Diseases: us returns that we've created energy
Eighty four million eight hundred sixteen thousand two hundred seven
The search for causes involves a few various techniques. When a person knows that given the disease, the range of search is narrowed considerably, and if the cause is unknown, then the first thing to do is to remember and to carefully analyze all the events that happened to the man during the day before the first signs of pain or discomfort.
The fact that natural laws, the punishment catches up with the man during the day after the breach. Example: At five o'clock you have a sore throat.
You need to look for some conflicts that have occurred since last night. Remember who offended you, who was dissatisfied with something, riled with someone on a subtle level was a struggle.
If nothing can be found, you can try the following technique: sit alone in the room, calm and mentally call up the images of all of the people with whom you have encountered during the day. Each mentally ask: "you sick?". Usually it happens that the person from whom you received the punishment will flash brighter than the rest on your mental screen. Then ask him what he was offended, what's his claim. If it does not respond, try to understand his violation.
Suppose you failed to find the cause. You can mentally refer to his forces and asked to show cause in a dream. In the dream you will find yourself in a situation similar to the one that caused the disease, but there is a violation of the laws will be more visible.
This is one of the main ways, built on the law of similarity. Very often it happens that the disease is in its form, appearance, nature of pain and of area of location on the body resembles our violation. If you have a headache, then pay direct attention to the character of the pain. Very often he is oppressive, and this may be due to the fact that you are someone has had psychological pressure and get change. If the heart is stabbed, it is likely that you are someone "pricked at heart".
Ulcers of the stomach and intestines are directly connected with sarcasm in communication. Tooth pain associated with criticism, which is figuratively possible to present as if we have someone pokazyvaem.
When a sore throat and a cough, he often like barking, and don't like barking the energy with which we condemn their relatives and friends, if I bet and something to prove? In Russian language there is an expression that describes this behavior: "barking like dogs".
There is another clue for finding the causes of diseases, is also based on the law of similarity. Someone is sick knee joints. Put
key question: "What is this pain prevents a person to do?". Answer — it hinders him to walk and be flexible. So he prevents someone to go through life his own way and to be flexible, i.e. free in their desires, decisions, election.
On the physical level comes back to us what we do to people psychologically and energetically. In this case, we considered an example of healing, when the husband taught the wife how to act in different situations. These teachings have carried categorical, authoritarian character, my husband had great confidence and internal pride. My wife, trusting to the authority of her husband, first tried to do what he said, but then found that it is not in her nature rebelled, rejected his teachings and began to do as they please. Just at the time when she was outraged, my husband got his knees (arthritis).
Another example: healing a woman who was having severe skin irritation in the groin area. Pose the question: "What prevents it to do?". Stopping to make love. It means someone bothers to make love? Not so literally. Let's extend the question — is this sore prevent it in some sense to be a woman. Means that it prevents someone this way. Soon, with further conversation, it turns out that her husband has been in communication with her qualities that she can't consider men worthy of a knight. His behavior is not consistent with its idea of what should be a man and she became offended, indignant, her thoughts wore a contemptuous character: "Ugh! It's not a man... not a man." Husband felt that energy and was offended in turn. His resentment had caused the disease in the wife, because she was a violation of natural law — assault contempt.
You can ask: "why doesn't have a husband?". We don't know whether he violated the natural laws by his actions. Join us for healing the wife came and is the fact that his behavior is not consistent with its representations of masculinity, but because its performance is influenced by the environment where she grew up, and this environment could have their own laws inconsistent with the natural.
The woman apologized to the astral plane and within a day the inflammation was gone.
You can ask for your hand to bring to you the people who have the same violation as you. From violations know better, they catch the eye, especially if directed at you. Ask to be pushed with these people for a certain period, such as weeks. This week you need to be very sensitive and attentive to everything that will happen. Each event can be a sign, a hint. If in daily routine you have forgotten, then sit down in the evening before bed, and review all day if someone's behavior similar to yours.
Used for chronic diseases, the cause of which man cannot be found. Ask your hand slightly to aggravate the disease immediately after, or even during a situation where you are breaking the law. Let's say you have a stomach ulcer. She feels it is not
felt. It depends on behaviour and nutrition. Meals for the week make diet so there are no side distractions. Active and uninhibited chat with people, let your irony, sarcasm, sarcasm manifest in full. Where will I take stomach pain — your breaking the law.
The materials presented in this section are drawn from a healing practice and have not one, but several proofs. The confirmation means the following: there was a fact of human diseases, explained to him the laws, he changed behavior, made a ritual of apology and in many cases the disease was itself, without any treatment.
The selection of diseases was based on typical occasions, having a lot of repetitions in practice, but there were exceptions, the reasons of which will be discussed below.
Arrhythmia — irregular, episodic flow of the heart energy, heat, loved ones, alternating isolation, alienation, anger.
The mother arrives home from work and gives heart energy to the children: "Oh you my dear! Have been waiting for! Look what I brought you". She's on another day: "Like me you are tired! Made lessons? Go to bed".
Mom has mood swings and she can afford such behavior towards loved ones.
Myopia — criticism vision.
Well-read, intelligent young man, 10 years old, with great pride, wants to assert himself in the eyes of others, to gain credibility. He begins without a good reason, just to attract attention, and to criticize shortcomings of the surrounding world.
"Natalia Petrovna smart kids, but she brings bad".
"It's ugly architecture, in the XIX century were built better."
"These verses? Well, you're complete lack of talent". A couple of years the young man developed severe myopia. People were offended by this criticism and the energy of their resentment got the boy to the Ajna — chakra is responsible for vision. Less to see, less to condemn.
Varicose veins — the suppression of anger, discontent within ourselves.
The person is angry at someone, to life, a difficult situation and at this time of the Manipur produces many negative destructive energy. If the person immediately drops it by swearing, shouting, claims, can be other diseases, and varicose veins is when he suppresses this energy within yourself through a will. Will suppressed anger is vented through the legs because the legs are the channels through which the body excretes unnecessary energy. If dissatisfaction something is manifested for a long time, the channels cannot cope with the devastating release of energy and this is reflected in the tissues of the physical body. The energy of anger and chronic irritation resembles billowing black smoke. Pay attention to figure swollen veins in the legs — Yes, he is. Here, too, is the law of similarity. People do not want to dump this energy on others, so as not to spoil the relationship, and suppress it within themselves. Energy mechanism of this disease is not the same as in the case of myopia. There is an energy strike the surrounding people, and here man destroys himself.
