Torsion fields — what we know onychia?
In ancient times it was noticed that the shape of the object has a strong effect on his perception. This fact is attributed to the manifestation of one of the parties of art in our lives, giving it meaning the subjective aesthetic vision of reality. However, it appeared that any object creates around itself "torsion portrait", which is a static (or dynamic) torsion field.
In order to verify the existence of the torsion field generated by the cone, an experiment was conducted. In this experiment a supersaturated solution of salt KCl in the Petri dish was placed over the top of the cone. At the same time, the solution was in the control Cup, which is not exposed to torsion field.
Salt crystals in the control sample is large and the value of their various. In the middle of the irradiated sample, which came torsion radiation, the crystals are smaller and more homogeneous.
Currently developing a device to measure the static torsion fields of flat images: geometrical figures, letters, words and texts, as well as photographs of people. The results of the measurement of the torsion of contrast (CC) of plane geometric figures: equilateral triangle, the reverse of the swastika, a five-pointed star, square, square loop, rectangle with the Golden ratio (aspect ratio equal to D=1,618), cross, Golden ratio, six-pointed stars, a cross with fractality (i.e., with parts similar to the whole) straight swastikas and circles are respectively -8, -6, -1, -1, -0,5, 0, 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7.
We developed a special technique that allows to determine the intensity and sign (left or right) of the torsion field shape.
Was also measured the torsion fields created by the letters of the Russian alphabet. It turned out that the letters s and O, is most similar to a circle, create a maximal right torsion contrast, and the letters a and f, the maximum left. Skatova the device allows to measure torsion contrast to individual words, while TK words generally equal to the sum of TK to the letters that compose it. In other words, the torsion field is the sum of the torsion fields of its constituent letters, however this statement is confirmed with an accuracy of 10-20%. For example, maybe the words of Christ is equal to +19.
The influence of the torsion fields on water and plants
One of the sources of static torsion field is a permanent magnet. Indeed, the own rotation of electrons in a magnetized ferromagnet gives rise to the total magnetic and torsion field of the magnet.
The relationship between the magnetic moment of the ferromagnet and the machining time was discovered by the American physicist S. Barnett in 1909 Reasoning C. Barnett was very simple. The electron is charged, therefore, his own mechanical rotation and generates a circular current. This current produces a magnetic field that forms the magnetic moment of the electron. Changes in mechanical rotation of an electron should lead to a change in its magnetic moment. If not take a magnetized ferromagnet, electron spins are oriented in space randomly. Mechanical rotation of a piece of ferromagnetic material leads to the fact that the spins begin to navigate along the direction of the axis of rotation. As a result of this orientation of the magnetic moments of individual electrons are summed, and the ferromagnetic material becomes a magnet.
The experiments of Barnett mechanical rotation of the ferromagnetic rods have confirmed the validity of the stated above arguments and showed that as a result of rotation of the ferromagnetic a magnetic field.
You can conduct a reverse experience, namely, to change the total magnetic moment of the electrons in the ferromagnet, resulting in a ferromagnet would start to rotate mechanically. This experience was successfully conducted by A. Einstein and de Haas in 1915.
Since the mechanical rotation of the electron gives rise to its torsion field, then any magnet is a source of static torsion fields. To verify this assertion it is possible, acting as a magnet for water. Water is an insulator, so that the magnetic field of the magnet influence has not.
Another thing is the torsion field. If you point the North pole of a magnet on a glass of water so that it operated right torsion field, then after some time the water gets "torsion charge" and it becomes right. If you pour this water, the plants, their growth is accelerating. It was also discovered (and even received a patent) that seeds treated before sowing the right torsion field of the magnet, increasing their germination rate. The opposite effect causes the action of the left torsion field. Seed germination after exposure is reduced compared to the control group. Further experiments have shown that the right static torsion fields have a beneficial effect on biological objects, and the left fields are depressing.
From 1984-85, he was experiments in which we studied the effects of torsion radiation generator to the stems and roots of various plants: cotton, Lupin, wheat, pepper, etc.
