Torsion fields - what we know about them?
Since ancient times it has been observed that the shape of the object exerts a strong influence on his perception. This fact is attributed to the manifestation of one of the parties of art in our life, giving it a sense of subjective aesthetic vision of reality. However, it turned out that any object creates around himself a "torsion portrait", which is a static (or dynamic) torsion field.
In order to verify the existence of torsion fields generated by the cone, the experiment was conducted. In this experiment, KCl supersaturated salt solution in the petri dish was placed over the top of the cone. At the same time a solution was in the control plate, which is not exposed to torsion field.
Salt crystals in the control sample and the value of their large different. In the middle of the irradiated sample, anywhere torsion radiation, crystals are smaller and more homogeneous.
Currently it sets up a device for measuring static torsion fields flat images: geometric shapes, letters, words and texts as well as photos of people. The results of the measurement of the torsion of contrast (TC) of flat geometric shapes: equilateral triangle, the reverse swastika, five-pointed star, square, square with hinges, a rectangle with a golden aspect ratio (aspect ratio equal to D = 1, 618), the cross with the golden ratio, six-pointed star , cross with fractals (ie, with parts similar to the whole), direct swastika and circle are: respectively, -8, -6, -1, -1, 0, 5, 0, 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7.
A special technique was developed, which allows to determine the intensity and sign (left or right) torsion field shapes.
There were also measured the torsion fields created by Russian alphabet. It turned out that the letters C and D, the most similar to a circle, creating a maximum contrast of the right torsion, and the letters A and F max left. Shkatova instrument can measure contrast torsion of individual words, and the words of TC usually equal to the sum of TC letters that make it. In other words, the words of torsion field is the sum of torsion fields of its constituent letters, though this assertion is confirmed with an accuracy of 10-20%. For example, the TC word Christ is equal to +19.
The impact of torsion fields of water and plants
One of the sources of static torsion field is a permanent magnet. Indeed, proper rotation of electrons in a magnetized ferromagnetic creates the total magnetic field of the magnet and a torsion.
The relationship between the magnetic moment of a ferromagnet and its mechanical moment was discovered by the American physicist S. Barnett in 1909 Arguments S. Barnett were very simple. Electron charged, therefore, its own mechanical rotation creates a circular current. This current generates a magnetic field that generates the magnetic moment of the electron. Changing the mechanical rotation of the electron should lead to a change in its magnetic moment. If we are not magnetized ferromagnet, then it spins of the electrons are oriented randomly in space. Mechanical ferromagnetic piece rotation causes the spins begin to navigate along the direction of the axis of rotation. As a result of this orientation, the magnetic moments of the individual electrons are added together, and a ferromagnet becomes a magnet.
Barnett experiments on mechanical rotation of the ferromagnetic rods confirmed the correctness of the arguments made above and showed that as a result of the rotation of the ferromagnet had a magnetic field.
You can conduct a reverse experience, namely, to change the total magnetic moment of electrons in a ferromagnet, resulting in a ferromagnet will rotate mechanically. This experiment was successfully carried out by Einstein and de Haas in 1915
Since the mechanical rotation of an electron produces its torsion field, any magnet is a source of static torsion fields. Check this statement may be, acting on a water magnet. Water is an insulator, so that the magnetic field of the magnet influences on it does not have.
Another thing torsion field. If you send the north pole of a magnet on a glass of water so that it operated right torsion field, then after a while the water gets "torsion charge" and becomes a right. If this water to water the plants, their growth is accelerated. It has also been found (and even the patent was obtained) that the seeds before sowing the treated right torsion field magnet, to increase their ability to germinate. The opposite effect is the action of the left torsion field. seed germination after exposure decreases as compared with the control group. Further experiments showed that the right static torsion fields have a beneficial effect on biological objects, and left margins are depressing.
