No coughing in autumn or winter! Grind the banana and add 2 more ingredients.

The healing properties of honey are known to everyone. Our grandmothers were treated with this sweet product, our mothers saved us with a mug of hot milk and honey during the winter cold, we also treat our children. What happens if you mix honey with an exotic banana? Sarafan radio conveyed to us an amazing fact: honey and a banana from a cough are saved one or two times.

Instead of telling you to spend money on another fabulously expensive drug, "Site" He advises you to try effective and most importantly, home remedy. Down with the pharmacy chemistry!

It is amazing how such a familiar fruit is able to get rid of a dry cough, stimulate the coughing of sputum and even charge energy. Banana flesh is rich in vitamins B, PP, A and C. Bananas contain a large amount of fiber, sucrose, carotene, enzymes, potassium, magnesium, iron and other useful trace elements and minerals.

This composition of the fruit helps to increase immunity, therefore, the banana is an extremely useful product in the treatment of SARS and other infectious diseases. And about the beneficial properties of honey can talk for hours.

Cough drink with banana and honey

Cough remedy with banana and honey causes double damage to the infection, stimulates the restoration of the body’s vitality and accelerates the healing process. Preparing such a medicine is very simple. You'll only need 3 ingredients.

The ingredients
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 400 ml of water

  1. Pour water into a pot and put it on a small fire. Bring it to a boil and turn the fire off.
  2. Wash the ripe bananas and peel them off. The flesh of the fruit is crushed in a blender or crushed with a fork.
  3. Add banana pulp to boiling water, stir slowly until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  4. When the mixture cools, add 2 tbsp of honey and mix thoroughly. The medicine is ready!

Banana and Chocolate Cough Drink

The ingredients
  • banana-ripe
  • 1 tbsp cocoa
  • 1 tbsp milk

  1. Peel one ripe banana and break it in puree.
  2. Add the cocoa and stir.
  3. Boil a glass of milk and dissolve the banana mixture in it.
  4. Drink a drink before bed for 5 days.

Banana-orange drink against dry cough

The ingredients
  • banana-ripe
  • 100ml orange juice
  • 200ml boiling water

  1. Break a ripe banana into a gruel.
  2. Pour orange juice and boiling water to the banana.
  3. You can add honey or cinnamon to taste.
  4. Mix everything and use it hot.

How to Take a Cough Banana

Banana cough drinks should be taken 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals or after meals.

Adults should use 1-2 tbsp. l. means, preheating it. After the first day of treatment in the bronchi will begin the recovery process.

Important! When allergic to honey, we do not recommend a honey drink for the treatment of cough. Allergists should prepare a drink from milk and banana and use it hot for the treatment and prevention of colds.


Such a simple recipe for cough was a real godsend for our editorial staff. Pamper yourself and your family with delicious recipes and never hurt!

Seasonal infections are not far off, so be sure to tell your friends on Facebook about this recipe.


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