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Switch fat: the Perfect "weight" does not always depend on kilograms

Switch fatA study on belly fat presented at the Congress of the European society of cardiology, shows that visceral fat – the one that gathers around the internal organs – is far more dangerous to health than you think.

It has been proved that the traditional index of obesity, or BMI (body mass index) gives a terribly distorted information, because, as you found out, a normal overall BMI and a high degree of abdominal obesity is more dangerous than the General BMI that indicates obesity.

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Thus, according to the study, people with normal weight but a big belly the level of cardiovascular death was 2.75 times higher than in people with normal BMI and normal ratio of waist size to hip size. This implies that to monitor their belly fat more important than BMI.

Perfect "weight" does not necessarily depend on the weight...There are a number of methods to calculate the ideal amount of your body. In the mentioned study used a method of measuring the ratio of waist size to hip size. This is done by measuring the circumference of your hips at the widest part – at the level of the buttocks. Now measure your waist at its thinnest a natural part of just above the navel. Divide the waist measurement to the hip measurement and you will get a ratio.

At the University of Maryland have developed a convenient online calculator ratio of waist size to hip size – please feel free to use it, additionally it will show whether enlarged your risk of cardiovascular disease. In the mentioned study used the following represent the ratio of waist size to hip size:

  • Normal = 0.85 or less for women and 0.90 or less for men
  • High = 0.85 or more for women, and 0.90 or greater for men
Another, even more simple method to find out if you have a problem with weight is to measure waist circumference (at its thinnest part below the chest and above the navel). Waist circumference is the simplest anthropometric measure total body fat.

Any of these methods is much better than BMI assesses the risk of disease, as BMI does not take into account muscle mass. In addition, BMI does not help to know how much intra-abdominal fat mass.

On the other hand, waist size gives a good idea of the amount of body fat, especially fat in the abdominal area. Abdominal fat is considered an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and stroke.

In addition, the waist size is a powerful indicator of insulin sensitivity, as studies clearly show that waist measurement is one of the most effective ways to predict the risk of diabetes. If you are not sure whether your waistline the normal options, here the General principles:

  • For men 94-100 cm indicates overweight, and more than 100 sm – obesity.
  • For women 80-88 cm indicates overweight and more than 88 cm obese.
The body fat percentage is another way to measure ideal body volumeThere is another way that many experts now tend to believe the most accurate measurement of obesity is the percentage of fat in the body. As the name implies, it is simply the percentage of fat contained in your body, but this can be a powerful indicator of the General state of health.

  • Excess body fat is associated with chronic health problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

  • Too small quantity is also problematic since this organism can go into a catabolic state in which the fuel is used by muscle protein.

The General recommendations of the Committee for physical culture are:

ClassificationWomen (fat percentage)Men (percent fat)An indispensable fat10-13 percent2-5 percentAthletes14-20 percent6-13 percentGood physical shape21-24 percent14-17 percentAcceptably25-31 percent18-24 percentObesity32 percent and higher25 percent and above The calipers to measure fat folds is one of the most reliable and most accurate ways to measure body fat. It's easy to a handy device by which to quickly and easily measure the thickness of folds of skin with subcutaneous layer of fat. Measured in three specific locations on the body, the figures obtained will help to determine the total percentage of fat in the body.

Does the reduction in the consumption of fructose, if you want to lose weight?A recent study published in the "journal of nutrition", has brought to the fore the question of the health effects of corn syrup with high fructose compared with sugar. According to the authors, their findings show that for weight loss there is no difference between regular sugar and corn syrup with high fructose. Dr. Richard Johnson, author of "stop the sugar" and "the fat Switch" (which I will discuss later), sent me a rebuttal, which I want to share with you.

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In a recent study by the group of James Tripp reported in the "journal of nutrition", found that as a result of low calorie diet the weight lost regardless of the content of sugar or corn syrup with high fructose. The study involved 267 adults are overweight.Randomly they were divided into groups that received low-calorie food in one of four options:

  • 10 percent of calories from sugar (sucrose)
  • 20 percent of calories from sugar (sucrose)
  • 10 percent of calories in the form of corn syrup with high fructose or
  • 20 percent corn syrup with high fructose
Each group received a diet calculated to reduce total consumption by 500 calories, and all groups were enrolled in the exercise program. After 12 weeks, all groups on low-calorie diet showed the same decrease in weight. The authors came to the conclusion that a key aspect of weight loss is calorie restriction, not the content of fructose in food. They also said that the results of the diet, comprised of sucrose and corn syrup with high fructose, do not differ from each other.

Why is the fructose in food mattersConsider two issues raised in this study. First question: do I need to reduce the consumption of extra sugar if you get on a diet. Second question: is there any difference between table sugar (sucrose) and corn syrup with high fructose.

Does the reduction in the consumption of fructose? Really, the weight is mainly regulated by the law of thermodynamics, and the most effective way to lose weight is to reduce food intake. That's why any diet in which decreases the amount of calories will be effective for weight loss.

