Tricks depression
The main trick of depression is the filter of perception/thinking/memory that it "imposes" person. All the negativity, which perhaps is drawn to the surface, is placed in the focus of attention and become huge. This is manifested, in particular, in the dark mondegreen and stonecrops ("next stop "Dead" instead of "Sokolniki").
The depression insists on internal locus of control for failures (if something does not work, it is definitely the fault of man, and more – an inevitable consequence of inherent features). Luck devalued and ignored. As a result, when one recalls the periods of life spent under the rule of the depression, the feeling of emptiness. As if nothing had happened. Depression stole a piece of my life.
The distortion of the perceived complexity of the action
If there are any actions that can and should make to improve their own status, depression will say that it is too difficult. Even if a person knows that if he goes out on the street, he gets better, and to go only 20 seconds – but it's necessary to dress up, to gather, to go, and there will be hot and will have to talk to people... "no, I'd rather sit at home".
We call one aspect of this distortion of the perceived complexity of the action "mode about save resources".
Depression says, "you have no strength, you need to save the remaining forces. If you're not going to do anything you don't spend power, and then when you really need it, you'll have it. And if you now spend, you can at the right time to be without power."
Such ideas do not come to mind is a healthy person out of depression. In remission it is clear that energy is not constant, the energy is dissipated if it is not filled. And the depression keeps people from taking action to care for themselves, on the grounds that "resource saving".
Breach of contact with feelings and sensations, you enable negative "loops" and "spirals" reasoning
Depression somehow come between a man, his consciousness and experience emotions, bodily sensations. All feelings blunted. The feeling of "glass wall" of isolation from themselves and from life. This person sees it as bad as trying to "understand" what's wrong with him, why he was so bad. As a result of such reflection condition is not improving, and self-critical thoughts fall to the next level: "what is wrong with me that I can't even understand what's wrong with me".
Insulation, pristegivaniem, "gagging"
Depression, like other "effective problem" (to use a term of Stephen Madigan), thrives in isolation. Depression fills one with that "only freaks" as he fall into a similar situation. Ashamed to talk about it, the more ashamed to seek help. If other people offer help, depression proposes to consider these initiatives as leniency and confirmation of the insolvency of the person ("a normal person should handle himself").
Aggravation of various problems from the past
When depression takes a hold of a person's life, many of the problems that had been left in the past, can emerge and emerge again – for example, shyness or aggression present in a person's life during adolescence.
The creation and consolidation of unhelpful bodily patterns
During the project we gathered a lot of participants rich descriptions of bodily patterns and speaker of the state characteristic of depression, and learned how better to recognize them.
— the characteristic posture "that hung her head, distraught what";
— aversionline muscle clamps, associated with the desire to "escape from itself" (clenched teeth, strained chewing muscles, strained neck and shoulder muscle like a man walking against a strong wind);
— muscle clamps and relatedheadache;
— morning hypoglycaemia, especially among new mothers nursing;
— they have the same, and adolescents – psycho-physiological response to sudden changes in hormone levels in the blood;
— inflammation and other violations, giving a sub-threshold level of pain (not such that there was a sense that we need to do something, but where else can you ignore the pain, but it spent a lot of energy, and the man himself don't notice it);
— lack of exercise, associated with "regime about saving resources," and the associated disruption of the natural secretion of endorphins.
Author: Daria Kutuzova
Also interested in: 10 signs that you have depression, and you are not aware of it
Flour and depression – the connection
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-99950428?offset=40&own=1&w=wall-99950428_152
- In this stand out and gain the brightness of the negative aspects.
- Future risks and threats.
- In the past – regret.

The depression insists on internal locus of control for failures (if something does not work, it is definitely the fault of man, and more – an inevitable consequence of inherent features). Luck devalued and ignored. As a result, when one recalls the periods of life spent under the rule of the depression, the feeling of emptiness. As if nothing had happened. Depression stole a piece of my life.
The distortion of the perceived complexity of the action
If there are any actions that can and should make to improve their own status, depression will say that it is too difficult. Even if a person knows that if he goes out on the street, he gets better, and to go only 20 seconds – but it's necessary to dress up, to gather, to go, and there will be hot and will have to talk to people... "no, I'd rather sit at home".
We call one aspect of this distortion of the perceived complexity of the action "mode about save resources".
Depression says, "you have no strength, you need to save the remaining forces. If you're not going to do anything you don't spend power, and then when you really need it, you'll have it. And if you now spend, you can at the right time to be without power."
Such ideas do not come to mind is a healthy person out of depression. In remission it is clear that energy is not constant, the energy is dissipated if it is not filled. And the depression keeps people from taking action to care for themselves, on the grounds that "resource saving".
Breach of contact with feelings and sensations, you enable negative "loops" and "spirals" reasoning
Depression somehow come between a man, his consciousness and experience emotions, bodily sensations. All feelings blunted. The feeling of "glass wall" of isolation from themselves and from life. This person sees it as bad as trying to "understand" what's wrong with him, why he was so bad. As a result of such reflection condition is not improving, and self-critical thoughts fall to the next level: "what is wrong with me that I can't even understand what's wrong with me".
Insulation, pristegivaniem, "gagging"
Depression, like other "effective problem" (to use a term of Stephen Madigan), thrives in isolation. Depression fills one with that "only freaks" as he fall into a similar situation. Ashamed to talk about it, the more ashamed to seek help. If other people offer help, depression proposes to consider these initiatives as leniency and confirmation of the insolvency of the person ("a normal person should handle himself").

Aggravation of various problems from the past
When depression takes a hold of a person's life, many of the problems that had been left in the past, can emerge and emerge again – for example, shyness or aggression present in a person's life during adolescence.
The creation and consolidation of unhelpful bodily patterns
During the project we gathered a lot of participants rich descriptions of bodily patterns and speaker of the state characteristic of depression, and learned how better to recognize them.
— the characteristic posture "that hung her head, distraught what";
— aversionline muscle clamps, associated with the desire to "escape from itself" (clenched teeth, strained chewing muscles, strained neck and shoulder muscle like a man walking against a strong wind);
— muscle clamps and relatedheadache;
— morning hypoglycaemia, especially among new mothers nursing;
— they have the same, and adolescents – psycho-physiological response to sudden changes in hormone levels in the blood;
— inflammation and other violations, giving a sub-threshold level of pain (not such that there was a sense that we need to do something, but where else can you ignore the pain, but it spent a lot of energy, and the man himself don't notice it);
— lack of exercise, associated with "regime about saving resources," and the associated disruption of the natural secretion of endorphins.
Author: Daria Kutuzova
Also interested in: 10 signs that you have depression, and you are not aware of it
Flour and depression – the connection
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/wall-99950428?offset=40&own=1&w=wall-99950428_152