10 signs that you have depression and you do not know it
Depression is debilitating and insidious. Excessive self-confidence, increased libido, insensitiveness. All these are signs of impending disaster. The longer you close your eyes to the disease, the worse. Test yourself.
There is an unprecedented epidemic of depression in the world. Psychological illness is already compared with a cold by the frequency of the disease. 10-25% of women and 5-12% of men (US statistics) go to the clinic with a diagnosis of depression. The crisis only exacerbates the situation.
If you ignore or deny the disease, you are not cured, but only achieve that every day it will get worse.warns psychotherapist, professor of clinical psychiatry at Harvard Medical School Stephen Burglas.
Here are ten signs that will help detect the disorder at an early stage.
1. Too confident and fearless.
Many people struggle with depression by acting the opposite of how they feel. Take over a rival company? To quit and open a restaurant? Bold actions make people feel invincible. But it's crazy. Depression is born out of a sense of self-control and helplessness (in some cases, a biochemical imbalance is to blame). Purposeful people hate these feelings and try to find a way out in action. But eventually they get even worse.
2. From one drink at lunch to three
“Alcohol is an anesthesia that allows you to undergo an operation called life.” – George Bernard Shaw The observation remains relevant to this day. Drinking is the most common tactic for healing emotional wounds. The downside is that when you finally admit depression, you will have to treat not only the head, but also the liver.
3. Obsessed with success in bed
Libido rages? If you notice that you have traded monogamy for seducing everything moving, this is a sure sign that you are trying to hide depression in the folds of sheets.
4. Move quickly from conflict to fight
The most common and stupid way to dull the feeling of helplessness is to show that you are not a whipping boy. Cut off on the road? Catch up and teach the bastard a lesson. Rejected the idea on brainstorming? Meet a self-assured idiot outside the office and put him in his place. If you are lucky, the bruises will drown out the emotional pain.
5. You don't feel anything.
In order not to be sad, many people completely abandon feelings. As a result, a person gets stuck in “neutral” emotions, condemning himself to more and more pain. Worse yet, the zombie way creates a tense environment and alienates those who care about us.
6. You can't get out of society.
To immerse yourself in communication – at first glance, a sound idea. It helps a lot of people. However, if this is just an attempt to drown out thoughts and feelings that torment the soul, then a calendar of meetings is not an option. You will not be a happy companion anyway. It’s like a stock market game: to start investing again, you must first get rid of toxic assets.
7. Can't concentrate.
Everyone's thoughts are confused. But how to avoid reckless actions by those who are completely powerless over themselves due to depression? We need to weed out sound thoughts from potentially dangerous ones. How? Healthy entail changes in life, they can be implemented in several stages. Unhealthy promises to turn you from an ordinary person into a movie star overnight.
8. Have difficulty accepting praise and gestures of goodwill
Psychologist Martin Seligman, who turned people’s ideas about depression, studied the behavior of dogs that received electric shocks. Eventually, the animals lay helplessly in cages and ignored the twitching of leashes that could protect them from electric shocks. It’s the same with people: just because you notice that you’re ignoring good gestures or just human warmth, it doesn’t mean you’re some rebel or disgruntled person. You're depressed.
9. You work hard, but you're stupid.
People with depression don’t see new solutions to old problems. Instead, they repeat again and again what they did before. A classic example of the path to happiness: if you spend a few hours a week in the gym, an extra thirty minutes each day will lift your mood for a while. But it's an ephemeral relief. When it dissipates, get off the treadmill and get to the bottom of what's bothering you.
Also interesting: Hole theory: Do you feel like you’re missing something?
Shell of resentment: try to crack!
10. You laugh and cry from time to time for no reason.
In psychiatry, there is the concept of “inadequate affect”. This is when behavior and incentive to behavior are not related to each other. People in depression are violently greeted with minor sad news, really bad news is missed.
This kind of depression, similar to alexithymia (when it is difficult for a person to determine their own emotions and the emotions of others), can really put a person out of balance. The author of the note tells the story of one client who cried in the theater at a children's play, when the deer lost their mother, and when the partner brought him documents about the closure of the business, he threw them in a folder with current affairs and went to lunch.
Author: Alexander Shenaev
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: www.e-xecutive.ru/community/life/1520904-desyat-priznakov-chto-u-vas-depressiya-a-vy-i-ne-dogadyvaetes-ob-etom
There is an unprecedented epidemic of depression in the world. Psychological illness is already compared with a cold by the frequency of the disease. 10-25% of women and 5-12% of men (US statistics) go to the clinic with a diagnosis of depression. The crisis only exacerbates the situation.
If you ignore or deny the disease, you are not cured, but only achieve that every day it will get worse.warns psychotherapist, professor of clinical psychiatry at Harvard Medical School Stephen Burglas.
Here are ten signs that will help detect the disorder at an early stage.