Sexually transmitted disease — the disgust and contempt in a sexual relationship.
This is usually manifested with a total disrespect of partners, when you use someone for sexual gratification. First, a person violates the law, the partner is offended and this offense goes to space as the request with the requirement to punish the offender. After a couple of days, the one who showed disgust, finds himself in bed with a new partner who already has a sexually transmitted disease. As for AIDS, it seems, is associated with the grafting others
people, especially the young sexual perversion. The power of punishment is proportional to the force of the violation.The question arises: "what about the AIDS babies in hospitals?". All of these diseases from any infections, and miscarriages and abortions associated with the karma of past lives. When the creature is in space and is about to be born, it knows what is coming. From there the fate of the visible and the objective of this incarnation is the burning their negative karma through suffering.
Inflammation of the appendages — flirting with the letting off of sexual energy, teasing men with unwillingness to join with them in intimate relationships.
This is a very common violation. Women flirting in order to gather the energies to attract attention, sometimes they received some services. While sexual energy beyond the aura of a woman and penetrates into the men, and it is according to natural laws, an invitation to bed. When "warmed up" a man is coming up with suggestions, the lady of his "dumps". If he be offended will be rooting appendages or other organs of the genitourinary system, if not to resent, nothing to hurt.
Gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer — sarcasm, irony, sarcasm, barbed taunts.
Such behavior in today's world is a lot. Why not all have ulcers? Energy mechanism of communication in which both interlocutors internally closed, ready to quip and exchange barbs reminiscent of the duel between two knights. Both wore armor and trying to get each other with swords. In this case, they don't hurt each other, because they play by the same rules of communication, they are so accustomed upbringing, they live it and accept sarcasm as the norm. Diseases occur when the sarcasm is directed at people living under other laws, open, vulnerable, not taking the fight as a form of communication. He has the right to be offended if he sent this kind of energy, and it is this reason not applied. The natural laws of our planet on his side.
Hepatitis (jaundice) — dancing on the Berlin wall.
This disease also belongs to Manipur, but the nature of man-emitted energy is different from sarcasm. Sarcasm beats, stabs, and bitterness — oozing, while the surrounding or their vision of the world are also under attack, but some other character. When they give the date, then the bile, a person begins to get sick.
1. The pressure will on people.
2. Imposing his vision, opinions.
3. "Indentation" under someone else's will.
4. Allowing others to impose their vision.
Take a closer look.
1. Pressure will with the desire to make people do something, does not cause headache unless indignant. From that moment, the oppressive headache. Such people blood pressure is usually raised. Not always a headache for teachers, military commanders, Directors of the organizations they are part of the violation covers the society, as they are on duty and are to a certain extent "automatic" societies, of which there are. If you look at the natural laws, that impact will this attack, as it violated the laws "do Not disturb", "do Not ask, do not go".
2. Imposing his vision.
The husband and wife came to visit a friend. While sitting, drinking tea, the husband said he wanted to buy a new tape recorder, and his wife began to dissuade him. Then a friend without asking stepped in and began to assert that it is an excellent VCR and it urgently needs to buy. When the guests left the owner a headache. Fuse wife because the money she would spend on a washing machine, not a tape recorder.
3. Kneading under someone else's will. Those who allow "yourself to go", the pressure is often reduced.
This oppressed people, accustomed to obey. They have no desire to argue, to fight for my energy, and the reason may be fear and lack of confidence in his strength. It usually starts since childhood — a strong suppression on the part of parents creates a submissive "machines" that, losing a psychological battle after another, turn into executors of someone's will. The head may ache from the loss of energy — it goes to the one who commanded you.
4. Allowing others to impose upon you their opinion.
To live someone else's mind — the property insecure people. They also put a lot of energy to those whose advice, experience and credibility live. They lack energy.
Umbilical hernia — hoarding, pride.
Often people develop a hernia after the purchase of the cottage. Finally, you can save some values, but values in the country fold, and all the old, unnecessary stuff. If this still involved the pride, the thoughts of the owner acquire this character: "now I Have a lot of things. I have more than the neighbors! Relatives will come — "they will show you how to live, let him envy, etc." that may live in people's minds, and the energy just subject to unconscious impulses.
A known specific case of hernia. In one family, the father earned a lot, twisting the case and the house has accumulated a number of values. The owner treated this quite calmly, but the son was proud of his father and the security of the entire family. Went to visit a poor neighbour, no matter dressed. And the son began to look down at him as "unfinished", showing pride. The neighbor was angry, he felt the attitude of the son of the owner, although the words this speech was not — said-it does on other themes. My son has a hernia, and then, and his child, because the child lived on the energy of the Pope.
Diabetes — contempt of a subordinate in the worship of a superior.
If a person is shown only one of these qualities, the diabetes will not. It is a disease of people, is hierarchical in its view of the world.
Diabetes is the scourge of India. In the XX century, India was ranked first in the world on this disease. It is the only country where so much still shown the caste system in our time. Untouchable disdain there is the norm — and before the masters of the bow, which creates a fertile ground for diabetes. It is interesting that in different societies the hierarchy is based on different laws is not always wealth will be in charge. Somewhere appreciate the effect, where the intelligence, creativity, etc. Take chess club — there valued the ability to play chess. If a member would despise those Who play worse than him and bow down before the best players, it can make diabetes mellitus. Resentment often comes from the despised, from those who put a stamp of inferiority.
Toothache critic of society, any society.
This may include, as a criticism of the government, reforms, laws, and the condemnation of doctors, police officers, merchants — any society that constitute social structure. If someone criticizes another person or the activities of an organization with the aim to improve it to help understand something, it may not cause tooth pain. But when we sit in the kitchen, drinking tea and cursing the state, our emotional energy flies and hits it in the astral plane for this structure.
This attack on our part and the astral society has the right to fight back.
Skin diseases — lack of people.
