What to see with the whole family on the weekend
In difficult times, it is especially important to tune in to the positive and look for something good and bright in each day. Today's edition. "Site" I've prepared some good things for you. family films for all occasions.
For the most part, these are old comedies that are definitely worth watching. review As soon as possible.
Good Family Movies "Difficult Child" From birth, little Junior was a real pariah, moving from one family to another, and then to a third and so on growing. The young tomboy would have been passed on if he had not been to a Catholic orphanage for homeless children.
The director of the institution manages to push the obnoxious boy into the respectable Healy family, telling new parents about the boundless positive qualities of the boy. But as soon as Junior gets the surname Healy, his pranks become truly catastrophic.
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Remember the old days, the movie is “Difficult Child?” One home , quarantine - the evening of the second #difficult child #difficult teenager #difficult child #difficult #film #classic #filmchildhood #е️е️е️е️е️е️е️е️е️е️е️е️е️е️е️еее️е️е️️ее️ее️еее️ее️еее️еее️е️ееее️еееее️ее️еее️еееее️е️ее️еееееее️е️еееееее️еееееее️ее️ее️е️ееееееее️ееееееее️еее️е️еееееее️еееееее️е️еее️е️е️ееее️е️еее️е️ееееее️еееееееееее
A post shared by Adele (@olg874) on Mar 29, 2020 at 4:07am PDT
"Free Willie" When I was a kid, it was one of my favorite movies! After watching this movie, your baby will likely ask the zoo to suddenly shout “Free Willy!” and open all the cages.
At least explain the difference between a whale and a lion, and then decide for yourself, but the love of children for animals is, of course, always great.
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The title of the movie is “Free Willy.” Do you remember this beautiful, beautiful childhood movie? Well, or not childhood. Be sure to look! In our time, only kindness will save the world! Whale, or as they call this huge sea animal, killer whale, was separated from his family. People took him to an amusement park, named Willie, and expected him to make a lot of money from his performances. At the same time, the viewer meets the boy Jesse, who ran away from home and gets bread by stealing and begging. Jesse finds new, kind parents and he needs to erase all sorts of not very decent inscriptions that he sprayed in the park. That's where a difficult teenager and a killer whale meet and they'll fall in love at first sight. #film #liberatedville #animals #animals #interesting facts #encyclopedia animals #zoo #animalplanet #film #cinema
A post shared by Zoo - Animal Planets (@___________) on Mar 18, 2020 at 11:11am PDT
"In the Wild." The film tells the true story of Christopher McCandless, a young man from a wealthy family who leaves all his possessions, gives the money accumulated during his studies to a charitable foundation, and hitchhikes to Alaska to plunge into the wild.
On the way, Christopher meets different people who somehow affect his life, but that’s not all.
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#filmiotaltai_tourguide › Into the Wild Watch this movie!!! The film tells the REAL story of Christopher McCandless, a young man from a wealthy family, a leading student and athlete of Emory College, who leaves all his possessions, gives the accumulated $ 24 thousand. dollars to a charitable foundation, and hitchhikes to Alaska to plunge into the wild. On the way, Christopher meets different people who somehow affect his life, but that’s not all? Not many people are capable of this! Just watch and write your impression of the film under this post, would we be happy to discuss the highlights? Or maybe one of you is dreaming the same......??????????? #film-real events#film-travel#journey#extreme#hunt#fishing#people#friends#dating#incredible#incredible#everyone
A post shared by Travel in Altai (@altai_tourguide) on Mar 31, 2020 at 11:43pm PDT
“Beethoven” The hero of the film is not a great composer, but a pretty St. Bernard accidentally named after him. As a result, getting into the family as a puppy, the dog quickly became friends with the children and mother - only the father looked obliquely at the restless household.
Very successful and the second part of this beautiful comedy - Beethoven 2!
