creating your own. Write an ad on social networks that will be a lot. And I repeat again: practice every day!

If you miss one, you miss the second, third, fourth. If you don’t have the strength to learn words or read rules, watch cartoons or movies. subtitles. Motivate yourself with travel, promotion, whatever, but don’t miss a day!

To speak English, you need at least 15 minutes a day and a basic list of words and phrases. If you have the desire, there will be time. Work out every day and the result will not keep you waiting!

A foreign language is very important. A big role in learning is played by your desire to learn and hard work. Use all the ways to learn English, and consolidate knowledge through conversational practice. I wish you success in learning English!

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