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The hidden meaning of life

There is a question that philosophers have always worried - this is life and its various aspects: there is life, there is eternal death, what happens when we leave the scene of this world? And there is a question that takes very personally, me, the fact is that all who live today, are condemned to death. We all have to die.

Often, we think - while adhering to overly materialistic positions - that we should not think about it too much, but better, and do not touch the subject; without a doubt, it is obvious that we are all born, we live, and sooner or later will have to die.

I - as a philosopher and as a person - the concern is that people are not concerned about the issue of the essence and meaning of life. There are things that are to a greater or lesser extent all concerned - for example, political or economic problems - but there is a problem that affects everyone. After all die.

So I - as a philosopher and as a person - it seems strange that so many people did not wonder about themselves and do not seek the answer to the greatest sources of ancient wisdom and the greatest thinkers of our time

. We know that everything in the world in one way or another is alive. We used to all substances without hesitation divided into organic and inorganic, and even now continue to distinguish between organic and inorganic chemistry. We say that a dog, cat, people are living beings, as a window or a piece of wood - no. But why?

Studies conducted over the centuries, shows that all things, all beings are composed of the same chemical elements and various kinds of interactions: mechanical, thermal, electrical, magnetic, etc.

.. It is very difficult to say where there is life, and where not. It seems to us that if a cat purrs when petted her, and cries when she is beaten, it is, of course, live. But just when I hit a piece of wood, it makes a sound ... And the sound that occurs when the impact here of the ancient Etruscan rings of a tree, and the tree has a voice. And if we bend or break the tree, it is crackling, and this crack will be the cry of agony of the dying creature. That is, from a philosophical point of view, we can not distinguish between what is alive and what is not.

Classical philosophy teaches us another way: do not operate absolutes. In this world, everything is relative. There is absolutely great and absolutely small, black or white - there is nothing that would be of absolute performance. In the manifested world is a relative phenomenon. I'm talking to you about 15-20 minutes, pronouncing some words, and in half an hour stop doing this - each time its simple, direct appointment, which should not be confused with its essence

. Any object in itself is neither good nor bad. It receives only the characteristics according to the purpose for which it is used. The knife in the hands of a robber, a robber would be an instrument of violence and death. And the same knife in the hands of the surgeon is to do good, saving lives. So, the knife - is it good or bad? Here is one example of relativity. But this scene is big or small? If we compare it, for example, an ant, it is huge, and if with the whole of Madrid, is tiny. In space there is no value of any age.

If we try to approach these questions of life with such a position, you may come to the conclusion that from a scientific point of view or that are not quite perfect, but remain deeply human. And most importantly, they will help us to live, while we continue our spiritual search. The first question that we set for ourselves - what is life? After all the characteristics that we use to determine the living beings, it is suitable for living beings, but do not cover entirely the very Life.

Plato distinguished between perfect and beautiful things. Imagine a garden, and in it a statue and man. We say that this garden, the statue, the people are lovely. Why? Because they reflect the particle nature of the Beautiful. It's fine - it's essence, creature, standing far above all manifestations, and only reflects itself in them. That is how it reveals itself, although it is very difficult to catch: since slipping from the hands of the sand, and the more we squeeze his hand, trying to hold it, the faster it flows away

. Thus, we can conclude that all that surrounds us is alive.

Life, as such, according to the ancient philosophers, reveals itself as an activity, activity; all that is active, we call living, and everything that falls short of the border, has some other life that we sometimes can not understand.

After all, there is God, there are gods and they are definitely alive. But they are living in a different dimension, different from the one in which we exist. They live on a different level of consciousness and a different level of time. The concept of time is also very concerning. For a tiny insect few hours sometimes make life, and for the star period of human life - but only momentarily. So time measurements are very relative. And behind all these relativities, we need to discern the hidden meaning of life.

What is Life? Why does it exist? What gives us the opportunity? How to manifest itself? The answers to these questions can be found in many exercises.

Materialist theories argue that life arose at random: the collision of certain items that do not have life, there was a spark of life, and this spark continues to exist permanently

. From a philosophical point of view, it is clear that this theory is not very thoroughly, because ... What moves this a fluke? We could answer: nothing, but ... It turns out that there is something that is not moved by anything? But this is impossible. After all, everything that moves must have its engine, it should be something that gives him the impetus to move, even if this push will be similar to what Aristotle once described. He spoke of the universal motor, which itself remains stationary, while the prompts to action all things. It is tempting to think that our understanding of the speed is also very relative.