In experiments with torsion generators were installed at a distance of 5 metres from the plant. The radiation pattern captured at the same time the stems and roots of plants. The results of the experiments showed that under the influence of the torsion radiation changes the conductivity of plant tissues, and in stem and root in different ways. In all cases the impact on the plant was made, the right torsion field.
Antigravity wing
Antigravity wing – body, the material points which are moving orderly or chaotically in an elliptical path relative to the frame is not associated with the body defined by the linear speeds at which the reference systems associated with components of the body material points is logged a sufficient change in the field potentials of gravitational nature in all its points for the formation of resultant force applied to the center of mass of the body and pointing from the other body, forming this field.
Antigravity wing can be a material body of any form, rotating around its axis with a certain angular velocity or the material body, in which is recorded the movement of electrically charged particles.
The most acceptable form of anti-gravity wing for technical use is the disk or the system disks (of any elements of the disk) in any modification. For antigravity, many researchers mistake the simplest aerodynamic effects
Recently in the press reports that a spinning disk "acquires the properties of anti-gravity" loses some of its weight.
So what are we dealing with? Whether antigravity? The story of the century or just another delusion?
First of all let's ask ourselves: does its mass rotating flywheel compared to fixed? Yes of course. It always increases due to the accumulation of energy, which, according to quantum mechanics, has a mass of M=E/C2 (where C is the velocity of light in vacuum). However, even the best modern super weight 100 kg increase in mass, probably won't be able to catch none of the scales in the world, it is 0.001 mg!
As for reducing the weight of the rotating disk, this effect is apparent. It is known that rotates, the flywheel, through the friction "shakes", like centrifugal pump, the air from the center to the periphery. Along the radii occurs a vacuum. At the bottom, in the gap between the stand and the flywheel, it only pushes them towards each other, and the top, where there are no surfaces, "pulling" the flywheel up. The balance is disturbed and the balance will show the weight change.
As you can see,in this case, it is not antigravity, and the usual aerodynamics. In order to verify this, hang a spinning flywheel for a long string to the rocker scales — balance is not disturbed. Vacuum top and bottom of the flywheel counterbalance each other. Here is another example of aerodynamic effects. Will do on the housing of the gyroscope holes on the upper surface is closer to the center, on the bottom away from him. Hanging it on the beam of scales and forcing him to spin, we will see that the gyro has become easier. But turn it over and it get heavier.
The explanation is simple. In the center of the body the vacuum is greater than the periphery (as in a centrifugal pump). Therefore, the through holes located closer to him, the air sucked in, and through remote — thrown. This creates aerodynamic force that changes the scales. To eliminate the influence of aerodynamics, the gyroscope is placed in a sealed enclosure. But there may occur other effects. For example, secure the housing on the yoke and give the gyro rotation in the plane of rolling. The position of the arrow will depend on which direction the rotation occurs. Why? The fact that the motor of the flywheel creates on the housing the reactive torque acting on the rocker. During acceleration of the flywheel housing tends to rotate in the direction opposite its rotation, and pulls the yoke.
This moment is sometimes so great that the gyro can become "weightless". That probably happens in many experiments. The rocker arm returns to its original position as soon as zakanchivaetsa acceleration. And then, when the flywheel rotates by inertia, on the body there are points of resistance — the friction in the bearings, the air inside the case. And rocker weights rotates in the opposite direction, that is, as the flywheel would be heavier.
At first glance, this can be avoided by mounting the gyroscope on the scales so that the plane of rotation was perpendicular to the plane of rolling. However, in experiments at the Institute for problems in mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences, shows that although slightly, only to 4 mg, but the weight is nevertheless reduced. The reason is that the spinning flywheel is never fully balanced, and there is no perfect bearings. In this connection always there is the vibration, radial and axial. When the flywheel housing is going down, it puts pressure on prism scales not only his weight, but the additional force arising from acceleration. And upstroke the pressure on the prism by the same amount decreases.
