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The truth is that those who do not believe that gold grows on trees have not seen sea buckthorn in autumn. Radiant solar berry, strewn with long branches of fragile-looking trees and shrubs, leaves no doubt: it was born for joy and health! Nature has invested so many vitamins and nutrients in each golden droplet-berries that the health effects of sea buckthorn have long taken its “golden” place on the pedestal of world healing honor.

If sea buckthorn already winks at you with its orange eye - it's time, it's time to open personal branches of a natural pharmacy, replenishing stocks of vitamin compotes, juices and jam! And a couple of the best recipes we have in secret... but no one else!

If you have a lot of sea buckthorns - you should definitely try to keep at least part of it in its natural form and prepare as many blanks as possible - after all, a useful variety is always better than monotony - even useful. And if there are few berries - in our collection you will probably find what you like the most.
How to store berries of sea buckthorn

Buckthorn berries are very useful to preserve in natural form, they perfectly retain their healing properties and all vitamins. This can be done in several ways.
In the cold.

Cut buckthorn twigs with berries simply hang or decompose in one layer in a room with a temperature of 0 to +4 ° C. In such conditions, sea buckthorn can be stored until spring. The method is very convenient because it does not require time for processing, and the result is excellent.
In sugar.

Perfectly stored berries of sea buckthorn, covered with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. Keep them in the refrigerator, at a temperature of +4 ° C. In winter, berries are used to prepare compotes, fruit drinks and drinks.

For drying the berries you need to collect until frost, when the skin is still whole and has not burst from the cold. The berries should be washed and dried, laid in one layer on flat surfaces (plywood, vipers) and soaked in the shade (not in the sun). Dry at home - in special dryers or in the oven at a temperature of +40. . +45°C or using infrared heaters.

Surprisingly, the harvest of sea buckthorn can be stored in water for a long time. To do this, you need berries of today's assembly just pour boiled water at room temperature in a sterilized glass jar, close with a lid and put in the refrigerator, where and store at a temperature of +4 ° C. The berries are not washed beforehand.

In the freezer, sea buckthorns are not afraid of frost, it can be collected after the onset of stable frosts. Store in frozen form sea buckthorn is simple and profitable: put in plastic bags or containers - and for quick freezing,

And in winter, get a handful of berries - and in compote or tea. Very fast, convenient, tasty - and useful!
Buckthorn blanks

From berries sea buckthorn make a huge number of blanks, both "live" - without heat treatment, and with it. And amazing: the vast majority of vitamins and healing properties even with heat treatment is preserved. But you need to pay attention that when harvesting sea buckthorn, sterilization is not used - only pasteurization! They differ in the temperature of exposure: during pasteurization, it does not exceed +85. . +90°C. Let's start with raw blanks.

Raw jam "raw" jam is one of the most gentle for the vitamin composition methods of preparation. Raw means not subjected to heat treatment (it is also called “cold”).

Recipe for "raw" jam

  • Buckthorn berry - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1,300g
Washed and dried (on a napkin, towel) berries mix with an equal amount (by weight) of sugar and put in sterilized cans for 3/4 volume. From the top of the berries to the very edge of the jar, pour the remaining sugar, close the lid and put it on the cold. This product will be stored in the refrigerator for more than a year. Gradually, all the sugar will dissolve, and jam will save all the healing properties and beautiful orange color of fresh berries.

Recipe "Buckthorn, rubbed with sugar"

  • Buckthorn berry - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1.0-1.5 kg
Mix ripe washed and dried berries with sugar and crush (grease) with wooden pestle. The resulting sea buckthorn-sugar mass is laid in prepared banks, covered with paper on top, and pressed with lids on top of the paper. Store in the refrigerator or in the cellar.

Sea buckthorn can be wiped with other components - for example, with apples or hawthorn. Then, after boiling the apples (blancing the berries of hawthorn), they are grinded and mixed with grated sea buckthorn berries. Such blanks must be pasteurized for 20 minutes (for cans of 0.5 l) and 25-30 minutes (for cans of 1 l) so that they are stored for a long time.

Recipe for buckthorn, rubbed with apples

  • Sea buckthorn rubbed - 1kg
  • Apples grated - 0.4 kg
  • Sugar - 0.6-0.7 kg
Recipe for sea buckthorn grated with hawthorn berries

  • Buckthorn wiped - 1 kg
  • Hawthorn wiped - 0.6 kg
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg

Juice from sea buckthorn berries is prepared by direct pressing of crushed berries or passing them through a juicer. Depending on your preferences, it can be made with or without pulp, with sugar and without sugar.

The composition of sea buckthorn juice is a whole pantry of health. It includes a lot of valuable unsaturated fatty acids, more than 10 vitamins, 15 important trace elements, and with all that its caloric content is quite small - 52 kcal. Who doesn’t need such a drink? And besides, cooking juice from sea buckthorn is not such a complicated procedure.