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19 Decembre? Que serait le mois de décembre sans ses légendaires comédies cultes de #Noël? Pour le 19e jour du Calendrier de l'Avent du Cinéphile, on fait un saut dans le passé en (re)découvrant #Beethoven, l'indémodable comédie familiale des années 90!? Pour lire l'article: larsruby.com/j-6-beethoven-une-plongee-dans-lenfance/ (Lien direct dans la bio)
A post shared by LARS&RUBY (@lars.ruby) on Dec 19, 2018 at 1:49am PST
"Harry Potter." Here everything is clear - quarantine is a great opportunity to plunge into this magical story about the boy who survived. It’s great to have all 7 parts! I'll start watching tonight.
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Do you believe in a magical world? The author of the books about Harry Potter and the school of magic Hogwarts J.K. Rowling announced the “magical” project “Harry Potter at home” to organize leisure time for adults and children in quarantine in connection with the coronavirus pandemic. “Parents, teachers... while we’re in self-isolation, it might take a little bit of magic, so I’m excited to launch this project,” J.K. Rowling said on Twitter. On New Year's Day in 2002, my daughter found a gift under the tree, it was a 1 книга Harry Potter book. She read it in one breath. I closed the last page and immediately opened the first page to read it over and over again. And I became a fan of the little wizard Harry. Six months later, on my birthday, my daughter received a 2-volume gift from me, a third one from friends, and she bought a fourth one with the gifted money. We read them around one another. As soon as the new volume came out, we immediately bought it. Have you collected all 7 books? In this book, the feeling of magic at any time, not just before the new year. Because her heroes live in this magical world. The eternal struggle between good and evil, and of course good wins. Everything in it is - friendship, mutual help, love, family of a friend, especially valuable for the orphan boy. Do you know when Harry Potter's birthday is? The same day as Rowling is July 31. At the beginning of the book, Harry turns 11 when he first learns he is a wizard. The book grows with the reader. Volume 1 is very easy to read, it is written in simple language. Every year Harry gets a year older, the book gets thicker and more complicated. There are more events and adventures. Boys and girls who know Harry Potter know all spells. I know even those who make themselves magic wands, and then walk with them, wave at the door and sentence “Allohomor!”, waiting for the door to open itself? Or they try to wave their magic wand to lift objects with the spell "Wingardium Levios!" The image of Harry is probably associated with the face of actor Daniel Redcliffe. The movie is great, but the book is better!! Have you read Harry Potter? Read it while you're in quarantine! What are your favorite books?
A post shared by UGE tutor Mathematics Skype (@sam.cebe.pedagog) on Apr 3, 2020 at 1:24am PDT
"Back to the Future" We are living in the future and there are no flying cars. Elon Musk, can you hear us?
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@realmikejfo ???????@mrchristopherlloyd #mcfly #docbrown #martymcfly #forgotten #martimakfly #doctorbraun #timetravel #timemachine #backtothefuture #tothe80s #backtothe50s #cristoferlloyd #backtothe50s #Michaeljafox #mikejfo #christopherlloyd
A post shared by fan account russia (@back_to_the_future_russia) on Mar 31, 2020 at 7:29am PDT
Lemony Snicket: 33 Misfortunes On one bad overcast day, the young Baudelaires - Violet, Klaus and their little sister Sunny - suffered misfortune. A terrible fire robbed them of their homes and loving parents.
In the life of orphans, a guardian Count Olaf appeared, who, as a result, is not a count at all, but an evil genius, an actor and a master of dressing, seeking to seize the inheritance of unfortunate children.
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"Lemony Sneaks 33 Misfortunes" Fantastic, beautiful movie? Good mood? IMDb 6.8/10 In one bad overcast day, the young Baudelaires - Violet, Klaus and their little sister Sunny - were struck by misfortune. A terrible fire robbed them of their homes and loving parents. In the life of orphans there was a guardian Count Olaf, who, as it turned out, is not a count at all, but an evil genius, an actor and a master of dressing, seeking to seize the inheritance of unfortunate children. The design of the leeches was copied from the illustrations of the book "The Huge Window"; - The film is based on the first three novels of Lemony Snicket (real name - Daniel Handler) from the series "33 misfortunes" (A Series of Unfortunate Events, 1999-2006). Nice viewing? Subscribe to my channel? You are not difficult, and I am grateful? and a good mood ....PS go to the side of the movies? we have popcorn? – – – #jimkerry#topkinzopodvinzo#topfilms2019#topfilm2020#film#what to see today#what to watch in the evening#cinema#what to see#trailers2019#trailers#trailers#film#watch#bestfilms#bestmoments#films#films#films#cineacters#33nhappearth
A post shared by TV monster? (@top_kinco_pod_vinco) on Mar 7, 2020 at 6:42am PST
A former fantasist, Christopher Robin, has become an adult and terribly serious uncle, he is all the time at work, which keeps him in suspense and does not leave time for communication with his family. He completely drove himself and despaired when he met his old plush friend Winnie the Pooh on the park bench.
