7 life-saving steps from depression
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The word "depression" comes from the Latin language (oppression, repression). Depression is considered a mental disorder of the person which can lead him on for a long period of time, of emotional balance, and many times impair the quality of his daily life. For example: sleep, work, appetite, personal relationships and so on. Depression usually is a reaction to psychological trauma and any negative situation that life presents.
Depression can cause, for example, the death of a loved one, layoff at work, loss of a loved one, illness and the like. First and foremost depression is a disease. It is also called "painful low mood". It can manifest as an independent disease or as a manifestation of many others. This does not mean that depression occurs only among sick people. Her exposed and completely healthy people.
Depression is the most common type of mental disorder. You should carefully watch their health, since, first and foremost, depression is an illness and needs to be treated. Otherwise, you may experience very serious consequences. As a rule, prolonged depression suggests the patient to suicidal thoughts.
Often, to suicide case, fortunately, does not reach, as a sick man to be in such poor physical condition that he is physically not strong enough to harm herself. To reach the extremes people, patients with depression can only when the body a little stronger, and the depression weakened slightly.
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Reaction to such a situation, such as dismissal, divorce, etc., has pronounced symptoms and loss of mood may occur in a couple of days to a couple of years. As a rule, the mood can be stabilized only after a tense situation to be resolved. At least – when people change their attitude to the situation.
Depression is a condition from which it is possible to get rid of.
If the depression is light, can get rid of it in just a few days. For starters, try to cope with this condition on their own, if signs are noticeable throughout a couple of days. Mentally set yourself a time you expect to improve your condition. If the term has expired, and the changes did not come and ask for help to specialists.
Where to start the treatment of depression?
— First, suggest to turning to the doctor – therapist. It will help you to understand depression you have and if the answer is positive, it will help you to cope with it.
— Explore the resources and symptoms of depression. Check with a studied symptoms of depression. If all the symptoms on face – follow the advice which I suggest you read the materials. If it does not bring any results especially, make a list of questions you wish to ask the therapist. This will help you better understand the situation.
— Try to share with family or friends, or just talk to someone heart to heart. Depression could make you stay away from your dear people. Don't forget that relatives are not all equal, what happens to you. They can help you or to recommend a good specialist. It is not necessary to stay with the problem alone and the conversation is likely to make you feel a little better.
How can you help yourself?
— pay much attention to their appearance and body. As you already know, during the depression the person loses strength. As soon as you feel a little bit better, and strength begin to return, give your body a little physical activity: for example, walk down the street or take care of home flowers.
— to avoid any negative thoughts. If these thoughts you begin to visit, apply a maximum of efforts in order to distract and think about what gives you pleasure. Can still occupy yourself with some action: prepare or sort through stuff in the closet, call a friend or drink hot tea.
— do not take any important decisions. As proved by experts, depression does not allow us to perceive not only the situation and myself in General, but the whole world around us.
— try to eat regularly. If you feel hungry, definitely enjoyed it. In any case it is not necessary to indulge in something tasty. During the depression our immune system, so doctors recommend eating as many vitamins.
even if you have to overcome yourself, communicate with people. Often a source of strength is our family and loved ones. They can not only help you physically but will help to make a decision or give good advice.
— do not harm their health. Many people are convinced that alcohol helps to cope with the problem. In fact, the person who suffers from depression, alcohol and various narcotic substances is strictly prohibited. They will only provoke a worsening of your already difficult condition.
What to do to prevent the development of depression?
— Make yourself a routine and stick to it.
— Allow yourself periodic rest, both with friends and alone.
— You should not make yourself unnecessarily excessive demands.
— For any achievements reward yourself. For example, treat yourself to a desirable purchase, or try a new dish at your favorite restaurant.
— Do not blame yourself for all their troubles. Try to calm down and think about what is your fault, and you are absolutely not to blame. If you are guilty of something, then try to solve the problem as soon as possible to correct the error.
— Don't forget about communication with friends and family.
— Try every day to start with charging. If you do not, then at least 2 times a week exercise.
Depression does not depend on age. If you feel that you or your loved ones started to have problems, please contact the staff. Without professional help, depression will only get worse. If you look at the first symptoms, the depression is easily treatable. Complete recovery occurs in 80% of cases.
Source: mif-facts.com.ua