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Acoustic phenomenon: beater round – tool to access the subconscious

Four million six hundred twenty thousand five hundred sixty one

Meet bilo round — an amazing musical instrument that has no analogues in the world, with a phenomenal acoustic properties and excellent long sound.

A slight bump on the surface of the beater instantly fills the surrounding space the ringing beauty of the singing metal, awakening in man the most light and joyful emotions.

However bilo round is not only a musical instrument. It is also a tool which can help to solve a wide range of tasks with which each of us might face in everyday life.

So, for example, using the beat a round you can enter in a state of mental silence, to access the field unconscious, to awaken Ancestral memory, to restore in details the events of his life, to correct their habits or behaviors, to answer the question to uncover the intuition, to facilitate the perception of reality at the level of images, relieve pain, relieve stress, aggressiveness and nervousness, to enter a state that is ideal for training and more.

On the totality of inherent beat round the acoustic properties and possibilities, it is a convenient and effective tool for all those engaged in meditative practices, for specialists in the field of sound therapy, as well as for practical psychologists, who thanks to bilo round will significantly expand the possibilities of therapeutic application of sound while conducting verbal psychotherapeutic techniques.

All this is possible thanks to the special sound of the beater round and the ability of the brain to respond to occur during his sound beating, which leads to a change of certain parameters of the brain and the possibility of the formation in the desired direction of its rhythmic activity.

For this reason, bilo round is of particular interest to urban residents. It is known that dense urban electromagnetic smog suppresses vital to human natural magnetic pulsation of the Earth, which inevitably leads to disruptions of the biological rhythms of the residents of the cities gives rise to many typical urban diseases. Using the beater round to help the human body to adjust to bioeffective frequency of a healthy body that will help to restore and maintain human health.

Beat round has a small weight and dimensions, for its application does not require any additional equipment, computer equipment or power sources. Bilo round is self-contained and extremely durable tool, corrosion-resistant and do not require further any adjustments. Why beat round can be considered reliable and the perfect companion for a wide range of tasks.

When I first had the opportunity to meet with the beater round and its acoustic properties, I was excited and surprised at the same time. One could hardly believe that a tool with such properties did not exist previously. Therefore studied a variety of musical instruments has been known since antiquity to our days — ancient plates of brass, bronze or other alloy, bowl-shaped musical plates "Shing", is still used in South-East Asia, "finger cymbals" — small plates used in the Arab countries, similar to the plates "Kartaly" from India, sets tone plates "Crotale", Tibetan singing bowls etc.

However, it appeared that none of the existing musical instruments are not able in time to emit a pulsating beat and has so for long-time sound beat round. It turns out that, indeed, beat round has no analogues in the world. And it was built through years of searching the bell master and author-inventor Zhikhareva Alexander Ivanovich. And today bilo round exists in various versions – beater round small (Fig.1), beat round large (Fig.2) and beat the "square in circle" (Fig.3).




Amazingly clean, beautiful and long lasting sound beat round without aberrations and dissonant overtones is achieved through the use of blanks from specially alloy and its subsequent processing at the mill. When performing rolling, the billet is subjected to plastic deformation, which leads to the destruction of the original metal structure that contains air bubbles, holes and cracks, which inevitably arise in casting the billet, and instead it forms a dense and fine-grained structure. By obtaining almost perfect structure of the workpiece it becomes possible to flow the correct psicoanalitica processes. Therefore, after performing a further accurate setting of the workpiece it becomes a ready made tool – beater round with unique acoustic properties.

A distinctive feature is a special round beater configure it so that it is able to simultaneously emit the sound of two tones with close frequencies. In Fig.4 shows the spectrogram, which is clearly visible two peaks at frequencies Hz and 2480 2495 Hz.



This spectrogram was obtained in the laboratory of experimental Geophysics, Institute of dynamics of geospheres of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The abscissa shows the spectrogram is delayed, the frequency of the spectral components, measured in Hertz (Hz) and the ordinate uses a logarithmic amplitude scale.

