12 books required reading for the version of Ernest Hemingway

In 1934, an aspiring writer and journalist Arnold Samuelson has come a long way to visit the Ernest Hemingway at his home in Florida. The writer was impressed with such dedication and presented the guest list of the literature, which, in his opinion, it was necessary to read every self-respecting man and the writer.
Especially for you Website publish this list and wish you a pleasant reading.

"Blue Hotel" Stephen Crane "Blue Hotel" - a collection of short stories that at first seem simple, but after reading left a bitter taste on the lips, and soul - in full disarray. Prose Crane has a mysterious inner rhythm, which is permanently imprinted in the reader's memory.

«The boat in the open sea»
Stephen Crane Four men in a boat, shipwreck, intense struggle for life. The picturesque language and deep philosophical thoughts about life. Waves of emotion from readers will be replaced several times each other, and the book will not leave anyone indifferent.

«Madame Bovary" by Gustave Flaubert Emma Bovary suffers from the inability to realize their dreams of a brilliant social life, full of romantic passion. Instead, she is forced to eke out a monotonous existence wife of a poor provincial doctor. Painful backwoods atmosphere smothers Emma, but all her attempts to escape the limits za joyless world are doomed to failure. Is there a way out of the impasse of life?

"Dubliners" by James Joyce Collection psychologically subtle novels "Dubliners" - the first mature work of Joyce. Dublin for Joyce - a symbol of the hated vices of contemporary Irish life: inertia, servility, corruption, cultural backwardness and lack of spirituality. This is the first realistic work of Irish literature of XX century.

«Red and Black» Stendhal novel - a recognized literary masterpiece of the XIX century. The plot of the ambitious and talented young man, who came from the lower classes, were read Turgenev, PA Vyazemsky, Tolstoy. Having come to the conclusion that "in this age of money - all", the young Julien Sorel proceeds to a kind of social ascent and in general relatively easy to achieve your goals

«Human Bondage»
Somerset Maugham Probably the most important novel by Somerset Maugham. The genius with which the author reveals the dark and light sides of the human soul, manifested most clearly here. And it is in this book writer with amazing even for him sincerity bares his own soul.

«Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy The greatest love story of all time. The story, which did not leave the stage and scaffolding which filmed countless times, still has not lost its charm boundless passion - passion pernicious, destructive, blind, but all the more fascinating by its grandeur

«War and Peace" Tolstoy epic novel tells the story of a difficult period in the history of Russia and the whole of Europe - the era of the wars against Napoleon. Tolstoy tells in detail about the course of the fighting, and about what life was like people in Russia at the beginning of the XIX century, raising questions of devotion to the Motherland, love, duty, and man's place in history.

"Buddenbrooks" by Thomas Mann, "The history of the death of one of the family." The novel describes the life and the decline of 4 generations of well-known and wealthy family of merchants of Lübeck, at first glance, as if embodying the ideal of German virtues. The story of love and betrayal, hatred and intrigue, frenzied passion and burning hatred.

«The Brothers Karamazov»
Fyodor Dostoevsky The most difficult and controversial of Dostoevsky's novel, which critics called the intelligent detective, an example of early postmodernism, the best of the works of the mysterious Russian soul. Roman (1880) has not lost its spiritual power to this day.

«Wuthering Heights» Emily Bronte Katie gave her heart to his cousin, but ambition and lust for wealth push her into the arms of the wealthy. Forbidden desire turns into a curse for secret lovers. Bright realistic story about the English countryside life with all its prejudices, secret vices, passions, bigotry and dramas.

"American" Henry James "American" - a story about a straight and unsophisticated American millionaire, who is trying to enter into the family of arrogant and treacherous French aristocrats. The book is about the difference in mentality of Americans and Europeans, the difference of their understanding of concepts such as generosity and betrayal, moral freedom and respect for decency.
Photos on the preview: John F. Kennedy Library
via catalog.archives.gov/id/192662