This girl is 12 days ate only bananas. What happened, amazing!
It is no secret that bananas - very useful fruit. High levels of nutrients, fructose, sucrose, glucose and cellulose, which are bananas, ensure saturation of the body for a long period. These fruits have all the necessary material in order to maintain strength and health. In addition, bananas have a wonderful property rid the body of harmful substances. Julia Tarbat - a nutritionist, who dared to spend detox the body using bananas. 12 days she ate only bananas, and organic fruit grown on the island. The action that the bananas had on her health, changed the lives of women!
Prior to diet Julia had health problems. High levels of sugar in the blood, digestive problems, yeast infection, depression and hormonal imbalance - in such a lamentable state of her body. In addition, a long period of time, Julia could not get pregnant. The path to the mono-diet banana was gradual - first she and her husband became a vegetarian. Eventually Julia and Paul got his own farm, which began to grow fruits and vegetables. The experiment, they were together, Paul supported his wife.
There are only bananas for 12 days ... This is the will power! But the result she noticed immediately:
1. «My digestive organs has never worked so well. No discomfort! Amazing ease, I do not pay attention to what is going on in my stomach ». Em>
2. «I became more relaxed, calm and focused. Bananas gave me enough energy to perform their daily work, but it does not become an additional burden for the body ». Em>
3. «For the first time in my life I saw that the time to make the day all planned and did not strain». Em>
After the diet Julia noticed that her skin was wonderful to look into a smooth and velvety. The state of health has been at the highest level! A few weeks later she got pregnant, and because she had dreamed about it for several years. The body cleansed of toxins, the work of all vital systems was adjusted.
Of course, for taking such a radical solution as fruit mono-diet, you need to consult a doctor. There are bananas is recommended for all who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, digestive disorders, problems with blood pressure. Bananas are advised to enter into the diet of patients with cancer, must be present in these fruits the children's menu.
Be sure to share the story of this girl with your friends! With properly planned power can solve a lot of health problems, and that's fine.
via takprosto cc

Prior to diet Julia had health problems. High levels of sugar in the blood, digestive problems, yeast infection, depression and hormonal imbalance - in such a lamentable state of her body. In addition, a long period of time, Julia could not get pregnant. The path to the mono-diet banana was gradual - first she and her husband became a vegetarian. Eventually Julia and Paul got his own farm, which began to grow fruits and vegetables. The experiment, they were together, Paul supported his wife.

There are only bananas for 12 days ... This is the will power! But the result she noticed immediately:
1. «My digestive organs has never worked so well. No discomfort! Amazing ease, I do not pay attention to what is going on in my stomach ». Em>
2. «I became more relaxed, calm and focused. Bananas gave me enough energy to perform their daily work, but it does not become an additional burden for the body ». Em>
3. «For the first time in my life I saw that the time to make the day all planned and did not strain». Em>
After the diet Julia noticed that her skin was wonderful to look into a smooth and velvety. The state of health has been at the highest level! A few weeks later she got pregnant, and because she had dreamed about it for several years. The body cleansed of toxins, the work of all vital systems was adjusted.
Of course, for taking such a radical solution as fruit mono-diet, you need to consult a doctor. There are bananas is recommended for all who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system, digestive disorders, problems with blood pressure. Bananas are advised to enter into the diet of patients with cancer, must be present in these fruits the children's menu.
Be sure to share the story of this girl with your friends! With properly planned power can solve a lot of health problems, and that's fine.
via takprosto cc
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