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While I'm terribly angry, there will be something positive in #to watch. Christopher Robin (2018). Former fantasist Christopher has become very serious. His family also sees him as very serious. So he's grown up. But his life moves off the path of despondency when he meets old friends - Winnie the Pooh and everyone. Conclusion: meet with friends, so that the moss is not covered. This is an incredibly kind, funny, colorful film. And how cool the inhabitants of the Hundred Acre Forest are made, it is simply impossible to describe! I want the same toys! While many are sitting in quarantine with their children or with themselves, it's time to cheer up and have a movie night/morning/day. #film maniac #bookbook #bookbook #bookbook #bookbooks #interesting books #booksforsouls #what to read #bookworm #bookman #bookhobby #bookman #bookbookbookstogram #bookbookstagram #bookbookbooks #bookbookbooksnobooks #bookbookbookbookshop #books #bookbookbookbooks #bookbookbookbookbooks #bookbookshops #books #bookstogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogot #book #book #book #book #book #books #book #book #book #book #book #bookstogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogot #book #book #book #book #book #book #book #books #book #book #book #book #book #book #book
A post shared by Simple Reader (@obzor_vo) on Mar 17, 2020 at 4:01am PDT
"Jumanji" The story of how far you can take the passion for board games. The blockbuster with the great Robin Williams is the best way to transport the whole family to the jungle without spending a penny.
Meanwhile, there’s still the 2017 version, but it’s the classic 1995 version that’s much more fascinating!
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#jumanji2017 was watched, but whether the age is not the same or the movies are not the same. #jumanji1995 was more interesting?, and the new film #nam #movie #new year2018 #weekend #coffeetime #vegas #crowds?
A post shared by @masha_gordi on Jan 3, 2018 at 10:45pm PST
The diametric answer to “Difficult Child” is the story of a charming crook and orphan baby Sue. Here the question of where to find the perfect mother is again a priority!
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I love what I've done to my head so much, how do you like it?? #curly #curlyhair #curly #I #portrait #curly #curlyhair #me #portrait #photography #CurlySue
A post shared by Oksana Grishkevich~ (@__ksana_______) on Apr 2, 2020 at 1:00am PDT
"Chocolate." An extraordinary woman comes to a provincial town - she knows how to guess the wishes of other people and prepares fantastically tasty chocolate. The local conservative mayor is not enthusiastic about the new resident, believing that with the advent of her chocolate shop, the mores of citizens are under serious threat.
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#Tatiana_recommends the film Immersion and Splendor. I will remember the taste of this movie for a long time. I will definitely review it. Thank you @eva_klyu for the recommendation, did you know I was going to dive into it? I watched a movie about myself. An idea? Is it hard to be the Other? In the town, living a calm, measured life, full of rules, norms and morals, she comes. And on the eve of Lent opens a small confectionery. She is the only one who does not attend church and her daughter is born out of wedlock. I also had a moment where everyone was against me, absolutely, so it seemed to me. At this point, I sobbed, remembering how I put my hands down and sent everything away. I lived this moment once again as I pulled myself out of the swamp of public opinion, stereotypes, norms, moral slavery and human indifference. How did she “took off” the skin, Stamp, which I was constantly hung on, and I allowed to do it? Very Cozy, Warm and Demonstrative Cinema about all aspects of life - Love, the influence of the Church and its uselessness, Consumerism, Traditions that are not useful, Power, Fears to go beyond the frame, Courage, Desperation, Cardinal Change of Thought. And the fact that being the Other is interesting and inspires the exploits of People who are around, admire Your courage and Kind Heart. The world is huge and beautiful, but even staying in one place can produce billions of tons of Happiness, Purity and Joy. The chief of all this is the man himself. Learn to enjoy the here and now, because no beauty of the Earth will bring you inspiration if you do not yourself. Do we take ourselves and our thoughts with us everywhere? Watch, Awesome Movie!... #chocolate #filmchocolate #chocolate #chocolate #cozy movie #terrific movie #inspiring movie #watch everyone #recommend #recommend #film for everyone #great movie #recommend
A post shared by Psychologist/BioEnergoTherapist (@strogajatatiana) on Jun 2, 2019 at 11:16am PDT
Gremlins. If your kids really want a pet, just show them this movie. They may not change their minds, but they will certainly be more responsible. Or maybe you scare them so much that they're like, "Mommy, cat?" Never. No, no, no!
