I haven’t bought these products in six months. The health has improved, the children have stopped getting sick.
Every day we go to the supermarket and face a choice. Advertising retail networks speaks of a wide range of delicious and useful products. Are products hidden behind bright labels useful? In practice, many purchases, instead of benefits, will only bring us worse health. In order not to harm yourself for your own blood money, you should think about an alternative to the usual products.
So, let's list the most. harmful products on the shelves of our supermarkets We'll find out how to replace them.
What products are harmful
Be sane! You can easily do without this dangerous food. Show me the details. list to my friends. Help them maintain their health and money!
So, let's list the most. harmful products on the shelves of our supermarkets We'll find out how to replace them.
What products are harmful
- Sausages and sausages Most processed meat products are high in salt and harmful chemicals. The World Health Organization has classified processed meat as a cancer-causing product. A number of studies show that people who eat processed meat increase the risk of premature death by 40%.
It is better to buy a piece of good meat and cook it with your own hands. For sandwiches, for example, you can use homemade beef.
DepositPhotos - Refined white flour products If you grind the grain at home, then the flour will be brown in color. Why is she white in the store? When processing wheat in the factory, the shell and germ of the sprout are removed from it, which contain the lion’s share of useful elements.
After that, flour is bleached and synthetic vitamins are added. In this process, a whole list of unsafe substances is used: toxic potassium bromate (E924a), chlorine dioxide (E926), benzoyl peroxide (E928), ammonium persulfate (E923), alloxane. The latter destroys pancreatic beta cells, which can lead to diabetes.
We recommend buying bread from flour of rough varieties or baking it at home. You can also buy bread in small bakeries, where the entire table of Mendeleev is not added to it.
DepositPhotos - Ground spices In the ground pepper of some brands, test checks do not find pepper at all! In a cinnamon bag, scammers can add a cheaper cassia. In a pepper bag, ground buckwheat husk.
To save money and not harm your health, buy whole spices. You can grind them in a coffee maker or a small mortar.
DepositPhotos - Products with fruit additives Fruit fillers give buns and yogurts an appetizing look. Thanks to preservatives and flavors, they do not deteriorate and are not absorbed into the dough. But finding real berries in the baking shop will be very difficult.
You can add berries to oatmeal or make pastries at home. In that case, you'll know exactly what you put there.
DepositPhotos - Mayonnaise and ketchup Emulsifiers, stabilizers, preservatives, trans fats are just a part of the harmful additives that are contained in these very tasty and very harmful products. No less dangerous and carcinogenic plastic packaging. Although it sounds paradoxical, ketchup has more sugar than ice cream!
If you can’t live without sauces, try making them at home.
DepositPhotos - Chips In the ranking of foods that cause obesity, the first two places are taken by chips and fries, but this is nothing compared to carcinogens, flavorings and flavor enhancers. Frequent use of chips threatens cancer and stomach problems.
If you really want to crunch without harm to health - you can make homemade chips from vegetables.
DepositPhotos - Sweet soda. Soda is considered one of the most harmful products we consume. One small bottle of sweet water (0.33 l) can contain about 16 teaspoons of sugar! That’s about 3 times the daily norm, according to the American Heart Association. Even 1 serving of sugary water per day increases the risk of diabetes by 85 percent.
If you just can not live without soda, make homemade lemonade, adding to the mineral water lemon and a little sugar.
Be sane! You can easily do without this dangerous food. Show me the details. list to my friends. Help them maintain their health and money!
No coughing in autumn or winter! Grind the banana and add 2 more ingredients.
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