“Getting to work is a total torment. It's been 35 years. No one notices these signs of depression!
About one in four, at least occasionally, experienced depression. Despite the fact that we all experience sadness or blues from time to time, depression is what causes the unhappy person to experience negative emotions, depression, fatigue and sleep disturbance for weeks, months, or even years. And sometimes we do not even realize that the person close to us is in the chains of a serious problem.
The problem manifests itself in completely different ways, sometimes obvious, and sometimes not at all. Try to understand, the person just misses or he has latent depression. Editorial "Site" Share with you real facts about the lives of people suffering from depression. This is what sometimes dictates a difficult emotional state. Take a closer look, maybe in one of these stories you recognize your friend who needs help.
Signs of depression
Most people believe that depression is just such a great sadness. But if you have not experienced depression yourself, you may not know how deep it extends. Emotional state of a person - the guarantee of vivacity, productivity, success and happiness.
Look closely, perhaps the bad behavior of your friend is not a trick of his character, but a real cry for help! Be a good friend to someone in a difficult state of mind. Let your loved one survive this problem, recognize its importance, be close and be patient - you will surely win the disease shoulder to shoulder.
Do not forget to share this informative article with your friends on social networks.

The problem manifests itself in completely different ways, sometimes obvious, and sometimes not at all. Try to understand, the person just misses or he has latent depression. Editorial "Site" Share with you real facts about the lives of people suffering from depression. This is what sometimes dictates a difficult emotional state. Take a closer look, maybe in one of these stories you recognize your friend who needs help.
Signs of depression
- “I can't stand phone calls. I prefer texting. I feel better. I also avoid people. Not because I feel bad about them, but because I am sure that no one loves me.
- “I’m not afraid of depression, I’m afraid of people who constantly say: “everything is sad, stop moping” – “I also have depression, but I cope.” Everyone's depression is different. I'm glad some people find it easier than me, but that doesn't make it easier for me.”
- “I go to bed at 21:00 and sleep awake until 11:00 a.m. Then the hardest thing is to get up. Taking a shower is another problem. And keep the house in order...
- “I specially take a shift at work during the holidays so that I do not have to communicate with my family. It is too difficult for me to be in their company, to talk about the future and about life, so I just avoid them.
777197 - “My friends think I’m a lazy freebie because I haven’t worked since I graduated from university. They don’t realize that I want to work more than anything, but the constant flow of negativity in my head discourages even writing a resume.
- “I accept invitations, but I always refuse to come at the last minute. I always come up with a clever excuse, but in reality I'm just afraid. As a result, my friends don’t really want to see me, they just feel sorry for me.
- “When I was suffering from depression, I felt like I was in the clutches of some doll-driver villain who kept whispering to me, ‘You can’t rejoice, you have no desires, you have no strength, you have no appetite, you have no future.’” Like my soul was stolen. Until you experience it yourself, you won't understand. You can't wish the worst enemy!
- “I would really like people to understand that depression is the reason for my laziness, unwillingness to communicate with anyone, ignoring personal hygiene and inadequate reactions to all sorts of trifles.”
- “I used to suffer from depression, but those close to me didn’t notice it, because I smiled and joked all the time with them. As a result, I made a joyful and easy impression, but within me there was nothing but darkness, despondency and hopelessness.”
- “I am angry, aggressive or rude towards loved ones. I don’t notice it myself, but then I realize my actions and suffer that I took out anger on loved ones.”
- “Isolating myself, not reaching my potential at work for lack of interest in anything. I always make self-deprecating jokes. I often say, “I laugh so I don’t cry.” Unfortunately, that is the truth.”
- “I don’t do simple things like laundry, I don’t want to cook, and I don’t want to eat. People think I'm just lazy.”
- “When I talk to people, I often shut down or shut up, but people don’t know it’s because of depression. They think I'm being impolite or deliberately frostbite.”
- “Constantly canceling plans out of constant anxiety. I stay at home and don't go anywhere. I barely get out of bed in the morning. It's fucking exhausting. Going to work is a torment. It's been 35 years.
- “My depression is impenetrable drunkenness. Most people think I want to be the soul of the company or just like to drink. A lot of people even admire it. But my problem is much more serious.”
- “I hardly speak in big companies, especially when I first meet. I shut myself down because of anxiety and depression. People think I'm showing off. In fact, I'm terribly afraid that they don't like me or that they'll think I'm crazy at first sight.
- “When I’m depressed, my husband and I are more likely to eat in restaurants, have a mess at home, and spend hours watching TV or reading to take cover. But there is simply no energy.”
- “Hiding on the phone. Yes, I am addicted to him, but not as much as others. I don't communicate on social media. I play games or shop online to distract myself from dark thoughts. This is my security cocoon”.
- “My brain is inhibited and I cannot answer questions quickly. Especially when people ask me what I want. I don't want anything. I am isolated from the world because I do not want to be in a situation where I have to answer such questions. It exhausts me.
- “I wake up feeling like a fiasco. I have to convince myself every morning that I am doing a good job, that my children love me, that my husband needs me. And if I don't go to work, everything just shuts down. I can't move.”
Most people believe that depression is just such a great sadness. But if you have not experienced depression yourself, you may not know how deep it extends. Emotional state of a person - the guarantee of vivacity, productivity, success and happiness.
Look closely, perhaps the bad behavior of your friend is not a trick of his character, but a real cry for help! Be a good friend to someone in a difficult state of mind. Let your loved one survive this problem, recognize its importance, be close and be patient - you will surely win the disease shoulder to shoulder.
Do not forget to share this informative article with your friends on social networks.
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