When applying during sounding of two tones with similar frequencies have beats which manifest themselves in the form of pulsating sounds, stunning in its beauty, and switching attention. The beats arise from the superposition of two sinusoidal signals of equal amplitude when one of the two signals in time lagging behind from each other in phase. So in those moments when the oscillations occur in phase, the total signal is maximum, and in those moments when the two signals are in opposite phase, they mutually cancel each other. These moments periodically replace each other.

In Fig.5 shows the spectrogram of a beat round that produces two tones simultaneously, the frequency of 2480 Hz and 2495 Hz. The result is a wobbling frequency of 15 Hz, manifesting itself in the form of the periodic decreasing and increasing the amplitude of the sum signal. The x-axis of the spectrogram is the duration in seconds and on the ordinate the amplitude of the spectral components of the sound in decibels (dB). Thanks to the accumulated experience and capabilities to provide the precision required to tune the beats, with a subsequent instrumental control of the finished product, hit the round can be set for the desired tone and frequency of the beating, which opens up possibilities for its practical application.

The long duration of the sound beat round indicates a high q-beat round like emitter. So, in the result of carried out at the Institute of Geosphere dynamics RAS research it has been determined that the q-factor beat round weight 0,32 kg is 36000. For comparison, the q – factor of a traditional Tulip bell is usually around 3200-3500, i.e. approximately an order of magnitude lower. For this reason, the duration of Tulip bells is usually 10-20 seconds. If we compare the weight characteristics of the beater round with the usual bell, at the same pitch it is much easier to reduce the cost of its manufacture.

Another feature bilo round is its ability to emit ultrasonic waves of low intensity. For the first time on the ability of the bells to emit ultrasound noticed a group of Russian scientists from the laboratory of biosphere phenomena of the Institute of the lithosphere under the guidance of doctor of biological Sciences academician F. Y. shipunova. In result of researches was the scientific confirmation of the existing people of the belief that the ringing of bells has a deleterious effect on pathogenic microbes and thus able to physically clear the space.

Created by bell inaudible vibration of the ultrasonic range have a devastating effect on pathogenic microbes due to the alternate compression and vacuum in cytoplasmic structures of their cells. Thus within cells there a lot of pressure, which leads to inactivation of enzymes, coagulation proteins, mechanical rupture of cell membrane and cell death. As the ultrasonic waves in the air quickly fade, the sterilizing effect by the sound of bells is most pronounced in the vicinity of the bell.

However, researchers noted the fact of the cleansing of the space from pathogens not only near, but at a considerable distance from the bell that can be attributed to perhaps, the homeopathic phenomenon of long-range interaction, is experimentally confirmed by the research of Kozyrev N.. in 1994, quantum-photon effects, Tsekhmistro I. Z. in 2002. According to the data obtained, the energy effect can be transmitted to a distance by sound waves, so a sterilizing effect manifests itself in the whole range of distances within direct earshot of the bells, fainting in process of attenuation of sound waves.

At the same time researchers have noted the positive fact of human exposure to ultrasound of low intensity, since due to the vibrations at the cellular and subcellular level increases the permeability of cell membranes, improve the processes of tissue metabolism and, consequently, strengthens the immune system of a person.

Thus, bilo circular, due to the presence in the spectrum of ultrasonic elements able to exert a devastating effect on pathogenic microbes and thereby to clean the space and also have a beneficial impact on human health.

During the research it was also found that bilo round during their sound forms in the space surround the cross. It is known that the circle is an ancient symbol of wholeness, encompassing the space revealed and unrevealed. It also symbolizes the void, the seed contains in itself the impulse of creation, the idea of the embryo, expanding and approval by the will. This is the first, original state of all things, the Beginning. And the cross is the symbol of unity of heaven and earth, a reflection of the nature of dualism and the unity of opposites, the ability to develop and expand in any direction. In the cross the key point is the centre — a symbolic place of crossing, a place where all things converge and from which the implement itself. Therefore, the combination of circle and cross is the symbol of the manifestation of eternal life, containing a deep simplicity and bright perfection.