"So what? — the reader will ask. — The overall result should not change balance". Not quite. After all, the heavier you weigh the load, the less sensitivity of the balance. Conversely, the easier it is. Thus, in the described experience scales with greater accuracy fix "relief" of the gyroscope and the higher its weighting. In the end, it seems that the rotating disk lost weight. There is another factor that can affect the scales when weighing the rotating flywheel is a magnetic field. If it is made of ferromagnitnogo material, to disperse spontaneously magnetized (the Barnett effect) and starts to interact with the magnetic field of the Earth.
If the non-ferromagnetic flywheel — rotating anisotropic magnetic field, it is pushed out of it because of the appearance of eddy currents. Remember the high school experience where a spinning brass gyroscope literally "shies away" from closer to it magnet.
The change in structure of metals under the action of torsion radiation.
After it was discovered that torsion fields can change the structure of the crystals, the experiments were conducted by changing the crystalline structure of metals. These results were first obtained by the action of the dynamic radiation of the generator on the molten metal, which is melted in a Tamman furnace.
Tamman furnace is a vertically mounted cylinder made of special refractory steel. Top and bottom cylinder lids closed, water-cooled. Metal cylinder body, a thickness of 16.5 cm is grounded, so no electromagnetic field can penetrate the cylinder. Inside the furnace the crucible is laid a metal is melted using the heating element, which was used a graphite tube.
After the metal melts, and turns off the heating element and turns on the torsion generator, located at a distance of 40 cm from the axis of the cylinder. Torsion generator irradiates the cylinder for 30 min., while consuming power of 30 mW. During the 30 minutes the metal was cooled from 1400° C to 800° C. Then it was removed from the furnace, cooled in air, after which the ingot was cut and produced the physico-chemical analysis. The results of the analysis showed that irradiated by torsion field of the metal was varied step of the crystal lattice or the metal having an amorphous structure over the entire volume of the ingot.
It is important to note the fact that the torsion radiation generator has passed through the grounded metal wall thickness of 1.5 cm and exposed to molten metal. This cannot be achieved by any electromagnetic fields.
The influence of the torsion radiation on the melt of copper improves the strength and ductility of the metal.
Information and torsion interaction
The understanding of Consciousness was possible only due to the fact that in the 90-ies of science was opened the fifth fundamental interaction — information.
Professor V. N. Volchenko gives the following definition of information: "the content is structural and semantic diversity of the world, metric is a measure of this diversity is realized in the manifested, the unmanifested and displayed."
Information is one of the universal properties of objects, phenomena, processes of objective reality, consisting in ability to perceive the internal state and environmental impact, save some time effects, to transform the received data and transmit processing results to other objects, phenomena, processes, etc. Information pervades all material objects and processes that are the sources, carriers and consumers of information. All living beings from the moment of birth to the end of its existence are in the "information field", which is continuously, continually affects their senses. Life on Earth would be impossible, if the living entities do not catch the information coming from the environment, wouldn't know how to process it and send to other living beings.
The accumulation of the facts has led to the fact that the information gradually acquired the status of an independent and fundamental concepts of science, expressing, ultimately, the inseparability of consciousness and matter. Being neither one nor the other, she turned out to be the missing link that allowed us to connect the unconnected by definition, Spirit and matter, without falling neither into religion nor mysticism.
More recently, small World was considered the realm of metaphysics and esoterics, but since the early 90-ies, when there was a credible theory of physical vacuum, were found to be well founded and material carrier of information in the Subtle World — the torsion field, or torsion field, the study of the Subtle World come to grips with theoretical physics.
Today, many scientists believe that the generator information is Consciousness. We can say that the phenomenon of consciousness is associated with the ability to generate information in pure form without the objectification. Before the advent of consciousness new information in animate and inanimate nature had, so to speak, without prior arrangement, that is, simultaneously with the accidental complexity of the material structure and adequate. Hence the extremely slow course of evolution of unconscious nature. The work of consciousness with perfect structures did not require such costly and time-consuming. It is not surprising that the emergence of consciousness, as a powerful generator of information, have dramatically accelerated the pace of evolution of life."
