Banana with which number you would buy without thinking, and which would leave on the shelf in the store
I used to love a lot. bananaYou used to buy them most of the time. Over time, I began to like ripe bananas because they are best suited for cooking various dishes. And recently I learned that depending on the ripeness and color of this fruit, its beneficial properties change. I was interested in understanding this issue. And today I'm going to share my findings with you, and also tell you how to make an unusual treat out of bananas.
It is no secret that bananas bring a lot of benefits to our body. For example, they improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, contribute to the removal of excess fluid, and also contain a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements.
Bananas are rich in vitamins of group B and C, iron, calcium, potassium, fluoride and phosphorus. In addition, overseas fruit reduces the risk of developing various diseases. But how does all this depend on the degree of ripeness of a particular fruit?
Imagine the situation. You're standing in the fruit and vegetable section of a shop with different colored bananas. Among them are very green bananas, light green, yellow, dark yellow and almost brown bananas speckled. Which fruit will you choose?
As a rule, we avoid green bananas. Sometimes they have a strange tart taste, and the texture is not the same as yellow. The flesh of these fruits is really denser. This means that these bananas contain more starch.
Usually this component repels people. Especially when it comes to losing the extra pounds. However, well-known nutrition specialist Jill Corleone does not believe that banana starch can cause harm. On the contrary, the nutritionist is sure that such bananas are good for the body.
In addition, green bananas saturate the body faster. With the help of such a fruit, you can regulate your appetite and not break down on sweets. Among the various useful elements in green bananas, the most vitamin B6. It performs a lot of useful functions, but most importantly its beneficial effect on the work of the heart.
Yellow bananas contain significantly more sugar than their green counterparts. So, if you are trying to get rid of excess weight, you should not lean on the fruits of yellow color. At the same time, there is less useful banana starch in them.
Ripe yellow bananas are best eaten fresh. Among the many useful substances that contain such fruits, magnesium can be distinguished. If you suffer from insomnia, bananas should be in your diet. It is thanks to magnesium that you can rid yourself of heavy nights without sleep.
In addition, yellow fruits contain a large amount of potassium. This trace element regulates metabolism, helps synthesize protein and produce energy. Also, ripe bananas have a lot of phosphorus, which is needed to strengthen bones.
Yellow bananas with brown spots The riper the banana, the more nutrients it contains. So if you want to enrich your body with as many vitamins and trace elements as possible, choose darkened bananas. They look bad, but their taste is strikingly different from just yellow and green fruits.
The most ripe bananas with almost brown skins are digested much faster than others. Therefore, such fruits are especially suitable for those who suffer from digestive problems. It is best to store them in the refrigerator so that they do not spoil and do not lose their usefulness.
In addition, such bananas are best suited for making desserts. Next, we share a simple and proven recipe.
If you do not eat dairy products and miss the taste of ice cream, make it from bananas. To do this, you will need only 2 small ripe bananas and 1 tbsp of cocoa powder.
Bananas should be cleaned and cut into small pieces. Then place them in a container and send them to the freezer for 3-4 hours or overnight. When the flesh is frozen, transfer it to a blender, add cocoa and whip it to uniformity. The fruit will turn into a viscous mass, similar to real chocolate ice cream.
Also in our arsenal there are other simple recipes with bananas. For example, recently my colleague Veronica Zhmurko told me how to make banana muffins, chips and even snickers from overseas fruit. It will take a little time, but how much fun you will get as a result!
Do you like bananas? What fruits do you usually choose in the store?
It is no secret that bananas bring a lot of benefits to our body. For example, they improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system, contribute to the removal of excess fluid, and also contain a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements.

Bananas are rich in vitamins of group B and C, iron, calcium, potassium, fluoride and phosphorus. In addition, overseas fruit reduces the risk of developing various diseases. But how does all this depend on the degree of ripeness of a particular fruit?
Imagine the situation. You're standing in the fruit and vegetable section of a shop with different colored bananas. Among them are very green bananas, light green, yellow, dark yellow and almost brown bananas speckled. Which fruit will you choose?

As a rule, we avoid green bananas. Sometimes they have a strange tart taste, and the texture is not the same as yellow. The flesh of these fruits is really denser. This means that these bananas contain more starch.
Usually this component repels people. Especially when it comes to losing the extra pounds. However, well-known nutrition specialist Jill Corleone does not believe that banana starch can cause harm. On the contrary, the nutritionist is sure that such bananas are good for the body.

In addition, green bananas saturate the body faster. With the help of such a fruit, you can regulate your appetite and not break down on sweets. Among the various useful elements in green bananas, the most vitamin B6. It performs a lot of useful functions, but most importantly its beneficial effect on the work of the heart.
Yellow bananas contain significantly more sugar than their green counterparts. So, if you are trying to get rid of excess weight, you should not lean on the fruits of yellow color. At the same time, there is less useful banana starch in them.

Ripe yellow bananas are best eaten fresh. Among the many useful substances that contain such fruits, magnesium can be distinguished. If you suffer from insomnia, bananas should be in your diet. It is thanks to magnesium that you can rid yourself of heavy nights without sleep.
In addition, yellow fruits contain a large amount of potassium. This trace element regulates metabolism, helps synthesize protein and produce energy. Also, ripe bananas have a lot of phosphorus, which is needed to strengthen bones.
Yellow bananas with brown spots The riper the banana, the more nutrients it contains. So if you want to enrich your body with as many vitamins and trace elements as possible, choose darkened bananas. They look bad, but their taste is strikingly different from just yellow and green fruits.

The most ripe bananas with almost brown skins are digested much faster than others. Therefore, such fruits are especially suitable for those who suffer from digestive problems. It is best to store them in the refrigerator so that they do not spoil and do not lose their usefulness.
In addition, such bananas are best suited for making desserts. Next, we share a simple and proven recipe.
If you do not eat dairy products and miss the taste of ice cream, make it from bananas. To do this, you will need only 2 small ripe bananas and 1 tbsp of cocoa powder.
Bananas should be cleaned and cut into small pieces. Then place them in a container and send them to the freezer for 3-4 hours or overnight. When the flesh is frozen, transfer it to a blender, add cocoa and whip it to uniformity. The fruit will turn into a viscous mass, similar to real chocolate ice cream.
Also in our arsenal there are other simple recipes with bananas. For example, recently my colleague Veronica Zhmurko told me how to make banana muffins, chips and even snickers from overseas fruit. It will take a little time, but how much fun you will get as a result!
Do you like bananas? What fruits do you usually choose in the store?
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