7 simple ways to lose weight without counting calories
"Eat less, move more" is the main message of a variety of healthy food guru. It is based on the assumption that people get fat only because of the extra calories. But this is absolutely not true, because our body is much more complicated.
Different food different satisfies hunger and affects our hormonal balance. Calories calories strife.
Actually there are many ways to lose the weight, calculating the number of calories consumed. Described below are seven ways to start losing weight, that is, "on autopilot" without thinking about calories:
1. Eat eggs for Breakfast instead of cereal
To lose weight, you only need to make changes to the composition of your Breakfast. Two independent studies have proven that eating eggs in the morning (instead of the usual pastries) will help you to lose weight.
In the first study a control group consisting of 30 women, the obese, ate eggs for Breakfast. In the end, women have to consume less calories during the day and the next 36 hours, because the eggs were so rich that they wanted to eat less in subsequent hours.
In the second study, people broke into groups: one group ate eggs, the other pastries. In both groups people followed a low-calorie diet. After 8 weeks of the experiment, the people from the group who consumed eggs, recorded a more significant weight loss than in the second group: weight loss by 65 percent more; reducing body mass index is 61% more reduction in waist size — 34 percent more; lowering body fat content by 16 percent more.
Eggs are one of the healthiest foods on the planet. But new research shows that their use does not cause the accumulation of cholesterol and therefore causes heart attacks.
2. Small plates can cause the brain to believe that you eat more than you really are.
How the brain controls our eating habits, complex and unexplored until the end of the process. It is the brain that determines when we should eat and when not to.
Oddly enough, but psychological research has shown that using smaller plates really helps to trick the brain and make it think you've eaten more than you actually are.
3. Protein will help to reduce appetite, burn more fat and gain muscle mass.
For some strange reason, protein has a bad reputation. Many people think that he "sucks" calcium from bones and cause of kidney disease. It is an absolute lie, unsubstantiated by any research.
In fact, studies have shown that protein boosts metabolism more than any other macronutrient needed. One of the reasons lies in the fact that the body requires more calories to digest protein than fats or carbohydrates.
Protein also promotes uptake, which significantly reduces the intensity of the feeling of hunger. One study showed that the increase in the intake of protein calories to 30% leads to a decrease in the total number of calories consumed on 441 calories per day.
A study shows that even if there are protein foods to a full satiety, weight still will begin to decline.
Protein also helps to gain muscle mass. In muscle cells there is a constant metabolic rate, they consume a small amount of calories, even in a passive state.
The best source of protein is animal foods such as meat, fish and eggs.
4. Foods with low energy density and high in fiber will help you feel full with fewer calories.
Such foods include foods with high water content, such as vegetables and some fruits.
In one study, women who ate soup product having a low energy density lost 50 percent more weight than women who consumed snacks with high energy density. Vegetables also contain a lot of soluble dietary fiber (also called fiber) that also help to fight obesity.
Another advantage of fiber is that, once in the digestive tract, it will begin to dissolve bacteria, resulting in a fatty acid called butyrate, which, as studies have shown (though only in mice), prevents the process of obesity.
The combination products of animal origin vegetables is a sure way to conquer obesity.
5. Reducing carbohydrate intake will allow you to quickly lose weight without starving
Chart title: comparative graph of the body weight with the use of products with low fat content (solid line) or carbohydrates (dashed line).
Reduce the consumption of carbohydrates is probably the best way to start to lose excess weight without having counting calories and controlling portions.
Studies show that people who eat less carbohydrates, automatically start to eat less calories and lose weight effortlessly.
In one study, a group of 53 women suffering from obesity, divided into two subgroups: the first subgroup within 6 months I was on a diet with low carbohydrate content, the second with a low fat content.
During this period, women from the first group dropped two times more kilograms without restricting calories than women of the second group, a diet which provided strict control of the amount of calories consumed.
The best way to reduce carbohydrate intake is to cease to use such products as sugar, sweets, soda, and foods based on starch – bread, pasta, potatoes etc To maintain a healthy weight enough to reduce my carb intake to 100 – 150 grams a day. If you want to lose weight, reducing the consumption of carbohydrates to 50 grams sure this will help.
Have a low-carb diet has another advantage: it helps to reduce the level of insulin, causing the kidneys begin to withdraw excess sodium and water from the body, thereby reducing swelling and preventing the accumulation of fluid in the body.
6. Quality sleep and lack of stress will help to ensure the correct functioning of the basic hormones.
Stress levels and sleep is often overlooked when it comes to health (and weight). Both are incredibly important for proper body function and hormones.
Poor sleep is one of the key factors influencing the risk of obesity. Too short sleep increases the risk of obesity by 89% in children and 55% adults.
Poor quality sleep can increase hunger and a strong desire to eat something, and can start biochemical reaction aimed at weight gain due to disruption of hunger hormones ghrelin and leptin.
Too high level of stress can increase the level of cortisol which causes fat accumulation in the abdomen and increases the risk of chronic diseases. Therefore, we need to set aside time for quality sleep, and avoid distractions, and to know the ways on how to relieve stress.
7. Coconut oil instead of regular oil for cooking will help to enhance the metabolism and reduce the appetite.
Coconut oil has unique properties which can help reduce the appetite and increase the amount of the body burned fat. It contains fats called medium chain triglycerides (eng.MCTs).
These fatty acids are digested differently than other fats: they immediately fall into the liver, where either used for energy or turned into ketone bodies.
Two small studies have shown that the use of these fats are able to force people to consume fewer calories. In one of such studies the number of calories consumed has decreased by 256 calories per day. These fats also tend to increase consumption of energy: in one study, energy expenditure of the body increased by 5 percent.