It turned out that correctly and accurately configured bilo round is an amazing combination of simplicity and perfection. During beat round sound emitted by the acoustic wave formed in the space surround the cross, the projection of which, owing to accumulations of sand grains, can be observed on the surface of the beater. In Fig.6 shows the surface of the round beat to the beginning of its sound, with evenly distributed over the surface of the disk grains, and Fig.7 and Fig.8 are formed on the surface of the beater when playing a pattern in the form of a regular cross.
Is invisibly present in the space in time to beat round the cross, which can be demonstrated and visualized with the help of grains of sand on the surface of the disc, is easily recognized a man at the subconscious level, as related and familiar form, is fixed in genetic memory of the archetype, and this is one of the secrets of enchanting beauty sound beat round.




It is also important that much of the perception of playing a musical instrument depends on the personality of the person who made it. As an example, can be called a violin by the famous Italian master of stringed instruments by Antonio Stradivari and their excellent sound that is still unmatched, despite numerous attempts by professionals and experts researching this phenomenon to create something similar.

The same equally applies to beat the round. No one will ever be able to make it better than the author and the inventor. And not just because he has many secrets of its manufacture, but also because each created a tool to him as dear as his own child. During the whole time while working on the tool, the crystal structures of metal are in the biological field of the Master and absorb all the emitted vibrations, which have all the love and reverent attitude to the new born instrument, the joy of discovery and insight prior to the creation of the tool, words of gratitude and appreciation to all those people who have already experienced a sense of joy from listening to the great sound of this instrument.

Understanding this allows, with due regards and respect to each manufactured product. The subtle vibration characteristic of the Master and recorded in the metal, invisibly present during sounding of the instrument and can remain unnoticed to the human consciousness, preoccupied with the many everyday tasks, but the subconscious is able unmistakably to identify them and to show through the subtlest nuances in a sound instrument. Therefore, each manufactured by Alexander Ivanovich by Ihorevim beat, the aggregate of all his inherent characteristics, is a unique tool, and for this reason can rightfully be called a Stradivarius violin in metal.

To confirm the authenticity of the finished instrument on every beat acoustic round issued the passport, which shall include basic information about the tool and the tool itself is the mark Alexandra Zhikhareva, the stigma Methodical center of the Tree type and a unique serial number of the product.

Beauty radiated beat round sounds allows not only to obtain an aesthetic pleasure from their listening, but also has a beneficial healing effect on the human body. Such impact is due to the double effect emitted by the tool acoustic waves.

The primary effect is a direct physical effect of radiated bill round acoustic waves on the human body. After penetration through the connective tissue of the skin, they penetrate inside the body and then distributed in the form of hydraulic waves in the blood and lymphatic system throughout the body. Due to acoustic waves reach every cell and each neuron, impacting comparable to holding a deep massage. Due fisiculturismo effect is a removal of a somatic tension, optimization of hydrodynamic processes in the blood and lymph systems improves cerebral blood flow, there is pain relief.

A secondary effect is determined by the peculiarities of human perception of sounds radiated by the bill round. The beauty of the sound of metal causes psychological experiences which lead to positive changes in the psychological state of a person and allows you to escape from a stressful condition. Unusual sounding instrument allows you to bypass the logical and analytical filters of consciousness change neurological condition of the frontal lobes of the brain, which leads to their deactivation, stop the inner dialogue and the entry of a person into a state of mental silence. Simultaneous activation of the right activities that promotes the creative abilities and intuition, to facilitate the perception of reality at the level of images, it becomes possible to establish contact with the subconscious of the person and conduct of the various verbal psychotherapeutic techniques

Another manifestation of the secondary effect is the possibility of regulation using the beater round of human biological rhythms. It is known that every cell, organ and system of the human body have their own rhythm, which are connected with each other. In total, the human body has installed more than 300 different rhythms, which gives grounds to consider the human body as a complex oscillatory system in which the vibrational subsystems are at different hierarchical levels. The most important rhythms in determining indicators of health and functional status of the person as a whole, are the rhythms of the brain, heart and respiration.

