Which housewives spoil strawberry jam, the fight to translate products
Strawberry jam, berry jam or smelt - Whatever you call this sweetness, and the drool is already beginning to flow. What could be more delicious than homemade jam?
Experienced housewives know exactly what you need to prepare a fragrant delicacy. But sometimes even something can go wrong. To prevent this from happening again, today we will talk about typical mistakes when cooking strawberry jam.
Strawberry jam We have repeatedly shared with you unusual recipes of strawberry delicacy for every taste. For example, you can make original jam in a pan or canned whole berries in your own juice.
Recipes recipes, but a couple of culinary tricks you will definitely need. Let’s start with the most banal, but for many it is not obvious. Very important. Follow the instructions clearly and consider the proportions correctly.. Yes, having bought a lot of strawberries, you want to throw everything in the pan and put the whole product into action. But the end result will probably not please you.
If you have too many berries, prepare jam or jam in a few runs. Or just brew a treat in 2-3 separate pots. So you definitely will not lose and get a sweet with a rich taste and aroma.
Even if you think that the berry is sweet on its own, this does not mean that you need less sugar. This product is important not only for the taste, but also for the consistency of jam. After dissolving in water, sugar is converted into syrup. It's necessary to The jam was more uniform and viscous..
Without the right amount of sugar, the jam will be too watery. If you see that there is really too much sugar in the recipe, just look for another option. But do not rely on luck, changing the proportions yourself.
Lemon juice In a good recipe for jam, lemon juice is necessarily present. Do not neglect this ingredient: jam will not become sour because of it. First of all, citric acid is needed to sweeten. Lemon also contains a large amount of pectin. It is needed for a better thickening of jam.
On average, a serving of 3 kg of strawberry jam requires 1 medium lemon. If you do not want to feel the pronounced taste of lemon in the jam, use purchased citric acid. Only 5 g of product will be enough.
What is wrong with pectin A huge number of recipes suggest the use of pectin. However, for some reason, this confuses many. And very in vain, because this ingredient will guarantee that the consistency of jam will turn out just perfect.
The fact is that in the strawberry pectin is not very much. As we said, this substance is contained in lemon. Also, apple slices are sometimes added to jam. But it may still be too little to achieve a good result. Pectin allows you not to digest jam, retaining its pleasant shade. By the way, the amount of pectin can depend on the variety of strawberries. So focus on the recommendations in the recipe you use.
Some housewives cook jam for a short time, they say, so more vitamins will remain. Others prefer not to risk and languish on the berries to the last. The fact is that in the first case the jam will be stored much less than it could be.
In addition, so that the berries are not oxidized, you need to cook them a little longer than indicated in the recipe. At the same time, it is undesirable to digest the delicacy, otherwise the result will be an ugly porridge-like mass of pale color. By the way, for the same reason, it is important to choose whole and large berries for jam, rather than soft and beaten. It's better to put them on compote.
From the editorial office, strawberry jam cooking is a delicate matter. For example, it is also important to use suitable dishes for cooking. Only fit. saucepan. If you make jam in aluminum, the berries will immediately oxidize. And because of stainless steel, they can acquire an unpleasant taste. To mix the delicacy is best with a wooden spoon. It is convenient to remove from the jam foam. If there is no wooden device, a silicone or plastic spoon will do.
That's all the wisdom for today! Hopefully, our tips will help you stock up on strawberry treats for the whole winter. By the way, it will be great if you share your proven recipe in the comments. Wait for you!

Experienced housewives know exactly what you need to prepare a fragrant delicacy. But sometimes even something can go wrong. To prevent this from happening again, today we will talk about typical mistakes when cooking strawberry jam.
Strawberry jam We have repeatedly shared with you unusual recipes of strawberry delicacy for every taste. For example, you can make original jam in a pan or canned whole berries in your own juice.

Recipes recipes, but a couple of culinary tricks you will definitely need. Let’s start with the most banal, but for many it is not obvious. Very important. Follow the instructions clearly and consider the proportions correctly.. Yes, having bought a lot of strawberries, you want to throw everything in the pan and put the whole product into action. But the end result will probably not please you.
If you have too many berries, prepare jam or jam in a few runs. Or just brew a treat in 2-3 separate pots. So you definitely will not lose and get a sweet with a rich taste and aroma.
Even if you think that the berry is sweet on its own, this does not mean that you need less sugar. This product is important not only for the taste, but also for the consistency of jam. After dissolving in water, sugar is converted into syrup. It's necessary to The jam was more uniform and viscous..

Without the right amount of sugar, the jam will be too watery. If you see that there is really too much sugar in the recipe, just look for another option. But do not rely on luck, changing the proportions yourself.
Lemon juice In a good recipe for jam, lemon juice is necessarily present. Do not neglect this ingredient: jam will not become sour because of it. First of all, citric acid is needed to sweeten. Lemon also contains a large amount of pectin. It is needed for a better thickening of jam.

On average, a serving of 3 kg of strawberry jam requires 1 medium lemon. If you do not want to feel the pronounced taste of lemon in the jam, use purchased citric acid. Only 5 g of product will be enough.
What is wrong with pectin A huge number of recipes suggest the use of pectin. However, for some reason, this confuses many. And very in vain, because this ingredient will guarantee that the consistency of jam will turn out just perfect.

The fact is that in the strawberry pectin is not very much. As we said, this substance is contained in lemon. Also, apple slices are sometimes added to jam. But it may still be too little to achieve a good result. Pectin allows you not to digest jam, retaining its pleasant shade. By the way, the amount of pectin can depend on the variety of strawberries. So focus on the recommendations in the recipe you use.
Some housewives cook jam for a short time, they say, so more vitamins will remain. Others prefer not to risk and languish on the berries to the last. The fact is that in the first case the jam will be stored much less than it could be.

In addition, so that the berries are not oxidized, you need to cook them a little longer than indicated in the recipe. At the same time, it is undesirable to digest the delicacy, otherwise the result will be an ugly porridge-like mass of pale color. By the way, for the same reason, it is important to choose whole and large berries for jam, rather than soft and beaten. It's better to put them on compote.
From the editorial office, strawberry jam cooking is a delicate matter. For example, it is also important to use suitable dishes for cooking. Only fit. saucepan. If you make jam in aluminum, the berries will immediately oxidize. And because of stainless steel, they can acquire an unpleasant taste. To mix the delicacy is best with a wooden spoon. It is convenient to remove from the jam foam. If there is no wooden device, a silicone or plastic spoon will do.

That's all the wisdom for today! Hopefully, our tips will help you stock up on strawberry treats for the whole winter. By the way, it will be great if you share your proven recipe in the comments. Wait for you!
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