Professor, Institute of theoretical physics, University of Oregon (USA) by Amit Goswami in his book "the universe creating itself," with the subtitle "How consciousness creates the material world" writes: "Consciousness is the fundamental principle on which rests everything that exists, and, consequently, of the observable universe". In an effort to give a precise definition of consciousness, Goswami identifies four circumstances:
1) there is a field of consciousness (all-encompassing ocean of consciousness), which is sometimes spoken of as psychic field;
2) there are objects of consciousness, such as thoughts and feelings that rise from the field and immersed in it;
3) there is the subject of consciousness — the one who feels and/or is a witness;
4) consciousness is the basis of existence.
A similar view is shared by famous physicist D. Bohm. The main and fundamental feature of cosmology, Bohm is the assertion that "self-conscious universe, we perceive a holistic and interrelated, is the reality of the field of consciousness."
"The Foundation of the world — Consciousness, the bearer of which is the spin-torsion fields".
As a beautiful final chord in this question, we will use the work of the International Center of physics of vacuum, performed under the supervision of the Director of the Center of the Academy of natural Sciences, p. He writes: "I claim that there is a new physical theory, created as a result of the development of ideas of Einstein, in which a certain level of reality, a synonym of which in religion is God — a kind of reality that possesses all the characteristics of deity... There is some kind of super-Consciousness associated with absolutely Nothing, and this Nothing does not matter and plans-plans." While G. I. Shipov stresses that "consciousness is part of the Divine presence."
As a result of the refinements made in the Center of physics of vacuum in recent years, the structure of the Subtle World was better.
All controls absolutely Nothing is God. The Creator of Cybernetics Norbert Wiener in his book "the Creator and the robot" on page 24 gives a definition of God: "God is information, separate from the signals existing in itself". "I don't know how this Deity works, but it is real. Our methods to understand It, "to learn" impossible". published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.radionika.lt/straipsniai_ru/017.php
In order to verify the existence of the torsion field generated by the cone, an experiment was conducted. In this experiment a supersaturated solution of salt KCl in the Petri dish was placed over the top of the cone. At the same time, the solution was in the control Cup, which is not exposed to torsion field.
Salt crystals in the control sample is large and the value of their various. In the middle of the irradiated sample, which came torsion radiation, the crystals are smaller and more homogeneous.

Currently developing a device to measure the static torsion fields of flat images: geometrical figures, letters, words and texts, as well as photographs of people. The results of the measurement of the torsion of contrast (CC) of plane geometric figures: equilateral triangle, the reverse of the swastika, a five-pointed star, square, square loop, rectangle with the Golden ratio (aspect ratio equal to D=1,618), cross, Golden ratio, six-pointed stars, a cross with fractality (i.e., with parts similar to the whole) straight swastikas and circles are respectively -8, -6, -1, -1, -0,5, 0, 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7.
We developed a special technique that allows to determine the intensity and sign (left or right) of the torsion field shape.
Was also measured the torsion fields created by the letters of the Russian alphabet. It turned out that the letters s and O, is most similar to a circle, create a maximal right torsion contrast, and the letters a and f, the maximum left. Skatova the device allows to measure torsion contrast to individual words, while TK words generally equal to the sum of TK to the letters that compose it. In other words, the torsion field is the sum of the torsion fields of its constituent letters, however this statement is confirmed with an accuracy of 10-20%. For example, maybe the words of Christ is equal to +19.
The influence of the torsion fields on water and plants
One of the sources of static torsion field is a permanent magnet. Indeed, the own rotation of electrons in a magnetized ferromagnet gives rise to the total magnetic and torsion field of the magnet.
