How useful bananas or 22 reasons to love them

1. Bananas help fight depression. They have a lot of tryptophan - the substance of which produce serotonin - the hormone of happiness. Therefore, eating a banana readily improve mood.
2. Bananas - the only fruit that even in infants does not give an allergic reaction.
3. Strengthen bones. Bananas retard calcium in the body, it does not appear in the urine, but remains in the body and used for the strengthening of bones. This is especially important for coffee lovers, who contrary washes calcium from the body.
4. Improvement of the intestinal microflora. Thanks to the enzymes, which are part of bananas substances that enter the body with the main meal, absorbed by the body more quickly.
5. Constipation. Bananas are very useful for those who suffer from constipation. Regular consumption of bananas rid of this problem.
6. Bananas help to get rid of such problems as heartburn.
7. Stomach ulcer. Bananas when used envelop the stomach wall and thereby protect it against corrosive substances and acids in food, it promotes healing and scarring of the ulcer in the stomach.
8. When diarrhea. Those who suffer from diarrhea, it is advised to eat bananas. This is a good restorative product.
9. The high content of potassium in the banana pulp saves from leg cramps who trains a lot.
10. Edema. Eating banana reduces the swelling of those who suffer from it.
11. The source of energy. If you eat a banana before a workout, you can be dealt with more effectively - your blood sugar will not rise quickly enough, and energy until the end of training.
12. Improve digestion. Pectins and chelates, which are part of the banana well toxins and other pollutants, thereby improving digestion.
13. For women. Serotonin and other useful substances which have bananas, superbly relieve PMS symptoms. If you eat a banana during the month, you can get rid of a bad mood and unpleasant symptoms.
14. Anemia. The high content of iron in the pulp of banana makes it a necessary food for anemia.
15. Heart disease. Potassium, which is a lot in bananas helps to improve the condition of blood vessels, reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke, treats hypertension.
16. Immunity. The composition of bananas includes antioxidants and amino acids, and they are known to protect the body and enhance immunity well.
17. kidneys. Bananas are able to positively affect the kidneys, nutrients, trace elements and vitamins to improve their status, output sand and stones.
18. Nausea. Bananas - a great tool for getting rid of nausea on the road or at a toxicosis in pregnant women.
19. Itching from insect bites. The skins of bananas is very good remedy for insect bites - just attach the inside of the peel from a banana to the site of the bite for a few minutes.
20. From the heat. In bananas is a property of lowering the temperature of the body. This will help you at a fever or extreme heat.
21. Quit smoking. When withdrawal from nicotine addiction recommend eating bananas - a large number of vitamins, potassium, magnesium, help to bring the remains of nicotine from the body and to adjust to life without cigarettes.
22. Improving the mental abilities. High levels of potassium in bananas makes a person receptive to new information, necessary in preparation for the exams.