The most popular and common languages

To find his place in society, it is important for a person to maintain communication, exchange ideas, express their desires and leave feedback. To do this, we use our main tool – language. There are hundreds of different languages in the world. Each of them has its own story, background, melody and rhythm. Many of us have ever wondered what are the most popular and spoken languages in the world? This collection will help you learn about them.
Mandarin is spoken by nearly a billion people and is one of the 6 official languages of the United Nations. There are 1,200 million variations of this language. It is spoken in northern and southwestern China. Mandarin belongs to the Chinese-Tibetan family. Despite being at the top of the list, it’s not an easy language. Mandarin has several dialects, and each has many tones, resulting in each area having its own distinct variant of the language.
Believe it or not, English is at the top of the list of the most common and popular languages in the world. It follows just behind Mandarin, taking the 2nd position. English is spoken by more than 430 million people worldwide. It is also one of the six official languages of the UN. A member of the Indo-European language family, this Germanic language is a global lingua franca. Unlike Mandarin, which is mainly spoken in a special geographical region, English is the first language in many countries of the world. It is spread across all continents and is used by nearly a billion people as a second language. Many people at least partially know this common language.
Spanish is also on the UN list of official languages. He dropped from 2nd position to 3rd only recently. Spanish is spoken by over 410 million people. This Romance language was born from an Indo-European family and is used as a native language in Latin America and Equatorial Guinea, in addition to Spain. Spanish is so popular and widespread that many Spanish words are also used in English.
Hindi is one of the official languages of India. It is a Sanctified branch of Hindustan with Indo-Aryan and Indo-European roots. It is spoken by millions of Indians. Hindi is very similar to Urdu, the native language of Pakistan. A large number of Hindi dialects are spoken throughout India, with 180 million people speaking the language. The Hindi language is also spread through Bollywood films, which use it as a lingua franca.
Bengali, or Bangla, is the native language of Bangladesh, as well as West Bengal, southern Assam and Tripura in India. The national anthems of Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka, as well as the national songs of India, were all written in Bengali. It has a long history of development from Indo-Aryan dialects and Sanskrit. While Bangla still retains its originality, it has also absorbed some words of foreign languages. Some outstanding literary works are written in Bengali, including works by Rabindranath Tagore. Approximately 210 million people speak Bengali, making it one of the most popular languages in the world.
This Romance language with Indo-European roots is spoken by more than 220 million people. Portuguese is the official language in Brazil, Mozambique and is spoken in several other places. Portuguese is spoken in many countries around the world.
Russian is on the 7th place in the list of the most popular and widespread languages of the world. Indo-European Slavic is one of the six official languages of the United Nations. Russian is spoken by more than 150 million people not only in the Russian Federation, but also in other countries of the former USSR, the Baltic countries and even in the United States. A huge number of outstanding works of literature and films were created in Russian.
Considered one of the most sonorous languages in the world, Urdu has common roots with the Hindi language, spoken by more than 100 million people, mainly in Pakistan and 6 states of India. The language has a close resemblance to Hindi and is related to Muslims. Urdu also belongs to the Indo-European and Indo-Aryan languages. Poetry and songs in this language are revered in all corners of the world.
This Austronesian language spoken in Malaysia and Indonesia belongs to the Malay-Polynesian family. It is spoken by more than 160 million people and is the official language of Indonesia.
Japanese completes the list of the most popular languages in the world Japanese. About 125 million people speak this language. It is used mainly in Japan as well as some other parts of the world where Japanese immigrants live.
Languages are constantly evolving, absorbing new words, phrases and styles from other languages, especially English. But in essence, each language has its own story, representing it in its own unique way.
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