The relationship between the magnetic moment of the ferromagnet and the machining time was discovered by the American physicist S. Barnett in 1909 Reasoning C. Barnett was very simple. The electron is charged, therefore, his own mechanical rotation and generates a circular current. This current produces a magnetic field that forms the magnetic moment of the electron. Changes in mechanical rotation of an electron should lead to a change in its magnetic moment. If not take a magnetized ferromagnet, electron spins are oriented in space randomly. Mechanical rotation of a piece of ferromagnetic material leads to the fact that the spins begin to navigate along the direction of the axis of rotation. As a result of this orientation of the magnetic moments of individual electrons are summed, and the ferromagnetic material becomes a magnet.
The experiments of Barnett mechanical rotation of the ferromagnetic rods have confirmed the validity of the stated above arguments and showed that as a result of rotation of the ferromagnetic a magnetic field.
You can conduct a reverse experience, namely, to change the total magnetic moment of the electrons in the ferromagnet, resulting in a ferromagnet would start to rotate mechanically. This experience was successfully conducted by A. Einstein and de Haas in 1915.
Since the mechanical rotation of the electron gives rise to its torsion field, then any magnet is a source of static torsion fields. To verify this assertion it is possible, acting as a magnet for water. Water is an insulator, so that the magnetic field of the magnet influence has not.
Another thing is the torsion field. If you point the North pole of a magnet on a glass of water so that it operated right torsion field, then after some time the water gets "torsion charge" and it becomes right. If you pour this water, the plants, their growth is accelerating. It was also discovered (and even received a patent) that seeds treated before sowing the right torsion field of the magnet, increasing their germination rate. The opposite effect causes the action of the left torsion field. Seed germination after exposure is reduced compared to the control group. Further experiments have shown that the right static torsion fields have a beneficial effect on biological objects, and the left fields are depressing.
From 1984-85, he was experiments in which we studied the effects of torsion radiation generator to the stems and roots of various plants: cotton, Lupin, wheat, pepper, etc.
In experiments with torsion generators were installed at a distance of 5 metres from the plant. The radiation pattern captured at the same time the stems and roots of plants. The results of the experiments showed that under the influence of the torsion radiation changes the conductivity of plant tissues, and in stem and root in different ways. In all cases the impact on the plant was made, the right torsion field.
Antigravity wing
Antigravity wing – body, the material points which are moving orderly or chaotically in an elliptical path relative to the frame is not associated with the body defined by the linear speeds at which the reference systems associated with components of the body material points is logged a sufficient change in the field potentials of gravitational nature in all its points for the formation of resultant force applied to the center of mass of the body and pointing from the other body, forming this field.
Antigravity wing can be a material body of any form, rotating around its axis with a certain angular velocity or the material body, in which is recorded the movement of electrically charged particles.
The most acceptable form of anti-gravity wing for technical use is the disk or the system disks (of any elements of the disk) in any modification. For antigravity, many researchers mistake the simplest aerodynamic effects
Recently in the press reports that a spinning disk "acquires the properties of anti-gravity" loses some of its weight.
So what are we dealing with? Whether antigravity? The story of the century or just another delusion?
First of all let's ask ourselves: does its mass rotating flywheel compared to fixed? Yes of course. It always increases due to the accumulation of energy, which, according to quantum mechanics, has a mass of M=E/C2 (where C is the velocity of light in vacuum). However, even the best modern super weight 100 kg increase in mass, probably won't be able to catch none of the scales in the world, it is 0.001 mg!
As for reducing the weight of the rotating disk, this effect is apparent. It is known that rotates, the flywheel, through the friction "shakes", like centrifugal pump, the air from the center to the periphery. Along the radii occurs a vacuum. At the bottom, in the gap between the stand and the flywheel, it only pushes them towards each other, and the top, where there are no surfaces, "pulling" the flywheel up. The balance is disturbed and the balance will show the weight change.
