10 properties of banana, which you probably didn't know
Seventy million three hundred eighty three thousand four hundred fifty three
Bananas — this is the case when "good" is paired with "useful". They contained vitamins and other supplements support our body literally on all fronts.
The website has collected 10 useful properties of this tropical fruit, which is largely dependent on their ripeness. This does not mean that some of the bananas you can eat and some not. Just recommendations on selecting fruits according to their maturity will help to increase their beneficial effects.
The prevention of cancer
Bananas contains a specific protein which helps to prevent cancer (tumor necrosis factor). The amount of this substance in Mature fruits is much higher. Therefore it is recommended those bananas that have rind covered with dark spots or darkened.
Struggle with cramps
Deficiency of minerals can cause cramps in the calf muscles. Eating a rich potassium and magnesium foods like bananas, can prevent muscle crampsso many athletes include them in your diet.
Prevention of kidney disease
Food that contains sufficient amount of potassium, helps prevent kidney stones. According to one study, regular inclusion of bananas in the diet also helps to reduce by 40 %the probability of malignant neoplasms in the kidneys.
A strong heart Diet with a sufficient content of potassium is recommended for those who suffer from high blood pressure and predisposed to cardiovascular disease. Daily intake of 1.3 grams of this mineralreduces by 26% the risk of cardiac diseases. To make up the rule, you should eat 2 to 3 bananas (depending on their weight).
Clean vessels
The cause of the deterioration of vascular permeability is cholesterol, which causes atherosclerosis. Bananas contains phytosterols, which helps reduce the concentration of this substance in the body and to maintain the health of the vascular system.
A healthy stomach
Bananas are used for people with stomach ulcers, as well as those who are at increased risk. These fruits contain a special enzyme that promote mucus secretion that protects the stomach wall.
Source of energy the Abundance of vitamins and minerals makes bananas an excellent source of energy. Simple carbohydrates are quickly digested and almost immediately fill the shortage of energy resources in case of need.
Good mood Bananas contain the pleasure hormone (dopamine), as well as several b vitamins, which have a positive effect on the nervous system. All of this can be attributed to a category of products which you should eat if suddenly came over the Blues.
Help with diabetes
In these tropical fruits present a special type of starch (resistant), which helps to improve the condition of the person with diabetes of the 2nd type. It should be noted that the more this substance is found in the green bananas. For comparison, in the green fruit of medium size is 12.5 grams of starch, ripe — not more than 5 grams.
Source: NCBI
Slim figure
Resistant starch prevents the formation of fat and increases energy expenditure, leading to rapid and tangible results in the fight against excess weight. The recommended daily allowance of this substance is 10 grams. Of course, in addition to eating bananas should lead an active life and control food habits.
Photos on the preview depositphotos
According to the materials whfoods
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via www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/fstr/15/3/15_3_275/_pdf
Bananas — this is the case when "good" is paired with "useful". They contained vitamins and other supplements support our body literally on all fronts.
The website has collected 10 useful properties of this tropical fruit, which is largely dependent on their ripeness. This does not mean that some of the bananas you can eat and some not. Just recommendations on selecting fruits according to their maturity will help to increase their beneficial effects.
The prevention of cancer

Bananas contains a specific protein which helps to prevent cancer (tumor necrosis factor). The amount of this substance in Mature fruits is much higher. Therefore it is recommended those bananas that have rind covered with dark spots or darkened.
Struggle with cramps

Deficiency of minerals can cause cramps in the calf muscles. Eating a rich potassium and magnesium foods like bananas, can prevent muscle crampsso many athletes include them in your diet.
Prevention of kidney disease

Food that contains sufficient amount of potassium, helps prevent kidney stones. According to one study, regular inclusion of bananas in the diet also helps to reduce by 40 %the probability of malignant neoplasms in the kidneys.
A strong heart Diet with a sufficient content of potassium is recommended for those who suffer from high blood pressure and predisposed to cardiovascular disease. Daily intake of 1.3 grams of this mineralreduces by 26% the risk of cardiac diseases. To make up the rule, you should eat 2 to 3 bananas (depending on their weight).
Clean vessels

The cause of the deterioration of vascular permeability is cholesterol, which causes atherosclerosis. Bananas contains phytosterols, which helps reduce the concentration of this substance in the body and to maintain the health of the vascular system.
A healthy stomach

Bananas are used for people with stomach ulcers, as well as those who are at increased risk. These fruits contain a special enzyme that promote mucus secretion that protects the stomach wall.
Source of energy the Abundance of vitamins and minerals makes bananas an excellent source of energy. Simple carbohydrates are quickly digested and almost immediately fill the shortage of energy resources in case of need.
Good mood Bananas contain the pleasure hormone (dopamine), as well as several b vitamins, which have a positive effect on the nervous system. All of this can be attributed to a category of products which you should eat if suddenly came over the Blues.
Help with diabetes

In these tropical fruits present a special type of starch (resistant), which helps to improve the condition of the person with diabetes of the 2nd type. It should be noted that the more this substance is found in the green bananas. For comparison, in the green fruit of medium size is 12.5 grams of starch, ripe — not more than 5 grams.
Source: NCBI
Slim figure

Resistant starch prevents the formation of fat and increases energy expenditure, leading to rapid and tangible results in the fight against excess weight. The recommended daily allowance of this substance is 10 grams. Of course, in addition to eating bananas should lead an active life and control food habits.
Photos on the preview depositphotos
According to the materials whfoods
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This is what happens if every day to eat a spoon of honey with cinnamon
via www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/fstr/15/3/15_3_275/_pdf
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