Do not buy yellow bananas! 10 of the most important facts about bananas from Roskontrolya
We're so loved bananas, as if living in hot countries: the delicious yellow fruit occupies the leading position among the sales of exotic fruit. Actually, even "exotic" bananas have long no one believes. < Website offers you an article from the community Roskontrolya where experts tell us interesting facts about the consumer for consumer goods. In this case we will focus on the features of aging bananas, which are very important to know if you eat this fruit.
1. Why rip bananas ripened Despite its apparent resistance - a banana really is a very delicate fruit. And in general can not be transported over long distances at a temperature above 14 degrees Celsius.
Therefore, the only possibility to drop off the bananas up to the buyer to "commodity" form - tearing their green and transported on ships equipped with refrigeration units
2.. Why did the bananas were green? We all remember that before, not only grass, but also bananas were green. This is due to the fact that in Soviet times there were bananas marketed without further processing. How unloaded green bananas out of the fridge - and sent them to the sale. Who had time - he bought
3.. Why bananas are gassed To Torn green banana ripened evenly - it is subjected to fumigation: it is a controlled process in which bananas do not ripen only faster, but also make it more evenly and gently
. First, the bananas are placed in special storage low (around 15 C), a certain level of temperature and humidity and then they were transferred to a fumigation chamber, where the gas is heated and treated mixture.
4. What is a "banana gas" and whether it is dangerous to humans? This gas mixture (also called "banana gas") to 5% is composed of ethylene and 95% of nitrogen. This mixture is safe for human health analogue of the natural substance released bananas under the natural process of maturation.
5. Why did the bananas were delicious Although this gas mixture is harmless to humans - the taste of bananas ripened in the gassing chamber, still often differs for the worse, compared with bananas ripen naturally
. Gassing can not replace the natural maturation, and as in the Soviet time, the gassing chamber is not used, then the commercially available bananas were delicious.
6. Why now do not sell "raw" bananas On the one hand - in a market economy fruit sellers can no longer offer customers green bananas: such products simply will not be competitive. In this case wait until the stock of bananas themselves "reach" to the market standard in a natural way - as impossible
. Firstly, it is not cost-effective to spend time on a product that is in stock and slowly turn yellow. And second - when ripening naturally there is no guarantee that the bananas turn yellow uniform
7.. Can I eat green bananas? Banana Green says that it increased starch content has not yet been turned into sugar. Because of this digest are bananas are much more complicated: the starch is fermented in the large intestine, and can cause flatulence
. The ripe banana over - the greater part of the starch has turned into sugar, so a banana is not only sweeter, but also easier to digest
8.. Can I have blackened bananas Unfortunately today consumers are increasingly faced with the fact that the yellow bananas bought in the store behave "atypical": quickly fade, deteriorate and lose the most "marketable" kind, for which they and treated with a gas mixture. This may be due to the fact that in the process of artificial "ripening" banana provider has violated the treatment regime.
Harm use such as bananas do not bring, though fun, of course, too little will not give. For example children often refuse to eat bananas for which darkened skin, even if the inside of the banana looks absolutely normal and sweet taste.
9. As bananas ripen apples help? If you are still able to buy green bananas (which is rather uncommon for our hard times), it is possible to bring them to their own condition. It's enough to put green bananas in a bag with some other fruits (such as apples or pears), which themselves emit ethylene required to ripen bananas.
Yes, at home, this process will be less "technologically", but you are free from the risk on the day following the purchase of yellow bananas to discover that they were "skukozhilas" and their skins turned dark brown.
10. How to prevent the bananas overripe for a long preservation of bananas from browning - their stalk (or bananas entirely) should be tightly wrapped with foil, cling film or a clean plastic bag: it protects the bananas from ethylene contained in other fruits, if you add them to one cart with bananas.
via roscontrol.com/community/article/pochemu-nugno-pokupat-zelenie-banani-a-geltie-ne-nugno/

1. Why rip bananas ripened Despite its apparent resistance - a banana really is a very delicate fruit. And in general can not be transported over long distances at a temperature above 14 degrees Celsius.
Therefore, the only possibility to drop off the bananas up to the buyer to "commodity" form - tearing their green and transported on ships equipped with refrigeration units
2.. Why did the bananas were green? We all remember that before, not only grass, but also bananas were green. This is due to the fact that in Soviet times there were bananas marketed without further processing. How unloaded green bananas out of the fridge - and sent them to the sale. Who had time - he bought
3.. Why bananas are gassed To Torn green banana ripened evenly - it is subjected to fumigation: it is a controlled process in which bananas do not ripen only faster, but also make it more evenly and gently
. First, the bananas are placed in special storage low (around 15 C), a certain level of temperature and humidity and then they were transferred to a fumigation chamber, where the gas is heated and treated mixture.
4. What is a "banana gas" and whether it is dangerous to humans? This gas mixture (also called "banana gas") to 5% is composed of ethylene and 95% of nitrogen. This mixture is safe for human health analogue of the natural substance released bananas under the natural process of maturation.
5. Why did the bananas were delicious Although this gas mixture is harmless to humans - the taste of bananas ripened in the gassing chamber, still often differs for the worse, compared with bananas ripen naturally
. Gassing can not replace the natural maturation, and as in the Soviet time, the gassing chamber is not used, then the commercially available bananas were delicious.
6. Why now do not sell "raw" bananas On the one hand - in a market economy fruit sellers can no longer offer customers green bananas: such products simply will not be competitive. In this case wait until the stock of bananas themselves "reach" to the market standard in a natural way - as impossible
. Firstly, it is not cost-effective to spend time on a product that is in stock and slowly turn yellow. And second - when ripening naturally there is no guarantee that the bananas turn yellow uniform
7.. Can I eat green bananas? Banana Green says that it increased starch content has not yet been turned into sugar. Because of this digest are bananas are much more complicated: the starch is fermented in the large intestine, and can cause flatulence
. The ripe banana over - the greater part of the starch has turned into sugar, so a banana is not only sweeter, but also easier to digest
8.. Can I have blackened bananas Unfortunately today consumers are increasingly faced with the fact that the yellow bananas bought in the store behave "atypical": quickly fade, deteriorate and lose the most "marketable" kind, for which they and treated with a gas mixture. This may be due to the fact that in the process of artificial "ripening" banana provider has violated the treatment regime.
Harm use such as bananas do not bring, though fun, of course, too little will not give. For example children often refuse to eat bananas for which darkened skin, even if the inside of the banana looks absolutely normal and sweet taste.
9. As bananas ripen apples help? If you are still able to buy green bananas (which is rather uncommon for our hard times), it is possible to bring them to their own condition. It's enough to put green bananas in a bag with some other fruits (such as apples or pears), which themselves emit ethylene required to ripen bananas.
Yes, at home, this process will be less "technologically", but you are free from the risk on the day following the purchase of yellow bananas to discover that they were "skukozhilas" and their skins turned dark brown.
10. How to prevent the bananas overripe for a long preservation of bananas from browning - their stalk (or bananas entirely) should be tightly wrapped with foil, cling film or a clean plastic bag: it protects the bananas from ethylene contained in other fruits, if you add them to one cart with bananas.
via roscontrol.com/community/article/pochemu-nugno-pokupat-zelenie-banani-a-geltie-ne-nugno/
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