The rhythms of the human brain are in constant interaction with the geomagnetic field pulsations presented Alfven resonances are studied and the Schumann resonance, and coincide with them on the main frequencies. These external fluctuations that are a natural tuning fork, the brain sinhroniziruete internal biological rhythms and the Central nervous system and controls various tissue and organ information structures, which contributes to the coordinated work of the whole organism.

In the absence of external control oscillations that may occur as a result of their suppression of electromagnetic pollution of the urban environment or in the case of shielding reinforced concrete dwellings, as well as during solar maxima, the person remains without the "frequency" of support that leads to desynchronization and the development of disease. Therefore, in these cases, the body needs a "frequency" support on the major resonant frequencies.

To solve this problem you can use the body's ability to respond to a resonant acoustic effect in which the transformation of acoustic vibrations into electrical oscillations that occur in the neural structures of the auditory system in response to the stimulation of the receptors. If the acoustic effects of bioelectric vibrations are transmitted to the auditory area of the cerebral cortex, where further processing on the hierarchical and spatial principles. In the perception of complex sound waves the brain is able to allocate the flow of the music, sounds or speech existing in him of the external rhythm, which causes a corresponding electrical fluctuations, and the varying rhythms of the brain, which leads to a change in certain parameters of the brain, its rhythmic activity overall and activation of the relevant emotional States. The brain's ability to assimilate external rhythms is called phenomenon of "evoked potentials".

Thus, due to the ability of the brain to respond to the audio signal – both single and rhythmically organized, it becomes possible to change certain parameters of the brain and the formation in the desired direction of its rhythmic activity. Therefore, simulated special way the external acoustic impacts can lead to forced synchronization of internal biological rhythms of the person, with the result that there is normalization of the Central mechanisms of regulation of body functions and restoring the equilibrium state of a self – oscillating system "man- Land".

The solution to this problem is possible through the use of beater round. As a result of the special configuration it is able to emit simultaneously two tones with close frequencies, which when superimposed on one another create the beats, you can get pulsating sounds at a given frequency. These beats are easily distinguished by person's attention to the background sound of the instrument as a specific visual rhythm, so the incoming brain signals will carry the information present in the spectrum of the sound frequency of beats and provide corresponding changes to the rhythm of the brain.

For the formation in the desired direction of the rhythmic activity of the brain it is possible to manufacture beater round with any desired frequency of the beating is from 0 to 30 Hz, which allows to influence bioeffective frequencies within almost the entire range of the electrical activity of the human brain from Delta to gamma rhythms.

The success of this approach is confirmed by the results obtained with the help of computer complex assessment of the functional state of the human body and the study of bioelectric activity of the brain using electroencephalography (EEG). As a result of the observations is significantly confirmed the fact of the reorganization of the brain to another mode of operation with simultaneous restoration of neural balance regulatory systems of the body.

The results obtained should be assessed as preliminary pilot study, require further advanced studies in order to reveal the mechanisms of action of acoustic beats to change certain parameters of the brain and its rhythmic activity. Nevertheless, the obtained results have allowed to highlight the simplicity and effectiveness of the beater round to solve a wide range of tasks, as well as the absence of negative reactions, addiction and the possibility of bringing people into a state of quiet wakefulness and comfort without taking medication.

However, we must remember that for the successful solution of the problems listed above must meet several conditions.

First, used to work round beater must be correctly configured. The lack of aberrations and dissonant overtones is required for the finished tool. The use of any other sanaswadi tools, which are present in the spectrum of non-harmonic vibrations is not valid, since their penetration on the subconscious level will lead to the introduction of distortions in the internal biological rhythms, which will cause unbalance of the body and the development of the disease.