As you can see,in this case, it is not antigravity, and the usual aerodynamics. In order to verify this, hang a spinning flywheel for a long string to the rocker scales — balance is not disturbed. Vacuum top and bottom of the flywheel counterbalance each other. Here is another example of aerodynamic effects. Will do on the housing of the gyroscope holes on the upper surface is closer to the center, on the bottom away from him. Hanging it on the beam of scales and forcing him to spin, we will see that the gyro has become easier. But turn it over and it get heavier.
The explanation is simple. In the center of the body the vacuum is greater than the periphery (as in a centrifugal pump). Therefore, the through holes located closer to him, the air sucked in, and through remote — thrown. This creates aerodynamic force that changes the scales. To eliminate the influence of aerodynamics, the gyroscope is placed in a sealed enclosure. But there may occur other effects. For example, secure the housing on the yoke and give the gyro rotation in the plane of rolling. The position of the arrow will depend on which direction the rotation occurs. Why? The fact that the motor of the flywheel creates on the housing the reactive torque acting on the rocker. During acceleration of the flywheel housing tends to rotate in the direction opposite its rotation, and pulls the yoke.
This moment is sometimes so great that the gyro can become "weightless". That probably happens in many experiments. The rocker arm returns to its original position as soon as zakanchivaetsa acceleration. And then, when the flywheel rotates by inertia, on the body there are points of resistance — the friction in the bearings, the air inside the case. And rocker weights rotates in the opposite direction, that is, as the flywheel would be heavier.
At first glance, this can be avoided by mounting the gyroscope on the scales so that the plane of rotation was perpendicular to the plane of rolling. However, in experiments at the Institute for problems in mechanics, Russian Academy of Sciences, shows that although slightly, only to 4 mg, but the weight is nevertheless reduced. The reason is that the spinning flywheel is never fully balanced, and there is no perfect bearings. In this connection always there is the vibration, radial and axial. When the flywheel housing is going down, it puts pressure on prism scales not only his weight, but the additional force arising from acceleration. And upstroke the pressure on the prism by the same amount decreases.
"So what? — the reader will ask. — The overall result should not change balance". Not quite. After all, the heavier you weigh the load, the less sensitivity of the balance. Conversely, the easier it is. Thus, in the described experience scales with greater accuracy fix "relief" of the gyroscope and the higher its weighting. In the end, it seems that the rotating disk lost weight. There is another factor that can affect the scales when weighing the rotating flywheel is a magnetic field. If it is made of ferromagnitnogo material, to disperse spontaneously magnetized (the Barnett effect) and starts to interact with the magnetic field of the Earth.
If the non-ferromagnetic flywheel — rotating anisotropic magnetic field, it is pushed out of it because of the appearance of eddy currents. Remember the high school experience where a spinning brass gyroscope literally "shies away" from closer to it magnet.
The change in structure of metals under the action of torsion radiation.
After it was discovered that torsion fields can change the structure of the crystals, the experiments were conducted by changing the crystalline structure of metals. These results were first obtained by the action of the dynamic radiation of the generator on the molten metal, which is melted in a Tamman furnace.
Tamman furnace is a vertically mounted cylinder made of special refractory steel. Top and bottom cylinder lids closed, water-cooled. Metal cylinder body, a thickness of 16.5 cm is grounded, so no electromagnetic field can penetrate the cylinder. Inside the furnace the crucible is laid a metal is melted using the heating element, which was used a graphite tube.
After the metal melts, and turns off the heating element and turns on the torsion generator, located at a distance of 40 cm from the axis of the cylinder. Torsion generator irradiates the cylinder for 30 min., while consuming power of 30 mW. During the 30 minutes the metal was cooled from 1400° C to 800° C. Then it was removed from the furnace, cooled in air, after which the ingot was cut and produced the physico-chemical analysis. The results of the analysis showed that irradiated by torsion field of the metal was varied step of the crystal lattice or the metal having an amorphous structure over the entire volume of the ingot.
It is important to note the fact that the torsion radiation generator has passed through the grounded metal wall thickness of 1.5 cm and exposed to molten metal. This cannot be achieved by any electromagnetic fields.