Disrespect is expressed in arrogance, neglect, setting yourself above others, counting himself elected, is significant and the other inferior, low. Can manifest disrespect for people when they dramatically manifest disadvantages: greed, greed, stupidity, etc. According to natural laws, any being worthy of respect because it is a particle of the Divine. We must respect not a set of qualities, but for the fact that it has an immortal soul. We prevent it to develop, by lack of stamps. Not to be confused with reverence — it's
another form of energy, which is given to parents for what they gave us a physical body and Teachers.
Oncology — unintentional cheating, cheating behavior.
Andrew wanted to buy winter shoes, so she was good and inexpensive. At work he suggested a good pair of shoes for $ 40. Money with him he was not and he asked Bob to lend him. Bob replied that, of course, give money, only going home for it during lunch. Went home, took the money, but on the way to work I saw in the store a jacket, which was looking for his wife. Bought it for$ 20, he brought Andrew only half the money. While Andrew was looking for the missing amount, the owner of the shoes had already sold them to someone. Then Andrew when he saw someone nice shoes, remembered Bob...
A couple of months, Vasya found a tumor. This is a simple example of unintentional deception.
Deceptions behavior is more complicated. A lot of them can be found in a sexual relationship. For example, all tumors in the genital area associated with these deceptions. The reasons are the same as described for inflammation of the appendages — it all starts with inflammation, then formed a benign tumor, sometimes turning into malignant. Here people don't talk about what they will do and promise behavior, and the energy that they emit. Remember how the woman lives with one man and another, or even several "holding in reserve". After all, to keep in reserve, it is necessary to promise something energy, something to lure people. And in bed she stays with the others, and that obtained of the tumor.
Baldness is a concern, heavy depressing thoughts for a long time.
Hair just can not stand this energy at the head. (Causes such as radiation or lack of calcium we don't consider here).
Periodontal disease — criticism, undermining the foundations.
Again we find the law of similarity. Gums — the foundations for your teeth. When a person condemns the foundations of the family, clan, tribe, nation, of any society, it undermines them. Foundations may be imperfect, they may be inherent violations of natural laws, but they still need some people to criticize their society will be meaningless to fight for your morals, laws, moral principles, developed over centuries. The Jews — some foundations, the Ukrainians — other. He married a Ukrainian Jew, was in her family and could not refrain from criticism, the result is periodontal disease.
Fractures, injuries, bruises — a deliberate deception.
This is a conscious deception, when a man knows that what he says isn't true.
The liver hurts when we show anger, wrath, malice.
One student in College, for some reason not transferred to the next course. Was whether the rights of the administration or not, the dark matter, the school does not live by natural and social laws. But the student was offended when the administration that some aspects in the learning process, he was happy, or rather gloated, in General, were acting out of resentment in conversations with representatives of this administration.
The liver is headache a few hours after the conversation. This is a simple example, but all examples taken from life.
Arthritis — pride with integrity.
Observed many cases where one person taught another how to live, he put down his principles, and suffered from arthritis.
No matter how correct principles, but this form of training makes a student "machine", which deprives him of flexibility and makes make ready the experience of others, not to grow the most, reaching the truths albeit slower, but with his mind. Nature and its laws — a fluid, flexible, changeable, they are fighting against dogma and authoritarianism.
Kidney — sick for different reasons, but the most frequent:
1. Sexual reasons, similar to all the inflammation, ie the use of sexual energy is not the case, which has already been discussed.
2. Fear. He dumped the body into the kidneys, from which the children can immediately wet his pants. It is through urine resets destructive to the body the energy of fear. Adults themselves do not allow this and they have a lot of accumulated chronic fear — it destroys the kidneys.
Cold — condemnation and criticism, often in relation to the home.
Chronic tonsillitis very often there in people condemning their loved ones.
Sciatica — consider the most common reasons:
1. Fear.
The mother was very afraid for two adult daughters. She loved them, but was so worried about their privacy and financial situation that enveloped their dark box of fear. It distorts the girls real picture of their lives and were a hindrance on the path of development. The mother began an attack of sciatica. Began to see that he prevents it to do-prevent sciatica is to move freely physically. As soon as the mother apologized and chose not to fear the pain is gone. In this situation, she broke the law "do Not disturb", in relation to daughters.
2. Pride.
The young man often went camping and the night was very cold, gave the girls a sleeping bag, and slept in a tent on the ground. I never get sick. One night there was a situation where guys were arguing, swaggered, apparently proving to each other and to girls your mind, strength, etc., He again gave the sleeping bag, but this time with pride, they say, you can't do that. Someone of the guys the fuse was probably weaker health and was really afraid to catch a cold. That night
our tourist earned the sciatica.
3. Sexual disorders.
In one company the relationship so that the flirting has become the norm, a game, a way of communicating. Flirted all, there are men and women exuded sexual energy, teasing each other. Yet none of them that weren't, didn't hurt, everything was in order. But one lady highly wished for some man. He paid no attention to it, ignored (maybe he's not too liked). Here he had sciatica. Why? If he didn't give a cause, not flirting with all, and her too, would have avoided such a situation. But he played this game, and it according to natural laws is a continuation — bed and have nowhere to Dodge.
Stretching the muscles almost always associated with pride.
One lady I didn't know that could freely move the arm in the shoulder joint, could not because of this to sleep and do yoga exercise. The healing helped her to find the cause, she apologized and everything passed. One morning she went to do gymnastics at the stadium. There's a man mowing the grass and she wanted to try to mow — have never had. Turned out pretty good. Then she attended the gym and went home. The next day, same thing, but with one small difference — next to the man stood another lady, as it turned out later his wife. And our heroine, of course, showed itself, while I was mowing the grass. The first day everything was fine, but the second she got a muscle strain and joint pain.
Heart failure — people nedodaet heart energy to loved ones.
If you are with someone in a friendly or social relations, to seek among these people the cause of heart failure, it hardly makes sense. Usually this disease
seen where relations with your part in the beginning was warm, close, and then he changed, became colder and closed. And people left you open. However, it was necessary to warn him, to apologize, to explain something. But it is not always easy. People are vulnerable, it's hard to speak frankly. Open explanations, many try to avoid. And this creates a fertile ground for this disease.
The reasons may be different, but associated with vision. One example will be described. The girl met the guy. She got pregnant and had an abortion. Then they got married, she again became pregnant and gave birth to a healthy child, but she was blinded by 95% by the end of pregnancy, had a retinal detachment. The healing revealed that the cause of abortion was "not seen belly for the wedding."