"Alice in Wonderland" Perhaps this is the most unusual children's tale of all time! Nevertheless, she received a worthy embodiment on the screen only in 2010, when Tim Burton sat in the director’s chair.
As a result, the level of special effects in this good film has reached such a level that the Red Queen’s cry “Head off the shoulders!” and its consequences were reflected accordingly. children's tale.
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Nothing is impossible... #madhatter #madhattercosplay #cappellaiomatto #cappellaiomattocosplay #cappellaio #cappellaio #ilgiornogioiglorioso #noncompleanno #teatime #aliceattraversolospecchio #alicetroheughtlookingglass #aliceinwonderland #alicenelpaesedellemeraviglie #johnnydepp #timburton #disney #cosplay #cos #cos #cosplay #cos #cosplay #cosplay #cosplay #cosplay #cos
A post shared by Alfredo Florio (@alfredoflorio80) on Apr 1, 2020 at 3:28am PDT
Julie and Julia: Preparing Happiness by Recipe If you love cooking, this movie is for you! The action of this film takes place in two time planes. In Paris of the 50s, the wife of a military diplomat Julia Child, trying to dispel boredom, enters a culinary course, after they finish, publishes a book and becomes a famous cook.
As a result, half a century later in New York gray mouse Julie Powell, dying of longing at an unloved job, takes a year to repeat the recipes of the best-selling cookery of his namesake.
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It’s not a great movie, just a good movie (and that’s a plus), with my favorites Stanley Tucci and Meryl Streep. I recommend this light movie for a cozy evening in bad weather. #EvilCinematographer
A post shared by Cinema (@zlobny_kinokritik) on Sep 8, 2016 at 4:44am PDT
The Chronicles of Narnia. Thanks to the adaptation of jokes about the closet that leads to Narnia, became very popular. But after the movie, be sure to read the books, or even better find the audio version of all seven books. Trust me, besides the closet, there's a lot of interesting stuff. No less exciting than Harry Potter!
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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (USA, UK, 2005) 12 Genre: #fantasy, #adventure, #family Four children are sent from London to the countryside, to an old professor - a family friend. In his home, the children discover a mysterious wardrobe through which they enter the fabulous land of Narnia, home to fantastic people, animals and creatures. It turns out that this peaceful country is under the rule of an evil witch, because of which there is eternal winter. The children must help King Aslan (the Great Lion who founded Narnia many centuries ago) defeat the Witch, break the spells and free the people of Narnia... #chronicanarian #chronicannianlewwwitch and platinum #chronicannianlewwwitch and wizardbox #Georgihenli #lusipevensi #scandarkeins #edmundpevensi #Williammosli #Piterpevensi #superpoplewell #suzenpensi[sic]]
A post shared by best films2019 (@best_films2019) on Mar 21, 2017 at 1:48am PDT
Editorial Board I also suggest to see a selection of good cartoons for viewing in the family circle. It is necessary to watch it without fail!
These good family movies will definitely inspire you and your family and give you smiles!
If you think that life is not smooth, then most likely you do not think. What needs to change? Where to start? Who can I ask for wise advice? Calm down! World cinema is rich in ready-made scenarios.