In 1984-85. experiments were performed in which examined the effects of radiation on the torsion oscillator stems and roots of various plants: cotton, lupine, wheat, pepper, etc
.. In experiments torsional oscillator was set at a distance of 5 meters from the plant. The radiation pattern is captured while the stems and roots of the plant. Experimental results have shown that under the influence of radiation varies torsion conductivity plant tissue, and in stem and root in various ways. In all cases, the impact on the plant produced the right torsion field.
Antigravity wing
Antigravity wing - body material points which move ordered or chaotic in elliptical trajectories with respect to the reference system is not connected with this body with a certain linear speed at which frames of reference associated with the components of the body material points recorded sufficient change in the gravitational nature of field potentials at all points to form the resultant force applied to the center of mass of the body and directed from the second body forming the field.
Antigravity wing may be a material body of any shape, rotating around its axis with a certain angular velocity or the material body, which registers the movement of electrically charged particles.
The most acceptable form of antigravity wing for technical use a disk or disk system (all drive units) in any modification. For many researchers antigravity mistaken simplest aerodynamic effects
Recently in the press there are reports that the rotating disk "acquires the properties of anti-gravity", loses some of its weight.
So what are we dealing with? Is it with anti-gravity? The sensation of the century or the next mistake?
First of all, let's ask ourselves: Are changes its mass flywheel torque as compared with the fixed? Of course yes. It always increases due to the accumulation of energy which, according to quantum mechanics, has a mass M = E / c2 (where c - the speed of light in vacuum). However, even in the best of modern supermahovika weight of 100 kg, an increase in weight, probably will not be able to "catch" any one scale in the world, it is 0, 001 mg!
But as for reducing the weight of the rotating disc, then this effect is apparent. It is known that spinning flywheel by friction "shakes," like a centrifugal pump, the air from the center towards the periphery. Along the radius there is a vacuum. Below, in the gap between the stand and the flywheel, it only presses them towards each other, and the top, where there are no surfaces that "pulls" the flywheel up. The equilibrium is disturbed, and the scales will show the weight change.
As you can see, in this case, anti-gravity does not work, and the usual aerodynamics. To once again see this, hang the rotating flywheel for long string to the balance beam - balance is not disturbed. Rarefied top and bottom of the flywheel balance each other. Here is another example of aerodynamic effects. Make holes in the gyro body: on the upper surface - closer to the center, at the bottom - far away from him. Hang it on the balance beam and forced to rotate, we can see that the gyro has become easier. But flip it - and he potyazheleet
. The explanation is simple. The central vacuum housing is greater than the circumference (as in a centrifugal pump). Therefore, through the holes that are closer to it, the air is sucked in and through remote - ejected. This creates an aerodynamic force that changes the readings of the weights. To eliminate the influence of aerodynamics, the gyro is placed in a sealed enclosure. But it can be shown other effects. For example, we secure the housing to the yoke and Let's give the gyro rotation in the rolling plane. Position arrows will depend on the direction in which the rotation occurs. Why? The fact that the electric motor generates the flywheel housing on the reaction torque acting on the rocker. During acceleration of the flywheel housing tends to rotate in the opposite direction of its rotation, and pulls the yoke.
This point is sometimes so great that the gyroscope can be "weightless". What is probably happening in many experiments. Rocker arm returns to its original position once zakanchivaetsya acceleration. And then, when the flywheel is rotating freely, by inertia, the moments acting on the hull resistance - the friction in the bearings of air within the housing. And the balance beam rotates in the opposite direction, that is, as it were heavier flywheel.
At first glance, this can be avoided by securing the gyro on the scales so that the plane of rotation is perpendicular to the plane of the roller. However, in experiments at the Institute of Mechanics, it shows that although slightly, only 4 mg, but the weight still decreases. The reason is that the rotating flywheel is never fully balanced, and there is no perfect bearings. In this connection, there is always a vibration - radial and axial. When the flywheel housing goes down, it puts pressure on the balance of the prism not only its weight, but an additional force arising from the acceleration. And on the upstroke pressure on the prism by the same amount decreases.