TB — integrity in relationships of the heart.
When we want the heart to go one way, and we do differently, guided by some reasons, and it hurts people, that is the probability to be ill with tuberculosis. Why in prisons tuberculosis is often found? Not only because of health conditions. There people live according to the principles developed far from natural laws.
One person was psychologically difficult — sadness, longing, depression, in prison is not uncommon. The other would be happy to help him, to give heart energy, to encourage, but does not, as it may contemptuous attitude, saying that you're this guy. They were friends and together got the time for one thing. The first was in prison, the despised, and the second was received fine and he would be happy to help a friend, but according to the principles of the local hierarchy should not do. If a friend is offended, which is very likely, the second can get TB.
Insect bites with severe swelling — pride.
When the body's defense system working properly, regular bites, not much swell.
The company went to rest in the Crimea. All biting mosquitoes and some midges. But one person's hands and feet swell and others do not. Allergies? Yes, it's allergies, but she has her reasons, in this case, pride. Pride swells and the body is inflated. Again it is possible to calculate the reason for the law of similarity.
Cystitis — pride with integrity and claims in the relationship between men and women. Cases of cystitis was observed healers. For successful treatment was sufficient to remove the cause of the ritual of apology. When my wife started bring her husband claims with the pressure, demand, hurt that he does not behave like a man, she had bouts of cystitis. In this example, unlike example inflammation on the skin, the woman has no contempt, but there is a claim.
Schizophrenia — improper handling of information and knowledge.
One of the most frequent causes of schizophrenia is the accumulation of large amounts of information without the practical development and application. This is usually for people who recognize not simple information from books and Newspapers, and esoteric, strongly influencing the Outlook. This often happens when a hypochondriac, inspire, sinks to the information; and not making learning to their experience, skill, ability, enough, all new knowledge from various occult sources.
There is another example when a woman broke the law "don't give information without making it your own". She was reading to lectures, agitated people to starve, and she was starving only three days. One of her students, inspired by these sermons, the beginning of multi-day fasting. On the 15th day she was out of their body mercury. Mercury accumulates in the bones and it this woman have a lot. Mercury came out the balls from the anus. The woman and her family frightened, and at three a.m. I called the lady who gave lectures. She sleep not figured out how to talk, and told the truth: "I'm actually starving only three days, and what to do in such cases, don't know." And soon she had "gone crazy".
If we do give someone knowledge, particularly affecting the psyche and health, have a serious responsibility.
When a child is born, the first year of his life connected with the energy of the mother depends on her health and psyche. Because the mother's body energetically stronger, then if he violates the laws, to hurt a child. This is called the relief of the disease on the weak. After a year, the child or remain on the energy mother or transplanted to the energy of the father. So it lives up to 8-10 years and hurts for violations of the parents, for their violations starts to hurt after 8-10 years, going to your energy. To determine which of the parents need to track their behavior, you can leave the baby to play in a room.
Then mom and dad enter the room and be in different corners. Who's the first guy rushed the child will hold the legs hug, and that we must look for their violations — the kid lives on his energy.
After the transition of the child to be that is usually accompanied by changes in his character and some separation from the parents, it can be taught to track their violations, analysis of situations and the use of ritual apologies.
Pets are also discharges diseases of the masters. The dog usually has one owner in the family, which chooses itself, and cats live on the energy of the house.
When you have found the cause of the disease, you need to sit down and think about their behavior in the future. Finding a new form of conduct without violation of natural law, we need to put it on the subconscious mind in meditation.
This vividly imagine yourself in situations similar to those where the violation and mentally act in new ways. It would be good to 10-15 situations and how they are more diverse, the better.
Then do the ritual:
1. Cause mentally the man's face, to which there was a violation. To welcome and thank him for the lesson.
2. To tell him what law you have broken.
3. To show that you will continue to do otherwise, the law you
4. To sincerely apologize, not melting soul in him anger or resentment.
From any rule there are exceptions. Healing occurs in many situations where the diseases occur differently than described above.
1. If someone does yoga or any energy exercises, he constantly pumps up the energy of the organs of the physical body, aphyric and chakras. Such people it happens that when the law is broken and should have sick heart, suddenly a headache. This is because in any structure is the weakest and the strongest place. The weak becomes a point of discharge of destructive energies.
Every organ of the body tries to throw off the negative effects and it gets to weak. Each has his own.
2. Another is that people take illness with their loved ones. This happens if they love or regret. Then you need to apologize to Tom, who took the disease. Sometimes healers who have not fulfilled the pity, is removed from the patients the disease itself.
There was even a case where a woman regretted a completely unknown young cute guy I met by chance at the station. He was deaf and became hearing, but became deaf seven-year-old son of this woman. Healers had to work hard to return the boy's ear, and the boy remained with normal hearing.
3. Sometimes a person hurts on their own. He was accustomed from childhood during illness to obtain from the family a lot of energy, warmth, care, and sometimes pity. He removed all the chores and the need to prepare the lessons. Developed a subconscious mechanism, and when a person wants to relax, then he gets sick.
4. Magic, curses, spells also do not apply to ordinary diseases and to proceed according to its laws. People will dry or will be childless, or a sore body that the magician dropped his sore -all these cases are dealt with in the healing separately and their classification is beyond the scope of this work. One thing is certain:
magical attacks do not happen, and mostly on those people who are getting into the world of magic. For example, begin to keep her husband, to charm the lady, to drop a disease on someone, hypnotize for their own purposes. To get out of such cause-and-sledstvennyh ties, used the rituals of apology and exchange with the internal waiver impact on people.
5. Still, there are cases when people behave against their nature and because of this hurt.
There was official. Disinterested never did nothing to nobody. To 60 years everything in my life tasted, "ate" and calmed down. Came to his girlfriend and gave him a sincere request — he asked me to help her go to College. And he thought: "What's it take? I had plenty of money, the bed is also developed. Arrange it just so, shall live and rejoice". He did not, by nature, of his astral body, which was dominated by the element of greed, and the like — at a deeper part of his nature, which he had never lived. The girl went to College and always remembered with gratitude his unselfish act. And his heart chakra (astral body consists of chakras) are not used to such energy, because it always gave me energy. Envy, greed, fear. So, from this pure energy he had a heart attack happened — chakra are unable to recycle it.