Just sit back and play one of the movies on this list. soak up new ideas.
What movies do your home movies like? Share your opinion with us in the comments!
For the most part, these are old comedies that are definitely worth watching. review As soon as possible.

Good Family Movies "Difficult Child" From birth, little Junior was a real pariah, moving from one family to another, and then to a third and so on growing. The young tomboy would have been passed on if he had not been to a Catholic orphanage for homeless children.
The director of the institution manages to push the obnoxious boy into the respectable Healy family, telling new parents about the boundless positive qualities of the boy. But as soon as Junior gets the surname Healy, his pranks become truly catastrophic.
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Remember the old days, the movie is “Difficult Child?” One home , quarantine - the evening of the second #difficult child #difficult teenager #difficult child #difficult #film #classic #filmchildhood #е️е️е️е️е️е️е️е️е️е️е️е️е️е️е️еее️е️е️️ее️ее️еее️ее️еее️еее️е️ееее️еееее️ее️еее️еееее️е️ее️еееееее️е️еееееее️еееееее️ее️ее️е️ееееееее️ееееееее️еее️е️еееееее️еееееее️е️еее️е️е️ееее️е️еее️е️ееееее️еееееееееее
A post shared by Adele (@olg874) on Mar 29, 2020 at 4:07am PDT
"Free Willie" When I was a kid, it was one of my favorite movies! After watching this movie, your baby will likely ask the zoo to suddenly shout “Free Willy!” and open all the cages.
At least explain the difference between a whale and a lion, and then decide for yourself, but the love of children for animals is, of course, always great.
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The title of the movie is “Free Willy.” Do you remember this beautiful, beautiful childhood movie? Well, or not childhood. Be sure to look! In our time, only kindness will save the world! Whale, or as they call this huge sea animal, killer whale, was separated from his family. People took him to an amusement park, named Willie, and expected him to make a lot of money from his performances. At the same time, the viewer meets the boy Jesse, who ran away from home and gets bread by stealing and begging. Jesse finds new, kind parents and he needs to erase all sorts of not very decent inscriptions that he sprayed in the park. That's where a difficult teenager and a killer whale meet and they'll fall in love at first sight. #film #liberatedville #animals #animals #interesting facts #encyclopedia animals #zoo #animalplanet #film #cinema
A post shared by Zoo - Animal Planets (@___________) on Mar 18, 2020 at 11:11am PDT
"In the Wild." The film tells the true story of Christopher McCandless, a young man from a wealthy family who leaves all his possessions, gives the money accumulated during his studies to a charitable foundation, and hitchhikes to Alaska to plunge into the wild.
On the way, Christopher meets different people who somehow affect his life, but that’s not all.
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#filmiotaltai_tourguide › Into the Wild Watch this movie!!! The film tells the REAL story of Christopher McCandless, a young man from a wealthy family, a leading student and athlete of Emory College, who leaves all his possessions, gives the accumulated $ 24 thousand. dollars to a charitable foundation, and hitchhikes to Alaska to plunge into the wild. On the way, Christopher meets different people who somehow affect his life, but that’s not all? Not many people are capable of this! Just watch and write your impression of the film under this post, would we be happy to discuss the highlights? Or maybe one of you is dreaming the same......??????????? #film-real events#film-travel#journey#extreme#hunt#fishing#people#friends#dating#incredible#incredible#everyone
A post shared by Travel in Altai (@altai_tourguide) on Mar 31, 2020 at 11:43pm PDT
“Beethoven” The hero of the film is not a great composer, but a pretty St. Bernard accidentally named after him. As a result, getting into the family as a puppy, the dog quickly became friends with the children and mother - only the father looked obliquely at the restless household.
Very successful and the second part of this beautiful comedy - Beethoven 2!
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19 Decembre? Que serait le mois de décembre sans ses légendaires comédies cultes de #Noël? Pour le 19e jour du Calendrier de l'Avent du Cinéphile, on fait un saut dans le passé en (re)découvrant #Beethoven, l'indémodable comédie familiale des années 90!? Pour lire l'article: larsruby.com/j-6-beethoven-une-plongee-dans-lenfance/ (Lien direct dans la bio)
A post shared by LARS&RUBY (@lars.ruby) on Dec 19, 2018 at 1:49am PST
"Harry Potter." Here everything is clear - quarantine is a great opportunity to plunge into this magical story about the boy who survived. It’s great to have all 7 parts! I'll start watching tonight.