"So what? - The reader will ask. - The net result should not change the balance. " Not certainly in that way. After all, you weigh the heavier the load, the lower the sensitivity of the balance. Conversely, the more it is easier, so it is above. Thus, in the experiment described with greater precision scales fixed "relief" gyro and at - its weighting. As a result, it seems that the rotating disk lost weight. There is another factor that can affect the readings of the weights when weighing a rotating flywheel - a magnetic field. If it is made from ferromagnetnogo material, to disperse spontaneously magnetized (Barnett effect) and begins to interact with the Earth's magnetic field.
If the non-ferromagnetic flywheel - spinning in the anisotropic magnetic field, it is pushed out of it due to the appearance of eddy currents. Recall school experience, where a rotating top brass just "shy away" from the magnet to approach him.
Changing the structure of metals under the influence of torsion radiation.
After it was found that the torsion field may alter the structure of crystals experiments to change the crystal structure of metals were carried out. These results were first obtained by the action of a dynamic generator of radiation on the molten metal, which is melted in a Tamman furnace.
Tamman furnace is a vertically mounted cylinder made of special refractory steel. Top and bottom of the cylinder is closed lids, water-cooled. The metallic cylinder body 16 thickness, 5 cm. Earthed, so no electromagnetic field can penetrate into the cylinder. Inside the furnace into a crucible and melted metal is laid by a heating element, which is used as a graphite tube.
After the metal has melted, the heating element is switched off and switched torsion generator located at a distance of 40 cm. From the cylinder axis. The torsion generator irradiates the cylinder for 30 min., While consuming power of 30 mW. During the 30 minutes. the metal is cooled from 1400 ° C to 800 ° C. It was then removed from the oven, cooled in air, and then the ingot was cut and produced its physico-chemical analysis. Results of the analysis showed that the irradiated metal torsion field changed lattice step and the metal had an amorphous structure across the ingot volume.
It is important to note the fact that the torsion oscillator radiation passed through the grounded metal wall thickness of 1 5 cm. And impacted the molten metal. This can not be achieved by any electromagnetic fields.
The impact of torsion radiation on copper increases melt strength and ductility of the metal.
Information and torsion interaction
Understanding Consciousness was only possible thanks to the fact that in 90 years of science was opened fifth fundamental interaction -. Information
Professor VN Volchenko gives the following definition of information: "Informally - it is structural and semantic diversity of the world, metrically - a measure of diversity, which is realized in the manifest, the unmanifest and display video»
. Information - this is one of the universal properties of objects, phenomena and processes of objective reality, of being able to perceive the inner state and environmental influences, maintain a certain time of exposure, to convert the received data and transmit the processing results of other subjects, phenomena, processes, etc... The information pervades all material objects and processes that are sources, carriers and consumers of information. All living beings from the moment of birth to the end of its existence are in the "information field", which is continuous, constantly affects their senses. Life on Earth would not be possible if the creatures do not capture information from the environment, did not know how to process it and send to other living beings.
The accumulation of all the new evidence led to the fact that the information is gradually acquired the status of an independent and fundamental concepts of science, expressing, in the final analysis, the continuity of consciousness and matter. Being neither one nor the other, it was the missing link that will connect the unconnected by definition - Spirit and matter, without falling into any religion or mysticism in
. More recently, the Subtle World was considered a domain of metaphysics and esoteric, but from the beginning of the 90s, when there were credible theory of the physical vacuum, was found and well substantiated material media in the Subtle World - torsion fields, or torsion field, the study of the Subtle World come to grips with the theoretical physics.
