How to calculate normal weight of a child
Thirty six million five hundred six thousand four hundred seventy eight
A lot of moral and physical suffering we have to bear children burdened with obesity. If your family has not been spared this problem, be sure to treat it carefully and seriously. This article will help parents to calculate whether overweight of their child, to understand what its causes. We'll talk about how to prevent obesity. Many moms and dads admire the chubby cheeks, the wrinkles on the hands and feet of your little toddler. But the kid is growing up, and loving parents and compassionate grandmother continue strenuously to feed his beloved child cakes, muffins, rolls, pies with different fillings and other Goodies... And now the child more and more gaining weight, in the kindergarten and school peers tease him, calling "gingerbread man", "chubby", "hamster", "fat man"... a Lot of moral and physical suffering we have to bear children burdened with obesity or increased body mass. If your family has not been spared this problem, we recommend that you treat it carefully and seriously. This article will help parents to calculate whether overweight of their child, to understand what are its causes, what are the potential complications. We'll talk about how to prevent obesity.
STATISTICS unfortunately, obesity in children is currently a very common phenomenon. Statistics show that in Russia 30% of children aged 5 to 7 years there is excess weight and obesity of different degree. Surveys indicate that only 30% of mothers ensure that their children proper nutrition. In many families, there is a mistaken belief that the total child is a healthy child. Doctors say three critical periods (stages), when there is a particular risk and more frequent cases of obesity: infancy (from birth to 3 years), preschool age (from 5 to 7 years) and adolescence (12 to 16 years), is an important stage of puberty and transformations in the body.
HOW to CALCULATE NORMAL WEIGHT of a CHILD body Weight of a child depends on gender, height, age, hereditary factors, nutrition and health. In appearance it's hard to tell a chubby child or his obesity. Will lead a special formula that parents could consider normal weight from years old to seven years to decide this issue. It is necessary to count the number of years of the child multiplied by 2 and to the product add 8. And then compare the resulting number with the actual weight of a son or daughter. But just to say, should I be concerned parents about the child's weight or not, can only doctor. The doctors have many special centile tables that take into account gender, age and height. Such tables make it possible to determine even the degree of obesity. And the whole degree there are four. Table and updated the norms of growth and weight of children if you want easy to find on the Internet.
Eighty seven million three hundred sixty five thousand five hundred three
Obesity in children is divided into nutritional and metabolic depending on the cause.
1Алиментарное obesity occurs because of an incorrect diet and maintaining a sedentary (passive) lifestyle. 2Обменное (endocrine) obesity is the cause of occurrence of diseases of glands internal secretion – the thyroid, pancreas, adrenals, ovaries (in girls). More accurate causes of excess weight identifies and installs qualified, examined the child, talked to his parents and received the data of some surveys. But to assume the cause based on some symptoms that accompany excess weight:
1Когда not only the child, but at least one parent also noted excess weight, it can be assumed that the diet of this family prevail high-calorie foods rich in fats and carbohydrates (sweets, pastries). It's just a case of alimentary obesity. 2Когда child a lot of time playing on the computer, watching movies on TV, moves very little and almost never walks on the street with other children, this indicates a clear imbalance between the energy produced and expended. 3U babies excess weight appears when the introduction of the wrong foods, full of carbohydrates and lipids. 4When excessive body mass was in the infant at birth, and even to this were added: a delay in development, and later formed the ability to hold his head up, sit, walk, long teeth erupt, often there is swelling on the face, it is necessary to pay attention to the thyroid gland and secretion of its hormones. These symptoms and obesity may be signs of hypothyroidism, ie insufficient thyroid function. 5Добавление muscle weakness, mental retardation, strabismus talking about inborn genetic diseases such as down's syndrome and other inherited pathologies. 6 fat student has poor grades, complains of drowsiness, fatigue, dry skin and constipation, this may be due to lack of iodine in the body and malfunctioning of the thyroid gland. 7Когда fat is stored mostly on the face, neck and abdomen, and with the appearance of purple stretch marks, her cheeks bright pink and his hands and legs are thin, then you should check the adrenal glands and the amount of glucocorticoids. 8Иногда obesity occurs after contusions, concussions and inflammations of the brain (encephalitis, meningitis), then we need to examine the pituitary gland. This gland controls all other glands of the body. The lack of work of the pituitary gland can also be a cause of obesity. Symptoms of increased pressure inside the skull indicate a brain tumor, and because of this, there are also disturbances in metabolic processes. As you can see, only additional tests can help to identify the cause of obesity.