Recipe 1: “Sugar-free juice”

  • Buckthorn berry - 1 kg
  • Water - 0.35 litres
Grind or wipe the berries of sea buckthorn and squeeze well. Put the resulting juice on the cold, and once again stretch the push-ups (crush), add warm (+40 ° C) water at the rate of 1/3 of the mass of push-ups, mix, insist for 20-30 minutes and squeeze everything again. You can repeat this procedure 2-3 times.

All the juice obtained is strained through a double layer of gauze, heated to +75 ° C and, once again strained in a hot state, poured into cans and put on pasteurization (+85 ° C). Banks 0.5 liters pasteurize 15 minutes, cans of 1 liter - 20 minutes, after which they immediately roll.

Recipe 2: “Sugar-free juice”
Buckthorn berries are passed through the juicer, pasteurized at +85 ° C (as in the recipe 1) and immediately rolled.

Recipe 3: “Buckthorn Juice with Sugar”
Squeeze the juice from the berries (recipe 1 or recipe 2), add hot sugar syrup in the ratio of 60% juice to 40% syrup, pasteurize and immediately roll.

  • Syrup: 1 liter of water and 0.4 kg of sugar
Recipe 4: Juice with flesh

  • Buckthorn wiped - 5.5 kg
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg
  • Water - 2 l
Wash the sea buckthorn berries, blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, wipe through a sieve (stainless steel or hair), add hot sugar syrup, pour on banks, pasteurize and immediately roll.

If desired, you can add another berry juice to sea buckthorn juice - blackberries, aronia, irga, blueberries. Proportions - according to taste, desire, possibilities. Sugar tastes good, too. Pour the juice mixture into sterilized jars, pasteurize 10 minutes (1 L) 17-20 minutes (2 L), 25 minutes (3 L can).

Pure Puret is the very preparation that is made relatively easily, but in winter it is perfectly used for making tea, sauces or simply as a vitamin supplement.

Recipe 1: "Buckthorn puree"

  • Buckthorn berry - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 600-800g
  • Water - 100 ml
To the berries add water (10 times less than the mass of the berries), warm up to +60 ° C and wipe through a sieve. Add sugar, mix, warm up at a temperature of +90 ° C for 5 minutes, quickly put in sterilized and heated cans and roll.

Recipe 2: "Buckthorn mashed"

  • Buckthorn wiped - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 0.8-1.0 kg
Washed and dried berries rub through a sieve, add sugar, mix, warm up to +70 ° C, decompose into heated sterilized cans, pasteurize 20 minutes (0.5 l) or 25-30 minutes (1 l) and roll immediately.

The berries of sea buckthorn (as well as in its bark) contain serotonin, called the “hormone of happiness”. Just imagine what a wonderful gift you will make your family, “rolling” for the winter compotes of joy! They and vitamins will support the body in the winter, and optimism will increase.

Compot "September"

  • Buckthorn berry - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water - 1.2 l
Slightly immature berries wash, dry, fall asleep in sterilized heated cans, pour hot sugar syrup and put on pasteurization at a temperature of +90 ° C: cans of 0.5 l - for 10-12 minutes, 1 l - for 15-17 minutes.

Compote "Concentrated"

  • Syrup: 1 liter of water - 0.4 kg of sugar.
Washed berries of sea buckthorn put in jars up to the shoulders, pour hot sugar syrup and pasteurize (just like compote "September")

Jam, jam.

Jam from sea buckthorn is a delicious and very useful product. The finished jam has a pleasant pineapple smell, a beautiful orange color and an original taste. There are several options for its preparation - with and without grinding berries, with pasteurization and without it.

Recipe 1

  • Buckthorn berry - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1.2 kg
Slightly immature berries wash, sprinkle with sugar and withstand 5-6 hours in a cool room. Put the juice sea buckthorn on the stove and cook after boiling in one reception until ready, removing the foam. Put in prepared banks and immediately sealed.

Recipe 2

  • Buckthorn berry - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg
  • Water - 0.5 l
The ripe berries are washed and dried. Make the syrup. Immediately, while the syrup is hot, pour berries into it and leave for 4 hours so that they infuse. Drink the resulting syrup and boil it for 10 minutes. Before it cools, put the berries in it and cook until ready (the berries will become almost transparent). The finished jam is quickly poured into hot sterilized jars and rolled.

Buckthorn jam can also be made in a home baker. It is enough to pre-dissolve the sugar (at low heat or leaving for 5-6 hours the berry sprinkled with sugar to let the juice) and send to the bakery to the Jam mode. You can add an additional ingredient to the sea buckthorn mass - for example, lemon juice.

In the next video fragment - another option for cooking jam from sea buckthorn

Very tasty sea buckthorn jam. It can be served to tea as an independent treat or to pastries, casseroles and toast.