Today, many scientists believe that the information generator is Consciousness. We can say that the phenomenon of consciousness is associated with the ability to bring forth the information in its purest form without its reification. Before the advent of the new information in the consciousness of inanimate and animate nature arose, so to speak, without prior arrangement, that is, simultaneously with the occasional complication of material structure and adequate to it. Hence the extremely slow progress of the evolution of unconscious nature. Work with the ideal structures of consciousness did not require such expensive and time consuming. Not surprisingly, the emergence of consciousness, as a powerful generator of information, greatly accelerated the rate of evolution
being. " University professor of the Institute of Theoretical Physics in Oregon (USA) Amit Goswami in his book "The universe created itself" with the subtitle "How consciousness creates the material world," writes: "Consciousness is the fundamental principle on which rests all that exists, and, consequently, we observe the universe. " In an effort to give a precise definition of consciousness, Goswami identifies four circumstances:
1) there is a field of consciousness (or the comprehensive ocean of consciousness), which is sometimes referred to as a mental field;
2) there are objects of consciousness, such as thoughts and feelings that arise from this field and immersed in it;
3) there is a subject of consciousness - the one who feels and / or a witness;
4) consciousness is the basis of existence.
A similar view is held by the famous physicist D. Bohm. The main feature of cosmology and fundamental Bohm is the assertion that "the universe is self-conscious, we perceive a holistic and interconnected, is the reality, is called a field of consciousness»
. "The basis of the world - Consciousness, which are the carrier of the spin-torsion fields»
. В качестве красивого завершающего аккорда в этом вопросе используем работы Международного Центра физики вакуума, выполненные под руководством директора Центра академика РАЕН Г.. Он пишет: «Я утверждаю: есть новая физическая теория, созданная в результате развития представлений А. Эйнштейна, в которой появился некий уровень реальности, синонимом которого в религии является Бог — некая реальность, обладающая всеми признаками Божества… Существует некое Сверхсознание, связанное с Абсолютным Ничто, и это Ничто творит не материю, а планы-замыслы». При этом Г. И. Шипов подчеркивает, что «сверхсознание — это часть Божественного присутствия».
В результате уточнений, выполненных в Центре физики вакуума в последние годы, структура Тонкого Мира приобрела следующий вид.
Всем управляет Абсолютное Ничто — Бог. Создатель кибернетики Норберт Винер в своей книге «Творец и робот» на с. 24 дает такое определение Бога: «Бог — это информация, отделенная от сигналов и существующая сама по себе». «Я не знаю, как это Божество устроено, но оно реально существует. Нашими методами Его познать, «изучить» невозможно».
In order to verify the existence of torsion fields generated by the cone, the experiment was conducted. In this experiment, KCl supersaturated salt solution in the petri dish was placed over the top of the cone. At the same time a solution was in the control plate, which is not exposed to torsion field.
Salt crystals in the control sample and the value of their large different. In the middle of the irradiated sample, anywhere torsion radiation, crystals are smaller and more homogeneous.

Currently it sets up a device for measuring static torsion fields flat images: geometric shapes, letters, words and texts as well as photos of people. The results of the measurement of the torsion of contrast (TC) of flat geometric shapes: equilateral triangle, the reverse swastika, five-pointed star, square, square with hinges, a rectangle with a golden aspect ratio (aspect ratio equal to D = 1, 618), the cross with the golden ratio, six-pointed star , cross with fractals (ie, with parts similar to the whole), direct swastika and circle are: respectively, -8, -6, -1, -1, 0, 5, 0, 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7.
A special technique was developed, which allows to determine the intensity and sign (left or right) torsion field shapes.
There were also measured the torsion fields created by Russian alphabet. It turned out that the letters C and D, the most similar to a circle, creating a maximum contrast of the right torsion, and the letters A and F max left. Shkatova instrument can measure contrast torsion of individual words, and the words of TC usually equal to the sum of TC letters that make it. In other words, the words of torsion field is the sum of torsion fields of its constituent letters, though this assertion is confirmed with an accuracy of 10-20%. For example, the TC word Christ is equal to +19.
The impact of torsion fields of water and plants
One of the sources of static torsion field is a permanent magnet. Indeed, proper rotation of electrons in a magnetized ferromagnetic creates the total magnetic field of the magnet and a torsion.