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Do you believe in a magical world? The author of the books about Harry Potter and the school of magic Hogwarts J.K. Rowling announced the “magical” project “Harry Potter at home” to organize leisure time for adults and children in quarantine in connection with the coronavirus pandemic. “Parents, teachers... while we’re in self-isolation, it might take a little bit of magic, so I’m excited to launch this project,” J.K. Rowling said on Twitter. On New Year's Day in 2002, my daughter found a gift under the tree, it was a 1 книга Harry Potter book. She read it in one breath. I closed the last page and immediately opened the first page to read it over and over again. And I became a fan of the little wizard Harry. Six months later, on my birthday, my daughter received a 2-volume gift from me, a third one from friends, and she bought a fourth one with the gifted money. We read them around one another. As soon as the new volume came out, we immediately bought it. Have you collected all 7 books? In this book, the feeling of magic at any time, not just before the new year. Because her heroes live in this magical world. The eternal struggle between good and evil, and of course good wins. Everything in it is - friendship, mutual help, love, family of a friend, especially valuable for the orphan boy. Do you know when Harry Potter's birthday is? The same day as Rowling is July 31. At the beginning of the book, Harry turns 11 when he first learns he is a wizard. The book grows with the reader. Volume 1 is very easy to read, it is written in simple language. Every year Harry gets a year older, the book gets thicker and more complicated. There are more events and adventures. Boys and girls who know Harry Potter know all spells. I know even those who make themselves magic wands, and then walk with them, wave at the door and sentence “Allohomor!”, waiting for the door to open itself? Or they try to wave their magic wand to lift objects with the spell "Wingardium Levios!" The image of Harry is probably associated with the face of actor Daniel Redcliffe. The movie is great, but the book is better!! Have you read Harry Potter? Read it while you're in quarantine! What are your favorite books?
A post shared by UGE tutor Mathematics Skype (@sam.cebe.pedagog) on Apr 3, 2020 at 1:24am PDT
"Back to the Future" We are living in the future and there are no flying cars. Elon Musk, can you hear us?
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@realmikejfo ???????@mrchristopherlloyd #mcfly #docbrown #martymcfly #forgotten #martimakfly #doctorbraun #timetravel #timemachine #backtothefuture #tothe80s #backtothe50s #cristoferlloyd #backtothe50s #Michaeljafox #mikejfo #christopherlloyd
A post shared by fan account russia (@back_to_the_future_russia) on Mar 31, 2020 at 7:29am PDT
Lemony Snicket: 33 Misfortunes On one bad overcast day, the young Baudelaires - Violet, Klaus and their little sister Sunny - suffered misfortune. A terrible fire robbed them of their homes and loving parents.
In the life of orphans, a guardian Count Olaf appeared, who, as a result, is not a count at all, but an evil genius, an actor and a master of dressing, seeking to seize the inheritance of unfortunate children.
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"Lemony Sneaks 33 Misfortunes" Fantastic, beautiful movie? Good mood? IMDb 6.8/10 In one bad overcast day, the young Baudelaires - Violet, Klaus and their little sister Sunny - were struck by misfortune. A terrible fire robbed them of their homes and loving parents. In the life of orphans there was a guardian Count Olaf, who, as it turned out, is not a count at all, but an evil genius, an actor and a master of dressing, seeking to seize the inheritance of unfortunate children. The design of the leeches was copied from the illustrations of the book "The Huge Window"; - The film is based on the first three novels of Lemony Snicket (real name - Daniel Handler) from the series "33 misfortunes" (A Series of Unfortunate Events, 1999-2006). Nice viewing? Subscribe to my channel? You are not difficult, and I am grateful? and a good mood ....PS go to the side of the movies? we have popcorn? – – – #jimkerry#topkinzopodvinzo#topfilms2019#topfilm2020#film#what to see today#what to watch in the evening#cinema#what to see#trailers2019#trailers#trailers#film#watch#bestfilms#bestmoments#films#films#films#cineacters#33nhappearth
A post shared by TV monster? (@top_kinco_pod_vinco) on Mar 7, 2020 at 6:42am PST
A former fantasist, Christopher Robin, has become an adult and terribly serious uncle, he is all the time at work, which keeps him in suspense and does not leave time for communication with his family. He completely drove himself and despaired when he met his old plush friend Winnie the Pooh on the park bench.