Jam recipe "Amber"

  • Sea buckthorn -1 kg
  • Sugar - 0.8 kg
  • Apple juice with pulp - 200g
Wash the berries, prolanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes and, when the berries cool, rub them through a small sieve. In sea buckthorn puree add sugar and leave for 2 hours for gelling. Add apple juice with pulp in puree, mix and cook with continuous stirring, without boiling, 15 20 minutes.
Spread the jam in hot cans, put in water heated to +80 ° C and pasteurize: cans of 0.5 l - 15 minutes, cans of 1 l - 20 minutes. Immediately after pasteurization, roll the can. Store the jam in a dark, cool place.

Jam from sea buckthorn will acquire a completely different "sound" if in the process of cooking berry puree (without apple juice) for 2-3 minutes to lower 4-5 leaves of mint into it or at the end of cooking add 3-4 tablespoons of lemon juice.

Another recipe for cooking jam from sea buckthorn berries - in the following video

Who did not like fruit jellies as a child? Delicious, transparent or translucent jelly figures laid out on saucers ... and if also in a strip ... and if also a berry inside! It's a miracle how good these treats are in childhood. Though, why only as a child?

Who is stopping us from making sea buckthorn jelly today? Moreover, it is prepared quite simply. And it turns out very fragrant, tender, tasty and very, very useful.

To prepare jelly, you need to take 1 kg of berries and sugar. Warm the berries to give the juice (without adding water), wipe the pestle through the sieve, then mix with sugar, bring to a boil and leave for 6-8 hours for gelling. After that, stir and pour on jars. You can store under capron covers in apartment conditions.

Some summer residents advise to add to the grated or passed through the juicer sea buckthorn, except for sugar, any gelling substance (zhelfix, gelatin and others)

In the next video, professional gardener Ivanova Valentina Filippovna will tell you how to make delicious jelly from sea buckthorn

Although this is not a food product, it is necessary to prepare it for the winter at least in small quantities. This is a wonderful healing drug that contains a unique multivitamin complex and is an excellent antibacterial, wound healing and anti-inflammatory agent.

Oil from the pulp of berries and from the seeds varies in composition and color. More effective is considered to be “bone”.
Cook sea buckthorn oil at home is quite easy, it can be done in several, different ways. Choose the most suitable one for you:

  • Method 1: oil from berries and seeds
Grind and grind the berries. Juice squeeze.

Juice. When settling the juice at the top, a layer of oil is formed, it is carefully collected in cooked dishes.

Jom. Don't throw it away! Wash and dry at a temperature below +60 ° C (at home this can be done on a heating battery). Then grind through a meat grinder or coffee grinder and pour sunflower oil heated to +60 ° C (refined, not deodorized) or olive in a ratio of 1: 2 so that the oil covers the mixture. Thoroughly stir and leave. After 5-7 days to collect the popped oil and pour them the next portion of crushed pulp. If you repeat the procedure 3-4 times, sea buckthorn oil will become more concentrated. The last portion of the removed oil should be poured into a jar or a bottle of dark glass, tightly closed and put in the refrigerator.

  • Method 2: sea buckthorn juice oil
Mature berries grind with pestle, pour warm (+40 ° C) water, warm up to +90 ° C and pass through the juicer. The resulting juice is pasteurized. After daily settling, remove the upper thick orange layer, pour it with sunflower oil and leave it for 3-4 days to settle. Then you take the oil off the top.
The remaining mixture can be poured with warm water 3-4 times and allowed to stand again. Each time the oil will rise, however, in less quantity.

Of course, sea buckthorn oil cooked at home can hardly compete with industrial oil. But there are a lot of advantages in “your” oil – you know what and how they made it.

In the next video, Igor Gutov offers his recipe for making sea buckthorn oil

Scrub and soap Women with their own hands can prepare healing cosmetics! Perhaps everyone knows that sea buckthorn oil contains a rare range of polysaturated acids - the so-called "youth factor", which in combination with vitamins A, F, E, K will have a miraculous effect on the skin, nails and hair, will help with hair loss and baldness. And just imagine, with your own hands - such a miracle, without harmful additives, without chemistry ...

Buckthorn soap recipe

  • White soap base - 100g
  • Sea buckthorn oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Fresh milk (cow, goat) - 1 tsp.
Melt the soap base, add sea buckthorn oil and milk, mix and pour into molds. All! It remains to wait until it freezes - and you have sea buckthorn soap of your own making.

If desired, you can add 1 tbsp. spoonful of ground sea buckthorn seeds to the melted mass. Then you'll have a soap scraper!

We hope that we have only strengthened your desire to eat this wonderful berry for the winter. In any form - in compote, jam, jelly or cosmetic soap, because in any form it will bring benefit and joy.

Source: www.7dach.ru


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