The relationship between the magnetic moment of a ferromagnet and its mechanical moment was discovered by the American physicist S. Barnett in 1909 Arguments S. Barnett were very simple. Electron charged, therefore, its own mechanical rotation creates a circular current. This current generates a magnetic field that generates the magnetic moment of the electron. Changing the mechanical rotation of the electron should lead to a change in its magnetic moment. If we are not magnetized ferromagnet, then it spins of the electrons are oriented randomly in space. Mechanical ferromagnetic piece rotation causes the spins begin to navigate along the direction of the axis of rotation. As a result of this orientation, the magnetic moments of the individual electrons are added together, and a ferromagnet becomes a magnet.
Barnett experiments on mechanical rotation of the ferromagnetic rods confirmed the correctness of the arguments made above and showed that as a result of the rotation of the ferromagnet had a magnetic field.
You can conduct a reverse experience, namely, to change the total magnetic moment of electrons in a ferromagnet, resulting in a ferromagnet will rotate mechanically. This experiment was successfully carried out by Einstein and de Haas in 1915
Since the mechanical rotation of an electron produces its torsion field, any magnet is a source of static torsion fields. Check this statement may be, acting on a water magnet. Water is an insulator, so that the magnetic field of the magnet influences on it does not have.
Another thing torsion field. If you send the north pole of a magnet on a glass of water so that it operated right torsion field, then after a while the water gets "torsion charge" and becomes a right. If this water to water the plants, their growth is accelerated. It has also been found (and even the patent was obtained) that the seeds before sowing the treated right torsion field magnet, to increase their ability to germinate. The opposite effect is the action of the left torsion field. seed germination after exposure decreases as compared with the control group. Further experiments showed that the right static torsion fields have a beneficial effect on biological objects, and left margins are depressing.
In 1984-85. experiments were performed in which examined the effects of radiation on the torsion oscillator stems and roots of various plants: cotton, lupine, wheat, pepper, etc
.. In experiments torsional oscillator was set at a distance of 5 meters from the plant. The radiation pattern is captured while the stems and roots of the plant. Experimental results have shown that under the influence of radiation varies torsion conductivity plant tissue, and in stem and root in various ways. In all cases, the impact on the plant produced the right torsion field.
Antigravity wing
Antigravity wing - body material points which move ordered or chaotic in elliptical trajectories with respect to the reference system is not connected with this body with a certain linear speed at which frames of reference associated with the components of the body material points recorded sufficient change in the gravitational nature of field potentials at all points to form the resultant force applied to the center of mass of the body and directed from the second body forming the field.
Antigravity wing may be a material body of any shape, rotating around its axis with a certain angular velocity or the material body, which registers the movement of electrically charged particles.
The most acceptable form of antigravity wing for technical use a disk or disk system (all drive units) in any modification. For many researchers antigravity mistaken simplest aerodynamic effects
Recently in the press there are reports that the rotating disk "acquires the properties of anti-gravity", loses some of its weight.
So what are we dealing with? Is it with anti-gravity? The sensation of the century or the next mistake?
First of all, let's ask ourselves: Are changes its mass flywheel torque as compared with the fixed? Of course yes. It always increases due to the accumulation of energy which, according to quantum mechanics, has a mass M = E / c2 (where c - the speed of light in vacuum). However, even in the best of modern supermahovika weight of 100 kg, an increase in weight, probably will not be able to "catch" any one scale in the world, it is 0, 001 mg!
But as for reducing the weight of the rotating disc, then this effect is apparent. It is known that spinning flywheel by friction "shakes," like a centrifugal pump, the air from the center towards the periphery. Along the radius there is a vacuum. Below, in the gap between the stand and the flywheel, it only presses them towards each other, and the top, where there are no surfaces that "pulls" the flywheel up. The equilibrium is disturbed, and the scales will show the weight change.
