What is spin? Generators axion field

This article is intended for the intelligent reader, and of course it is not all certain.
Many people know that fundamental particles: electrons, protons, neutrons and atomic nuclei, are characterized by the presence of electric charge, magnetic dipole moment and its own angular momentum — spin. These characteristics are interrelated, and each other's cause.
The electric charge manifests itself in the surrounding space of the particle through the electric field, the magnetic moment — magnetic field and spin ...? — using the hypothetical "axion" field.
But, what is spin? At the moment, this is probably who does not know.
Considered to be the spin of electrons and protons is associated with its own angular momentum (rotation), but this representation is in contradiction with the postulates of theoretical physics, such as the postulate of the impossibility of matter in motion with superluminal speeds. Therefore, it is a crafty decision to consider just the spin and quantum mechanical size and all.
So we know that there is a certain physical quantity called spin. If the spins of the elements comprising the item have any preferential direction, we say that the subject of spin polarized. Spin polarized object creates around itself an Axion field (AP), or as it is called Spinor or Torsion field (the magnetic field is a special case).
How you can create axion field (AP) and how it can show itself?
Once a source of AP are the spins of elementary particles, it is logical to assume that the AP appears when the spin polarization, i.e. the selective orientation of spins in space. Spin polarization and AP in the micro scale manifests itself when spin-spin interactions in devices using the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), especially where the collaboration involves three, four or more spins, in the macro scale AP manifests itself in the spin polarization of macro objects.
There is a strong opinion that the magnetic moment and spin is virtually the same, and that the spin polarization in the macro scale can be produced by imposing a magnetic field on the macro object. But this view is not correct though, because subatomic particles have different gyromagnetic relationship, and the imposition of a magnetic field on a macro cell leads to polarization of the magnetic moment, not spin. And AP, which appears in such polarization, will thaneveryone magnetic field.
To obtain appreciable spin polarization in the macro scale and generation of AP in pure form, there are other ways.
For example, using gyroscopic properties to selectively Orient the spins of the substance by mechanical rotation, in which the spins are oriented along the axis of rotation (achieved by spin polarization of the substance).
Barnet applied this method in his experiments to determine the gyromagnetic relationship, which is rotationally driven an iron rod causing the orientation of the spins (spin polarization) of its elements along the axis of rotation, as well as a spin associated with the magnetic moment of the substance elements, the result recorded the appearance of magnetization of the iron rod along its axis, due to enhanced ferromagnetic properties of the material of the rod.
The disadvantage of this method is, first, the lack of selective (in sign) orienting action on the back of elements of a substance are oriented parallel to the axis of rotation, gyroscopic forces, because orienting the gyroscopic moment of forces working on elements of a substance is proportional to a vector product of the gyroscopic moment on the angular velocity vector of rotation of matter. Second, what occurs when the spin polarization of substances of magnetic field, reinforced by web material guide elements rod (electrons and nuclei) by their magnetic moment, but not on gyro. As a result, the arising spin polarization disappears. Third, the axion field that occurs when the spin polarization of the rod is aligned in space with the magnetic field of a magnetized rod, which complicates the allocation of the axion field in “pure” form.
These problems can be solved if the rotational movement of the lead body is made of substances (private and/or induced) anisotropy of properties (e.g., electromagnetic), directed towards the axis of rotation at an angle, not zero, but rather at an angle equal to or greater than the angle of precession of spins about the axis of the anisotropy (of course if precession exists).
Because of this:
First, the pre-orienting elements of a substance along (relative to) the axis of anisotropy of the properties of matter (space), which, in turn, are oriented at an angle to the axis of rotation, thereby to provide the necessary gyroscopic moment acting on the spins of the constituents of matter as a result of its rotational motion (proportional to a vector product of the gyroscopic moment on the angular velocity vector of rotation of the substances, i.e. proportional to the sine of the angle between them, assuming the maximum value at 90 degrees, the minimum at 0, and increasing with the angular velocity of rotation), thereby increasing the number of selectively oriented gyroscopic forces of the elements of the substances;
Secondly, reducing the number of spins oriented parallel to the axis of rotation and gyroscopic forces through the use of the anisotropy of the properties of substances (space) that exceeds the influence of electromagnetic polarization of a substance occurs when its spin polarization and is caused by the presence of elements used for the body of the dipole and electromagnetic quadrupole moments.
