Alexander Yanov: therapy "primal"
American psychotherapists once again drew attention to "primary therapy", developed by Alexander Anavim 35 years ago. This scientist believed that the wild and primitive cries quite beneficial for your health, both physical and mental.
This is the conclusion John came on the basis of their clinical experience in a psychiatric hospital. He drew attention to the fact that some of his patients who suffered from psychoses and neuroses, spontaneously gave off a strong and inarticulate sounds. After that, patients came great relief, and has changed significantly for the better perception of the world — it became more balanced and rational.
Jani sat down at the books on the anthropology and found that the so-called primitive peoples long and loud cries are a fixture of various kinds of rituals, then that one is happy. Then John interviewed his friends from the football fans. They unanimously said that after screaming and yelling during the matches they not only weaken the symptoms of chronic disease but also significantly improved mental condition is depression, improves sleep quality, less drawn to alcohol.
For his "primal therapy" the wild cry of Janov developed the original theory. He came to the conclusion that psychosis and neurosis is a symbolic behavior that protects against excessive psychobiological pain associated with childhood traumas. Primary pain refers to the early life events that are left unreacted. Because of this, emotions and feelings accumulate in voltage. All this, according to Janov, prevents a person "to be a real person."
Treatment "primary scream" allows you to quickly overcome protective reactions and to "settle scores" with the primary pain, having experienced in full without any verbal elaboration and the very pain, and the events that caused the accident. According to the psychotherapy of Janov "primary scream" should be involuntary and powerful sound that will instantly Express the patient's response to past trauma.
If this "cry from the heart" will cause an experienced specialist, the person can be quickly destroyed "fake" a psychological system of protection from what Freud called "quiet horror of everyday life". That is, individuals no longer need to be alcohol, Smoking, drugs as ways to overcome the unbearable inner suffering.
Their views and methods Alexander Yanov stated in the famous book "Primary Creek primary therapy — the cure for the neuroses," published in 1971.
In America, Europe and Japan in the 70-ies of the last century there have been many psychotherapeutic groups, which appealed to thousands of sufferers. In many groups the classes were not experts, which led to sad results — instead of improving the condition of some even felt its deterioration. The problem was that not every loud cry is healing power. To invoke truly primal sound, the preliminary study with a professional and access to a certain emotional level.
But after therapy "primal" went out of fashion, it is referred to by many celebrities. So did Barbra Streisand, when she got a deep depression after learning that her only and beloved son was a homosexual. When he reached the verge of suicide, Streisand turned for help to the ANOVA.
After much persuasion, the scientist gave her fifteen sessions of "primary therapy". "I screamed so much, I haven't seen anything around — confessed Streisand magazine "rolling stone" — I couldn't stop because my brain left the demons of fear, sadness, disgust to the world and myself. I again became a mother and simultaneously felt by the child for whom the world is beautiful and good." After that, Streisand returned to the concert activity and was again successful in the movies.
The largest of modernity psychologist Stanislav Grof believes that the therapy "primal" Midsummer when skillful use has great healing properties and pays due attention to it in his book "Beyond the brain".
Grof believes that Janov originally put into practice a proven life open Jung — a primitive layer of the psyche, or collective unconscious, is the Foundation of mental health. And, well activating it, you can get rid of many illness and to help treat other diseases.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.pravda.ru/health/prophylaxis/psychotherapy/10-11-2006/203291-krik-0/
This is the conclusion John came on the basis of their clinical experience in a psychiatric hospital. He drew attention to the fact that some of his patients who suffered from psychoses and neuroses, spontaneously gave off a strong and inarticulate sounds. After that, patients came great relief, and has changed significantly for the better perception of the world — it became more balanced and rational.

Jani sat down at the books on the anthropology and found that the so-called primitive peoples long and loud cries are a fixture of various kinds of rituals, then that one is happy. Then John interviewed his friends from the football fans. They unanimously said that after screaming and yelling during the matches they not only weaken the symptoms of chronic disease but also significantly improved mental condition is depression, improves sleep quality, less drawn to alcohol.
For his "primal therapy" the wild cry of Janov developed the original theory. He came to the conclusion that psychosis and neurosis is a symbolic behavior that protects against excessive psychobiological pain associated with childhood traumas. Primary pain refers to the early life events that are left unreacted. Because of this, emotions and feelings accumulate in voltage. All this, according to Janov, prevents a person "to be a real person."
Treatment "primary scream" allows you to quickly overcome protective reactions and to "settle scores" with the primary pain, having experienced in full without any verbal elaboration and the very pain, and the events that caused the accident. According to the psychotherapy of Janov "primary scream" should be involuntary and powerful sound that will instantly Express the patient's response to past trauma.
If this "cry from the heart" will cause an experienced specialist, the person can be quickly destroyed "fake" a psychological system of protection from what Freud called "quiet horror of everyday life". That is, individuals no longer need to be alcohol, Smoking, drugs as ways to overcome the unbearable inner suffering.
Their views and methods Alexander Yanov stated in the famous book "Primary Creek primary therapy — the cure for the neuroses," published in 1971.

In America, Europe and Japan in the 70-ies of the last century there have been many psychotherapeutic groups, which appealed to thousands of sufferers. In many groups the classes were not experts, which led to sad results — instead of improving the condition of some even felt its deterioration. The problem was that not every loud cry is healing power. To invoke truly primal sound, the preliminary study with a professional and access to a certain emotional level.
But after therapy "primal" went out of fashion, it is referred to by many celebrities. So did Barbra Streisand, when she got a deep depression after learning that her only and beloved son was a homosexual. When he reached the verge of suicide, Streisand turned for help to the ANOVA.
After much persuasion, the scientist gave her fifteen sessions of "primary therapy". "I screamed so much, I haven't seen anything around — confessed Streisand magazine "rolling stone" — I couldn't stop because my brain left the demons of fear, sadness, disgust to the world and myself. I again became a mother and simultaneously felt by the child for whom the world is beautiful and good." After that, Streisand returned to the concert activity and was again successful in the movies.
The largest of modernity psychologist Stanislav Grof believes that the therapy "primal" Midsummer when skillful use has great healing properties and pays due attention to it in his book "Beyond the brain".
Grof believes that Janov originally put into practice a proven life open Jung — a primitive layer of the psyche, or collective unconscious, is the Foundation of mental health. And, well activating it, you can get rid of many illness and to help treat other diseases.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.pravda.ru/health/prophylaxis/psychotherapy/10-11-2006/203291-krik-0/