5 classic recipes jam. Prepare for winter now!
Jam - a very tasty product that most of us prepares for winter. This delicacy can be prepared from a variety of fruits and berries. Ingredients for jam recipes in all nearly identical, only the method of preparing each family its own. We have collected 5 classic recipes of jams, which is definitely worth to do this summer. Just imagine, in the cold season with your loved ones you drink tea with this yummy homemade. Despite the fact that in the preparation of jams, some useful properties of this product are lost, it is still better to the body than the sweetness of the store.
1. Cherry jam
1, 2 kg of cherries, pitted; 1-1, 2 kg of sugar; 200 g of water;
cherry jam improves the appetite and speeds up metabolism. Also, it is a good prevention of diseases of the venous system and is used to strengthen capillaries. Jam made from cherries to stabilize the cardiovascular system and acts as a sedative.
2. Raspberry jam
1 kg raspberries; 1-1, 2 kg of sugar.
Raspberry jam - is an indispensable tool for colds. Raspberries are well absorbed by the body, it normalizes metabolism and improves digestion. Jam from this delicious fruit is used in the treatment of various neurological disorders, and various infectious diseases.
3. Strawberry jam and strawberry
1 kg of berries; 1 kg sugar; 1 g of citric acid; 100 g of water.
More than a simple recipe: Berries grist sugar and after a four-hour exposure boil until tender. Before the end of cooking, add lemon acid.
Strawberry jam is rich in antioxidants - substances that slow down the development of cancer cells, and a whole set of micro-and macro.
4. Jam blackcurrant
1 kg of currants; 1, 5 kg of sugar; 200 g of water.
The jam black currant contains vitamins that strengthen the immune system. Jam from this berry take in atherosclerosis. It offers resistance to inflammatory processes in the human body, it has a diaphoretic, diuretic and anchoring effect.
5. Gooseberry jam
1 kg of gooseberry; 1, 4-1, 5 kg of sugar; 200 g of water.
Gooseberry jam eat in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidney, as well as excess weight and anemia. In winter it is an excellent tool used to enhance immunity.
Share with your friends these wonderful recipes of jams and its beneficial properties!
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1. Cherry jam
1, 2 kg of cherries, pitted; 1-1, 2 kg of sugar; 200 g of water;

cherry jam improves the appetite and speeds up metabolism. Also, it is a good prevention of diseases of the venous system and is used to strengthen capillaries. Jam made from cherries to stabilize the cardiovascular system and acts as a sedative.
2. Raspberry jam
1 kg raspberries; 1-1, 2 kg of sugar.

Raspberry jam - is an indispensable tool for colds. Raspberries are well absorbed by the body, it normalizes metabolism and improves digestion. Jam from this delicious fruit is used in the treatment of various neurological disorders, and various infectious diseases.
3. Strawberry jam and strawberry
1 kg of berries; 1 kg sugar; 1 g of citric acid; 100 g of water.

More than a simple recipe: Berries grist sugar and after a four-hour exposure boil until tender. Before the end of cooking, add lemon acid.
Strawberry jam is rich in antioxidants - substances that slow down the development of cancer cells, and a whole set of micro-and macro.
4. Jam blackcurrant
1 kg of currants; 1, 5 kg of sugar; 200 g of water.

The jam black currant contains vitamins that strengthen the immune system. Jam from this berry take in atherosclerosis. It offers resistance to inflammatory processes in the human body, it has a diaphoretic, diuretic and anchoring effect.
5. Gooseberry jam
1 kg of gooseberry; 1, 4-1, 5 kg of sugar; 200 g of water.

Gooseberry jam eat in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, kidney, as well as excess weight and anemia. In winter it is an excellent tool used to enhance immunity.
Share with your friends these wonderful recipes of jams and its beneficial properties!
via takprosto cc
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