Religious teachings convey to us the idea of ​​some kind of cosmic beings, often personified, which breathes life into their creations. But then the question arises: who, then, did this very Cosmic Essence of God, or the gods - we can call them as we want, it's not so important

. I recall one example that led my old teacher. I think he can help us. Imagine our mind - our concrete mind, not the mind of a higher order - in the form of a spoon. We immerse it in a bowl and scoop a few cubic centimeters of water. If we plunge it into the Pacific Ocean, then scoop out exactly the same. In other words, it's not about where to draw the answers to their questions, and to increase its "spoon" - to expand its field of consciousness that each time "scoop" more and more - more and more understood. And this is a great individual work.

Philosophy assumes that each of us must develop as an individual, because each of us has its own rhythm, their own destiny, their creative potentials. But this should not become an obstacle to unite in order to be together, to communicate, to conduct scientific research, to engage in literary work or - as now - talk to each other, although it is in the form of lectures. In fact, behind this search and meeting each of us with ourselves, with our problems.

Inside man has everything ... Only the meeting with yourself and with the intimate voice of your heart will give you answers to many issues of our concern, and what's more, they will give you the inner confidence, in which each of you needs so much ... All the other usual interpretation in one or some form are part of the generally accepted belief, and talking about it, I do not mean only the only religious ideas.

Materialists ridicule belief in the existence of nature spirits, angels, gods. The arguments are plain: they had never seen before. The philosophical answer to this is very simple and anyone seen an atom? Has anyone measured the distance from the Earth to the Moon? Have you personally ever been to Japan? But then it is quite possible to call into question the existence of atoms, and the distance from the Earth to the Moon, and the reality of Japan.

In general, none of us, with a few exceptions, there is in this personal and direct experience. We just believe in it - as a trust, for example, in the existence of Troy. But then it is not too difficult to accept as a working hypothesis of the existence of some sentient beings, even if invisible, which is somehow directed life, although we do not see.

Similarly, people have not seen the Carolingian period or bacteria or any other germs. But the plague raged at that time in Europe. They certainly were, although the culprits were never seen again. So, it is possible that there are some creatures that encourage or guiding force of life. We can not see them, but only perceive on the implications of their work - but after all, everything we judge by results. If I let go of the microphone, it will fall. Will we see in this case the law of gravity? No, we will see a fallen-in microphone, and no more. Mass of the Earth, many times greater than the mass of the microphone will cause him to fall, and we will be able to observe the consequences of the actions of one of the laws of nature - but not the law itself

. Those aspects of life that we find the essence of her symptoms. We continue this thread of thought: who can convince us that we did not exist before, before appearing here on this plane of existence? And that we do not continue to exist when here we will be gone? From the point of view of logic, from the standpoint of philosophy, we in no way can not reject the possibility of the existence of the continuity of life, the flow is constantly manifested in some form and at some level, visible or not visible to us.

Someone might think that we are talking about a limited period of time, making many thousands of years. Maybe; but an eternity for us. Thus, the ancient eastern books tell about the great cycles of time - Manvantaras and Pralaya. For us, every one of them is an eternity, although it has a specific, expected, or maybe the actual number of years.

The ancients believed that all manifested there due to the great Makrobiosu, huge living entity. Hindus call it Brahma and represent that it is asleep, it wakes up, it wakes up, then falls asleep again. Such a legend there and in the West - a legend of King of Peace, who was asleep, but wakes up when the time comes. According to these ancient teachings, there is something continuous, which we perceive as intermittent as are focusing on the one part, then another.

Therefore, the ancient philosophers believed that the universe is not a product of chance, it is like a huge living being. Platonists and Neoplatonists also tell us about this great living being, part of which is visible Universe, which has - compared with our body - its "organs", "tissue" and "cells". According to his image and likeness in the universe galaxies, the sun, the planets are nothing else than the life of this great Being, which, like a man, just somewhere in the beginning of his way, as developed and as somewhere to go. < br>
If we get rid of their own prejudices, we see that all things are in motion. I have been in the deserts of Egypt and other places where many thousands of years through the amazing preserved magnificent buildings.

Among them there are the temple, that I want to remember. When approaching it from a distance it seems that he is still alive, that just about out of it come the priests, to welcome us on the verge of re-zakolyshutsya vane Amon ... But as soon as you approach closer, it becomes clear that all is recorded sand, cracked stones from that time that the column not fall because props each other. This ancient temple is alive, he was born when it was hewn stones, erected his columns and sculpted his statue.

This is the temple of Karnak - perhaps the greatest church in the world. It was conceived not by chance, it was at a historical necessity - theological, political, social, today it is possible to understand it as you like. Its construction was entrusted to the most skillful masters, they found the walls for the best stones. The temple was designed to show the infinity of the land on which it stands, Infinity, reflecting the heavens beyond. He became the bridge between heaven and earth, establishing a link between stars and earth symbols. In order to build it, it was necessary to carry out serious astronomical and astrological studies.

For this great temple added more and more new details and elements - until the era of Ramesside and later times. He served for centuries, but gradually there were signs of aging; at some point it was abandoned, and the destruction of his continued ...

