Miraculous natural remedy for youthful face and beautiful hair

Sea buckthorn oil is able to quickly heal wounds, treat skin diseases and beneficial effects on a person's appearance.

1. Sea buckthorn oil for face

Facial mask is prepared from sea-buckthorn juice (1 teaspoon) butter (1 teaspoon) and one egg yolk. All the ingredients are well mixed and applied on the face in several layers. This mask moisturizes and nourishes the skin.

Rejuvenating face mask:

  • 0.5 teaspoon of sea buckthorn juice,
  • 1 teaspoon of honey
  • a few drops of oil
Beat well. The resulting mixture lubricate the face and neck, leave for 15 minutes then wash off with warm water and then cold.

Toning mask of oil

sea buckthorn for dry and aging skin is prepared with 1 raw egg yolk, 1 teaspoon oil and 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn juice.
Sea buckthorn juice can be replaced with another fresh fruit juice (kiwi, citrus, apples, etc.).


Firming mask

  • 1 raw egg yolk,
  • 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil
  • 0.5 tablespoons of yellow cosmetic clay
The resulting mixture apply on face and wash off with warm water after 15 minutes.


2. Sea buckthorn oil for lips

Sea buckthorn oil will help in order to make tender and soft chapped lips cracks appeared. Lips you just need to lubricate oil for a few minutes and so 2-3 times a day.


3. Sea buckthorn oil for hair

If hair has been damaged by frequent bleaching or perming, for the rapid recovery of the follicle it is helpful just to RUB sea buckthorn oil into the scalp.

The same procedure would be useful for the prevention of dropping out.C. Parallel use twice a day 1 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil significantly improve the result.

To get rid of dandruff, use a hair mask from sea buckthorn (1 tablespoon) and olive oil (6 tablespoons). This mixture is applied to the hair, massage for half an hour. The course of treatment – twice a week for 2 months.

Mask for dry hair from sea buckthorn oil: take 2 tablespoons of olive oil and sea-buckthorn, mixed with a raw egg applied to the hair and cover for half an hour.

With hair loss using a decoction of 2 tablespoons fruit and leaves of sea buckthorn berries and 2 cups water. The mixture was boiled for a few minutes, and then insist 3 hours and filtered. Broth accept on 150 ml twice a day before meals and RUB daily into the scalp, leaving for the night. After washing the hair the skin also rubbed sea buckthorn oil.


4. Sea buckthorn oil for eyelashes

— Use sea buckthorn oil for food, strengthen and enhance the growth of eyelashes. For this purpose, as one sea buckthorn oil, and a mixture of several oils. On clean lashes, apply the oil and leave.

— You can strengthen the lashes with a mixture of olive oil with fish oil and oil solution of vitamin E. the Course of treatment is about a month. When applied to the lashes to avoid getting funds to mucous membranes of the eyes. Wash off masks for eyelashes with warm water.



5. Sea buckthorn oil for nails

— To care for cracked and brittle nails rubbing oil into the cornea at a convenient time of day, for example, in the evening. Been doing it for a month or two.

— For nourishment of hands and nails add a few drops of the oil into the cream. published


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