Here's how to cook delicious jam without a gram of sugar
Many hostesses make blanks for the winter: marinades, pickles and, of course, jam. That's only in the classic form of jam is not so useful, and also very high-calorie. And for people with diabetes, it is generally prohibited. Because of the huge amount of sugar...
But today's edition. "Site" This will help solve the problem and share it.homemade No sugar.
Cooking such jam is no more difficult than usual. Yes, you will have to spend some time and follow some rules, but the result is worth it. Such jam is prepared in several approaches, and for its storage you will need carefully washed glass cans. What can be made without sugar? Absolutely anything. We'll give you some examples.
Now you know how to make delicious treats without adding sugar. Thanks to these simple recipes, you can please yourself and loved ones with useful jam. After all, berries and vitamins more, and fewer calories.
And if you are tired of jam, be sure to see 5 ways to save berries in a completely new way. Bon appetit!
What winter preparations do you make? Share with us in the comments!

But today's edition. "Site" This will help solve the problem and share it.homemade No sugar.
Cooking such jam is no more difficult than usual. Yes, you will have to spend some time and follow some rules, but the result is worth it. Such jam is prepared in several approaches, and for its storage you will need carefully washed glass cans. What can be made without sugar? Absolutely anything. We'll give you some examples.
- Strawberry jam
At the height of the season, you need to prepare enough strawberries to enjoy the whole winter. Preparing jam is quite simple. Wash the fruits well, get rid of the peduncles, and then dry on a cotton towel. Put the berries in a pan, leave them until they let the juice, and then put them on the fire. Bring it to a boil and turn the fire off. Put the treat in jars, sterilize for 20 minutes and roll the lids. Turn the jars upside down, let the jam cool completely. After that, put the cans in a dark and cold place. Such jam will be an excellent filling for pancakes or cakes.
DepositPhotos - Plum jam
This jam comes from childhood. I remember my grandmother leaving me and my sister for a jar of jam, fresh milk and bread. More happiness than eating a slice of bread with plum jam, washing it down with milk, you just can not think of. Good memories, but it's time to get to the recipe. For jam you will need the most poured and juicy plums, you can even slightly overripe. Plums must be thoroughly washed, the bones removed and folded into a large container. Boil the fruits until they let the juice, stirring periodically. You need to get a thick mass in which the spoon will stand, then everything will be ready.
But it is not so simple, you need to cook a delicacy in several approaches. First, boil the fruits for about an hour, then let the jam cool for about 8-9 hours. Then again an hour of cooking and a break for 8-9 hours. This cycle should be repeated 5 times. When you get a thick mass, which easily separates from the walls of the pan, you can consider it ready.
While the jam is still hot, put it in jars, let it cool. There is no need to cover the jam. A small hard crust will appear on top, which will protect the jam. After the appearance of such a crust, the can should be covered with parchment paper and put in the refrigerator. And no sugar!
DepositPhotos - Cherry jam
To make cherry jam, you will need two containers and, in fact, ripe cherries. We'll be cooking this jam in the steam bath. Fill one container with water by about half. In the second, fold the cherries, previously rid of the seeds, and immerse the container in boiling water. Within half an hour, the water should boil strongly, then you can reduce the fire. On low fire, you need to cook a delicacy for about three hours. After cooling the cherry jam and spilling on jars. Roll lids or cover with parchment paper. Keep it in the fridge.
DepositPhotos - Raspberry jam
To prepare this treat, you will need an enameled bucket. At the bottom of a bucket of bed folded several times gauze. Put raspberries in a dry jar, tamping it well. Raspberry has one important feature: it does not need to be washed before cooking jam. So, put a raspberry jar in a bucket, add some water to a bucket, and put it on a slow fire. While the water boils, the raspberries will let out the juice. Its amount will decrease, so constantly add berries. After the jar is completely filled with juice, let it boil for an hour. After rolling the lid and put the neck down, let it cool. Keep it in the fridge.
DepositPhotos - Apples in currant juice
This is probably my favorite recipe. After all, this is not an ordinary jam, but a delicious delicacy, besides very useful. To make jam, you will need a kilogram of apples and currants. Let's start with the berries. Clean them, wash them well and place them in a pan, adding some water. Put on the fire and cook until the berries are completely steamed. Rub this mass through a sieve and spill into cans, filling them up to half. Now cut the apples with slices, removing the core and bones. Place them in jars of currants, sterilize them for about 30 minutes and roll the lids. Here's your amazing treat and ready!
Now you know how to make delicious treats without adding sugar. Thanks to these simple recipes, you can please yourself and loved ones with useful jam. After all, berries and vitamins more, and fewer calories.
And if you are tired of jam, be sure to see 5 ways to save berries in a completely new way. Bon appetit!
What winter preparations do you make? Share with us in the comments!