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Find out what visceral fat is and how dangerous it is

More and more people want to look toned and attractive, so they try all sorts of ways to get rid of excess fat. However, obesity is not only a threat to your appearance, but also a serious irritant to the body.

In this case we are not talking about subcutaneous and visceral fat on, because the first type is absolutely not dangerous, except for the cosmetic effect.

If you want to develop an effective method for combating visceral fat, you need to thoroughly examine your enemy.

Feature visceral fat is that it is delayed inside the serous membrane which covers the cavity of the body. These shells are visually reminiscent of the thin connecting membrane, often called film. Thus, if fat accumulates in the subcutaneous fat layer, that is, away from these films, the visceral fat is concentrated in these cavities.

Visceral fat is the reserve power of our body energy reserves in the form of adipose tissue. In contrast to the subcutaneous, which is going around the hips, abdomen or waist, visceral is much deeper, surrounding all vital organs. Therefore, surgeons can easily remove subcutaneous fat, while visceral against the type they are powerless.

If we talk about the structure and composition of the above elements, they are also significantly different. The basis of the visceral fat consists of brown cells, in turn, the Foundation of the subcutaneous fat are white cells.


Where and why accumulate visceral fat?

Visceral fat is located near the internal organs, so it is often called the internal or abdominal. To determine the concentration of this type of fat simply because such a violation manifests itself in a visual increase in the abdomen, he pushed forward, while the rest of the body remain in the same form. In fact, the imbalance in the body – the first sign of excessive quantities of visceral fat.

As practice shows, such changes in the body occur because of non-compliance of a healthy lifestyle, particularly to unbalanced nutrition, lack of physical activity, harmful habits and other factors. Many believe that the increase in the concentration of visceral fat is an age – related. However, this factor plays no role.

Nowadays, due to pathologically poor lifestyle, many young people suffer from excess abdominal fat. Moreover, even children are no exception.

It should also be noted that visceral fat is not a useless element, on the contrary, he performs some of the functions:

Protection of organs from injury and mechanical damage of the environment. Used by the body as a reserve energy source. The danger of visceral fat

Oddly enough, but the visceral fat, extremely important for the organism because it creates a kind of cushion, which, in turn, protects internal organs from various injuries and mechanical damages of the external environment. Signs of a healthy ratio of visceral fat from the total mass of fat cells approximately 10-15%. That is, the concentration of this type of fat should not exceed more than 15% of the total volume of fat cells. Unfortunately, in many cases, this proportion is broken, in some cases it exceeds the permissible norm, which the person starts to bulge stomach.

Exceeding the recommended standards is fraught with the occurrence of various negative phenomena:

  • Due to the excessive load on the legs is manifested varicose veins.
  • Visceral fat has a lot of pressure on your heart, as a result it becomes a cause of myocardial infarction and many other grave diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Exceeding the recommended concentration of this fat may be a prerequisite for the origin of cancer disease.
  • The failure of hormonal background and various disorders of the metabolic reactions.

Let's discuss it in more detail.

Since this is a type of fat located in a fairly active place where there is a lot of metabolic processes, visceral fat is also constantly moves through the bloodstream into the liver. If the norm for us it is not dangerous, its excess can lead to serious complications with the heart. When visceral fat goes to your vital gland (liver) it converts it to cholesterol, which tends to hide in the intima of blood vessels, creating a blockage in the vessels. As a result, a person may be quite common disease in our time – ATHEROSCLEROSIS (disease of arteries).

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Of course, excess cholesterol quite harmful to the human body. However, this is too much generalized concept. The fact that this substance has the property to dissolve in water, and since our blood is composed almost water, cholesterol cannot be in their natural form, instead, it is transported through the so-called "lipoproteins" or containers for triglycerides.

These complex compounds in which the included protein is divided into several types:

  • HDL – high density lipoproteins
  • LDL – low density lipoprotein
  • VLDL – lipoproteins of very low density
  • Chylomicrons

So, it is a complex compound low and very low density is detrimental for our body. Their excess leads to the aforementioned problem with the heart – atherosclerosis. Of course, they somehow circleroute in our blood, but due to the increase in excess weight, their concentration increases significantly, which is very negative impact on health.

That is, not all cholesterol is dangerous, but only one that is transported by lipoproteins of low and very low density.

According to who statistics, cardiovascular diseases are one of the leading causes of death worldwide. 2012 only from cardiovascular disease killed more than 17 million people. It is worth considering to improve your lifestyle. And the main causes of heart problems is excess weight loss, including excess visceral fat.

Moreover, accumulation of internal fat around vital organs contributes to the violation of metabolic processes in the body and also insulin resistance.