The search for causes involves a few various techniques. When a person knows that given the disease, the range of search is narrowed considerably, and if the cause is unknown, then the first thing to do is to remember and to carefully analyze all the events that happened to the man during the day before the first signs of pain or discomfort.
The fact that natural laws, the punishment catches up with the man during the day after the breach. Example: At five o'clock you have a sore throat.
You need to look for some conflicts that have occurred since last night. Remember who offended you, who was dissatisfied with something, riled with someone on a subtle level was a struggle.
If nothing can be found, you can try the following technique: sit alone in the room, calm and mentally call up the images of all of the people with whom you have encountered during the day. Each mentally ask: "you sick?". Usually it happens that the person from whom you received the punishment will flash brighter than the rest on your mental screen. Then ask him what he was offended, what's his claim. If it does not respond, try to understand his violation.
Suppose you failed to find the cause. You can mentally refer to his forces and asked to show cause in a dream. In the dream you will find yourself in a situation similar to the one that caused the disease, but there is a violation of the laws will be more visible.
This is one of the main ways, built on the law of similarity. Very often it happens that the disease is in its form, appearance, nature of pain and of area of location on the body resembles our violation. If you have a headache, then pay direct attention to the character of the pain. Very often he is oppressive, and this may be due to the fact that you are someone has had psychological pressure and get change. If the heart is stabbed, it is likely that you are someone "pricked at heart".
Ulcers of the stomach and intestines are directly connected with sarcasm in communication. Tooth pain associated with criticism, which is figuratively possible to present as if we have someone pokazyvaem.
When a sore throat and a cough, he often like barking, and don't like barking the energy with which we condemn their relatives and friends, if I bet and something to prove? In Russian language there is an expression that describes this behavior: "barking like dogs".
There is another clue for finding the causes of diseases, is also based on the law of similarity. Someone is sick knee joints. Put
key question: "What is this pain prevents a person to do?". Answer — it hinders him to walk and be flexible. So he prevents someone to go through life his own way and to be flexible, i.e. free in their desires, decisions, election.
On the physical level comes back to us what we do to people psychologically and energetically. In this case, we considered an example of healing, when the husband taught the wife how to act in different situations. These teachings have carried categorical, authoritarian character, my husband had great confidence and internal pride. My wife, trusting to the authority of her husband, first tried to do what he said, but then found that it is not in her nature rebelled, rejected his teachings and began to do as they please. Just at the time when she was outraged, my husband got his knees (arthritis).
Another example: healing a woman who was having severe skin irritation in the groin area. Pose the question: "What prevents it to do?". Stopping to make love. It means someone bothers to make love? Not so literally. Let's extend the question — is this sore prevent it in some sense to be a woman. Means that it prevents someone this way. Soon, with further conversation, it turns out that her husband has been in communication with her qualities that she can't consider men worthy of a knight. His behavior is not consistent with its idea of what should be a man and she became offended, indignant, her thoughts wore a contemptuous character: "Ugh! It's not a man... not a man." Husband felt that energy and was offended in turn. His resentment had caused the disease in the wife, because she was a violation of natural law — assault contempt.
You can ask: "why doesn't have a husband?". We don't know whether he violated the natural laws by his actions. Join us for healing the wife came and is the fact that his behavior is not consistent with its representations of masculinity, but because its performance is influenced by the environment where she grew up, and this environment could have their own laws inconsistent with the natural.
The woman apologized to the astral plane and within a day the inflammation was gone.
You can ask for your hand to bring to you the people who have the same violation as you. From violations know better, they catch the eye, especially if directed at you. Ask to be pushed with these people for a certain period, such as weeks. This week you need to be very sensitive and attentive to everything that will happen. Each event can be a sign, a hint. If in daily routine you have forgotten, then sit down in the evening before bed, and review all day if someone's behavior similar to yours.
Used for chronic diseases, the cause of which man cannot be found. Ask your hand slightly to aggravate the disease immediately after, or even during a situation where you are breaking the law. Let's say you have a stomach ulcer. She feels it is not
felt. It depends on behaviour and nutrition. Meals for the week make diet so there are no side distractions. Active and uninhibited chat with people, let your irony, sarcasm, sarcasm manifest in full. Where will I take stomach pain — your breaking the law.
The materials presented in this section are drawn from a healing practice and have not one, but several proofs. The confirmation means the following: there was a fact of human diseases, explained to him the laws, he changed behavior, made a ritual of apology and in many cases the disease was itself, without any treatment.
The selection of diseases was based on typical occasions, having a lot of repetitions in practice, but there were exceptions, the reasons of which will be discussed below.
Arrhythmia — irregular, episodic flow of the heart energy, heat, loved ones, alternating isolation, alienation, anger.
The mother arrives home from work and gives heart energy to the children: "Oh you my dear! Have been waiting for! Look what I brought you". She's on another day: "Like me you are tired! Made lessons? Go to bed".
Mom has mood swings and she can afford such behavior towards loved ones.
Myopia — criticism vision.
Well-read, intelligent young man, 10 years old, with great pride, wants to assert himself in the eyes of others, to gain credibility. He begins without a good reason, just to attract attention, and to criticize shortcomings of the surrounding world.
"Natalia Petrovna smart kids, but she brings bad".
"It's ugly architecture, in the XIX century were built better."
"These verses? Well, you're complete lack of talent". A couple of years the young man developed severe myopia. People were offended by this criticism and the energy of their resentment got the boy to the Ajna — chakra is responsible for vision. Less to see, less to condemn.
Varicose veins — the suppression of anger, discontent within ourselves.
The person is angry at someone, to life, a difficult situation and at this time of the Manipur produces many negative destructive energy. If the person immediately drops it by swearing, shouting, claims, can be other diseases, and varicose veins is when he suppresses this energy within yourself through a will. Will suppressed anger is vented through the legs because the legs are the channels through which the body excretes unnecessary energy. If dissatisfaction something is manifested for a long time, the channels cannot cope with the devastating release of energy and this is reflected in the tissues of the physical body. The energy of anger and chronic irritation resembles billowing black smoke. Pay attention to figure swollen veins in the legs — Yes, he is. Here, too, is the law of similarity. People do not want to dump this energy on others, so as not to spoil the relationship, and suppress it within themselves. Energy mechanism of this disease is not the same as in the case of myopia. There is an energy strike the surrounding people, and here man destroys himself.
