30 wise quotes by Ernest Hemingway
At the grave Hemingway says, "Most of all he loved the fall. Yellow warm autumn leaves floating in the river on the backs of trout, and the top blue windless sky. Now it will be a part of it forever ».
Website quotes Pope recalls the wise - the name of Hemingway's sons, beloved and grateful fans from around the world.
Do not lose hope. Do not be discouraged. The secret of my success. I do not lose heart. I never lose heart in humans. Being sober, to implement all its promises - it will teach you to keep your mouth shut. Travel only with those you love. If in life you can have at least a small service, do not shy away from it. Do not judge a man only by his friends. Remember that friends of Judah were impeccable. Look at the pictures without prejudice, read the book and honestly live the way life is. The best way to know whether you can trust someone - is trust him. It is necessary to buy any clothes, or painting. That's all. No one but the very rich people who can not afford both. Do not attach much importance to clothes, and most importantly, do not chase fashion, buy durable and comfortable things, and then you still have money for a picture. Of all the animals only man can laugh, but just had to do the least reason. All the people are divided into two categories: those that are easy, and just as easily without them, and those with which it is difficult, but it is impossible without them. An intelligent man is sometimes drunk to spend time with his stupidity. If you allow yourself to joke, people do not take you seriously. And most of these people do not realize that there are many things that you can not stand it, if you do not make jokes. Man is not created in order to endure the defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. Smart people very rarely happy. The truly brave people do not need to fight a duel, but it is constantly doing many shorts to assure himself in his own courage. Man alone can not ... All the same, one person can not be a damn thing. The most important gift for a writer - a built-in shock-proof crap detector. All good books are alike: they are more truthful life. What prevents the writer? Drink, women, money and ambition. And the lack of booze, women, money and ambition. The fact that the writer wants to say, he should not speak, and write. We become stronger where scrap. Happiness - is in good health and poor memory. Anyone who flaunt erudition and scholarship, has neither the one nor the other. It is better not to have ideologies, than no job. I do not care what the world is. All I want to know - it's like to live in it. Perhaps, if you think of how to live in it, thus you will understand what it is. There are things worse than war: cowardice worse, worse betrayal, selfishness worse. The life is not so difficult to get, when you have nothing to lose. Whoever wins the war will never stop fighting. In the light of so many women with whom you can sleep, and so few women with whom you can talk. Do not be ashamed of anything that brings happiness and pride. Peace - a good place and worth fighting for it, and I do not want to leave it.
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