It was clear to all that it is, let's look at a quick example. When we consume any food, our body releases insulin, which is responsible for regulating carbohydrate metabolism and other metabolic processes in virtually all tissues of our body. Now, because of insulin resistance in human blood injected increased dose of insulin, i.e., the sensitivity to this peptide hormone origin significantly lowered due to the stored fat. Due to this increased concentration of insulin, can occur global complications of serious pathology and the development of many diseases. These include: diabetes mellitus 2nd type, atherosclerosis, obesity, multiple problems with the cardiovascular system, etc.

In addition, excessive accumulation of visceral fat disrupts the normal hormonal balance of a person. As a result, this leads to a deterioration of potency, an increased appetite (he is enhanced by the excessive allocation of the corresponding hormone "ghrelin"), to increase the level of insulin in the blood and other such health problems.

Also, it should be noted another danger STEATOSIS. This is a very common liver disease that involves obesity liver cells.

Where all this leads? Processing of insulin in the liver is significantly inhibited, thereby increasing fat levels in the body. That is, all of these complications contribute to more problems, increase in obesity, the occurrence of many chronic diseases and so on.

The only correct way out of this situation — to start to live a healthy lifestyle and eat right. You need to start exercise, as physical activity has a positive effect on increasing insulin sensitivity, restores all the vital metabolic processes in the body.


How to know the number of the internal fat and determine whether it exceeded the norm?

To determine be whether visceral fat is normal or not, there are quite simple ways.

For example, take a special measuring tape "m" and wrap it around your waist. For men the norm is around 90 – 100 cm (waist circumference), and for women – 90 cm.

If this rate is exceeded, and visually shows that the stomach sticks out, it is worth pondering to exercise and revise your diet.

There is a more accurate way to see whether the violated norm of abdominal fat, namely: to do an MRI or a CT scan. At the same time, these are the ways to check the status of the whole organism.


How to get rid of visceral fat?

Generally, visceral fat is lost together with the subcutaneous, the only exception might be the presence of diseases of the endocrine system. Therefore, to solve such problems we will approach the standard methodology used for weight loss: diet (proper diet), increased physical activity, various products (fat burners).

Before using the same Carnitine, as an aide for burning excess fat, consult your doctor. Also you have to understand that the use of such sports nutrition is designed for people who lead an active lifestyle, engage in gyms and follow a certain diet. That is, if a person wants to lose weight will be to drink carnitine, but will not conduct an appropriate way of life – to sense any will not be. In General, always consult a physician. There may be a variety of contraindications that should be considered.

Also to help increase metabolism and health, you need to drink the necessary daily requirement of water per day. It will also help to accelerate the burning process of excess weight, including internal.

In order to get rid of such excess fat, you must approach the problem comprehensively, and to use all methods, namely:

  • Combine proper nutrition and exercise.
  • Focus on a balanced diet, eat less but more often. You should not feel hunger. Frequent meals required portions of food 5-6 times a day will allow you to overclock the metabolism and a little to accelerate the process of burning excess fat.
  • Increase the concentration of vitamin C.
  • Limit intake of fast carbs and fat.
  • Avoid stressful situations and refrain from sedatives, which act as a sedative.
 Diet to prevent set of visceral fat

Proper nutrition – a pledge of longevity and good health, revise your diet never too late. For preventive purposes, ideal for foods that contain approximately the same concentration of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. From now on, the least harm and the most use is the main principle of working in the kitchen.

Unfortunately, effective diet is not a universal prescription on the contrary it is compiled individually for each person. However, we can distinguish several fundamental points, which is enough to prevent the increase of the level of visceral fat:

  • Refrain from excessively fatty foods. Sweets and fast food – the main enemies.
  • Your daily menu should consist of 90% of the products prepared in the right way: braising, steaming.
  • Often eat protein foods: meat fillet, eggs, fish, nuts and legumes.
  • Add to the diet of complex carbohydrates: fruits, cereals, etc.
  • Fresh vegetables, grains and fruits will provide your body much needed fiber.

The problem of high levels of visceral fat is not just a question of beauty. If a man or woman violated the proportions of the body (bulging stomach), in this case, you should seriously treat this issue and to ponder, to go get tested to a doctor. To make the necessary tests regarding the condition of a hormonal background, excess weight and listen to the advice of a doctor.

In any case, get rid of this obesity is much easier than it seems, enough to enroll in the gym and revise your diet. It is impossible in any case to run itself, to be lazy, because we are talking about your health. published


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

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Source: www.buildbody.org.ua/poleznoe/chto-takoe-visceralnyj-zhir