As you can see, in this case, anti-gravity does not work, and the usual aerodynamics. To once again see this, hang the rotating flywheel for long string to the balance beam - balance is not disturbed. Rarefied top and bottom of the flywheel balance each other. Here is another example of aerodynamic effects. Make holes in the gyro body: on the upper surface - closer to the center, at the bottom - far away from him. Hang it on the balance beam and forced to rotate, we can see that the gyro has become easier. But flip it - and he potyazheleet
. The explanation is simple. The central vacuum housing is greater than the circumference (as in a centrifugal pump). Therefore, through the holes that are closer to it, the air is sucked in and through remote - ejected. This creates an aerodynamic force that changes the readings of the weights. To eliminate the influence of aerodynamics, the gyro is placed in a sealed enclosure. But it can be shown other effects. For example, we secure the housing to the yoke and Let's give the gyro rotation in the rolling plane. Position arrows will depend on the direction in which the rotation occurs. Why? The fact that the electric motor generates the flywheel housing on the reaction torque acting on the rocker. During acceleration of the flywheel housing tends to rotate in the opposite direction of its rotation, and pulls the yoke.
This point is sometimes so great that the gyroscope can be "weightless". What is probably happening in many experiments. Rocker arm returns to its original position once zakanchivaetsya acceleration. And then, when the flywheel is rotating freely, by inertia, the moments acting on the hull resistance - the friction in the bearings of air within the housing. And the balance beam rotates in the opposite direction, that is, as it were heavier flywheel.
At first glance, this can be avoided by securing the gyro on the scales so that the plane of rotation is perpendicular to the plane of the roller. However, in experiments at the Institute of Mechanics, it shows that although slightly, only 4 mg, but the weight still decreases. The reason is that the rotating flywheel is never fully balanced, and there is no perfect bearings. In this connection, there is always a vibration - radial and axial. When the flywheel housing goes down, it puts pressure on the balance of the prism not only its weight, but an additional force arising from the acceleration. And on the upstroke pressure on the prism by the same amount decreases.
"So what? - The reader will ask. - The net result should not change the balance. " Not certainly in that way. After all, you weigh the heavier the load, the lower the sensitivity of the balance. Conversely, the more it is easier, so it is above. Thus, in the experiment described with greater precision scales fixed "relief" gyro and at - its weighting. As a result, it seems that the rotating disk lost weight. There is another factor that can affect the readings of the weights when weighing a rotating flywheel - a magnetic field. If it is made from ferromagnetnogo material, to disperse spontaneously magnetized (Barnett effect) and begins to interact with the Earth's magnetic field.
If the non-ferromagnetic flywheel - spinning in the anisotropic magnetic field, it is pushed out of it due to the appearance of eddy currents. Recall school experience, where a rotating top brass just "shy away" from the magnet to approach him.
Changing the structure of metals under the influence of torsion radiation.
After it was found that the torsion field may alter the structure of crystals experiments to change the crystal structure of metals were carried out. These results were first obtained by the action of a dynamic generator of radiation on the molten metal, which is melted in a Tamman furnace.
Tamman furnace is a vertically mounted cylinder made of special refractory steel. Top and bottom of the cylinder is closed lids, water-cooled. The metallic cylinder body 16 thickness, 5 cm. Earthed, so no electromagnetic field can penetrate into the cylinder. Inside the furnace into a crucible and melted metal is laid by a heating element, which is used as a graphite tube.
After the metal has melted, the heating element is switched off and switched torsion generator located at a distance of 40 cm. From the cylinder axis. The torsion generator irradiates the cylinder for 30 min., While consuming power of 30 mW. During the 30 minutes. the metal is cooled from 1400 ° C to 800 ° C. It was then removed from the oven, cooled in air, and then the ingot was cut and produced its physico-chemical analysis. Results of the analysis showed that the irradiated metal torsion field changed lattice step and the metal had an amorphous structure across the ingot volume.
It is important to note the fact that the torsion oscillator radiation passed through the grounded metal wall thickness of 1 5 cm. And impacted the molten metal. This can not be achieved by any electromagnetic fields.
The impact of torsion radiation on copper increases melt strength and ductility of the metal.
