Traditional methods of getting rid of dry cough
Sixty one million five hundred four thousand three hundred eighty nine
Non-productive cough called "dry". This type of cough gives the sick person a lot of problems: from pain to psychological discomfort because of the constant tension.
Cough stimulate for discharge of phlegm. Another thing – dry, it must be suppressed, otherwise he will "wear down" a person not only physically but also mentally. And for this there are many folk remedies that have proven themselves.
Remember that the proportions of the herbs can not be changed, because some of the plants in large doses are toxic to the human body.
20gr. finely crushed rhizomes elecampane pour a glass of water and put on the stove. After boiling, keep on heat for about 10 minutes. Let at the time of treatment the diet you will have 4x. Before each meal 20 minutes need a drink 1st.l. broth. The broth is prepared daily, to keep it fresh.
In half-liter jar of boiled water add the 1st.l. pine buds. Put on 2 hours in a warm place. Consumed regardless of meals 3 times a day for 1/4 Cup.
Take 1st.l: fireweed, yarrow, wild rosemary and mother-and-stepmother. All these herbs are mixed in a separate bowl. Take 1st.l of the mixture and cover with the boiling water. Put on 60min. in a warm place, cover with a lid. The resulting infusion filter and take 1st.l. 3 times a day.
Compresses and rubbing
Apply on the patient's chest med, cover with a cotton piece of cloth soaked in vodka. Cover the poultice with a plastic bag and wrap the chest with a woolen scarf.
Apply on the patient's chest badger (bear) fat. Repeat the procedure 3-5 days. This method is safe during lactation, pregnancy and if there are contraindications to other methods.
You need to put on the chest mashed potatoes or peel from it. To make the compress more effective, add mustard or honey. Perform the procedure at the first signs of dry cough. Then compress will help later in the morning (if made at night) and begin a cough.
1-2 potatoes boiled in their skins, mash and add back pine oil. Lean before it got hot "sauce" and cover up with a towel. Inhale the vapor for at least 10 minutes and not more than 20.
Very good help rubbing fat (it may be badger, bear, goose etc.) or essential oil of fir. RUB overnight, then carefully bundle up and go to bed. By morning should become much easier.
Medical recipes
Boil 250gr. milk. After it has cooled to room temperature, add a teaspoon of quality honey. Drink small SIPS 2-3 times a day 1 hour before or after meals. Be careful! And honey, and milk can be allergens. If you have allergies, you this tool will not fit, use another method.
5 bulbs of small size peel and boil in the milk (0.5 l) until tender. Milk is not more than a glass. Remove onions from milk and, after cooling to room temperature, add a tea spoon of honey. Take every waking hour at the 1st.l.
Bananas are not a popular means was previously, but now many wonder the effectiveness of this method. Take 2 ripe fruit, peel and crush them with a spoon. Pour the resulting puree a Cup of boiling water. Mix until a homogeneous mass. Some use blender, but it's better to do it manually. Use the mixture on 2st.l. at least 10 times a day.
If a dry cough is the consequence of viral disease, then a good method will be boiled warm milk with baking soda (0.5 teaspoon). Several times a day will be enough.
Use inhalation. You can take alkaline mineral water or solution of baking soda. If you carry the essential oil, then let your choice of eucalyptus, mint, lavender or cedar. Add 2 drops of oil to 2 cups of boiling water and breathe.
Non-productive cough called "dry". This type of cough gives the sick person a lot of problems: from pain to psychological discomfort because of the constant tension.
Cough stimulate for discharge of phlegm. Another thing – dry, it must be suppressed, otherwise he will "wear down" a person not only physically but also mentally. And for this there are many folk remedies that have proven themselves.
Remember that the proportions of the herbs can not be changed, because some of the plants in large doses are toxic to the human body.
20gr. finely crushed rhizomes elecampane pour a glass of water and put on the stove. After boiling, keep on heat for about 10 minutes. Let at the time of treatment the diet you will have 4x. Before each meal 20 minutes need a drink 1st.l. broth. The broth is prepared daily, to keep it fresh.
In half-liter jar of boiled water add the 1st.l. pine buds. Put on 2 hours in a warm place. Consumed regardless of meals 3 times a day for 1/4 Cup.
Take 1st.l: fireweed, yarrow, wild rosemary and mother-and-stepmother. All these herbs are mixed in a separate bowl. Take 1st.l of the mixture and cover with the boiling water. Put on 60min. in a warm place, cover with a lid. The resulting infusion filter and take 1st.l. 3 times a day.
Compresses and rubbing
Apply on the patient's chest med, cover with a cotton piece of cloth soaked in vodka. Cover the poultice with a plastic bag and wrap the chest with a woolen scarf.
Apply on the patient's chest badger (bear) fat. Repeat the procedure 3-5 days. This method is safe during lactation, pregnancy and if there are contraindications to other methods.
You need to put on the chest mashed potatoes or peel from it. To make the compress more effective, add mustard or honey. Perform the procedure at the first signs of dry cough. Then compress will help later in the morning (if made at night) and begin a cough.
1-2 potatoes boiled in their skins, mash and add back pine oil. Lean before it got hot "sauce" and cover up with a towel. Inhale the vapor for at least 10 minutes and not more than 20.
Very good help rubbing fat (it may be badger, bear, goose etc.) or essential oil of fir. RUB overnight, then carefully bundle up and go to bed. By morning should become much easier.
Medical recipes
Boil 250gr. milk. After it has cooled to room temperature, add a teaspoon of quality honey. Drink small SIPS 2-3 times a day 1 hour before or after meals. Be careful! And honey, and milk can be allergens. If you have allergies, you this tool will not fit, use another method.
5 bulbs of small size peel and boil in the milk (0.5 l) until tender. Milk is not more than a glass. Remove onions from milk and, after cooling to room temperature, add a tea spoon of honey. Take every waking hour at the 1st.l.
Bananas are not a popular means was previously, but now many wonder the effectiveness of this method. Take 2 ripe fruit, peel and crush them with a spoon. Pour the resulting puree a Cup of boiling water. Mix until a homogeneous mass. Some use blender, but it's better to do it manually. Use the mixture on 2st.l. at least 10 times a day.
If a dry cough is the consequence of viral disease, then a good method will be boiled warm milk with baking soda (0.5 teaspoon). Several times a day will be enough.
Use inhalation. You can take alkaline mineral water or solution of baking soda. If you carry the essential oil, then let your choice of eucalyptus, mint, lavender or cedar. Add 2 drops of oil to 2 cups of boiling water and breathe.