American psychologist Arthur Janov: "Love - is that it eliminates the pain."
Every person needs to relax sometimes. This applies to both adults and children. If a person is constantly stress, under pressure, it will inevitably suffer. In the case of children is especially dangerous - a little man who is experiencing discomfort in relationships with loved ones every day, risking grow neurotic. That is why children should be treated with care, in education to use reasonable methods and the most important thing - to teach the child to express their emotions and do it right. Resentment, anger, anger, have the right to exist, but the task of parents - to show your child how to cope with negative emotions constructively. And it is desirable - to show by example.
American psychologist and psychotherapist Arthur Janov supporter of therapy that allows an adult to once again become a child suffering and deal with their psychological problems arising from deep childhood. Children often suppress negative emotions in yourself, do not allow yourself to be angry and offended by their parents, who, instead of love and support award kid punishment. The child is scared, he was afraid that if he would do what he wants in fact, no one will love him.
Of these children grow nedolyublennosti adults: no matter how you try to show them their feelings, they still do not believe. They can not get enough of love, because love themselves such people have not learned. They generally tight with the manifestation of emotions. It - one of the symptoms of neurosis. The signs of neurosis is also anxiety, tearfulness and resentment, vulnerability, fatigue, preoccupation with the past, and especially - to stressful situations. Neurotics are easily prone to depression and frequent changes of mood, it is difficult to interact with others and create problems in a vacuum. Victory over neurosis possible. The best remedy for this pathological condition - love ...
Arthur Janov's clients were John Lennon, Yoko Ono, and Steve Jobs. In his books, the psychologist says, the highest manifestation of love - the person next to be yourself, to be free. A child or loved one is - it does not matter, it is impossible that a living being in a state of nervous tension. Do not suppress your feelings, spills them out. Coping with anger, stress and resentment through sport, favorite hobbies, enjoy peace dialogue. Allow yourself to show different emotions and teach them to your child. Understand the suppression of emotions leads to mental disorders. Internal conflict sooner or later manifest itself, and the consequences will be the most unexpected. Stop manipulating loved ones, do not make them feel guilty for something and the fear of you and please in any case do not do this with a child. We are all seriously ill by stress, which plunged the modern world. The only antidote to this - love!
Be closer to him, deal with their feelings. Mental Health, held a happy people - these heroes need our world. If you are interested in the opinion of the psychologist, show the article to a friend!
via takprosto cc

American psychologist and psychotherapist Arthur Janov supporter of therapy that allows an adult to once again become a child suffering and deal with their psychological problems arising from deep childhood. Children often suppress negative emotions in yourself, do not allow yourself to be angry and offended by their parents, who, instead of love and support award kid punishment. The child is scared, he was afraid that if he would do what he wants in fact, no one will love him.
Of these children grow nedolyublennosti adults: no matter how you try to show them their feelings, they still do not believe. They can not get enough of love, because love themselves such people have not learned. They generally tight with the manifestation of emotions. It - one of the symptoms of neurosis. The signs of neurosis is also anxiety, tearfulness and resentment, vulnerability, fatigue, preoccupation with the past, and especially - to stressful situations. Neurotics are easily prone to depression and frequent changes of mood, it is difficult to interact with others and create problems in a vacuum. Victory over neurosis possible. The best remedy for this pathological condition - love ...

Arthur Janov's clients were John Lennon, Yoko Ono, and Steve Jobs. In his books, the psychologist says, the highest manifestation of love - the person next to be yourself, to be free. A child or loved one is - it does not matter, it is impossible that a living being in a state of nervous tension. Do not suppress your feelings, spills them out. Coping with anger, stress and resentment through sport, favorite hobbies, enjoy peace dialogue. Allow yourself to show different emotions and teach them to your child. Understand the suppression of emotions leads to mental disorders. Internal conflict sooner or later manifest itself, and the consequences will be the most unexpected. Stop manipulating loved ones, do not make them feel guilty for something and the fear of you and please in any case do not do this with a child. We are all seriously ill by stress, which plunged the modern world. The only antidote to this - love!
Be closer to him, deal with their feelings. Mental Health, held a happy people - these heroes need our world. If you are interested in the opinion of the psychologist, show the article to a friend!
via takprosto cc
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