Learn to count calories correctly

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To maintain a stable weight and energy balance in the body each person requires a certain amount of calories. Thus, a common rule that an adult per day requires about 2000 calories, requires certain amendments on gender, height, age and lifestyle.
Determining your rate of metabolism and basic metabolism (g), one can calculate the daily amount of calories.
Basal metabolic rate is calculated according to the following formulas:
Women: OO = 9.99 × weight (kg) + 6.25 × height (cm) of 4.92 × age (years) – 161
Men: GS = 9.99 × weight (kg) + 6.25 × height (cm) of 4.92 × age (years) + 5
Then you can calculate daily (day) calorie intake, which can make your daily diet and to determine the optimal amount of food.

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For the compilation of the daily diet and counting calories you must determine the degree of their activity and to choose one of five items to determine the coefficient of metabolism (the value in parentheses):
– sedentary or sedentary lifestyle (1,2 × OO)
– inactive lifestyle with little physical exertion, including sports activities no more than 3 times a week (1,375 × OO)
– medium activity sports 3 to 5 times a week. (1,55 × OO)
– high activity, daily physical activity (sports or heavy physical work) (1,725 × OO)
– ultra-high activity, daily sport or heavy physical labor (1,9 × OO)
As an example, you can calculate how many calories you want thirties woman with normal weight and growth, leading a sedentary lifestyle (the average office employee).

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Example: GS = 9,99 × 55 (kg) + 6,25 × 160 (cm) — 4,92 × 30 (years) – 161 = 549,45 + 1000 – 147,6 – 161 = 1240,85 calories. The value obtained should be multiplied by a factor of metabolism: 1240,85 × 1,2 = 1489,02.
From this example we see that the woman who leads a sedentary lifestyle, a day needs about 1500 calories. Therefore, when the daily diet of 2000 calories a woman will gain weight. But with medium to high activity, this woman will need about 1700-2000 calories a day.
There is a more simple formula to determine the approximate calorie intake. For example, you can multiply your weight by 28. The results of applying this formula to a person with a weight of 55 kg per day need 1540 calories.
To consume the amount of food that matches your daily rate, it is advisable to have a notebook in which to make a table of caloric content of frequently consumed products.

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Must also be a menu in which the daily calorie allowance will be distributed in all meals (Breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, snack, etc.). Over time, a proper nutrient diet will become a habit, and different menu options will be remembered. Therefore Notepad to count calories needed only in the first months of the transition to a balanced diet.
If you want to lose weight, but all these formulas and calculations are not for you, then start small and create the perfect from the point of view of caloric content and generally from all points of view Italian salad! published
Source: domashniy.ru/
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