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While I'm terribly angry, there will be something positive in #to watch. Christopher Robin (2018). Former fantasist Christopher has become very serious. His family also sees him as very serious. So he's grown up. But his life moves off the path of despondency when he meets old friends - Winnie the Pooh and everyone. Conclusion: meet with friends, so that the moss is not covered. This is an incredibly kind, funny, colorful film. And how cool the inhabitants of the Hundred Acre Forest are made, it is simply impossible to describe! I want the same toys! While many are sitting in quarantine with their children or with themselves, it's time to cheer up and have a movie night/morning/day. #film maniac #bookbook #bookbook #bookbook #bookbooks #interesting books #booksforsouls #what to read #bookworm #bookman #bookhobby #bookman #bookbookbookstogram #bookbookstagram #bookbookbooks #bookbookbooksnobooks #bookbookbookbookshop #books #bookbookbookbooks #bookbookbookbookbooks #bookbookshops #books #bookstogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogot #book #book #book #book #book #books #book #book #book #book #book #bookstogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogogot #book #book #book #book #book #book #book #books #book #book #book #book #book #book #book
A post shared by Simple Reader (@obzor_vo) on Mar 17, 2020 at 4:01am PDT
"Jumanji" The story of how far you can take the passion for board games. The blockbuster with the great Robin Williams is the best way to transport the whole family to the jungle without spending a penny.
Meanwhile, there’s still the 2017 version, but it’s the classic 1995 version that’s much more fascinating!
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#jumanji2017 was watched, but whether the age is not the same or the movies are not the same. #jumanji1995 was more interesting?, and the new film #nam #movie #new year2018 #weekend #coffeetime #vegas #crowds?
A post shared by @masha_gordi on Jan 3, 2018 at 10:45pm PST
The diametric answer to “Difficult Child” is the story of a charming crook and orphan baby Sue. Here the question of where to find the perfect mother is again a priority!
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I love what I've done to my head so much, how do you like it?? #curly #curlyhair #curly #I #portrait #curly #curlyhair #me #portrait #photography #CurlySue
A post shared by Oksana Grishkevich~ (@__ksana_______) on Apr 2, 2020 at 1:00am PDT
"Chocolate." An extraordinary woman comes to a provincial town - she knows how to guess the wishes of other people and prepares fantastically tasty chocolate. The local conservative mayor is not enthusiastic about the new resident, believing that with the advent of her chocolate shop, the mores of citizens are under serious threat.
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#Tatiana_recommends the film Immersion and Splendor. I will remember the taste of this movie for a long time. I will definitely review it. Thank you @eva_klyu for the recommendation, did you know I was going to dive into it? I watched a movie about myself. An idea? Is it hard to be the Other? In the town, living a calm, measured life, full of rules, norms and morals, she comes. And on the eve of Lent opens a small confectionery. She is the only one who does not attend church and her daughter is born out of wedlock. I also had a moment where everyone was against me, absolutely, so it seemed to me. At this point, I sobbed, remembering how I put my hands down and sent everything away. I lived this moment once again as I pulled myself out of the swamp of public opinion, stereotypes, norms, moral slavery and human indifference. How did she “took off” the skin, Stamp, which I was constantly hung on, and I allowed to do it? Very Cozy, Warm and Demonstrative Cinema about all aspects of life - Love, the influence of the Church and its uselessness, Consumerism, Traditions that are not useful, Power, Fears to go beyond the frame, Courage, Desperation, Cardinal Change of Thought. And the fact that being the Other is interesting and inspires the exploits of People who are around, admire Your courage and Kind Heart. The world is huge and beautiful, but even staying in one place can produce billions of tons of Happiness, Purity and Joy. The chief of all this is the man himself. Learn to enjoy the here and now, because no beauty of the Earth will bring you inspiration if you do not yourself. Do we take ourselves and our thoughts with us everywhere? Watch, Awesome Movie!... #chocolate #filmchocolate #chocolate #chocolate #cozy movie #terrific movie #inspiring movie #watch everyone #recommend #recommend #film for everyone #great movie #recommend
A post shared by Psychologist/BioEnergoTherapist (@strogajatatiana) on Jun 2, 2019 at 11:16am PDT
Gremlins. If your kids really want a pet, just show them this movie. They may not change their minds, but they will certainly be more responsible. Or maybe you scare them so much that they're like, "Mommy, cat?" Never. No, no, no!
