Can You Eat Bananas Every Day?

Delicious is rarely useful. Therefore, it is doubly pleasant to learn that this does not apply to bananas, and, in addition to pleasure, they bring significant benefits to the body.

We are used to eating bananas mainly in winter and spring, when there are few other fruits on the shelves. It is believed that apples, plums or peaches are healthier.

But bananas have a unique chemical composition, so their use gives a lot of interesting effects. "Site" will tell about the nutritional properties of yellow fruits and help determine the norm - is it worth eating them every day?

How the fourth most sold fruit on the planet affects our body
  1. Bananas are a delicious "battery"
    Bananas are rich in vitamins, minerals and other unique substances. They are an excellent source of vitamins A, E, B6, manganese and copper, contain several antioxidants that slow down the aging process in the body.

    The fruit of the banana consists of soft, easily digestible fiber with simple sugars - fructose and sucrose. Eating bananas quickly fills the body with energy. This quality is widely used by athletes for instant recovery.

  2. Bananas protect the heart
    Potassium helps our muscles work. Including the most important muscle of the human body - the heart, for which it is simply indispensable. Without this element, the glands of internal secretion, capillaries, vessels, cells of nerves, brain, kidneys, liver cannot fully function.

    Adults are advised to consume up to 3 grams of potassium per day, and 100 grams of bananas contain 350 mg of this important nutrient. To meet the need for potassium from only one source, you will need to eat about 5 bananas.

    But this is unlikely to be necessary, as potassium is present in many common foods. For example, in potatoes, beans, avocados, mushrooms (especially dried), as well as in herbs and greens.

    According to doctors, drinking enough potassium and reducing sodium intake is the most important prevention of cardiovascular disease.

    Studies have shown that people who take at least 4 grams of potassium per day have a 49% lower risk of dying from coronary heart disease compared to those who consume less than 1 gram.

  3. Bananas lift the mood
    Surprisingly, this yellow fruit has the ability to influence our happiness. Bananas are an excellent source of the amino acid tryptophan, which the body converts into the neurotransmitter serotonin, which boosts our mood. If you eat bananas daily, you can reduce irritability, get rid of sadness.

  4. Bananas soothe intestines
    Doctors recommend a diet based on bananas, rice, applesauce and toast for people with a digestive disorder. Bananas can be used for gastritis, heartburn and as the first food after diarrhea - they restore lost minerals. The fiber content in bananas also contributes to a balanced bowel function.

  5. Bananas help to get rid of excess weight
    Bananas are rich in fiber - because of it, you do not want to eat longer. They contain a lot of persistent (resistant) starch.

    Such starch reaches the large intestine almost undigested. At the same time, blood sugar rises more slowly and not so much, so bananas in the menu improve insulin sensitivity and reduce cholesterol.

    Due to the high content of B vitamins bananas calm nervous system, give the opportunity not to eat stress chocolate and chips and not to gain excess weight as a result.

  6. Bananas can cause migraines and allergies
    It is believed that some susceptible people bananas can cause migraines. In this case, you should adhere to the norm and eat no more than half a banana daily. And finally, some people have symptoms of an allergy to bananas - itching, swelling, hives.

Benefits of bananas for the body There is no doubt, but they should not be abused. They belong to the group of rather high-calorie fruits - 100 grams contains 85-90 kilocalories.

Those who follow their figure can eat 1-2 bananas per day, but it is better to exclude sweets from the diet, as well as starchy products such as potatoes, pasta and bakery products.

For the rest, the daily rate of consumption of bananas can be calculated by determining those substances, the overdose of which can carry at least a potential danger to the body. These are primarily potassium, magnesium and vitamin B6.

One average banana weighing 160-200 grams contains up to 56% of the daily requirement of vitamin B6. Based on this, we can conclude that the maximum number of bananas per day should be 2-3 pieces. The daily dose of potassium is contained in about 4-5 bananas, and magnesium in 4.

Of course, if you eat 10 bananas a day, then nothing bad will likely happen. But systematic excess of the norm can do the body more harm than good. After all, many scientists believe that an excess of potassium and magnesium in the body is even more dangerous than their lack.


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