40 useful free resources to learn languages

Bookmark not to poteryat.26 September the European Day of Languages - an excellent opportunity to enhance their knowledge or start learning a new language.
Website has revised thousands of thematic resources, leafed through hundreds of pages, and prepared for you a list of useful sites.

List-english.ru - careful selection of materials and classification of English: online dictionaries, school forums, translators, tutors, tests, textbooks, videos, games, programs for Android, iPhone, YouTube- feeds, podcasts and more. All for free. Englishtips.org - Sea textbooks and books for download. Good search engines work. Find all you can. Britishcouncil.org - site of the British Council. Tests grammar, games and more. All in English, so beginners will be quite difficult to navigate, but worth a try. Bbc.co.uk - a variety of materials for the study of modern, living language. Real-english.com - pretty Advanced site with lessons, articles and videos. Before you start exploring, select the "Russian Language" on the main page. Eslpod.com - Mighty resource from California. Its main task - to learn English as a second language. The ability to download and work with a lot of podcasts with printouts and dictionaries. Elllo.org - a "bomb" for the teachers and students of secondary level. A bit complicated navigation. But the point is that podcasts are collected from around the world on a variety of topics. Living language with printouts and explanations (all in English). You can compare the pronunciation of Canada, England, Australia, etc.

Grammairefrancaise.net - a good site with lots of information verification tasks, all in French. Studyfrench.ru - the best Russian-language website, will be particularly useful in the first stage, as the explanation of grammar Russian, and all texts are translations. Bbc.co.uk - Air-video course French. Resource English and all the explanations in English. So at the same time tighten their skills in learning and English language. Laits.utexas.edu/fi - video, audio, grammar exercises, music library. Ikonet.com/fr - interactive video, audio, assignments, quizzes and dictionaries. Polyglotclub.com - here you can find French, studying Russian, and thus together to practice their skills. Auberge. int.univ-lille3.fr - on this website is offered to practice spoken French and listening comprehension. The site will be interesting for those who plan to study in France. You will learn how to open a bank account, look for an apartment and more. There are grammar exercises.

Hispanistas.ru - a lot of books, audio, video, forum. A lot of useful and varied information. Rae.es - Dictionary of the Spanish language. Lingus.tv - the video for different levels of understanding. Basically it represented everyday dialogue. In addition there are video text and the Spanish-English translation of the dialogues. Recursosdidacticos.es - dubbed a collection of texts. The texts are divided by genre (plays, stories, poetry, articles about culture / traditions, etc.). You can start with mas leidos (most read) or mas valorados (having the highest rating). Spanishgrammarguide.com - simple and intelligible Spanish online tutorial. Do not need to download or buy. Suitable for those who already know how to read in Spanish and knows the basic terms such as "noun", "adjective». Dirae.es - very interesting dictionary. Enter you, for example, the word in the search box azul. It gives you a dictionary entry with all sense of the word. Cvc.cervantes.es - texts by the Cervantes Institute, which are divided into 3 levels. Conveniently, there is an explanation (grammar, vocabulary). For the most part posted detectives, so interesting to read.

Travlang.com - English website with a detailed thematic sections. German.about.com - grammar, exercises, training for the development of hearing and the correct pronunciation. Dw.de - German course from the German radio station «Deutsche Welle». The site contains news and files in mp3 format on a variety of topics. Daf.report.ru - site you can find a variety of news, one way or another connected with the German language. Also, you can engage in a German online, passing tests and lessons provided on the site. Mediasprut.ru - extensive catalog of references to the Russian, German and foreign sites devoted to the study and improvement of the language. Deutsch-uni.com.ru - a fascinating site for those learning the German language, a lot of useful and interesting information. Speakasap.com - Site of Helena Shipilova. Anyone who has ever started to learn German on their own, for sure, have heard her name. Be sure to look and see all her classes on YouTube.

Webs.racocatala.cat - wonderful training site, which contains grammar, vocabulary, exercises, dictations, quizzes, games, proverbs, songs and videos. Studyitalian.ru - the site contains a lot of information for beginners. Initaliano.ru - news, detailed explanatory description of the grammar, text reading by levels of difficulty, music, videos, training materials for children. Dizionario. rai.it - Dictionary spelling and pronunciation. Book2.de - thorough and thoughtful Vocabulary 100 topics. You can download in two versions - with and without translation. In addition there are many other Italian languages. Facebook.com/impariamoitaliano - selection of materials, references, exercises. The Community is constantly updated. Oneworlditaliano.com - selection of teaching materials, exercises, links, tests and news.

Lingvisto.org - grammar and rules of reading in the Czech language. Nej.wz.cz - «thing-thing" in Czech. For example, the longest word - nejneobhospodorovávatelnější. Kurz Češtiny - video tutorials for beginners. There is much to learn for yourself. Czechprimer.org - language learning in pictures. No advertising. Sestina20.cz - interesting slang dictionary. Subscribe to our newsletter and you will have every day on the way and clarifying. Czechclass101.com - audio and video lessons of the Czech language for beginners. They can download the full transcription and accompanying materials for particularly passionate disciples even control tasks. Szech-in-prague.cz - Jan Slavikova lives and teaches in Prague, Czech students in person and via Skype. But on her site has collected a lot of material that can be used in order to self.
Unfortunately, instead of all the languages in a single article simply impossible, so the offer, please, in the comments of your favorite resources, and we'll make another selection.
In addition, there are specialized sites and services for learning foreign languages. On them you can read in this article.
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