The universe once began, in whatever form we imagine or represent - whether following the Big Bang theory or the ancient religious beliefs, claiming that it is derived from the face of Brahma, or was created by a particular god. The universe once began. The universe is in motion.

The ancients believed - and we philosophers, we can only confirm it with my own thoughts - that is what the Indians called Sadhana, the meaning of life, there is, for the present in all living beings

. I always ask my students to watch the fire and water. If we pour water on top of any place, it will fall, move, move. Water has a special search for wisdom: she rushes to his goal and moves, moves without stopping. When she can not find the right path, she folds; so the river forms a bend, bends around rocks and mountains, moving inexorably until it reaches the sea. What happens then? The heat evaporates the water and turns it into the clouds; these clouds are floating in the air, until, at some point, not to rain. And here it is again, the water, and fell to the ground, she was again looking for a way to the sea.

But if water has this wisdom and this power to live, look, face obstacles, rise up, go back again for a new experience, and again reach the highest point of the cycle, why can not we live in accordance with this law? Even if our body is composed mostly of water, why it might not aspire to the same goal, why our soul could not move like that says Plotinus, to the world soul, to another plane of existence, a vibration, where she much easier and safer than here?

It does not look like the movement of water in the embodiment and disembodiment, on the birth and death? When we are born, our soul as if condensed into water droplets. Each of us - one drop, and these people drop-connect, move along the path, forming a society, and in it the group, until not "fall into the sea", as if dissolved in it. And perhaps there is some kind of cosmic force which again takes us, once again turns in these invisible "spirits", which at one time back down to earth.

What I'm telling you - a certain logical probability, although in ancient times it was considered irrefutable truth. An old hypothesis states that this is not only true, but also logical, because if it were not so, life would be too cruel. We would have been in the midst of this madness. Imagine: we are entering the stage of this world, in Spain, Tanzania or any other location where born; We are born, we grow, we say, it's your mom, your dad, uncle, grandmother; send us to college, we learn, live, love, hate, solve problems; and that's when we have sufficiently studied the life, the same hand that led us, takes us out of here. We have already received a great experience, really have learned to live - and then we have gone from the scene

. If all this does not make sense, it does not continue, the world is truly insane.

Watch the plant, the most common plants from those that we breed in the country, and you will see that it created a brilliant, in a reasonable manner. There is much talk about solar, catching the sun's rays, but these "batteries" existed before the carbon. It leaves of plants. Plant leaves catch the sun's rays for photosynthesis; Moreover, through the capillary system (Open Physics few centuries ago) plants reach that their vital juices rise from the roots to the leaves, updated, and fall back to the roots. But this is just great, awesome conceived! And now we take the animal, such as a leopard or a tiger. Why the tiger stripes? What have Brazilian leopard spots? Тигр полосатый, поскольку он обитает в зарослях бамбука, и полосы создают ему такой камуфляж, что его практически не видно. Бразильский леопард пятнистый, потому что живет в сельве, где много цветов и листьев разного цвета, темных и ярких, и пятна на шкуре животного, смешиваясь с цветами и листьями, делают его незаметным.

Все это говорит о том, что существуют иные, нежели наш, виды разума, сущности, которые замышляли, создавали и создают до сих пор архетипы, принципы, управляющие растениями и животными. Но что мы можем сказать, к примеру, о минералах? Вы видели скалы, камни, кристаллы? Вы видели, какие совершенные формы они создают, подчас даже более совершенные, чем Великая Пирамида? И как Природа могла из одного и того же вещества, углерода, создать непрозрачный графит и прозрачный алмаз? Это показывает, что в Природе существует единая мысль, управляющая всем, что все подчинено единому замыслу.

Но неужели То или Тот, кто придумал для амеб удивительную способность изменять свое поверхностное натяжение, позволяющую им двигаться, кто изобрел для птиц полые кости, делающие их легкими и дающие им возможность летать, кто создал эскиз рыбьей чешуи, благодаря которой рыбы могут легко передвигаться в воде, кто наделил их плавательным пузырем, чтобы погружаться и всплывать не хуже современных субмарин, — неужели Тот, кто задумал все это, ограничился лишь физическим строением, не задумав также строение психологическое, ментальное и, в конечном счете, само наше предназначение?

Как же можно думать, что этот космический Разум позаботился о растениях, животных и минералах, но не подумал о человеке — ведь мы тоже живые существа! Жизнь существует, ее задумал Некто, Нечто, и она задумана прекрасно. Why? Для чего трудился в такой мере и с такой интенсивностью Разум, придавая всему эту совершенную гармонию? Ведь все это для чего-то нужно. Никто не возводит мост, если по нему никто не будет ходить. Никто не строит лодку, если на ней никто не будет плавать. Никто не делает стул, если на нем никто не будет сидеть. Очевидно, что наш органический состав и органический состав Природы созданы для чего-то, созданы, чтобы послужить чему-то, что должно быть гораздо больше, чем просто цель сама по себе, что может принести пользу.

