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Depression is canceled - the practice 3 good things

We believe that the idea of ​​the book psychotherapist Richard O'Connor "Depression is canceled. How to return to a life without drugs and doctors' merit wide dissemination, especially in our country where many consider depression weakness or laziness. Therefore, for those who have not read the books, we publish 5 important ideas of Richard O'Connor:

Depression - not a weakness of character, and a very serious disease
Depression - a common affliction of modern society. But many do not attach much importance to it, considering the weakness of character, laziness, time blues. However, denying the existence of the problem, we will only strengthen it. Clinical depression is difficult to detect, it is a very serious disease. Depression leads to disability and is one of the most expensive diseases in terms of the economic burden for society. During the depression occur different biochemical processes in the brain that lead to the death of brain cells. With timely detection of depression, you can stop the process and teach people react differently to stress.
What is depression? Each felt sadness, sorrow, weariness, disappointment. But, as the author notes, between sadness and clinical depression is about the same difference as between the common cold and pneumonia.

Depressive disorders - the disease "the whole person". This affected the body, feelings, thoughts, behavior changes, and there is a feeling that to seek help is useless. 80-90% of patients can be cured, but only a third of patients tends to recover. Prevents the belief that depression - a character flaw rather than an illness or emotional disorder

. The key symptom of depression - sleep disturbance. The person or can not fall asleep and wake up too early, or sleeping for a long time, but still can not rest. It is characterized by constant fatigue and clouded thinking.

The manifestations of depression can be quite different
Depression can manifest itself very differently, as sadness and retreat and aggression and anger as lethargy, laziness and procrastination and how obsessive workaholism.
Richard O'Connor in his book talks about different aspects of manifestation of depression - emotions, behavior, outlook on life, relationships with others and to themselves

. For example, behavioral skills of depression can be so:

Work till you drop, inability to prioritize, thoughtless move forward.
Obsessive and compulsive behaviors.
Aggression, violence and acting out.
Victimization and self-harm.
Depressive people are afraid of feelings
People in Depression talent suppress feelings, build protective barriers. A self-denial and self-sacrifice elevate to the heights, almost losing his own «I».

A depressed person is constantly feels guilty for their desires and feelings, although not aware of them. "So, once you are in any case will feel guilty, it is better to know what it is: if this is possible to do something»

. The awareness of the feelings - the first step in overcoming the guilt. When it comes to moral choice, listen to your feelings, do not turn on protective mechanisms. Protective reaction of people need, but depressed patients include them too often. All that matters is the first positive impressions. Learn to speak and discuss their feelings.

Patients with depression often say that the mood change was no reason, no reason at all. However, mood swings do not happen just like that, they are caused by repressed feelings. Patients should monitor their mood, to understand what lay behind. Keep a diary mood swings, record external and internal events, find a relationship. Once understand than mood changes caused, they will cease to happen suddenly.

Patients with depression develop anhedonia - the inability to experience positive emotions, as well as atsediya - despondency and laziness. All ceases to be fun. For depression joy ceases to be the norm, so they need to cultivate it, to train to be in good health. If the patient feels happiness, it is necessary to show all if proud - to maintain that feeling. Every time will become easier to make their feelings.

Learn to express the feelings of the actors. When they play sad, they feel sad when the show joy - rejoice

. Depressive assumptions that make it more vulnerable to depression
Depressed person severe critic of himself, he constantly berates himself, feels defective and deprived. He considers unfeasible requirements that it imposes life. He does not expect anything good from the future and believes that the suffering will never end.

Critical estimates and logical errors of perception of the patient's depression:
Selective abstraction (torn concentration on context).
Excessive liability.
Fixation on himself.
Dichotomous thinking (everything is divided into black and white, only good or only bad).
Emotional thinking (gut feeling).
Cognitive errors of this kind - self-fulfilling prophecies. If you always expect the poor, it will definitely happen.
Depressive assumptions that make it more vulnerable to depression:
"To be happy, we must be successful in everything I undertake.
To be happy, I need to be accepted by all and always.
If I'm wrong, then I'm incompetent.
I can not live without you.
If someone does not agree with me, then I do not like him.
My value as a person depends on what other people think about me. »
These thoughts arise from the constant nagging to him. But you can not always please everyone and be loved by all. If you go with a grim expression on his face, people will avoid you, and you will be strong in the thought that no one likes. Smiling, you can create a completely different impression.

recovery program Depression - not just the disease, but also a social problem. It occurs when the inability to withstand stress and to treat it should be a specialist. The author is concerned that in recent years there is a bias toward drug treatment rather than treatment. All the more so with medical treatment and short-term there is the risk of relapse. While recovery without drugs can reduce the risk of relapse.

General principles of recovery:
Experience their feelings. Do not avoid emotions.
Everything has a reason. If the mood is changing, something is happening. Find what makes you feel bad.
Practise mindfulness meditation.
Do not stop practicing. Only constant practice new behavior can help cure brain.
Climb on depressive thinking. Use diary dysfunctional thoughts and me.
Set your priorities.
Take care of yourself.
Chat. People can not read thoughts, talking about their desires and feelings.
Look for heroes. Find the people who command respect, and try to be like them. Or read biographies of famous people.
Be generous. It is not necessary to distribute the money. Be generous aid and rescue.
Learn intimacy. Depressive people are afraid of intimacy, open your favorite.
Ask for help when they need it.
Be creative. Creativity - the antithesis
depression Richard O'Connor recommended every evening to do the exercise "three good things»:

When going to sleep, do not think about different issues, focus on three good things that happened to you during the day. It can be not only meaningful things, but little things - good lunch, a compliment from a stranger. Focus on the pleasant sensations and go to sleep.