Some experts believe that depression is useful for health

Anyone who suffers from depression - in a mild or severe form - a statement that it is useful, may seem absurd or mocking. After clinical depression - a terrible disease, breaks a man's life. Yet experts say that for some people it can help.
"I think people who have overcome depression and become stronger. It can be a catalyst for survival, because you looked into the abyss and saw it ", - says Marjorie Wallace, founder and head of the organization SANE, in the past she had suffered from depression.
Released two years ago, a book by Jerome Wakefield of New York University, "The loss of sadness: how psychiatry transformed normal sadness in pathological depression", also speaks in favor of the new theory. The book created a furor. The author argues that depression can lead us to positive changes in life, to help draw lessons from their mistakes and to understand the desires. Dutch scientists have found that people who have suffered depression, and cope better with life's trials, they have sound health and mind, they are more functional.
In addition, in 2002, researchers from Duke University found that women with a history of depression, live longer. This led the professors to the idea that people suffering from mild depression, it is better adapted to life and avoid dangerous situations.
Other experts refer to this theory with caution: "Depression can result in suicide, so this should not be taken seriously results of these studies," - says Bridget O'Connell from Mind.
According to Dr. Paul Kidwell, an expert in the field of mental disorders from the University of Cardiff, depression can still benefit us, as a mechanism to combat it has an evolutionary basis Depression encourages people to be excluded from their life factors that cause chronic stress. "Although depression is a terrible disease, and no one would choose to go through it again, it helps us to be more realistic," - says the professor. Also Kidwell also warns that antidepressants are powerless to fight the disease, if the person does not refuse life-style, provoking a depression.
Journalist Linda Jones, who blogs regularly to preserve mental health (in Breaking Silence), and she survived the depression, says her life and that of millions of other people do not become better after the Depression. According to her, depression makes people weak and defenseless.
In turn, Marjorie Wallace said that not everyone can feel positive effects of depression. "It depends on the duration and strength of the disease, and some are resistant to treatment" - she says. It should also take into account that some improvement after re-depressed.
O'Connell agrees that we should be cautious in interpreting the research. "Some people say they feel better after the Depression, but compared to what is" better "? How did people feel when they are sick or before? "- Said the professor.
Anyway, the experts agreed in one - the best recipe for recovery - support of family and friends.
Source: www.utro.ru
via factroom.ru
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