8 These yoga poses - comprehensive training for the whole body. Activate muscles!
Yoga make your body strong! This complex is very good: it is suitable to those who are just starting their practice, and advanced yogis. Start exercising, you immediately go over to the next level of my body: Yoga teaches fine motor coordination and make muscles elastic. During the execution of exercises should be to ensure that power is evenly distributed throughout the body. Always apply the back muscles to make them work. In carrying out the movement, fixes eyes on a stationary object, look straight ahead. Move slowly, the body must be obedient, but not too tight. Keep inner peace during yoga - it is also important for a good result. Yoga - it's not a simple charge. It trains the mind on a par with the physical body!
1. Make emphasis on the elbows and toes, take a static position. Make sure that your elbows are parallel to each other. Hold this position for 5 deep breaths. Look forward, not looking up, keep your back straight.
2. On the outstretched arms entertain position, with emphasis on one leg. The second leg to his chest tighten. Raise the knee up and up as if trying to kiss him. Make 5 deep breaths and change leg.
3. rounded back, with an emphasis on the outstretched arms and one leg. The second leg bend and hold on weight. After 5 deep breaths Change your leg.
4. A complex exercise in balance: to focus on the arm and leg on one side. In order to have a secure base, fingers splayed hands and rests on the entire palm. Second hand lift up and lock the leg bend at the knee of the straight leg. Try to remain in this position for five deep breaths, then repeat the same for the other side.
5. Borrow the same position as in the previous exercise. Lift one leg up, trying to straighten it as much as possible. Try to grab the sock feet and stand in this position for five deep breaths.
6. Bring your whole weight on one leg, a second take aside, try to keep it as straight as possible. Lean forward, lean on the arm, the other arm lift up. Both hands should create a straight line. Freeze for 5 breaths, repeat the same with the other side.
7. Variation of the exercises with a focus on one direction, shift your weight to the arm and leg on one side. Bend the other leg slightly back, grabbed it by hand in a bent position. After 5 breaths Change your leg and arm, and do the same on the other side.
8. A little rest before the next posture: sit down, cross-legged under her breathe deeply. With an emphasis on the outstretched arms and tried to lift his legs bent over the ground. Be patient: you must come out, the main thing - to continue to train and make a new attempt!
The body of the girl in good condition, it is practicing yoga for a long time and masterfully handles even very complex poses. But this does not mean that yoga is only available to people in good shape. Even if you do not feel prepared enough, it begins to do, and soon your body will be fit. Muscles trained under great static load, and the power of yoga. Do not forget about proper deep breathing. Tell a friend this complex exercise, to introduce them to yoga classes!
via takprosto cc
1. Make emphasis on the elbows and toes, take a static position. Make sure that your elbows are parallel to each other. Hold this position for 5 deep breaths. Look forward, not looking up, keep your back straight.

2. On the outstretched arms entertain position, with emphasis on one leg. The second leg to his chest tighten. Raise the knee up and up as if trying to kiss him. Make 5 deep breaths and change leg.

3. rounded back, with an emphasis on the outstretched arms and one leg. The second leg bend and hold on weight. After 5 deep breaths Change your leg.

4. A complex exercise in balance: to focus on the arm and leg on one side. In order to have a secure base, fingers splayed hands and rests on the entire palm. Second hand lift up and lock the leg bend at the knee of the straight leg. Try to remain in this position for five deep breaths, then repeat the same for the other side.

5. Borrow the same position as in the previous exercise. Lift one leg up, trying to straighten it as much as possible. Try to grab the sock feet and stand in this position for five deep breaths.

6. Bring your whole weight on one leg, a second take aside, try to keep it as straight as possible. Lean forward, lean on the arm, the other arm lift up. Both hands should create a straight line. Freeze for 5 breaths, repeat the same with the other side.

7. Variation of the exercises with a focus on one direction, shift your weight to the arm and leg on one side. Bend the other leg slightly back, grabbed it by hand in a bent position. After 5 breaths Change your leg and arm, and do the same on the other side.

8. A little rest before the next posture: sit down, cross-legged under her breathe deeply. With an emphasis on the outstretched arms and tried to lift his legs bent over the ground. Be patient: you must come out, the main thing - to continue to train and make a new attempt!

The body of the girl in good condition, it is practicing yoga for a long time and masterfully handles even very complex poses. But this does not mean that yoga is only available to people in good shape. Even if you do not feel prepared enough, it begins to do, and soon your body will be fit. Muscles trained under great static load, and the power of yoga. Do not forget about proper deep breathing. Tell a friend this complex exercise, to introduce them to yoga classes!
via takprosto cc
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