Focusing used the anisotropy of electromagnetic properties at an angle to the axis of rotation, thereby simultaneously improve the spatial separation of the axion and electromagnetic fields due to the rotation vector of the electromagnetic polarization of a substance relative to the vector of spin polarization.
Selectively orienting the action of gyroscopic forces, spin polarization, and accordingly the tension of the axion field as important, how much the gyroscopic forces exceed the orienting effects of other external and internal forces (electromagnetic). In real substances of the elements (electrons and nuclei) are far in unequal conditions, and in constant thermal motion, and therefore, the optimum value of velocity, anisotropy of properties and the angle between the rotation axis and the axis of this anisotropy is determined based on the average of the parameters of the used substances and the possibility of constructive implementation.
And yet, on the basis of experimental data, the angle between the rotation axis and the axis of this anisotropy it is better to choose is equal to or larger than 30 degrees.
Anisotropy (electromagnetic) properties of the used substances may be due to an external source, e.g. the external (electromagnetic) field, not inhibiting the rotation of the active elements of the material used, it may be his own, for example, due to its crystal structure, the concentration gradient, the partition of the phases, the deformation of the crystal structure, etc., and may be due to the combined action of external and own source.
I want to note that, an explanation of the proposed method is very superficial, the real mechanism is much more complicated.
The method can be carried out in the form shown in the accompanying figure design ferrite magnetic axion emitter.
The radiator is made of a ferromagnetic material, in the form of a hollow cylinder driven in a rotary motion around the axis coinciding with the main axis of symmetry of the cylinder, and planar (wedge-shaped) permanent magnets embedded in the cylinder in the plane of section passing through the axis of the cylinder, and the applicable magnets magnetized perpendicularly to their plane.

A hollow cylinder, if necessary, can be specifically implemented in the form of a torus, a flat ring or tube.
A constructive solution of the fixing and for bringing the cylinder into a rotary motion can be very different. However, we must remember that the external electromagnetic field and structural materials used can significantly change the nature of the radiation.
A possible implementation of the emitter (see figure). 1 contains a ferrite ring 20х12х6 mm, 2 ferrite-barium magnets, 3 axis of rotation. The ring rotates counterclockwise at a speed of several thousand revolutions per minute. The magnets are mounted so that the magnetic field generated by them are directed towards rotation.
Structural elements of the mounting and bringing the ring into a rotary motion are made of non-magnetic materials.
To avoid extra interference, it is recommended that the actuator is taken out from the zone of actions of the emitter in the direction perpendicular to its axis at a distance of more than ten radii of the cylinder.
Structural elements of the mounting and drive of the cylinder in the figure is not given, since the implementation of the above requirements to the fact of radiation axion field is not affected. But still, we recommend you to use the following materials: silver, cadmium, aluminum, polyamide-6, celluloid, wood, rubber, and nitrocellulose glue. It is not advised to use the following materials Teflon, not tinned tin solder copper, graphite.
In this device under the action of gyroscopic forces the spins of the ferromagnetic ring elements, magnetic moments are on average oriented along the induced magnetic field (90 degrees relative to the axis of rotation), will focus parallel to the axis of rotation of the ring. Those elements which are selectively orienting the action of the gyroscopic force is not enough to remain oriented along the magnetic field inside the ferrite closed - magnetic design. As a result, around the structure there axion field associated with its spin polarization.
Testing of devices, which are active sources of AP, gave the following results:
The axion field has a high penetrating power, directly to the crystal lattice do not interact (lead and concrete walls are no obstacle).
Thus, in the course of the experiments was not found isotropic substances capable of screening up. In this respect, the lead was a little different from the air. Only such substances as zinc and steel contribute a time delay to the propagation of the AP, at the same time becoming induced by the source AP.
Mainly observed the interaction of the axion field and the transfer of energy of spin waves, a carrier to which it is in resonance interaction with the spins of electrons and nuclei of the material through which it passes. This makes it possible the efficient management of the orientation of the spins of the materials used, which is a completely new way to control their physico-chemical properties.