The influence of the torsion radiation on the melt of copper improves the strength and ductility of the metal.
Information and torsion interaction
The understanding of Consciousness was possible only due to the fact that in the 90-ies of science was opened the fifth fundamental interaction — information.
Professor V. N. Volchenko gives the following definition of information: "the content is structural and semantic diversity of the world, metric is a measure of this diversity is realized in the manifested, the unmanifested and displayed."
Information is one of the universal properties of objects, phenomena, processes of objective reality, consisting in ability to perceive the internal state and environmental impact, save some time effects, to transform the received data and transmit processing results to other objects, phenomena, processes, etc. Information pervades all material objects and processes that are the sources, carriers and consumers of information. All living beings from the moment of birth to the end of its existence are in the "information field", which is continuously, continually affects their senses. Life on Earth would be impossible, if the living entities do not catch the information coming from the environment, wouldn't know how to process it and send to other living beings.
The accumulation of the facts has led to the fact that the information gradually acquired the status of an independent and fundamental concepts of science, expressing, ultimately, the inseparability of consciousness and matter. Being neither one nor the other, she turned out to be the missing link that allowed us to connect the unconnected by definition, Spirit and matter, without falling neither into religion nor mysticism.
More recently, small World was considered the realm of metaphysics and esoterics, but since the early 90-ies, when there was a credible theory of physical vacuum, were found to be well founded and material carrier of information in the Subtle World — the torsion field, or torsion field, the study of the Subtle World come to grips with theoretical physics.
Today, many scientists believe that the generator information is Consciousness. We can say that the phenomenon of consciousness is associated with the ability to generate information in pure form without the objectification. Before the advent of consciousness new information in animate and inanimate nature had, so to speak, without prior arrangement, that is, simultaneously with the accidental complexity of the material structure and adequate. Hence the extremely slow course of evolution of unconscious nature. The work of consciousness with perfect structures did not require such costly and time-consuming. It is not surprising that the emergence of consciousness, as a powerful generator of information, have dramatically accelerated the pace of evolution of life."
Professor, Institute of theoretical physics, University of Oregon (USA) by Amit Goswami in his book "the universe creating itself," with the subtitle "How consciousness creates the material world" writes: "Consciousness is the fundamental principle on which rests everything that exists, and, consequently, of the observable universe". In an effort to give a precise definition of consciousness, Goswami identifies four circumstances:
1) there is a field of consciousness (all-encompassing ocean of consciousness), which is sometimes spoken of as psychic field;
2) there are objects of consciousness, such as thoughts and feelings that rise from the field and immersed in it;
3) there is the subject of consciousness — the one who feels and/or is a witness;
4) consciousness is the basis of existence.
A similar view is shared by famous physicist D. Bohm. The main and fundamental feature of cosmology, Bohm is the assertion that "self-conscious universe, we perceive a holistic and interrelated, is the reality of the field of consciousness."
"The Foundation of the world — Consciousness, the bearer of which is the spin-torsion fields".
As a beautiful final chord in this question, we will use the work of the International Center of physics of vacuum, performed under the supervision of the Director of the Center of the Academy of natural Sciences, p. He writes: "I claim that there is a new physical theory, created as a result of the development of ideas of Einstein, in which a certain level of reality, a synonym of which in religion is God — a kind of reality that possesses all the characteristics of deity... There is some kind of super-Consciousness associated with absolutely Nothing, and this Nothing does not matter and plans-plans." While G. I. Shipov stresses that "consciousness is part of the Divine presence."
As a result of the refinements made in the Center of physics of vacuum in recent years, the structure of the Subtle World was better.
All controls absolutely Nothing is God. The Creator of Cybernetics Norbert Wiener in his book "the Creator and the robot" on page 24 gives a definition of God: "God is information, separate from the signals existing in itself". "I don't know how this Deity works, but it is real. Our methods to understand It, "to learn" impossible". published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.radionika.lt/straipsniai_ru/017.php