150 links for self-study of English

For anyone who is tired of the constant search for exciting and convenient way to learn English, Website with the permission of the authors published the most comprehensive list of a variety of online resources. Do you want to pull up the grammar, improve pronunciation, or just chat with native speakers - choose what you like best, and forward
Listening Ororo.tv -! Movies and TV shows in English with integrated translator <. / Show-English - movies, TV shows and music videos in English with integrated translator Hamatata -. series and films in English with subtitles. Subtitles can be translated Bbc.co.uk/radio -. Radio BBC, you can select the desired program genre or Begin-English.ru/radio -. The main radio station in England and the United States . English Learnenglish.Britishcouncil - a huge amount of podcasts and not only Teacherluke -. another resource with podcasts on various topics PlayPhrase -. you can found footage from TV shows and movies on a given phrase LyricsTraining -. site where you can learn foreign languages by "karaoke» SpotlightEnglish -. daily 15-minute radio program for learning English. PopcornTime - service for watching video with subtitles or not EnglishCentral -. Service to view videos in English. You can choose a theme and language skills Todayifoundout -. Stories about some fun facts for 5-10 minutes Itotd -. The same, but a little less seriously li. > Npr - American radio, for many programs during the day after the broadcast laid transcripts Signalvnoise -. a large collection of podcasts on various topics HomeEnglish - audiouroki radio station "Voice of America »(Voice of America / VOA). Audiouroki represent a audio files on a variety of topics from simple to complex TalkEnglish -. A large collection of recorded phrases, dialogues China232 -. English lessons in podcast format for advanced li. > Librivox - audiobooks in English Esl-Bits -. audiobooks in English. Available options for text books and a selection of reading speed
Reading WordMemo -. Site gives you the opportunity to guess the meaning of unfamiliar words. Marked as the unfamiliar words in the text later transferred immediately, but first shows the context in which you met them before WordsFromText -. Online you can watch the value of unfamiliar words directly into text. It is also possible here to add your text, from which the service catch all used in the text of the word, and scatter them in the form of a dictionary GetParallelTranslations -. Service for reading books with the ability to add new words to your personal dictionary <. Newsinlevels - here you can read news from the levels for English ReadTheory -. site for the development of reading skills AmericanLiterature -. online library of American literature Short-stories - a service that aggregates a variety of English stories English-e-books -. a collection of e-books in English. Books are divided by language level, are available for download in various formats and reading online. Do-you-speak - there are many short stories in English, some of them are equipped with audio version Lingvo -. Online published texts in both English and Russian versions at the same time li. >
Grammar English03 - full analysis of the well-known textbook Essential Grammar in Use ( «red Murphy») Alleng -. a selection of books on grammar <. / Ego4u - grammar study online exercises, tests and correct answers study -. online guide to English grammar with tests MySpelling -. a portal for practice spelling, is available without registration Lang-8 -. site where carriers can check you write text (instead need to check texts written studying Russian) MacmillanDictionaries -. forms of irregular verbs English language in an interactive format roulette IrregularVerbs -. this site is very easy to learn English irregular verbs
Phonetics Am-. En - phonetic animated guide, created by the University of Iowa Upodn -. transcription of American English with an available voice samples Forvo -. base pronunciations, are available in different languages and different dialects
Communication Sharedtalk - you can communicate with foreigners for a chat and microphone Interpals -. here you can find a lot of pen pals from around the world and help them learn the language. Or ask for help. Or share via Amilingo -. Site where you can communicate with teachers and native speakers Penpalworld -. Free communication network for users around the world. You can select the country or just the whole world Mylanguageexchange - a social network where you can choose the ideal partner for language:. Specify the native language, the country and the approximate age of desired partner Livemocha - media. language exercises dismantled in exchange for something that someone then check their exercise Real-English -. quite an advanced website with lessons, articles and videos
Eslpod - a resource for learning English as a second language. The ability to download and work with a lot of podcasts with printouts and dictionaries
Krutopridumal -. Useful videos on the specifics of the correct pronunciation and improve your vocabulary and grammar <. / PhilochkoPhilochko - leading Russian help to adapt the book English (US) to the spoken EnglishGermanSpanish -. channel with educational video looks at many aspects of grammar. Many lessons on listening. DNewsChannel - science news from the channel "Discovery". Twominute English - a short two-minute lessons, conveniently and effectively MyHusbandisJapanese -. Videoblog American who moved to Japan TomSka -. Humorous videos StorylineOnline - famous and not-so actors read aloud to small, up to 15 minutes, children's stories. There are subtitles FilmTrailerZone -. Trailers of movies in English English as the notes -. Learning English with the help of music, games, movies and humor Duncaninchina. - short videos about everything in English Engvid -. free video tutorials Film-english -. learning the language with the help of short films. The site has a wide variety of movies English with Jennifer -. Here you will find tips on how to improve the pronunciation, to learn grammar, and more Rachel's English -. Channel to generate the correct pronunciation. AlexESLvid's Free English Lessons - popular channel with interesting podcasts and almost daily updates EnglishLessons4U -. a huge archive of video tutorials on various topics English School. Jobs - cognitive-entertainment channel about learning English fun and effective Oxana Dolinka -. study of living of modern English. Many materials for beginners