Sexually transmitted disease — the disgust and contempt in a sexual relationship.
This is usually manifested with a total disrespect of partners, when you use someone for sexual gratification. First, a person violates the law, the partner is offended and this offense goes to space as the request with the requirement to punish the offender. After a couple of days, the one who showed disgust, finds himself in bed with a new partner who already has a sexually transmitted disease. As for AIDS, it seems, is associated with the grafting others
people, especially the young sexual perversion. The power of punishment is proportional to the force of the violation.The question arises: "what about the AIDS babies in hospitals?". All of these diseases from any infections, and miscarriages and abortions associated with the karma of past lives. When the creature is in space and is about to be born, it knows what is coming. From there the fate of the visible and the objective of this incarnation is the burning their negative karma through suffering.
Inflammation of the appendages — flirting with the letting off of sexual energy, teasing men with unwillingness to join with them in intimate relationships.
This is a very common violation. Women flirting in order to gather the energies to attract attention, sometimes they received some services. While sexual energy beyond the aura of a woman and penetrates into the men, and it is according to natural laws, an invitation to bed. When "warmed up" a man is coming up with suggestions, the lady of his "dumps". If he be offended will be rooting appendages or other organs of the genitourinary system, if not to resent, nothing to hurt.
Gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer — sarcasm, irony, sarcasm, barbed taunts.
Such behavior in today's world is a lot. Why not all have ulcers? Energy mechanism of communication in which both interlocutors internally closed, ready to quip and exchange barbs reminiscent of the duel between two knights. Both wore armor and trying to get each other with swords. In this case, they don't hurt each other, because they play by the same rules of communication, they are so accustomed upbringing, they live it and accept sarcasm as the norm. Diseases occur when the sarcasm is directed at people living under other laws, open, vulnerable, not taking the fight as a form of communication. He has the right to be offended if he sent this kind of energy, and it is this reason not applied. The natural laws of our planet on his side.
Hepatitis (jaundice) — dancing on the Berlin wall.
This disease also belongs to Manipur, but the nature of man-emitted energy is different from sarcasm. Sarcasm beats, stabs, and bitterness — oozing, while the surrounding or their vision of the world are also under attack, but some other character. When they give the date, then the bile, a person begins to get sick.
1. The pressure will on people.
2. Imposing his vision, opinions.
3. "Indentation" under someone else's will.
4. Allowing others to impose their vision.
Take a closer look.
1. Pressure will with the desire to make people do something, does not cause headache unless indignant. From that moment, the oppressive headache. Such people blood pressure is usually raised. Not always a headache for teachers, military commanders, Directors of the organizations they are part of the violation covers the society, as they are on duty and are to a certain extent "automatic" societies, of which there are. If you look at the natural laws, that impact will this attack, as it violated the laws "do Not disturb", "do Not ask, do not go".
2. Imposing his vision.
The husband and wife came to visit a friend. While sitting, drinking tea, the husband said he wanted to buy a new tape recorder, and his wife began to dissuade him. Then a friend without asking stepped in and began to assert that it is an excellent VCR and it urgently needs to buy. When the guests left the owner a headache. Fuse wife because the money she would spend on a washing machine, not a tape recorder.
3. Kneading under someone else's will. Those who allow "yourself to go", the pressure is often reduced.
This oppressed people, accustomed to obey. They have no desire to argue, to fight for my energy, and the reason may be fear and lack of confidence in his strength. It usually starts since childhood — a strong suppression on the part of parents creates a submissive "machines" that, losing a psychological battle after another, turn into executors of someone's will. The head may ache from the loss of energy — it goes to the one who commanded you.
4. Allowing others to impose upon you their opinion.
To live someone else's mind — the property insecure people. They also put a lot of energy to those whose advice, experience and credibility live. They lack energy.
Umbilical hernia — hoarding, pride.
Often people develop a hernia after the purchase of the cottage. Finally, you can save some values, but values in the country fold, and all the old, unnecessary stuff. If this still involved the pride, the thoughts of the owner acquire this character: "now I Have a lot of things. I have more than the neighbors! Relatives will come — "they will show you how to live, let him envy, etc." that may live in people's minds, and the energy just subject to unconscious impulses.
A known specific case of hernia. In one family, the father earned a lot, twisting the case and the house has accumulated a number of values. The owner treated this quite calmly, but the son was proud of his father and the security of the entire family. Went to visit a poor neighbour, no matter dressed. And the son began to look down at him as "unfinished", showing pride. The neighbor was angry, he felt the attitude of the son of the owner, although the words this speech was not — said-it does on other themes. My son has a hernia, and then, and his child, because the child lived on the energy of the Pope.
Diabetes — contempt of a subordinate in the worship of a superior.
If a person is shown only one of these qualities, the diabetes will not. It is a disease of people, is hierarchical in its view of the world.
Diabetes is the scourge of India. In the XX century, India was ranked first in the world on this disease. It is the only country where so much still shown the caste system in our time. Untouchable disdain there is the norm — and before the masters of the bow, which creates a fertile ground for diabetes. It is interesting that in different societies the hierarchy is based on different laws is not always wealth will be in charge. Somewhere appreciate the effect, where the intelligence, creativity, etc. Take chess club — there valued the ability to play chess. If a member would despise those Who play worse than him and bow down before the best players, it can make diabetes mellitus. Resentment often comes from the despised, from those who put a stamp of inferiority.
Toothache critic of society, any society.
This may include, as a criticism of the government, reforms, laws, and the condemnation of doctors, police officers, merchants — any society that constitute social structure. If someone criticizes another person or the activities of an organization with the aim to improve it to help understand something, it may not cause tooth pain. But when we sit in the kitchen, drinking tea and cursing the state, our emotional energy flies and hits it in the astral plane for this structure.
This attack on our part and the astral society has the right to fight back.
Skin diseases — lack of people.
Disrespect is expressed in arrogance, neglect, setting yourself above others, counting himself elected, is significant and the other inferior, low. Can manifest disrespect for people when they dramatically manifest disadvantages: greed, greed, stupidity, etc. According to natural laws, any being worthy of respect because it is a particle of the Divine. We must respect not a set of qualities, but for the fact that it has an immortal soul. We prevent it to develop, by lack of stamps. Not to be confused with reverence — it's
another form of energy, which is given to parents for what they gave us a physical body and Teachers.
