These masks will return Shine and strength to even the most damaged hair
About the benefits of burdock oil
Experts believe that burdock masks perfectly help restore damaged hair, improve its structure, prevent hair loss and accelerate growth.
Burdock oil, which, at a very affordable price today you can buy in any drugstore, is a truly unique gift of nature for those who value the beauty and health of hair.
Raw materials for its production are the fruits and roots of burdock, active substances which regulate the metabolic processes in the scalp and increase blood circulation, awaken and stimulate sluggish hair follicles.
That's why people regularly using hair masks for hair are well-groomed and shiny hair.
Tips on using hair masks for hair
To use burdock hair mask was successful, you should know a few simple rules:
If you have problems with hair have a distinct character, the mask of burdock oil is applied every other day for a month and a half. Then follows a two-month break, after which a refresher course is repeated. Preventively this mask can be applied once a week, the rate is about 20 procedures.
Burdock hair mask contraindications
Burdock oil will help to hair of any type, he has virtually no contraindications. And yet, in order to exclude individual intolerance to its components, do not be lazy before using masks of burdock oil to test it on sensitive skin for example, on the bend of the elbow. If within half an hour you will not find warning signs in the form of itching or redness of the skin, then you can begin the procedure of recovery of hair.
Burdock hair mask — best recipes
Recipe 1: The simple burdock hair mask (for rescue and treatment of the hair)
For short hair will be enough 1 tablespoon oil, for long hair you need 2 tablespoons of the funds. Burdock, previously slightly warmed, rubbed into the hair roots, gradually saturating their hair throughout its length. Leave for 2 hours. Carefully wash off with shampoo.
Recipe 2: Hair mask with honey, lemon and egg yolk (to fight hair loss and accelerate hair growth)
Mix oil, honey and lemon juice, taken 2 tablespoons. Heat in a water bath until a homogeneous mass. Giving the mask to cool slightly, add it to 2 egg yolks. Rubbing the mask into your scalp, keep a couple of hours. Carefully wash off with shampoo.
Recipe 3: Hair mask with cocoa and egg yolk (from hair loss and for growth)
Mix 3 tablespoons of burdock oil with a teaspoon of cocoa and an egg yolk, apply the resulting paste on the hair roots, gently massaging the head. Keep about a half hour. Carefully wash off with shampoo.
Recipe 4: I red chilli (from hair loss and for growth)
Add to 3 tablespoons of burdock oil, half a teaspoon of red hot pepper. Warming up slightly, rubbing the mixture into the scalp. Keep no more than 15 minutes! Carefully wash off with shampoo.
You can make this mask by buying a ready burdock oil with pepper.
Recipe 5: I with onions and honey (for hair growth)
Mix burdock oil, onion juice, honey and shampoo, taken a tablespoon. RUB the resulting mass into the hair roots, and then distribute it to the whole of their length. Keep about two hours. Carefully wash off with shampoo.
Recipe 6: I with brandy and egg yolk(for improved hair growth)
Cognac mix well and burdock, taken a tablespoon, add to them the egg yolk and whisk. Keep about hour. Carefully wash off with shampoo.
Recipe 7: Burdock mask with aloe (to stop hair loss and improve their growth)
Mix burdock, aloe juice and honey, taken a tablespoon. Rubbed into the hair roots and hold for two hours. Carefully wash off with shampoo.
Recipe 8: I with castor oil, egg yolk and yeast
Well mix two tablespoons of burdock oil, egg yolk, a tablespoon of castor oil and a teaspoon of compressed yeast, the resulting mass treated hair. Keep the mask for at least two hours. Carefully wash off with shampoo.
Recipe 9: the mask of Burdock oil with castor oil and vitamins
Mix burdock, castor, taking them two tablespoons. Adding vitamins E and A (half teaspoon of oil solution) and stir the mixture, RUB it into the hair roots. Keep about hour. Carefully wash off with shampoo.
Recipe 10: I decoction of burdock (for stopping hair loss)
Not everyone likes to use for healing hair oil. In this case, you can use masks for the decoction of burdock root, which, in fact, preparing burdock oil.
Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed roots of burdock 200 gr. hot water. Boil on low heat for about 15 minutes. Then, tightly cover with a lid and leave the infusion to cool. Strain, rubbed into the roots washed hair. Do not rinse.
This decoction is also possible to rinse hair, but the water in this case should be taken twice.
6 miraculous means to fight age spots
Make this mask of "Panthenol" 2 times a week and you will see what happens!
Applying burdock hair mask, remember that the success of any skin care treatments is the systemic. Therefore, a mask made from burdock oil, will meet your expectations only if you will use them regularly.
Even better, if you act on the hair you will be comprehensively, i.e. not only outside but inside as well, controlling your food balance and providing the body with vitamins and minerals needed for healthy hair. They will be well groomed and beautiful! published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: zhenskoe-mnenie.ru/themes/beauty/elu-mask-for-the-hair-how-to-make-a-mask-for-the-hair-with-repeinym-oil/
Experts believe that burdock masks perfectly help restore damaged hair, improve its structure, prevent hair loss and accelerate growth.