But the reduction in the consumption of extra sugar, like table sugar (sucrose) or corn syrup with high fructose (CSSF), really matters. These sugars contain fructose, and fructose are found to stimulates the increase in weight due to its ability to induce resistance to leptin – the hormone which controls appetite.

When fructose gave the animals, they lost the ability to control your appetite. Limit consumption of fructose may contribute to the restoration of sensitivity to leptin. This may be one of the reasons why a diet low in carbohydrates stimulate weight loss is because they, essentially, are diets with a low content of fructose.

But the problem with the study of the Ripa is that the number of calories umershemu in all four diets were the same, so how the weight was affected by the reduction in the consumption of fructose has remained largely unclear. However, we can note the trends of the beneficial effects of two diets with a content of sucrose or XVSF at 10% weight loss was 3.3 and 4.15 kg, and diets with a content of sucrose or XVSF at 20 percent, only 2.4 and 1.9 kg.

This is probably due to the fact that a diet with less fructose more efficiently satisfy the hunger that apparently explains differences in energy consumption.

But the greater concern is not the weight but the effect of fructose on body composition, fatty liver disease and insulin resistance. Fructose can rapidly cause metabolic syndrome and fatty degeneration of the liver that is not observed in animals treated with the same amount of calories in the form of glucose or starch.

For weight gain are mainly calories, but fatty liver and insulin resistance results in fructose. In this study, the authors did not consider as outcomes, fatty liver disease or insulin resistance. However, they measured changes in fat percentage and again we see the same trends: a reduction of 1.5-2.4% fat in groups with 10 percent sucrose and XVSF and 1.1-1.3 per cent — among the groups with 20 percent of sucrose and XVSF.

Thus, these studies indicate that reducing calories can reduce weight, but the fructose is also important.

In fact, just a shame that the authors did not include in the study a hypocaloric diet with a high sugar content. So, some teenagers consume 30 percent of your diet in the form of additional sugars. We found that in laboratory rats, a diet of which 40% consisted of sugar, has developed a real diabetes and fatty degeneration of the liver, even when calories were restricted. Therefore, we need to rethink the question of whether the calories are only calories. Calories are important, if we are talking about weight, but of great importance is the type of calorie in the sense that they affect the risk of fat accumulation and the development of diabetes.

So is there a difference between sugar and XVSF? The study group of the Ripa also implies that the effects of XVSF and sugar are relatively similar. Of course, both contain fructose and can induce metabolic syndrome and weight gain in animals. But a number of differences suggests that XVSF can be somewhat worse.

First, in soft drinks with XVSF contains more fructose than soft drinks with the same amount of sucrose, in part because of the higher content of fructose in XVSF. Our group found that this leads to an increase in the level of fructose in blood and blood pressure after consumption. Recently, a group of Michael Goran found that the percentage of fructose in beverages containing XVSF, often higher than indicated on the label — sometimes reaching 65 percent fructose.

Second, there are differences in the absorption of fructose from these two drinks. Namely, XVSV can lead to accelerated absorption of fructose, as it is not connected, whereas sucrose must first be cleaved in the intestine to glucose and fructose and then absorbed. Our group found that the mixture of fructose and glucose led to a greater deterioration of fatty degeneration of the liver in laboratory animals than sucrose in the same amount.

Obviously, we need much more research, but even the available data show possible biological differences between these two added sugars.

Thus, we would recommend reducing consumption of added sugars — sucrose, and XVSF in any diet. Reduction in the consumption of natural fruits was not necessary, because, even though they contain fructose, they also have a lot of great nutrients that help fight the effects of drinking fructose. More research is needed that will help to determine whether the clinical significance of the biological differences between XVSF and sucrose.

"The fat switch" may be the key to disabling obesityIf you have ever struggled trying to lose weight and keep the right weight, you probably already know how difficult it is. In the new book Dr. Johnson's "the fat Switch"(available in English only) presented an innovative approach to the prevention of obesity and reversing the trend. Dr. Johnson asked me to publish this book, to know as many people as possible, and we hope to do it. This is the first published book that was not written by me, but I felt that we share the same strong belief on a very important issue that lies at the heart of what we teach on this website.

I firmly believe that understanding how fructose influences the metabolism of fat by activating your "fat switch" is key for achieving optimal weight and health. According to Dr. Johnson, which are based on decades of his research:

"Those of us who are obese eat more because of a faulty "switch" and doing less exercise due to lack of energy. If you learn how to control this "switch" in the power of each to your cells, the mitochondria – you have the key to combating obesity."

I highly recommend to purchase this book, which is called "the Holy Grail" for those struggling with excess weight.In it, Dr. Johnson explains in detail the five basic truths:

Large portions of food and too little exercise are not the only reasons why you gain weight Metabolic syndrome is the normal state, whereby animals keep fat Specific foods increase levels of uric acid, which contributes to obesity and insulin resistance fructose-Containing sugars cause obesity not by calories but by turning on the switch fat the Effective treatment of obesity requires turning off the fat switch and normalize the function of cell mitochondria. published   

© Joseph Mercola

P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©

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