Information and torsion interaction
Understanding Consciousness was only possible thanks to the fact that in 90 years of science was opened fifth fundamental interaction -. Information
Professor VN Volchenko gives the following definition of information: "Informally - it is structural and semantic diversity of the world, metrically - a measure of diversity, which is realized in the manifest, the unmanifest and display video»
. Information - this is one of the universal properties of objects, phenomena and processes of objective reality, of being able to perceive the inner state and environmental influences, maintain a certain time of exposure, to convert the received data and transmit the processing results of other subjects, phenomena, processes, etc... The information pervades all material objects and processes that are sources, carriers and consumers of information. All living beings from the moment of birth to the end of its existence are in the "information field", which is continuous, constantly affects their senses. Life on Earth would not be possible if the creatures do not capture information from the environment, did not know how to process it and send to other living beings.
The accumulation of all the new evidence led to the fact that the information is gradually acquired the status of an independent and fundamental concepts of science, expressing, in the final analysis, the continuity of consciousness and matter. Being neither one nor the other, it was the missing link that will connect the unconnected by definition - Spirit and matter, without falling into any religion or mysticism in
. More recently, the Subtle World was considered a domain of metaphysics and esoteric, but from the beginning of the 90s, when there were credible theory of the physical vacuum, was found and well substantiated material media in the Subtle World - torsion fields, or torsion field, the study of the Subtle World come to grips with the theoretical physics.
Today, many scientists believe that the information generator is Consciousness. We can say that the phenomenon of consciousness is associated with the ability to bring forth the information in its purest form without its reification. Before the advent of the new information in the consciousness of inanimate and animate nature arose, so to speak, without prior arrangement, that is, simultaneously with the occasional complication of material structure and adequate to it. Hence the extremely slow progress of the evolution of unconscious nature. Work with the ideal structures of consciousness did not require such expensive and time consuming. Not surprisingly, the emergence of consciousness, as a powerful generator of information, greatly accelerated the rate of evolution
being. " University professor of the Institute of Theoretical Physics in Oregon (USA) Amit Goswami in his book "The universe created itself" with the subtitle "How consciousness creates the material world," writes: "Consciousness is the fundamental principle on which rests all that exists, and, consequently, we observe the universe. " In an effort to give a precise definition of consciousness, Goswami identifies four circumstances:
1) there is a field of consciousness (or the comprehensive ocean of consciousness), which is sometimes referred to as a mental field;
2) there are objects of consciousness, such as thoughts and feelings that arise from this field and immersed in it;
3) there is a subject of consciousness - the one who feels and / or a witness;
4) consciousness is the basis of existence.
A similar view is held by the famous physicist D. Bohm. The main feature of cosmology and fundamental Bohm is the assertion that "the universe is self-conscious, we perceive a holistic and interconnected, is the reality, is called a field of consciousness»
. "The basis of the world - Consciousness, which are the carrier of the spin-torsion fields»
. В качестве красивого завершающего аккорда в этом вопросе используем работы Международного Центра физики вакуума, выполненные под руководством директора Центра академика РАЕН Г.. Он пишет: «Я утверждаю: есть новая физическая теория, созданная в результате развития представлений А. Эйнштейна, в которой появился некий уровень реальности, синонимом которого в религии является Бог — некая реальность, обладающая всеми признаками Божества… Существует некое Сверхсознание, связанное с Абсолютным Ничто, и это Ничто творит не материю, а планы-замыслы». При этом Г. И. Шипов подчеркивает, что «сверхсознание — это часть Божественного присутствия».
В результате уточнений, выполненных в Центре физики вакуума в последние годы, структура Тонкого Мира приобрела следующий вид.
Всем управляет Абсолютное Ничто — Бог. Создатель кибернетики Норберт Винер в своей книге «Творец и робот» на с. 24 дает такое определение Бога: «Бог — это информация, отделенная от сигналов и существующая сама по себе». «Я не знаю, как это Божество устроено, но оно реально существует. Нашими методами Его познать, «изучить» невозможно».