What are the most useful berry

The most useful berries - cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, currants, cherries. Their medicinal properties and health benefits.
What could be more wonderful intoxicated a basket of summer sun, smelling flowering fields gathered in the woods or on own garden berries? Sweet, juicy, fragrant, they bring us health and longevity.
It is difficult to say what the most useful berry, each - their advantages and healing properties. All red and blue gifts of summer - and the forest, and those that we grow in their gardens, enriched with vitamins and antioxidants, are a source of valuable minerals, natural sugars and acids. Those berries, which we describe, deserve special praise.
Even in the middle of the century, the merchants who visited in Russia, did not return home without cranberries. This northern berry has a truly unique structure. In addition to nutrients, the presence of which boasts the majority of natural plant products, cranberries contain a large number of leucoanthocyanins, catechins, flavonoids, and various organic acids, is a source of natural antibiotics, which have a powerful antibacterial effect and bring invaluable in the treatment of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. Cranberry deservedly considered the cure for all ills. In people, it is called "rejuvenating berries": by the number of antioxidants that prolong youthfulness, cranberry exceeds cherries, apples, pears and dark grapes. Cranberry is useful for fragile capillaries, diseases of the stomach and gynecological problems. The studies that were carried out in Israel, demonstrated its benefits to the teeth. The country has even come up with a special toothpaste with cranberry extract.
This wonderful plant is useful to all, from flowers to leaves. Of the many beneficial ingredients found in raspberries, the most valuable are magnesium, folic acid, zinc and iron. It was found that magnesium deficiency, which is essential for the normal course of many processes in the body, in particular, without it is not absorbed calcium, today suffer 8-9 out of 10, and the sources of this valuable macro element can be counted on the fingers. Raspberries are extremely useful for the thyroid gland and the circulatory system, it strengthens the capillaries, normalize blood clotting, it is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. For the benefit of the reproductive system raspberry is also called "female berry».
Ellagic acid, which is contained in ripe fruit, helps prevent cervical cancer. And zinc, which is also quite a lot in raspberries, supports male potency. Raspberry jam - an ancient remedy for colds, it has antipyretic and diaphoretic action. Malina is useful for cellulite, dandruff and dull, brittle, damaged hair.
Blueberries can rightly be called the queen of berries. Its fragrant fruit is a storehouse of nutrients, especially appreciated for the record high levels of antioxidants. Multifaceted therapeutic properties of this wonderful berry and stored in dried fruit and home-made. Blueberry jam-Orientation meeting, raw jam, blueberry honey - all these fragrant, has a peculiar taste desserts extremely tasty and healthy. Pectin, which are rich in small black berries, helps rid the body of radionuclides, toxins and heavy metals. Blueberries are especially helpful for people that suffer from diseases provoked by metabolic disorders - rheumatism, gout, gall and kidney stones. Bilberry helps preserve vision, strengthens blood vessels, prevents aging, resists cancer, accelerates the regeneration of nerve cells, improves memory, helps to maintain the health of the genitourinary system. It is proved that the regular consumption of this fruit slows the death of brain cells.
Berries that of resemblance is often confused with blueberries, recommend feast for sight preservation, protection against colds, prevention of obesity and ulcerative colitis. Blueberries are useful for memory, blood vessels, bowel and pancreas, has antitumor, choleretic and diaphoretic properties. This berry is able to provide invaluable support in the treatment of such ailments as diabetes, fever, scurvy, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, anemia, hypertension, cystitis. Rich in magnesium, pectin, antioxidants and substances that have an anti-inflammatory effect, blueberries protects cells from radiation, beneficial effects on the nervous system, regulates metabolic processes in the body, boosts the immune system, slows the aging process. It is scientifically proven that the concentration of antioxidant juice from fresh berries blueberry has no equal. Due to the presence of ripe fruit and folic acid elagovoy blueberries extremely useful for women's health, it prevents cancer of the uterus and during pregnancy has beneficial effects on fetal development.
The modest size of this forest berries compensated by its wonderful aroma and multifaceted healing properties. Even in ancient Greece, the fruits of wild strawberry prized for its taste and health benefits. As part of these small fragrant berries - such valuable substances such as iron, folic acid and B vitamins in strawberry flowers found rutin - vitamin strengthens the walls of small blood vessels, and the leaves of the plant contain almost half of the periodic table; they are useful to add to the healing herbal teas. According to the content of calcium - one of the most important minerals for the full functioning of the human organism, this berry is ahead of all other fruits and berries. First of all, strawberries useful for the nervous system: thanks to its high content of nicotinic acid, it helps to cope with irritability and insomnia. In addition to a strong tonic effect, strawberry has beneficial effects on digestion and blood, prevents diseases of the cardiovascular system, expels sand from the kidneys and bladder.
This unusual berry Scientists from Scotland named one of the healthiest in the world. A total of 50 fruit black currant meet the daily requirement of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Red currant exceeds the black by the number of vitamin A, which makes it particularly useful for children. All kinds of currants - and black and red and white, are a unique natural multivitamins; the content of minerals, antioxidants and vitamins are superior to many other fruits and berries. Currant is useful for anemia, gastritis, duodenal ulcer, kidney stones. Its use helps to prevent dental diseases, bone, blood, heart, memory loss, Alzheimer's disease, senile dementia, diabetes and cancer. Infusion of the leaves of shrubs helps with inflammation of the bladder, and skin diseases, and decoctions of fresh berries treated with prolonged cough. The home-made currant perfectly preserved vitamin C, thanks to its diaphoretic properties and ability to enhance the body's resistance to infection, they are indispensable for the prevention of colds.
The excavations that were carried out in the mountains of America, in Switzerland, Germany, Italy suggest that cherries have eaten more primitive man. This remarkable berry particularly rich in vitamins and anthocyanins - antioxidants that reduce inflammation, and high potassium content makes it useful for the nervous, immune and cardiovascular system. According to the content of pectins, which frees the body from bad cholesterol and improve digestion, cherry ahead only oranges. And bones, and the stem and leaves of the plant have long been used in folk medicine. Gruel of ripe fruit has an antiseptic effect, it heals abrasions and stops the bleeding. Cherry useful for digestion, it has a mild laxative effect, stimulates the gall bladder and pancreas, stimulates the appetite, but it is safe for the figure because it is a dietary product. Cherry is indispensable for people who have problems with blood vessels, it is helpful to eat to normalize sleep and prevent cancer.
Enjoying the bright summer gifts, remember that each berry there are contraindications to the use. Be sure to familiarize yourself with them before turning on the specific variety in your diet.
useful berries
The most delicious and healthy - it is fresh berries. And any fruit can be frozen and pamper their loved ones through the winter. Enjoy your health!