Oncology — unintentional cheating, cheating behavior.
Andrew wanted to buy winter shoes, so she was good and inexpensive. At work he suggested a good pair of shoes for $ 40. Money with him he was not and he asked Bob to lend him. Bob replied that, of course, give money, only going home for it during lunch. Went home, took the money, but on the way to work I saw in the store a jacket, which was looking for his wife. Bought it for$ 20, he brought Andrew only half the money. While Andrew was looking for the missing amount, the owner of the shoes had already sold them to someone. Then Andrew when he saw someone nice shoes, remembered Bob...
A couple of months, Vasya found a tumor. This is a simple example of unintentional deception.
Deceptions behavior is more complicated. A lot of them can be found in a sexual relationship. For example, all tumors in the genital area associated with these deceptions. The reasons are the same as described for inflammation of the appendages — it all starts with inflammation, then formed a benign tumor, sometimes turning into malignant. Here people don't talk about what they will do and promise behavior, and the energy that they emit. Remember how the woman lives with one man and another, or even several "holding in reserve". After all, to keep in reserve, it is necessary to promise something energy, something to lure people. And in bed she stays with the others, and that obtained of the tumor.
Baldness is a concern, heavy depressing thoughts for a long time.
Hair just can not stand this energy at the head. (Causes such as radiation or lack of calcium we don't consider here).
Periodontal disease — criticism, undermining the foundations.
Again we find the law of similarity. Gums — the foundations for your teeth. When a person condemns the foundations of the family, clan, tribe, nation, of any society, it undermines them. Foundations may be imperfect, they may be inherent violations of natural laws, but they still need some people to criticize their society will be meaningless to fight for your morals, laws, moral principles, developed over centuries. The Jews — some foundations, the Ukrainians — other. He married a Ukrainian Jew, was in her family and could not refrain from criticism, the result is periodontal disease.
Fractures, injuries, bruises — a deliberate deception.
This is a conscious deception, when a man knows that what he says isn't true.
The liver hurts when we show anger, wrath, malice.
One student in College, for some reason not transferred to the next course. Was whether the rights of the administration or not, the dark matter, the school does not live by natural and social laws. But the student was offended when the administration that some aspects in the learning process, he was happy, or rather gloated, in General, were acting out of resentment in conversations with representatives of this administration.
The liver is headache a few hours after the conversation. This is a simple example, but all examples taken from life.
Arthritis — pride with integrity.
Observed many cases where one person taught another how to live, he put down his principles, and suffered from arthritis.
No matter how correct principles, but this form of training makes a student "machine", which deprives him of flexibility and makes make ready the experience of others, not to grow the most, reaching the truths albeit slower, but with his mind. Nature and its laws — a fluid, flexible, changeable, they are fighting against dogma and authoritarianism.
Kidney — sick for different reasons, but the most frequent:
1. Sexual reasons, similar to all the inflammation, ie the use of sexual energy is not the case, which has already been discussed.
2. Fear. He dumped the body into the kidneys, from which the children can immediately wet his pants. It is through urine resets destructive to the body the energy of fear. Adults themselves do not allow this and they have a lot of accumulated chronic fear — it destroys the kidneys.
Cold — condemnation and criticism, often in relation to the home.
Chronic tonsillitis very often there in people condemning their loved ones.
Sciatica — consider the most common reasons:
1. Fear.
The mother was very afraid for two adult daughters. She loved them, but was so worried about their privacy and financial situation that enveloped their dark box of fear. It distorts the girls real picture of their lives and were a hindrance on the path of development. The mother began an attack of sciatica. Began to see that he prevents it to do-prevent sciatica is to move freely physically. As soon as the mother apologized and chose not to fear the pain is gone. In this situation, she broke the law "do Not disturb", in relation to daughters.
2. Pride.
The young man often went camping and the night was very cold, gave the girls a sleeping bag, and slept in a tent on the ground. I never get sick. One night there was a situation where guys were arguing, swaggered, apparently proving to each other and to girls your mind, strength, etc., He again gave the sleeping bag, but this time with pride, they say, you can't do that. Someone of the guys the fuse was probably weaker health and was really afraid to catch a cold. That night
our tourist earned the sciatica.
3. Sexual disorders.
In one company the relationship so that the flirting has become the norm, a game, a way of communicating. Flirted all, there are men and women exuded sexual energy, teasing each other. Yet none of them that weren't, didn't hurt, everything was in order. But one lady highly wished for some man. He paid no attention to it, ignored (maybe he's not too liked). Here he had sciatica. Why? If he didn't give a cause, not flirting with all, and her too, would have avoided such a situation. But he played this game, and it according to natural laws is a continuation — bed and have nowhere to Dodge.
Stretching the muscles almost always associated with pride.
One lady I didn't know that could freely move the arm in the shoulder joint, could not because of this to sleep and do yoga exercise. The healing helped her to find the cause, she apologized and everything passed. One morning she went to do gymnastics at the stadium. There's a man mowing the grass and she wanted to try to mow — have never had. Turned out pretty good. Then she attended the gym and went home. The next day, same thing, but with one small difference — next to the man stood another lady, as it turned out later his wife. And our heroine, of course, showed itself, while I was mowing the grass. The first day everything was fine, but the second she got a muscle strain and joint pain.
Heart failure — people nedodaet heart energy to loved ones.
If you are with someone in a friendly or social relations, to seek among these people the cause of heart failure, it hardly makes sense. Usually this disease
seen where relations with your part in the beginning was warm, close, and then he changed, became colder and closed. And people left you open. However, it was necessary to warn him, to apologize, to explain something. But it is not always easy. People are vulnerable, it's hard to speak frankly. Open explanations, many try to avoid. And this creates a fertile ground for this disease.
The reasons may be different, but associated with vision. One example will be described. The girl met the guy. She got pregnant and had an abortion. Then they got married, she again became pregnant and gave birth to a healthy child, but she was blinded by 95% by the end of pregnancy, had a retinal detachment. The healing revealed that the cause of abortion was "not seen belly for the wedding."