И это «что-то», которому они служат, этого «некто», который будет пользоваться всеми этими чудесными формами, мы, философы, называем Душой, Духом, пронизывающим все. Очевидно, что нам, заключенным в свою тюрьму из плоти и погруженным в экономические, семейные, бытовые проблемы, подчас бывает очень трудно задуматься об этих вопросах.

Я вспоминаю фрагмент из книги Овидия Назона «Искусство любви».

Когда я впервые прочитал ее, она произвела на меня очень сильное впечатление. Овидий, как вы знаете, был одним из величайших поэтов эпохи императора Августа, но, кроме того, говорят, что он был немножко — как бы сказали в Испании — кутилой. Он любил по ночам гулять с женщинами, пил вино, ложился спать очень поздно (или, лучше сказать, рано, поскольку солнце уже вставало)… Но, тем не менее, он был Овидием. В своей книге он, среди прочего, рассказывает о том, что произошло с одной из его возлюбленных, настоящего имени которой он не называет. В те далекие времена считалось бесчестием упоминать имя дамы, и взамен подлинного придумывали другое (очень хороший обычай, не правда ли?). Он называет ее Кориной.

Овидий рассказывает, что как-то раз он зашел во дворец Корины, дамы из высшего римского общества. В этом дворце было много дорогих и ценных вещей, и в том числе привезенный из Индии попугай, который умел говорить. Он повторял все, что произносила хозяйка, задавал вопросы, разговаривал — в общем, составлял ей прекрасную компанию. И вот Овидий входит и видит рыдающую Корину, на руках у которой лежит попугай, по всей видимости, мертвый. Овидий спрашивает: «Корина, почему ты плачешь?» Она отвечает: «Помнишь, как этот попугай разговаривал с нами, повторял наши слова любви, наши песни? Это было настоящее сокровище, зеленое, как изумруд. А сейчас это всего лишь пучок перьев. Где же мой попугай? What's happening? Почему всему приходит конец?»

Овидий, желая утешить Корину, посвящает ее в то, чего она не знает: «Ты должна знать, Корина, что есть небо, где пребывают люди, но также есть небо и для животных; на этом небе есть уголок, где пребывают высшие животные, в том числе и те, что умели говорить с человеком и повторять его слова. Они утешают всех остальных животных, пребывающих на небе, изображая голоса их любимых хозяев и напоминая таким образом о них. А позже все вновь возвращаются на землю, чтобы стать спутниками людей». Но Корина безутешна: «Нет, не говори мне об этом! Ведь теперь это всего лишь пучок зеленых перьев, это больше не мой попугай, он уже не живет!» И в этот момент попугай в последнем предсмертном усилии поднимает свою головку, смотрит на нее и произносит: «Корина, Корина, смерти не существует».

Как прекрасно встречать эти старые примеры! Как прекрасно думать, что иногда животные, цветы, деревья умирают в мире и спокойствии, ибо знают нечто, что мы, люди, утратили в своей слишком уж интеллектуальной жизни. Мы утратили осознание собственной вечности, мы утратили осознание своей внутренней жизни, мы утратили осознание своей бессмертной Души.

Нам нужно вновь вернуть это осознание, ведь на самом-то деле в глубине души, несмотря на весь наш технический прогресс, мы порой тоскуем. Несмотря на то, что мы живем в мегаполисах, всегда находимся среди людей, имеем возможность общаться и читать газеты, смотреть телевизор или слушать радио, порой мы ощущаем себя одинокими, страшно одинокими. Порой нам так хочется, чтобы кто-то, как тот попугай, сказал нам, что смерти не существует, что эта жизнь имеет смысл, имеет цель. И ведь очевидно, что имеет!

Когда вы видите летящую стрелу, вы ведь не задумываетесь о том, что она пущена из лука и летит в цель. Та жизнь, которую мы видим, — это летящая в воздухе стрела, и стрела эта пущена Божественным Лучником. Когда-то нас отправили через пространство и время, и мы должны достичь цели, должны куда-то прийти.

Вся наша жизнь имеет смысл. Имеют смысл наши радости, ибо они укрепляют дух, помогая жить. Имеют смысл и наши горести и слезы, ибо они помогают нам обрести опыт, стать чуточку мудрее, а иногда и чуточку лучше.

Те, кто разделял с кем-то радость, знают, что это хорошо, поскольку помогает вдохновляться и вдохновлять; те, кто разделял с кем-то слезы, знают, что это хорошо, поскольку создает родство душ. Ибо в Жизни и в Природе нет ничего плохого, все есть благо — в глубинах ее Сокровенного Смысла.
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