POSSIBLE COMPLICATIONS if overweight in children? Yes, obesity can lead to such serious diseases, are not characteristic for childhood and adolescence:
- hypertension, atherosclerosis, angina, heart failure;
- disturbed sleep there are episodic apnea, snoring;
- fatty liver, often leading to cirrhosis of the liver, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, constipation, hemorrhoids;
- a lot of weight leaning on the bone skeleton causing deformation of the joints, destruction of cartilage, knee pain, flat feet;
- lack of insulin leads to diabetes, developing type II;
- these children and adolescents have few friends, they have to be in social isolation, experiencing a lack of communication, they do not understand the hurt that might result in their further life to depression, alcoholism;
- in women with an early age of overweight, the greater the risk of infertility.
- blood glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides and other indicators that will indicate the presence or absence of liver disease, diabetes;
- analysis of urine and blood to the amount of hormones in cases where the doctor suspects the child has a disease of the endocrine system;
- in order to exclude diseases of the pituitary gland or neoplastic processes of a doctor orders a magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography, abbreviated as CT and MRI.
1Как a rule, dietician, given the characteristics of the child and gives parents all the necessary recommendations on dietary nutrition, calculating how much the little patient fat, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins and minerals. Even the boy's mother up to a year, having already overweight, the pediatrician will recommend some cereals and infant formula introduce solid foods, and which should be abandoned. From an early age teach your plump baby food, which is a little bit of sugar. As a sweetener, it is useful to use the plant stevia. Welcome in the diet of vegetables (zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, green beans, carrots), greens, fruits with low content of sugar and calories (currants, blueberries, raspberries, sea buckthorn). Rarely cook potatoes, flour dishes. Macaroni and resolved sometimes, but from wheat flour. In some cases, to reduce weight helps the transition to a separate food. For example, to the fish and cutlet served not the usual mashed potatoes, and a side dish of seasonal vegetables. Do not forget about bran improves digestion and the elimination of junk from the intestines. Try to limit obese children in cookies, candies, chocolate cakes, ice cream and other sweet confectionery Goodies. A growing body constantly needs to be lean meat (veal, poultry), fish and low-fat cheese. But sour cream and cream may be given only occasionally. Exclude from the diet refractory fat pork, mutton fat, margarine. All of this is poorly absorbed by the body and is deposited "in reserve". Salads better fill with vegetable oils. Encourage your toddler to eat slowly, as he ate well. When not in a hurry, the feeling of fullness occurs faster. Let your food fat the child 5-6 times a day but in small portions. In the early morning mandatory Breakfast, it will give you energy and vitality, high-calorie meals is more rational to use in the morning and evening useful for easy food. Do not feed your child at night, it is proper to have dinner 3 hours before bedtime. 2Невозможно to reduce weight without physical activity. Parents should try to pick up for baby classes, which will be interesting and useful. It could be swimming, aerobics, athletics, football, tennis, gymnastics or other sections. Organize a variety of outdoor games, it is desirable that they be held outdoors – in the woods, the Park, in an outdoor stadium. Parents should be an example for the child. You can run the whole family through the alley, Cycling, pool, playing badminton or volleyball on the banks of the river in the summer or skiing through the snowy woods. There combined weight of pleasant impressions and a set of measures to improve health. 3Ребенок overweight is in need of support and understanding from parents. Important and friendly atmosphere in the family. When a child is complex about excess weight or have symptoms of depression, it is desirable to consult with a therapist or a good psychologist. Often the cause of extra pounds is psychological. 4Лекарственная therapy. Many adults resort to drugs to reduce appetite and drop excess weight. But the influence of these drugs in childhood or adolescence, the body is little data. So the doctors at the moment, try not to appoint the little patients serious drugs. If the cause of obesity are endocrine disorders, diet, diet products, and medications will help to adjust the endocrine glands. 5K surgery proceed if the cause of the weight gain is a tumor of the pituitary gland, requiring its removal. And only in extreme cases where it is vital to perform surgical treatment of obesity in a child, resort to this method. And section surgery involved in these operations, is called bariatrics. It is very important that parents understand that it is impossible to overfeed his beloved child. Mirsovetov convinced that proper diet and active lifestyle will help to avoid obesity. Do not scold children if they gained weight. When some parents name their children after clumsy, slow, thick, trying to coerce them to lose weight, they make the mistake of causing psychological trauma to your son or daughter for life. The correct action would be to find the causes of obesity, support your child, advice and best practices professionals help to solve this problem. Follow proper nutrition in their families and weighing children, so they grew cheerful, fit and healthy!
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