30 ml of coconut oil or Flaxseed oil a day is enough to significantly reduce the body mass index and coverage waist – a sign of fatty deposits in the abdomen.
Source: /users/1077
Different food different satisfies hunger and affects our hormonal balance. Calories calories strife.

Actually there are many ways to lose the weight, calculating the number of calories consumed. Described below are seven ways to start losing weight, that is, "on autopilot" without thinking about calories:
1. Eat eggs for Breakfast instead of cereal
To lose weight, you only need to make changes to the composition of your Breakfast. Two independent studies have proven that eating eggs in the morning (instead of the usual pastries) will help you to lose weight.
In the first study a control group consisting of 30 women, the obese, ate eggs for Breakfast. In the end, women have to consume less calories during the day and the next 36 hours, because the eggs were so rich that they wanted to eat less in subsequent hours.
In the second study, people broke into groups: one group ate eggs, the other pastries. In both groups people followed a low-calorie diet. After 8 weeks of the experiment, the people from the group who consumed eggs, recorded a more significant weight loss than in the second group: weight loss by 65 percent more; reducing body mass index is 61% more reduction in waist size — 34 percent more; lowering body fat content by 16 percent more.
Eggs are one of the healthiest foods on the planet. But new research shows that their use does not cause the accumulation of cholesterol and therefore causes heart attacks.
2. Small plates can cause the brain to believe that you eat more than you really are.
How the brain controls our eating habits, complex and unexplored until the end of the process. It is the brain that determines when we should eat and when not to.
Oddly enough, but psychological research has shown that using smaller plates really helps to trick the brain and make it think you've eaten more than you actually are.
3. Protein will help to reduce appetite, burn more fat and gain muscle mass.
For some strange reason, protein has a bad reputation. Many people think that he "sucks" calcium from bones and cause of kidney disease. It is an absolute lie, unsubstantiated by any research.
In fact, studies have shown that protein boosts metabolism more than any other macronutrient needed. One of the reasons lies in the fact that the body requires more calories to digest protein than fats or carbohydrates.
Protein also promotes uptake, which significantly reduces the intensity of the feeling of hunger. One study showed that the increase in the intake of protein calories to 30% leads to a decrease in the total number of calories consumed on 441 calories per day.
A study shows that even if there are protein foods to a full satiety, weight still will begin to decline.
Protein also helps to gain muscle mass. In muscle cells there is a constant metabolic rate, they consume a small amount of calories, even in a passive state.
The best source of protein is animal foods such as meat, fish and eggs.
4. Foods with low energy density and high in fiber will help you feel full with fewer calories.
Such foods include foods with high water content, such as vegetables and some fruits.
In one study, women who ate soup product having a low energy density lost 50 percent more weight than women who consumed snacks with high energy density. Vegetables also contain a lot of soluble dietary fiber (also called fiber) that also help to fight obesity.
Another advantage of fiber is that, once in the digestive tract, it will begin to dissolve bacteria, resulting in a fatty acid called butyrate, which, as studies have shown (though only in mice), prevents the process of obesity.
The combination products of animal origin vegetables is a sure way to conquer obesity.
5. Reducing carbohydrate intake will allow you to quickly lose weight without starving
Chart title: comparative graph of the body weight with the use of products with low fat content (solid line) or carbohydrates (dashed line).
Reduce the consumption of carbohydrates is probably the best way to start to lose excess weight without having counting calories and controlling portions.
Studies show that people who eat less carbohydrates, automatically start to eat less calories and lose weight effortlessly.
In one study, a group of 53 women suffering from obesity, divided into two subgroups: the first subgroup within 6 months I was on a diet with low carbohydrate content, the second with a low fat content.
During this period, women from the first group dropped two times more kilograms without restricting calories than women of the second group, a diet which provided strict control of the amount of calories consumed.
The best way to reduce carbohydrate intake is to cease to use such products as sugar, sweets, soda, and foods based on starch – bread, pasta, potatoes etc To maintain a healthy weight enough to reduce my carb intake to 100 – 150 grams a day. If you want to lose weight, reducing the consumption of carbohydrates to 50 grams sure this will help.
Have a low-carb diet has another advantage: it helps to reduce the level of insulin, causing the kidneys begin to withdraw excess sodium and water from the body, thereby reducing swelling and preventing the accumulation of fluid in the body.
6. Quality sleep and lack of stress will help to ensure the correct functioning of the basic hormones.
Stress levels and sleep is often overlooked when it comes to health (and weight). Both are incredibly important for proper body function and hormones.
Poor sleep is one of the key factors influencing the risk of obesity. Too short sleep increases the risk of obesity by 89% in children and 55% adults.
Poor quality sleep can increase hunger and a strong desire to eat something, and can start biochemical reaction aimed at weight gain due to disruption of hunger hormones ghrelin and leptin.
Too high level of stress can increase the level of cortisol which causes fat accumulation in the abdomen and increases the risk of chronic diseases. Therefore, we need to set aside time for quality sleep, and avoid distractions, and to know the ways on how to relieve stress.
7. Coconut oil instead of regular oil for cooking will help to enhance the metabolism and reduce the appetite.
Coconut oil has unique properties which can help reduce the appetite and increase the amount of the body burned fat. It contains fats called medium chain triglycerides (eng.MCTs).
These fatty acids are digested differently than other fats: they immediately fall into the liver, where either used for energy or turned into ketone bodies.
Two small studies have shown that the use of these fats are able to force people to consume fewer calories. In one of such studies the number of calories consumed has decreased by 256 calories per day. These fats also tend to increase consumption of energy: in one study, energy expenditure of the body increased by 5 percent.
30 ml of coconut oil or Flaxseed oil a day is enough to significantly reduce the body mass index and coverage waist – a sign of fatty deposits in the abdomen.
Source: /users/1077