TB — integrity in relationships of the heart.
When we want the heart to go one way, and we do differently, guided by some reasons, and it hurts people, that is the probability to be ill with tuberculosis. Why in prisons tuberculosis is often found? Not only because of health conditions. There people live according to the principles developed far from natural laws.
One person was psychologically difficult — sadness, longing, depression, in prison is not uncommon. The other would be happy to help him, to give heart energy, to encourage, but does not, as it may contemptuous attitude, saying that you're this guy. They were friends and together got the time for one thing. The first was in prison, the despised, and the second was received fine and he would be happy to help a friend, but according to the principles of the local hierarchy should not do. If a friend is offended, which is very likely, the second can get TB.
Insect bites with severe swelling — pride.
When the body's defense system working properly, regular bites, not much swell.
The company went to rest in the Crimea. All biting mosquitoes and some midges. But one person's hands and feet swell and others do not. Allergies? Yes, it's allergies, but she has her reasons, in this case, pride. Pride swells and the body is inflated. Again it is possible to calculate the reason for the law of similarity.
Cystitis — pride with integrity and claims in the relationship between men and women. Cases of cystitis was observed healers. For successful treatment was sufficient to remove the cause of the ritual of apology. When my wife started bring her husband claims with the pressure, demand, hurt that he does not behave like a man, she had bouts of cystitis. In this example, unlike example inflammation on the skin, the woman has no contempt, but there is a claim.
Schizophrenia — improper handling of information and knowledge.
One of the most frequent causes of schizophrenia is the accumulation of large amounts of information without the practical development and application. This is usually for people who recognize not simple information from books and Newspapers, and esoteric, strongly influencing the Outlook. This often happens when a hypochondriac, inspire, sinks to the information; and not making learning to their experience, skill, ability, enough, all new knowledge from various occult sources.
There is another example when a woman broke the law "don't give information without making it your own". She was reading to lectures, agitated people to starve, and she was starving only three days. One of her students, inspired by these sermons, the beginning of multi-day fasting. On the 15th day she was out of their body mercury. Mercury accumulates in the bones and it this woman have a lot. Mercury came out the balls from the anus. The woman and her family frightened, and at three a.m. I called the lady who gave lectures. She sleep not figured out how to talk, and told the truth: "I'm actually starving only three days, and what to do in such cases, don't know." And soon she had "gone crazy".
If we do give someone knowledge, particularly affecting the psyche and health, have a serious responsibility.
When a child is born, the first year of his life connected with the energy of the mother depends on her health and psyche. Because the mother's body energetically stronger, then if he violates the laws, to hurt a child. This is called the relief of the disease on the weak. After a year, the child or remain on the energy mother or transplanted to the energy of the father. So it lives up to 8-10 years and hurts for violations of the parents, for their violations starts to hurt after 8-10 years, going to your energy. To determine which of the parents need to track their behavior, you can leave the baby to play in a room.
Then mom and dad enter the room and be in different corners. Who's the first guy rushed the child will hold the legs hug, and that we must look for their violations — the kid lives on his energy.
After the transition of the child to be that is usually accompanied by changes in his character and some separation from the parents, it can be taught to track their violations, analysis of situations and the use of ritual apologies.
Pets are also discharges diseases of the masters. The dog usually has one owner in the family, which chooses itself, and cats live on the energy of the house.
When you have found the cause of the disease, you need to sit down and think about their behavior in the future. Finding a new form of conduct without violation of natural law, we need to put it on the subconscious mind in meditation.
This vividly imagine yourself in situations similar to those where the violation and mentally act in new ways. It would be good to 10-15 situations and how they are more diverse, the better.
Then do the ritual:
1. Cause mentally the man's face, to which there was a violation. To welcome and thank him for the lesson.
2. To tell him what law you have broken.
3. To show that you will continue to do otherwise, the law you
4. To sincerely apologize, not melting soul in him anger or resentment.
From any rule there are exceptions. Healing occurs in many situations where the diseases occur differently than described above.
1. If someone does yoga or any energy exercises, he constantly pumps up the energy of the organs of the physical body, aphyric and chakras. Such people it happens that when the law is broken and should have sick heart, suddenly a headache. This is because in any structure is the weakest and the strongest place. The weak becomes a point of discharge of destructive energies.
Every organ of the body tries to throw off the negative effects and it gets to weak. Each has his own.
2. Another is that people take illness with their loved ones. This happens if they love or regret. Then you need to apologize to Tom, who took the disease. Sometimes healers who have not fulfilled the pity, is removed from the patients the disease itself.
There was even a case where a woman regretted a completely unknown young cute guy I met by chance at the station. He was deaf and became hearing, but became deaf seven-year-old son of this woman. Healers had to work hard to return the boy's ear, and the boy remained with normal hearing.
3. Sometimes a person hurts on their own. He was accustomed from childhood during illness to obtain from the family a lot of energy, warmth, care, and sometimes pity. He removed all the chores and the need to prepare the lessons. Developed a subconscious mechanism, and when a person wants to relax, then he gets sick.
4. Magic, curses, spells also do not apply to ordinary diseases and to proceed according to its laws. People will dry or will be childless, or a sore body that the magician dropped his sore -all these cases are dealt with in the healing separately and their classification is beyond the scope of this work. One thing is certain:
magical attacks do not happen, and mostly on those people who are getting into the world of magic. For example, begin to keep her husband, to charm the lady, to drop a disease on someone, hypnotize for their own purposes. To get out of such cause-and-sledstvennyh ties, used the rituals of apology and exchange with the internal waiver impact on people.
5. Still, there are cases when people behave against their nature and because of this hurt.
There was official. Disinterested never did nothing to nobody. To 60 years everything in my life tasted, "ate" and calmed down. Came to his girlfriend and gave him a sincere request — he asked me to help her go to College. And he thought: "What's it take? I had plenty of money, the bed is also developed. Arrange it just so, shall live and rejoice". He did not, by nature, of his astral body, which was dominated by the element of greed, and the like — at a deeper part of his nature, which he had never lived. The girl went to College and always remembered with gratitude his unselfish act. And his heart chakra (astral body consists of chakras) are not used to such energy, because it always gave me energy. Envy, greed, fear. So, from this pure energy he had a heart attack happened — chakra are unable to recycle it.