"Alice in Wonderland" Perhaps this is the most unusual children's tale of all time! Nevertheless, she received a worthy embodiment on the screen only in 2010, when Tim Burton sat in the director’s chair.
As a result, the level of special effects in this good film has reached such a level that the Red Queen’s cry “Head off the shoulders!” and its consequences were reflected accordingly. children's tale.
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Nothing is impossible... #madhatter #madhattercosplay #cappellaiomatto #cappellaiomattocosplay #cappellaio #cappellaio #ilgiornogioiglorioso #noncompleanno #teatime #aliceattraversolospecchio #alicetroheughtlookingglass #aliceinwonderland #alicenelpaesedellemeraviglie #johnnydepp #timburton #disney #cosplay #cos #cos #cosplay #cos #cosplay #cosplay #cosplay #cosplay #cos
A post shared by Alfredo Florio (@alfredoflorio80) on Apr 1, 2020 at 3:28am PDT
Julie and Julia: Preparing Happiness by Recipe If you love cooking, this movie is for you! The action of this film takes place in two time planes. In Paris of the 50s, the wife of a military diplomat Julia Child, trying to dispel boredom, enters a culinary course, after they finish, publishes a book and becomes a famous cook.
As a result, half a century later in New York gray mouse Julie Powell, dying of longing at an unloved job, takes a year to repeat the recipes of the best-selling cookery of his namesake.
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It’s not a great movie, just a good movie (and that’s a plus), with my favorites Stanley Tucci and Meryl Streep. I recommend this light movie for a cozy evening in bad weather. #EvilCinematographer
A post shared by Cinema (@zlobny_kinokritik) on Sep 8, 2016 at 4:44am PDT
The Chronicles of Narnia. Thanks to the adaptation of jokes about the closet that leads to Narnia, became very popular. But after the movie, be sure to read the books, or even better find the audio version of all seven books. Trust me, besides the closet, there's a lot of interesting stuff. No less exciting than Harry Potter!
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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (USA, UK, 2005) 12 Genre: #fantasy, #adventure, #family Four children are sent from London to the countryside, to an old professor - a family friend. In his home, the children discover a mysterious wardrobe through which they enter the fabulous land of Narnia, home to fantastic people, animals and creatures. It turns out that this peaceful country is under the rule of an evil witch, because of which there is eternal winter. The children must help King Aslan (the Great Lion who founded Narnia many centuries ago) defeat the Witch, break the spells and free the people of Narnia... #chronicanarian #chronicannianlewwwitch and platinum #chronicannianlewwwitch and wizardbox #Georgihenli #lusipevensi #scandarkeins #edmundpevensi #Williammosli #Piterpevensi #superpoplewell #suzenpensi[sic]]
A post shared by best films2019 (@best_films2019) on Mar 21, 2017 at 1:48am PDT
Editorial Board I also suggest to see a selection of good cartoons for viewing in the family circle. It is necessary to watch it without fail!
These good family movies will definitely inspire you and your family and give you smiles!
If you think that life is not smooth, then most likely you do not think. What needs to change? Where to start? Who can I ask for wise advice? Calm down! World cinema is rich in ready-made scenarios.
Just sit back and play one of the movies on this list. soak up new ideas.
What movies do your home movies like? Share your opinion with us in the comments!