Burdock oil, which, at a very affordable price today you can buy in any drugstore, is a truly unique gift of nature for those who value the beauty and health of hair.
Raw materials for its production are the fruits and roots of burdock, active substances which regulate the metabolic processes in the scalp and increase blood circulation, awaken and stimulate sluggish hair follicles.
That's why people regularly using hair masks for hair are well-groomed and shiny hair.
Tips on using hair masks for hair
To use burdock hair mask was successful, you should know a few simple rules:
- apply the mask before shampooing; after rubbing the head be sure to cover with plastic cap and over it — something warm;
- keep the hair mask on the hair should be at least one hour, then thoroughly wash your hair using your normal shampoo (to wash off the oil completely, have to do it twice).
If you have problems with hair have a distinct character, the mask of burdock oil is applied every other day for a month and a half. Then follows a two-month break, after which a refresher course is repeated. Preventively this mask can be applied once a week, the rate is about 20 procedures.
Burdock hair mask contraindications
Burdock oil will help to hair of any type, he has virtually no contraindications. And yet, in order to exclude individual intolerance to its components, do not be lazy before using masks of burdock oil to test it on sensitive skin for example, on the bend of the elbow. If within half an hour you will not find warning signs in the form of itching or redness of the skin, then you can begin the procedure of recovery of hair.

Burdock hair mask — best recipes
Recipe 1: The simple burdock hair mask (for rescue and treatment of the hair)
For short hair will be enough 1 tablespoon oil, for long hair you need 2 tablespoons of the funds. Burdock, previously slightly warmed, rubbed into the hair roots, gradually saturating their hair throughout its length. Leave for 2 hours. Carefully wash off with shampoo.
Recipe 2: Hair mask with honey, lemon and egg yolk (to fight hair loss and accelerate hair growth)
Mix oil, honey and lemon juice, taken 2 tablespoons. Heat in a water bath until a homogeneous mass. Giving the mask to cool slightly, add it to 2 egg yolks. Rubbing the mask into your scalp, keep a couple of hours. Carefully wash off with shampoo.
Recipe 3: Hair mask with cocoa and egg yolk (from hair loss and for growth)
Mix 3 tablespoons of burdock oil with a teaspoon of cocoa and an egg yolk, apply the resulting paste on the hair roots, gently massaging the head. Keep about a half hour. Carefully wash off with shampoo.
Recipe 4: I red chilli (from hair loss and for growth)
Add to 3 tablespoons of burdock oil, half a teaspoon of red hot pepper. Warming up slightly, rubbing the mixture into the scalp. Keep no more than 15 minutes! Carefully wash off with shampoo.
You can make this mask by buying a ready burdock oil with pepper.
Recipe 5: I with onions and honey (for hair growth)
Mix burdock oil, onion juice, honey and shampoo, taken a tablespoon. RUB the resulting mass into the hair roots, and then distribute it to the whole of their length. Keep about two hours. Carefully wash off with shampoo.
Recipe 6: I with brandy and egg yolk(for improved hair growth)
Cognac mix well and burdock, taken a tablespoon, add to them the egg yolk and whisk. Keep about hour. Carefully wash off with shampoo.
Recipe 7: Burdock mask with aloe (to stop hair loss and improve their growth)
Mix burdock, aloe juice and honey, taken a tablespoon. Rubbed into the hair roots and hold for two hours. Carefully wash off with shampoo.
Recipe 8: I with castor oil, egg yolk and yeast
Well mix two tablespoons of burdock oil, egg yolk, a tablespoon of castor oil and a teaspoon of compressed yeast, the resulting mass treated hair. Keep the mask for at least two hours. Carefully wash off with shampoo.
Recipe 9: the mask of Burdock oil with castor oil and vitamins
Mix burdock, castor, taking them two tablespoons. Adding vitamins E and A (half teaspoon of oil solution) and stir the mixture, RUB it into the hair roots. Keep about hour. Carefully wash off with shampoo.
Recipe 10: I decoction of burdock (for stopping hair loss)
Not everyone likes to use for healing hair oil. In this case, you can use masks for the decoction of burdock root, which, in fact, preparing burdock oil.
Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed roots of burdock 200 gr. hot water. Boil on low heat for about 15 minutes. Then, tightly cover with a lid and leave the infusion to cool. Strain, rubbed into the roots washed hair. Do not rinse.
This decoction is also possible to rinse hair, but the water in this case should be taken twice.
6 miraculous means to fight age spots
Make this mask of "Panthenol" 2 times a week and you will see what happens!
Applying burdock hair mask, remember that the success of any skin care treatments is the systemic. Therefore, a mask made from burdock oil, will meet your expectations only if you will use them regularly.
Even better, if you act on the hair you will be comprehensively, i.e. not only outside but inside as well, controlling your food balance and providing the body with vitamins and minerals needed for healthy hair. They will be well groomed and beautiful! published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: zhenskoe-mnenie.ru/themes/beauty/elu-mask-for-the-hair-how-to-make-a-mask-for-the-hair-with-repeinym-oil/
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