Second, the session must be carried out using only real "living" instrument, without the use of digital audio recordings of its sound. The need to comply with such requirements due to the fact that all audio output, even the most high quality, are not able to accurately convey the original sound of the instrument. Owing to the fundamental difference between the original analog signal obtained after the processing of the digital signal becomes impossible, the occurrence of resonance, which is one of the basic principles of the healing effects of sound, and therefore it becomes impossible to make a fine adjustment of the nonlinear-organized body rhythms.

Describes the features and capabilities bilo round will be used:

• professionals in the field of sound therapy;
• psychotherapists as reinforcements during various verbal psychotherapeutic techniques;
• healers;
• individuals who use meditation practices;
• residents of cities with the purpose of the forced synchronization of internal biological rhythms.

Perhaps the use of the tool both alone and in combination with other methods of therapeutic influence. In this case, beat round can be used as a preparatory stage prior to therapeutic intervention, with the aim of eliminating stress, as well as during the exposure to enhance its impact.

With the help of a beat round it is possible to a wide range of tasks:

• formation and support in the desired direction the desired rhythmic activity of the brain;
• performance tuning and maintenance of rhythms in the brain at frequencies corresponding to the geomagnetic field pulsations;
• the entry in the right time in a state of mental silence;
• manage your mind and influence the state of consciousness, the ability to transfer it to a higher vibrational level;
• achieve a functional synchronization of brain hemispheres that is characteristic of the creative state of a person;
• elimination of sleep disorders, and other diseases associated with disorders of rhythm of the brain;
• stay in a state of inner peace and having the ability to quickly and accurately respond to external circumstances;
• disclosure of intuition, and facilitate the perception of reality at the level of images.
• gain created thought-forms;
• exemption from addiction to psychoactive substances (coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, medicines, etc.);
• achieving maximum results in bodily oriented practices;
• easier access to memories;
• easing pain, removing stress, aggression, nervousness, etc.

For the successful achievement of each task in each case there are certain features on the application beat round, which are dealt with in the book "BEAT the ROUND – acoustic phenomenon".

Currently, accumulated some positive experience of using beat round psychologists, zvukoterapii, healers and medical professionals in Russia, Germany, Austria, Brazil, Scandinavia, Italy, Czech Republic and other countries, as well as those who use meditation practices. Due to its small size beat round can always be nearby and at any time can be ready to use.

Bilo round is not only versatile, but also a beautiful tool, especially if its upper surface is decorated with engraving of any ornament or on a pattern by etching. As a result, the tool becomes even more attractive and can be considered not only as a tool for work, but also a wonderful lasting gift that is applicable to a variety of special occasions. The ornament for engraving, you can choose from the existing library of drawings, some of which are presented in the book.

Another remarkable feature of round beater is the ability to listen to its sound with a simultaneous concentration of look at applied on the tool surface geometric look. Even short-term fixation of view on the geometric image is able to quickly slow down the activity of the left hemisphere of the brain responsible for logical and analytical thinking, and strengthen the right hemisphere that leads to deep relaxation, splitting the negative blocks in the body, uniting body energy and power of the subconscious. Part of the geometric images are also presented in the book. This technique of concentration of opinion may be of particular interest to those who use various meditative practices.

Thus, bilo round is a convenient and effective tool for solving a wide range of tasks, including conducting sessions of BIOTHERAPY, and the magnificent beauty of his sound helps to create and maintain a light and joyful mood.

Beat round has a characteristic design features inherent only in it. For the totality of acoustic properties and capabilities of the beater round is a unique musical instrument, which has no analogues in the world and for this reason it is recognized as invention. Currently undergoing the patenting process of the present invention.

The combination of elegant forms, precious metal, jewelry settings, and great sound are all manifestations of the perfect in its inner essence of the tool, causing surprise and admiration.published


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: www.perunica.ru/svalka/7646-bilo-krugloe-instrument-dlya-dostupa-k-podsoznaniyu.html