That's what 200 calories in different foods! I would never have thought that this is so.
If you want to keep your weight is normal, this article is very useful to you. Because count calories - employment dreary, it is often too lazy to do it or simply forget. These photos will show you who is who in your food, which foods more calories, some - less. Depending on this, of course, you need to adjust the amount of their consumption. Food is presented here in increasing its nutritional value, from apples to peanut butter. Let this information will help you to be always in good shape!
Beautiful illustrations of your favorite snacks. Calories - not the kind of thing that can make jokes.
1. Apples (385 grams)
2. Butter (28 gram)
3. Broccoli (588 grams)
4. Chocolate bar Snickers (41 grams)
5. Ready-made pasta (145 grams)
6. Sausages (66 grams)
7. Kiwi (328 grams)
8. Cheeseburger (75 grams)
9. Eggs (150 grams)
10. Celery (1425 grams)
11. Blueberry pie (56 grams)
12. Mini-peppers (740 grams)
13. Canned black beans (186 grams)
14. Candy Werther's Originals (50 grams)
15. Burger with chicken (72 grams)
16. Doughnut (52 grams)
17. French bread (72 grams)
18. Avocado (125 grams)
19. Canned corn (308 grams)
20. Mini-carrots (570 grams)
21. Canned peas (357 grams)
22. Canned pork and beans (186 grams)
23. Chips, Doritos (41 grams)
24. Dried apricots (83 grams)
25. French fries (73 grams)
26. Fried Bacon (34 grams)
27. The flakes (51 grams)
28. Grapes (290 grams)
29. The sweetener Splenda (50 grams)
30. Jelly Bears (51 grams)
31. Candy Hershey Kisses (36 grams)
32. Melon (553 grams)
33. Candy Jelly Belly (54 grams)
34. Ketchup (226 grams)
35. Candy M & M'S (40 grams)
36. Red onions (475 grams)
37. Smoked turkey (204 grams)
38. Coca-Cola (496 ml)
39. Canola oil (23 grams)
40. Drops Smarties (57 grams)
41. Caramel Tootsie Pops (68 grams)
42. Whole milk (333 ml)
43. Balsamic vinegar (200 ml)
44. Low-fat strawberry yogurt (196 grams)
45. Canned meat with chili (189 grams)
46. Canned tuna in oil (102 grams)
47. Flakes from whole grains (100 grams)
48. Linen bread (90 grams)
49. Blueberry muffin (72 grams)
50. Liqueur Bailey's (60 ml)
51. Vanilla flakes with cranberries (55 grams)
52. Corn flour (55 grams)
53. Wheat flour (55 grams)
54. The food bar of peanut butter (54 grams)
55. The flakes of crispy rice (54 grams)
56. Wheat Flakes from the air (53 grams)
57. Brown sugar (53 grams)
58. pretzels (52 grams)
59. Cheddar cheese (51 grams)
60. Potato chips (37 grams)
61. sliced roasted almonds (35 grams)
62. Peanut butter (34 grams)
63. Salt Assorted nuts (33 grams)
Wonderful picture, is not it? After them, I immediately wanted to eat. Do it with the most optimal for your health and weight loss products. Nice to know that you can take responsibility for such an important issue as food.
Share with your friends these beautiful and useful photographs clearly show how much we eat. Let them be attached to the conscious choice of food!
via takprosto cc
Beautiful illustrations of your favorite snacks. Calories - not the kind of thing that can make jokes.
1. Apples (385 grams)

2. Butter (28 gram)

3. Broccoli (588 grams)

4. Chocolate bar Snickers (41 grams)

5. Ready-made pasta (145 grams)

6. Sausages (66 grams)

7. Kiwi (328 grams)

8. Cheeseburger (75 grams)

9. Eggs (150 grams)

10. Celery (1425 grams)

11. Blueberry pie (56 grams)

12. Mini-peppers (740 grams)

13. Canned black beans (186 grams)

14. Candy Werther's Originals (50 grams)

15. Burger with chicken (72 grams)

16. Doughnut (52 grams)

17. French bread (72 grams)

18. Avocado (125 grams)

19. Canned corn (308 grams)

20. Mini-carrots (570 grams)

21. Canned peas (357 grams)

22. Canned pork and beans (186 grams)

23. Chips, Doritos (41 grams)

24. Dried apricots (83 grams)

25. French fries (73 grams)

26. Fried Bacon (34 grams)

27. The flakes (51 grams)

28. Grapes (290 grams)

29. The sweetener Splenda (50 grams)

30. Jelly Bears (51 grams)

31. Candy Hershey Kisses (36 grams)

32. Melon (553 grams)

33. Candy Jelly Belly (54 grams)

34. Ketchup (226 grams)

35. Candy M & M'S (40 grams)

36. Red onions (475 grams)

37. Smoked turkey (204 grams)

38. Coca-Cola (496 ml)

39. Canola oil (23 grams)

40. Drops Smarties (57 grams)

41. Caramel Tootsie Pops (68 grams)

42. Whole milk (333 ml)

43. Balsamic vinegar (200 ml)

44. Low-fat strawberry yogurt (196 grams)

45. Canned meat with chili (189 grams)

46. Canned tuna in oil (102 grams)

47. Flakes from whole grains (100 grams)

48. Linen bread (90 grams)

49. Blueberry muffin (72 grams)

50. Liqueur Bailey's (60 ml)

51. Vanilla flakes with cranberries (55 grams)

52. Corn flour (55 grams)

53. Wheat flour (55 grams)

54. The food bar of peanut butter (54 grams)

55. The flakes of crispy rice (54 grams)

56. Wheat Flakes from the air (53 grams)

57. Brown sugar (53 grams)

58. pretzels (52 grams)

59. Cheddar cheese (51 grams)

60. Potato chips (37 grams)

61. sliced roasted almonds (35 grams)

62. Peanut butter (34 grams)

63. Salt Assorted nuts (33 grams)

Wonderful picture, is not it? After them, I immediately wanted to eat. Do it with the most optimal for your health and weight loss products. Nice to know that you can take responsibility for such an important issue as food.
Share with your friends these beautiful and useful photographs clearly show how much we eat. Let them be attached to the conscious choice of food!
via takprosto cc
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