Useful properties of sea buckthorn
Useful properties of sea buckthorn
Many berries and plants that grow in our climate zone, I have quite a lot of useful properties for the human body. However, if we consider them in a complex action, then surely it is the sea buckthorn would have taken the first step. Sea-buckthorn berries usually fruiting in late summer and closer to fall, you can collect the fruits, which multitudes on the branches, it is literally dotted with tiny yellow and orange berries. Useful properties of sea buckthorn is that the berry helps in almost all diseases. But everyone, even the most safe of the plant has its contraindications, just as they have sea buckthorn. The information in this article will help You to collect and organize all knowledge (well or almost everything)in one place, and learn the basic applications. Immediately it should be noted that all the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn, it is desirable to split into 2 groups: therapeutic and cosmetic.
Useful properties of sea buckthorn
Sea buckthorn is used to treat almost any diseases different ways of eating and the use of funds made from it. There is an opinion that is helpful (therapeutic) action have fruit, but it is not so. The largest number of useful properties of sea buckthorn oil. As for fresh berries is the fact that they contain a lot of vitamins A, B1, B3, C and that sea buckthorn helps You to cope with beriberi and enhance the body's resistance in General. A large number of nutrients contained in other parts of the plant, e.g. leaves, to cope with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, to establish the processes of digestion, etc., if you make a decoction of the leaves. To obtain disinfecting and healing wounds, enough to make the pulp of sea buckthorn fruits and processing the damaged area. Also it is used as a reducing agent for cuts, scars, age spots, burns of varying severity. The pulp of fruits of sea buckthorn is still used to treat coughs, colds, sore throat, pre-mix with honey. At the end of the description of useful properties of sea buckthorn should be noted the important point that sea buckthorn is an excellent tool for the treatment of pain of various origins such as inflammatory processes. If it hurts inside or inflammation is inside, sea buckthorn should also be taken inside, on the contrary, if damage to the outer, and the application in sea buckthorn is also external in the form of decoctions, lotions, ointments etc.
Useful properties of sea buckthorn oil
Now on to more interesting things, fresh berries contain much less (at lower concentrations) of nutrients than the sea buckthorn oil. Here are some of the useful properties of sea buckthorn: disinfectant, healing, antibacterial, soothing, tonic, etc. sea buckthorn Oil is used even in the treatment of cancer and radiation diseases of the skin. If You have a sore throat, acute respiratory infections and other catarrhal diseases – it is recommended to lubricate a sea buckthorn oil the throat and nose drip. Another sea buckthorn oil is used for frostbite, ulcers, respiratory diseases, women's diseases, eye (lesion of cells of the cornea, conjunctivitis, defects of the cornea), etc.
Sea buckthorn in cosmetic application
Now learn more about how using this miraculous berry to uphold the beauty, the first of these properties is of great interest to men as hair loss (alopecia). It is desirable to use a decoction of buckthorn, if you can not – you can buy shampoo with extract of sea buckthorn. Cosmetologists recommend doing a hair mask from sea buckthorn to keep them healthy. In addition to the therapeutic applications of sea buckthorn for skin (healing of burns, scars etc.) it will serve as an excellent tool for women as beauty care products for skin, sea buckthorn improves the skin tone and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.
Contraindications to the use of sea buckthorn
In sea buckthorn, a huge number of biologically active substances, such as carotene, which can cause allergies in case of serious violations of the immune system. Caution you need to take resources from buckthorn to people suffering from pancreatitis, cholecystitis, inflammation of the duodenum, because the sea-buckthorn contains a lot of acids. In all other cases, the buckthorn will show excellent results, but let's not forget that a good result can be achieved only if proper application of funds. published
Source: /users/1081
Many berries and plants that grow in our climate zone, I have quite a lot of useful properties for the human body. However, if we consider them in a complex action, then surely it is the sea buckthorn would have taken the first step. Sea-buckthorn berries usually fruiting in late summer and closer to fall, you can collect the fruits, which multitudes on the branches, it is literally dotted with tiny yellow and orange berries. Useful properties of sea buckthorn is that the berry helps in almost all diseases. But everyone, even the most safe of the plant has its contraindications, just as they have sea buckthorn. The information in this article will help You to collect and organize all knowledge (well or almost everything)in one place, and learn the basic applications. Immediately it should be noted that all the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn, it is desirable to split into 2 groups: therapeutic and cosmetic.

Useful properties of sea buckthorn
Sea buckthorn is used to treat almost any diseases different ways of eating and the use of funds made from it. There is an opinion that is helpful (therapeutic) action have fruit, but it is not so. The largest number of useful properties of sea buckthorn oil. As for fresh berries is the fact that they contain a lot of vitamins A, B1, B3, C and that sea buckthorn helps You to cope with beriberi and enhance the body's resistance in General. A large number of nutrients contained in other parts of the plant, e.g. leaves, to cope with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, to establish the processes of digestion, etc., if you make a decoction of the leaves. To obtain disinfecting and healing wounds, enough to make the pulp of sea buckthorn fruits and processing the damaged area. Also it is used as a reducing agent for cuts, scars, age spots, burns of varying severity. The pulp of fruits of sea buckthorn is still used to treat coughs, colds, sore throat, pre-mix with honey. At the end of the description of useful properties of sea buckthorn should be noted the important point that sea buckthorn is an excellent tool for the treatment of pain of various origins such as inflammatory processes. If it hurts inside or inflammation is inside, sea buckthorn should also be taken inside, on the contrary, if damage to the outer, and the application in sea buckthorn is also external in the form of decoctions, lotions, ointments etc.

Useful properties of sea buckthorn oil
Now on to more interesting things, fresh berries contain much less (at lower concentrations) of nutrients than the sea buckthorn oil. Here are some of the useful properties of sea buckthorn: disinfectant, healing, antibacterial, soothing, tonic, etc. sea buckthorn Oil is used even in the treatment of cancer and radiation diseases of the skin. If You have a sore throat, acute respiratory infections and other catarrhal diseases – it is recommended to lubricate a sea buckthorn oil the throat and nose drip. Another sea buckthorn oil is used for frostbite, ulcers, respiratory diseases, women's diseases, eye (lesion of cells of the cornea, conjunctivitis, defects of the cornea), etc.

Sea buckthorn in cosmetic application
Now learn more about how using this miraculous berry to uphold the beauty, the first of these properties is of great interest to men as hair loss (alopecia). It is desirable to use a decoction of buckthorn, if you can not – you can buy shampoo with extract of sea buckthorn. Cosmetologists recommend doing a hair mask from sea buckthorn to keep them healthy. In addition to the therapeutic applications of sea buckthorn for skin (healing of burns, scars etc.) it will serve as an excellent tool for women as beauty care products for skin, sea buckthorn improves the skin tone and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.
Contraindications to the use of sea buckthorn
In sea buckthorn, a huge number of biologically active substances, such as carotene, which can cause allergies in case of serious violations of the immune system. Caution you need to take resources from buckthorn to people suffering from pancreatitis, cholecystitis, inflammation of the duodenum, because the sea-buckthorn contains a lot of acids. In all other cases, the buckthorn will show excellent results, but let's not forget that a good result can be achieved only if proper application of funds. published
Source: /users/1081