In particular, it was discovered the change in micro-hardness structural steel I-8 (C=0.8%) at 35% after the effect of axion radiation of the above-described device for 5 minutes at a distance between the emitter and the metal surface 20mm, at a speed of 50об/h and a magnetic flux generated by the permanent magnet in the ferromagnetic walls of the cones is equal to 0.01 Tesla. As a rule, during the day the hardness of the steel was restored to the original value.
Changes in the melting point of anthracene 15 degrees Celsius. There are interesting results on the effect of axion radiation on biological objects. In particular, when some parameters of axion radiation is observed an increase of "energy of growth" of plants and increased immune response in animals.
Conventional devices of the AP is not directly fixed. The person is able to directly record field that occurs when the spin polarization of macro objects, which greatly facilitates studies of the AP.
The design, shown in Fig. in the context of.

Where 1 and 3 is a ferrite tube with low electrical conductivity, 2 — ferrite ring (which is the concentration of "m-state" elements), 4 — a graphite disk 5 and 6 — external and internal copper electrodes.
The Assembly structure first outer and inner surface of the ferrite tubes 1 and 3 is coated with graphite and then pressed on the electrodes 5 and 6 (or these electrodes receive the electrolytic deposition of copper on graphite).
Electric toroidal coil through terminals 11,12 and 13,14 electric current is applied so that ferrite tubes 1 and 3, the magnetic field has the opposite direction. In this case, and the vector potential inside the tube has the opposite orientation. And in the area of the ferrite ring 2 vector potential of the tubes 1 and 3 are summed in the radial component.
The electric current in the windings must provide a magnetic field close to the magnetic saturation of the ferrite tubes 1 and 3. The design will be much simpler if, instead of the ferrite tubes to use permanent magnets with a low electrical conductivity.
The findings of 7.8 and 9.8 electrodes 5 and 6 of the respective tubes 1 and 3 is also supplied voltage of opposite sign so that both ferrite tubes are formed perpendicular to the magnetic and electric field vector Poiting upward.
This design works on two factors:
The concentration of "m-state" elements in the zone of maximum value of vector potential (area of the ring 2) by concentrating "axion field" "m-state" elements in this area;
The concentration of "m-state" elements by concentrating their "axion field" type 3 using the Poiting vector.
In certain light up observed with the naked eye. The mechanism of this phenomenon is not yet understood. Maybe changing the spin state of the atoms of oxygen, which manifests itself in the change of the refractive index, and scattering of visible light.
AP generated by the given design, mostly concentrated in two narrow oppositely directed beams extending along the axis of rotation at a distance of tens of meters.
These rays, depending on the mutual orientation of the magnetic induction vector and the direction of rotation, can be of four different qualities.
Beam up, the design shown in the figure, extending in the direction of the axis 3, for man seems to be the most secure. But all the same, and in the area of influence of the person should not be more than a few minutes.
The first signs of overdose effects of AP on human (possible) — a short-term darkening of the eyes, noise in ears, oppressive feeling turning into panic, crying, but more often nausea and urge to vomit. May increase the pain in the heart and in the patients bodies. Prolonged exposure of AP on the human body possible short-term anemia (loss of sensitivity).
But, most of all, all these signs occur from an overdose of... of self-hypnosis!
The nature of the impact and the effects of AP depend mainly on its intensity, helicity (topology) and the frequency spectrum.
The helicity depends on the mutual orientation of the magnetic field and the direction of rotation.
The frequency spectrum depends on the design of materials, magnetic field strength, rotation speed and strange to some extent on the thoughts of the experimenter.
On the correct choice of these parameters depends largely on the security of the device (especially the latter).
When you first turn the device goes to the “mode” for 5 — 10 minutes. Subsequent, in the order of minutes.
When you stop rotation, the intensity of the AP decays exponentially over tens of minutes to some constant value, which persists for weeks. Sometimes, within two weeks of stored “memory” of the device in the room, i.e. the negative impact of the mismatched characteristics of the AP, a person can obtain in the exposed device area.
Attention! Do NOT experiment with this device to people: do not feel thin field (not psychics) are not able to notice and correct damage to their thin skins, do not familiar with is able to insure!
During the experiments with the described generators axion fields and radiation observe safety precautions! Remember, disease is received as a result of axion fields, pills won't cure! Remember, the damaging effects on humans starts much earlier, than will react widely known physical devices and biological and mental illnesses may manifest at once, and a few months later. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.radionika.lt/straipsniai_ru/004.php