Very effective recipes for rubbing with cough for children

At home, you can prepare various ointments based on any animal fat. Recipes are very effective for children, but at high temperatures, grinding the chest with fat-based warming agents is not recommended by doctors.
Badger fat.Badger fat contains linoleic and linolenic acids. Its use helps to strengthen and improve the nutrition of tissues. When coughing, it is advisable to apply it three times a day. It is better to use it an hour before meals.
Badger fat can be used only after consulting a doctor. Fat has a specific smell and taste, so it is mixed with honey before consumption, but children are usually not given inside, since it can cause vomiting. The required amount of fat is heated to room temperature and applied to the skin, rubbed with light massage movements, then dressed in warm clothes and put to bed. Children who have reached the age of 12 years, fat intake is recommended up to one teaspoon a day. You can add fat to warm milk or tea.
Bear fat. Successfully treats cough in children bear fat. It has properties that increase immunity, relieves allergic cough, normalizes the body's resistance, prevents the development of complications after colds. Children over three years old bear fat is prescribed 1 teaspoon 1 time per day during meals. Dilute 0.5 teaspoon of bear fat in 1 cup of hot milk, add honey or jam. You need to take the drug twice a day. Externally, fat is applied to the skin, rubbing with rather intense movements, covered with a napkin, a gauze dressing and a warm handkerchief.
lamb. Baranium fat is a special effective therapeutic agent for coughing in children. For treatment, the fat of a young lamb is suitable, with a white color and a weak smell. It is effective for warming compresses, which can be applied to children starting from one year. Fat should be melted and impregnated with a gauze napkin, folded in 4-5 layers. Lay it on the back of a sick baby and cover it with a towel. With prolonged dry cough with melted fat at night, it is good to rub your back and chest. Put the film on top and wrap it up. To fat can be consumed internally, 1 hour spoon it is added to heated milk or tea.
Goat fat.Goat fat can significantly relieve cough.
Recipe 1. It is recommended to drink three times a day a drink made from 1 cup of warm milk, one teaspoon of goat fat, 1 egg yolk, a pinch of sugar or half a teaspoon of honey. With a cough caused by pneumonia, this remedy is drunk for a week.
Recipe 2. With the initial symptoms of a cold, 1 tablespoon of fat should be melted and give the child a drink at night, you can melt in milk.
Recipe 3. From a prolonged cough, for example, with bronchitis, an ointment based on goat fat is used. To do this, mix 1:1 fat and honey. This composition is lubricated abundantly compressed paper, applied to the chest and wrapped with a warm fabric.
Recipe 4. If a cough becomes a frequent phenomenon for a child, propolis is added to goat fat. Fat is melted in a water bath, 20 ml of propolis tinctures are added and the chest, back and feet of the baby are rubbed before bedtime.
Goose fat.Goose fat is an excellent expectorant, has a rich yellow color, is “soft”, it is easy to melt at home in a “water bath” for 3-4 hours. With a strong cough, they rub the chest and neck area, and in the morning on an empty stomach they give the child to eat one tablespoon of fat. The procedure for using goose fat is not a pleasant measure, so folk healers recommend using a decoction of lemon. The lemon is boiled in a small amount of water for 10 minutes, cooled, peeled, squeezed juice into a decoction and mixed with two tablespoons of goose fat. Reception is carried out strictly before eating 1 tablespoon until the child recovers.
If the cough is too strong, and does not allow the child to sleep, it is necessary to mix 50 g of goose fat with two tablespoons of vodka and rub the chest and neck with this composition, wrap.
Pork fat.
Recipe 1. 200g internal pork fat and 100g butter, melt, add 200g liquid honey, 2 tablespoons of cocoa. Stir everything thoroughly. Give children 3-4 times a day for 1 teaspoon, melting in a glass of hot milk.
Recipe 2. 5 parts of unsalted pork fat mixed with 1 part of propolis, hold in a water bath. After the mixture becomes uniform, remove from the fire and rub the chest of the child.
From prolonged chest cough help rubbing the chest, back and legs of the child dry with pork internal fat.
Dietary fat.Nutrient fat is often used as a cough remedy in children. This is a common name for the fat of any animal, not nutria. Nutrient is called because it is extracted from the inside of birds or animals, it is attached to the internal organs. Usually it is with a crumbling consistency and with a bright white color, a rolled-up mesh in animals and a soft formation of a yellow color in birds.
Only mineral fat has a healing property, any other fat does not have such qualities. Usually, the fat is melted in a warm oven or water bath until the mass becomes homogeneous. Store the received medicine in a tightly closed glass jar in the refrigerator.
Effective cough remedy
Excellent properties differ effective remedy from cough, which has been used for centuries. To prepare it, take one lemon, boil for 10 minutes. Then it must be cut in half, squeeze the juice and connect with 2 tablespoons of glycerol. After careful stirring, you need to add so much honey that the glass is filled almost to the top.
It's incredibly tasty and healthy. Ready cough syrup for rare attacks, give children 1 teaspoon several times a day. If a cough bothers at night, you can give 1 teaspoon before bedtime and one at night. Severe cough is treated according to the scheme: 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach, at lunch before meals and after dinner before bedtime. With a decrease in the number of cough attacks, the number of receptions of the therapeutic mixture should be reduced.
Source: www.ayzdorov.ru/lechenie_kashel_doma.php
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