20 deep quotation from the creator of Narnia CS Lewis
writer, poet, master of philology and theologian CS Lewis gave the world the famous country of Narnia, which want to get both adults and children. His books - a real journey into the depths of the human soul, to come back from that just does not get old.
Website has selected for you 20 quotes CS Lewis, in the sense that more than one.
Everyone gets in life what he wants. But not everyone is pleased afterwards. I wrote that I wanted to read. People do not write, I had to. Sometimes it is helpful to lose everything to realize what you really are missing. Future - is to meet what each of us hurtling at a speed of 60 minutes per hour. The main enemy of love - indifference, not hate. From what kind of person you are and how you look depends on what you see and hear! When you're scared, best - to face the danger and feel something warm and secure behind. Someday you will be old enough to read the story again. The book is for children who like only children - bad book. Good - good for everyone. Waltz, who brings joy only dancers - a bad waltz. To defeat the evil in the world, we must overcome it in ourselves. Thirst to possess those who can not give anything, wears his heart. Loving sometimes have to hurt loved ones. Do not talk back to those who are weaker than you. Those who are stronger - as you wish. If you think you do not suffer from pride, you're really suffering from it. In the shower, as well as in the soil, not the most beautiful flowers let the deepest roots. Memory should wake her up, turns into a powerful despot. Reached maturity always kind to the young and the busiest people are always ready to devote their time to others. Crying is good, until you cry, but sooner or later end in tears, and then you have to decide what to do. Do not waste time trying to understand, you love the person or not. I do as if you were sure that you love it. You have no soul. You - the soul. You have a body.
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