portals for self-study Englsecrets -. Site for self-study English Duolingo -. Service for learning foreign languages from scratch. each course program is built in the form of a "tree of achievements": to go to the next level, you need to dial a certain number of points, which are given for correct answers Learnathome - English tutorial Tolearnenglish -.. service for learning English with tests, tutorials, forums Studyblue -. a portal to explore different subjects in English Lingvist -. site speed learning English for 200 hours English-polyglot - a site with video tutorials from Dmitry Petrov study -. a portal for learning languages English-attack -. teaching method involves the use of video, photos, games and socializing with friends for the daily practice of the English language Turboenglish -. learning English from the ground up in the form of a game Lingualeo -. resource simulator with lion cub and meatballs as bonuses <. Wlingua - you first need to pass the test, after which you can proceed to the lessons, learning at the same time new words and some grammatical rules, and simply interesting subtleties of the language depending on the level Afternoontea-English. - each month is dedicated to a specific topic (nature, poetry) Englishlink -. online learning English with Canadian and American teachers Situational English -. offers to study English through acting out situations and memorizing different expressions. . Collected about 150 items
Applications HelloTalk - simply select the language you want to learn (more than 100 languages available) and immediately start dating with the speakers of that language . Easyten - an application, which can be seamlessly absorb 10 new words a day ListeningDrill -. program allows you to download videos from TED.com and watch with subtitles in two languages. Learn English by Listening - good audio course for beginners is in the network in the form of audio files, and separately in the form of scripts for them. Available for listening to stories in English. Contains 6 levels of difficulty Listenup.Reallyenglish -. App to prepare for the audition. 10 interviews with English-speaking people from different countries are distributed by levels of complexity Mosalingua -. In the application and proposed to repeat the transfer of the speaker words that the app checks. Thus it is possible to achieve a good pronunciation of
dictionary Vocabulary -. Dictionary of English Lingvolive -. Translator of words and phrases <. / Merriam-Webster - the online dictionary has over 6,000 words and images covering 15 different themes Pdictionary -. online dictionary with illustrations Dictionary.Sambridge. - Cambridge dictionary of English Merriam-Webster -. dictionary of American English Multitran -. shows all the possible options for translation words and phrases Thesaurus -. dictionary of English . synonym
Blogs daily-english-activities - reading this blog, you will be able to learn about the different ways to practice English daily Polyglothub - a blog in English, where users can share their experience of language learning
Portals for vocabulary Engwords -. study of commonly used English words li. > Ankisrs - a program to facilitate the memorization of words, expressions and any other information using spaced repetition Ankiweb -. collections by category Speaklanguages -. lists words by categories in different . languages Babadum - you can learn words, playing Tfd -. site where there are transfers from different dictionaries, idiom, a detailed interpretation of the words (many picture), synonyms, similar words Cram -. site with an extensive selection of flash cards with words and pictures Memrise -. multimediakartochek site for the expansion of vocabulary. . Available on Smartphones Babbel - visual vocabulary, divided by thematic lessons FreeRice -. Simulator for the vocabulary of English. There are exercises in grammar and tests in different subjects Wooordhunt -. Learning vocabulary with the help of bilingual books and extensive vocabulary
Tests . Examenglish - free practice tests for handing over IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC Englishteststore- large collection of tests for levels English.gramma -.. a lot of useful tests for different subjects ManyThings - here you can easily prepare for language tests. There are sections on pronunciation refinement (US, English), idioms, slang, etc. ETS TOEFL - Official Page TOEFL exam. Format, recommendations who donate, the resources for effective preparation ul>.
Phrase Audiorazgovornik - service to overcome the "acoustical barrier» American Accent Training.. CD1 CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5 - a course that can be useful if you want to learn how to present to the American pronunciation. Files can be downloaded from the "Yandex.Disk» I-ne-znay-english -. «American English by Dr. Pimsleur method" Online
Collections. materials in English Learnenglish - a variety of materials for different levels Speakasap -. looks at many aspects of grammar. Many lessons Listening Native-english -. Encyclopedia intelligible explanations of grammar and phonetics Study-languages-online -. A selection for beginners List-. English - careful selection of materials and classification of English: online dictionaries, translators, tests, textbooks, videos, games, the YouTube-channels, podcasts and more.
Miscellaneous 9gag.com - entertaining resource for English Typingweb -. Skoropechataniya study on the English keyboard layout and then receive a certificate <. / Kabam - website with online games, where you can "cheat chatitsya» Amalgama-lab -. site with translations of songs Lyrsense.com. - site with translations of songs Linguamania -. online game for learning English Engblog -. article of English to Russian Lingvo.asu- notes on. English and its projections in the Russian Hot_english_magazine -. Hot English magazine magazine Englishpages -. 5000 words through context (proverbs, aphorisms and just sentence) . Ted - a collection of speeches in English on a variety of topics. Each video has subtitles Lingust -. Lessons in English and other languages Engsuccess -. Site of learning English Learnenglish.britishcouncil -. The site of the British Council . Hosgeldi - site for the practice of different languages Crazylink -. simulators words, verbs and other interesting TuneintoEnglish -. you can write the lyrics dictation, sing karaoke, find exercises to the texts and guess what was that song in question on the charts Brightside - favorite posts Website in English:. -)
Materials from the Public library of New York Audio and video Blogs and TV Podcasts
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