1. Too confident and fearless.
Many people struggle with depression by acting the opposite of how they feel. Take over a rival company? To quit and open a restaurant? Bold actions make people feel invincible. But it's crazy. Depression is born out of a sense of self-control and helplessness (in some cases, a biochemical imbalance is to blame). Purposeful people hate these feelings and try to find a way out in action. But eventually they get even worse.
2. From one drink at lunch to three
“Alcohol is an anesthesia that allows you to undergo an operation called life.” – George Bernard Shaw The observation remains relevant to this day. Drinking is the most common tactic for healing emotional wounds. The downside is that when you finally admit depression, you will have to treat not only the head, but also the liver.
3. Obsessed with success in bed
Libido rages? If you notice that you have traded monogamy for seducing everything moving, this is a sure sign that you are trying to hide depression in the folds of sheets.
4. Move quickly from conflict to fight
The most common and stupid way to dull the feeling of helplessness is to show that you are not a whipping boy. Cut off on the road? Catch up and teach the bastard a lesson. Rejected the idea on brainstorming? Meet a self-assured idiot outside the office and put him in his place. If you are lucky, the bruises will drown out the emotional pain.

5. You don't feel anything.
In order not to be sad, many people completely abandon feelings. As a result, a person gets stuck in “neutral” emotions, condemning himself to more and more pain. Worse yet, the zombie way creates a tense environment and alienates those who care about us.
6. You can't get out of society.
To immerse yourself in communication – at first glance, a sound idea. It helps a lot of people. However, if this is just an attempt to drown out thoughts and feelings that torment the soul, then a calendar of meetings is not an option. You will not be a happy companion anyway. It’s like a stock market game: to start investing again, you must first get rid of toxic assets.
7. Can't concentrate.
Everyone's thoughts are confused. But how to avoid reckless actions by those who are completely powerless over themselves due to depression? We need to weed out sound thoughts from potentially dangerous ones. How? Healthy entail changes in life, they can be implemented in several stages. Unhealthy promises to turn you from an ordinary person into a movie star overnight.
8. Have difficulty accepting praise and gestures of goodwill
Psychologist Martin Seligman, who turned people’s ideas about depression, studied the behavior of dogs that received electric shocks. Eventually, the animals lay helplessly in cages and ignored the twitching of leashes that could protect them from electric shocks. It’s the same with people: just because you notice that you’re ignoring good gestures or just human warmth, it doesn’t mean you’re some rebel or disgruntled person. You're depressed.
9. You work hard, but you're stupid.
People with depression don’t see new solutions to old problems. Instead, they repeat again and again what they did before. A classic example of the path to happiness: if you spend a few hours a week in the gym, an extra thirty minutes each day will lift your mood for a while. But it's an ephemeral relief. When it dissipates, get off the treadmill and get to the bottom of what's bothering you.

Also interesting: Hole theory: Do you feel like you’re missing something?
Shell of resentment: try to crack!
10. You laugh and cry from time to time for no reason.
In psychiatry, there is the concept of “inadequate affect”. This is when behavior and incentive to behavior are not related to each other. People in depression are violently greeted with minor sad news, really bad news is missed.
This kind of depression, similar to alexithymia (when it is difficult for a person to determine their own emotions and the emotions of others), can really put a person out of balance. The author of the note tells the story of one client who cried in the theater at a children's play, when the deer lost their mother, and when the partner brought him documents about the closure of the business, he threw them in a folder with current affairs and went to lunch.
Author: Alexander Shenaev
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: www.e-xecutive.ru/community/life/1520904-desyat-priznakov-chto-u-vas-depressiya-a-vy-i-ne-dogadyvaetes-ob-etom