Looking for the hardest peaches on the market to cook fragrant jam, it turns out tastier than fresh fruit

Can it? sweet-peach Replace not too useful candy from the store? Of course. Modern sweets can not always boast of an ideal composition. Simply put, children should not give them. Natural fruits and berries will come to the rescue. Just imagine how delicious peach jam can be presented to your favorite children or grandchildren. We have already prepared fantastic recipes that you should definitely repeat.

The sweet peach in this article will be jam. Peach and nectarines. When choosing fruits for jam, pay attention to their shape and structure. Filigree work needs to be done. Buy ripe, but not too soft peaches and nectarines. During cooking, soft fruits can fall apart and turn into porridge.

In the store or market gently press on the peach finger. If the fruit is elastic and slightly hard, then it is ideal for making jam. You can even take some green peaches. They will still be sweet, because there is sugar in the recipe, but will not spoil during cooking.

Beautiful Delicacy Ingredients
  • 2kg peaches
  • 1.2 kg of sugar
  • vanilla
  • water

  1. Peaches carefully coldwash And cut it into slices. Determine the size yourself. You can cut the fruit into only four parts, or you can cut into smaller pieces. Do what you like best.
  2. Add water and sugar to a pot with a thick bottom. You need to make the syrup first. Once the sugar crystals are completely dissolved, you can throw pieces of fruit. Peaches will also release a decent amount of syrup, so very much water will not be needed.
  3. You need to cook jam in three sets with an interval of 8 hours. Bring the fruit to a boil and turn off the stove. Repeat the manipulation two more times. Once the peaches start to boil, Stir them carefully.. So that the spatula does not damage the pieces of fruit. Before the last stage of cooking, you need to add a little vanilla essence for the aroma.

Budget option Ingredients
  • 1 kg nectarines
  • 1 kg of sugar
  • 200 ml of water
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice

  1. Nectarines vibrate on the same principle as peaches. They should not be excessively soft, but also not very hard. Cut them into small pieces of about 2 cm each.
  2. Now we need to make syrup. The principle of its preparation is the same as in the first jam recipe. Stir the sugar and water until the sugar crystals dissolve completely. Once you turn off the stove and cool the syrup a little, add lemon juice. It will help the nectarines to be better saturated with sweetness, but not lose their shape.

Place it. nectarines c still warm syrup and leave them like that for the day. Stir the jam from time to time. It is better not to cover the nectarines in the syrup. It is enough to cover the pan with a light cloth or gauze. You need to repeat such manipulations twice more. Turn on the stove, bring the nectarines to a boil, turn off and leave for a day, not forgetting to stir. The third time will be the final for nectarine jam, so you need to slowly evaporate about 20% of the liquid. This can take about 30 minutes of cooking jam on a slow heat.

Sweet peach for an unforgettable delicacy Store such jam can be in the refrigerator in ordinary jars. It is perfectly shaped and at room temperature due to the large amount of sugar. Use peachy It can not only be a separate dish. Jam will perfectly cope with the role of filler for ice cream, cakes, pies, cakes and cocktails.

We're offering. feast for their crumbs. Why not have a spontaneous celebration? For example, peach jam will perfectly fit into the menu of the holiday “Alice in the Looking Glass”. Put out the most beautiful service, pour aromatic tea in beautiful cups. Serve peach jam, fresh fruit, cream, chocolate. We assure you that children will be just delighted and will definitely remember this day for life. Why don’t you please them this weekend?


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